w 1 DAY, MAY, 20, 1980, a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | PAGE THIRTEEN St Beg mo i ni. nD) i 3 un Y | éomponent material of chief valde F THINGS 10 BE TMD: 4 Liveries, livery boots and hats. ' Twenty om Others -- Merchants Will Have to Take Out an Annual License, ng new excise duties on: luxuries as follows : : That the following excise taxes be imposed, levied and collected on the total purchase price of the art- i icles hereinafter specified, and on articles of clothing, the sald tax 'may be imposed upon the combined selling price of materials and cost | i manufacture when sold separ- | ately : ki aite (a) A tax of ten per cent. on:-- : Boots, shoes, pumps and slippers "of any material (not including shoes sor appliances made to order for per- | sons having a crippled or deformed ' | foot or ankle) in excess of $9 per r. Hats, men's and boys', in excess $5.00 each. : . © Caps, men's and boys', in excess . of $2.00 each. EH Hose or stockings, silk, men's and boys', in excess of $1.00 per pair. Neckties and neckwear and scarfs, men's and boys', in excess of $1.50 'each Clothing, consisting of coat, vest and pants or coat and pants, men's and boys', in excess of $45.00, Cloth overcoats, men's and boys', 'omen's and misses', in excess of 50.00 each. 'Waistcoats, men's, sold separately from suits, in excess of $5.00 each. Shirts, including night shirts, _ men's and boys', in excess of $3.00 eac h. ~~ Hats, bonnets and hoods, women's © and misses', in excess of $12.00 each. 5 Hose or stockings, silk, women's and misses', in excess of $2.00 per Tr. Kimonos, petticoats and waists, in c of $12.00 each. Nightgowns in excess of $3.00 each. ! . House or smoking jackets or bath 'and lounging robes, pyjamas and un- derwear in excess of $5.00. Fans. Purses and pocket-books, in excess of $2.00 each. Shopping and hand-bags in excess of $6.00 each. Umbrellas, parasols and sunshades in excess of $4,00 each. © Trunks in excess of $40.00 each. Valisés, traveling bags, suitcases, bo and titted travelling cases excess of $25.00 each. Gloves, except fur, in excess of $3.00 per pair. "= Dresses, women's and misses', in excess of $45.00 each. 3 Suits, women's and misses', in ex- tess of $60.00 each. Opera cloaks. : = Coats and robes, component mat- | erial of chief vafue being fur, in ex- cess of $100 each. Ivory handled cutlery. lasswares. such s4 tennis se The text of the resolutions a Oriental rugs. ' Carpets, in excess of $3.00 per yard. Curtains, including tapestry, cur- tains in excess of $7.50 each. Chandeliers, except for church Articles commonly or commercial- ly known as jewelry, whether real or imitation, for personal use or for adornment of the person. Fifty Cent, (C) A tax of Nifty per cent. on: Articles of gol not otherwise provided for in this resolution adapted for household or office use. 2. That the excise taxes as im- posed by the preceding resolution shall be paid by the purchaser to the vendor at the time of sale for consumption or use, or on importa- | tion for consumption or use other than for re-sale. in addition to the duties of customs already ifiposed and by the vendor to His Majesty, in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed. 3. That the following excise taxes be imposed, levied and collect ed on the articles hereinafter speci- fied, namely : Ten Per Cent. (A) A tax of ten per cent. on: Boats, yachts, canoes and motor boats, provided that on satisfactory proof being furnished that these articles will be used only for trad- ing or commercial purposes a refund of the amount paid under this reso- lution shall be granted. Cameras weighing not more than 100 pounds. Candy and conféctionery. Chewing gum or substitutes there- for. x Firearms, shells or cartridges for use other than for militia purposes. Planos and organs (other than pipe organs), musical instruments not otherwise provided for in this resolution. (B) A tax of fifteen per cent. on: Automobiles adapted or adaptable for pasenger use. (C) A tax of twnty per cent. on : Mechanical piano players, grapho- phones, phonographs, talking ma- chines, music boxes and records used in connection therewith or with any |- musical instrument. (D) A tax on playing cards for every fifty-four cards or fraction of fifty-four in each package-- When selling at $26 or less per gross package, twenty-five cents per pack. ' . When selling in excess of $25 per gross package, fifty cents per pack. (E) A tax of thirty per cect. on --Patent and proprietary medicines, including medicinal or medicated wines, vermouth and ginger wine containing not more than forty per cent, of proof spirit, Taxes on Liquor, ) A tax of two dollars per gal- on -- On rum, whiskey, brandy, gin, wines containing more than forty per cent. proof spirits, cordials 'liqueurs and spirituous and alcoho liquors not otherwise provided for in this resolution suitable for beverage purposes. On lime juice or fruit juices, forti- covers, and, sk to- '| anodynes, tied with or containing more than twenty-five per cent. of proof spirits, ng waters of as being.or known or designated as elixirs, essences, extracts, lotions, tinctures or medicines, or ethefeal and spirituous fruit es- ks, sences, not otherwise provided for in rods and led, chess 1 and dices of games (except "playing #nd ehildren's toys and games), and all similar articles Plated ware not otherwise provid- for in this resolution, adapted for jousehold or office use. . Velvets, velveteens, plush and silk fabrics. | Embrolderies of silk. Late, including collars or collar- @ttes of 'lace and all ygmanufactures 1 lace on Ribbons of all kinds and materials, ' S Twenty Per Cent. (B) A tax of twenty per cent. on: Cigar and cigarétte holders and in excess of $2.50 eath. COlgar and cigarette cases, ash and match boxes of gold or sil- - Humidors and smoking stands. Hunting and shooting garments riding habits. Hunting and bowie knives. Gold and silver handled pocket this resolution. On alcoholic perfumes and per- fumed spirits, bay rum, Cologne and lavender waters, hair, tooth and skin washes, and other toilet preparations containing spirits of any kind. 'sporting goods in excess of fifty Y oy A tax of. thirty cents per gal- ts. i . On ale, beer, porter and stout. On wines of all kinds, sparkling wines, containing not more than forty per cent. of proof spirits. (H) A tax of $3 perigalion : On champagne and all other sparkling wines. (I) A tax of fifty cents per gal- On lime juice and fruit juices, "with or containing not more tl twenty-five per cent. of proof spirits not otherwise provided for in this resolution. That the excise taxes es im- by the preced resolution shall be payable in addition to the present duties of excise and customs at the time of sale by the Canadian manufacturer or when imported, but shall not apply to such articles exported, and shall be accounted for to His Majesty in accordance with ives. ahd pencils. . #doh regulations as may be prescrib- Bs i I OS = 0 Tl, moh. TN. RA. Iu... Lie. ro shnpiasitr Peasant Mhirity nd stro ; , 'mixed With any ingredients except | ication That Prices Will em Tr By re iD 70 © Mmmons Limited 1020 "BANNER"--The Open-Coil Bed Spring Built for Sleep--by Simmons Limited IS "Banner" spring is worth seeing even if you : are not thinking of buy- ing a bed spring at present. And when you stop in at your merchant's store to see it--take first a few minutes to look over his full stock of sleeping equip- ment from Simmons Limited. © You will find it interesting-- and //uminating--to sec how beautifully that Simmons prin- . ciple, built for sleep, has been worked out to cover the full range of sleeping equipment. * Beds, Cribs, Springs, Mat- tresses, Pillows--not merely ohe of each kind but a wide and versatile choice. Here, for instance, is the "Banner" Spring--for those who prefer the open coi/ type of spring to the box spring. The Simmons 'Banner' Coil Spring is constructed of the high- est grade carbon steel wire--so strong and resilient as to support the body perfectly. Patented interlaced top keeps the spring taut and firm--Every part evenly flat and elastic--No sagging or humping. The Simmons "Banner" Spring yields gently to the weight of the sleeper--with 'equal sup- port for the shoulders and hips. There is none of the slacken- ing and sagging which 'break your rest when sleeping on an ordinary spring. Consider too, the heavy steel ftfame with angle side rails--a Simmons feature that insures a lifetime of wear. Note the smooth unbroken * finjsh. 1 : wires to hurt the fingers or tear the mattress. ET Simmons Beds, Springs, Mat- tresses and Pillows cost little if any more than the ordinary merchandise of the average store. A post card to us will bring you the names of Simmons mer- chants near your home. : Sleep is a big subject. Write us for the booklet, 'What Leading Medical Journals and Health Magazines Say About Separate Beds and Sound Sleep." Free if charge. , SIMMONS LIMITED TORONTO MONTREAL SIMM WINNIPEG NS BED CALGARY VANCOUVER oi Hl Built for Sleep be Higher Next Fall and Winter. orn, Drink No roughness or loogas { / | - = ! Gold, silver, ebony and ivory 5. That every person selling or iletware. . 2 | dealing in the articles upon which Articles of silver mot otherwise ' taxes are imposed as prescribed vy ided for in this resolution the foregoing resolutions, may be re. for household or office use. quired by the minister to take out Silver or gold deposit: ware. lan anual license therefor, for which | n Wearing apparel, not otherwise license a fee not exceeding $2 shall bvided for in this resolution, the be paid. Charm Black Tea .' SoldinPackages Only =~ GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited 2 Ford Touring, 1917, with stagt-. 18 . lie crinns vs penn $700.00 | | Ford Touring, 1919 model ....$700.00 | Ford Roadster, 1917 model . . . . $400.00 ll ! Ford Touring, 1914 model .....$350.00 ll 1 Ford | Ton Truck, 1918 model . $650.00 théy are now, snd in most places it is indicated that a reduction is cer- tain to come. » The main reason for the predic ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER™ ARE : ASPIRIN Xion fs that Jvivie tare Iutshed " not buying without regard to price |' as in the past. They ar¢ doing with. Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" {west | hasard a skyrocket out non-essentials to a larger and are pediddpi rb rv the best and highest priced. ---------------------- emslinii, + T i Poets Can Introduce Double Moone Now Torta Eran porsna| ns who are said to have to been by the fact that has two moons, Poets have so diligently expounded the am- 'atory AdYitAge of Hoonlight. I Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster. | McLaughlin D44 Roadster. ~~ | Overland, Model 83. Come in and have a demonstration.