WEDNESDAY, MAY, 19, 1920. SEVEN DOLLARS "Men's Brown Bluchers and Balmoral style Boots, with Neolin Soles and Rubber Heels '. . . ...... Men's Black Gunmetal Calf Bluchers; round toés; good, strong, double, Goodyear Welted Soles; all sizes; extra SPECIBl VAIUE ... , + cioir i oo cintns sieis reisivin vis fois Savin am Men's fine grade Black Box Kip Bluchers, Goodyear Welted Soles; they are real good value; all sizes 6 to 11. Special VAlUE . oe i ies tne seen ead ie THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG (CASES IN SUPREME COURT | THE JUDGMENT IN BOTH WAS| gere five times the average of that | RESERVED. | time of the year. Saturday, the { | greatest day of the old Philadelphia | Huchinbrooke Township Council | merchant's attempt to bring down | | Sued by John J. Johnson--Whig | the cost of living, was likewise the : | greatest in the history ef this store. | Publishing Company Versus the |" 5. & Company promise reduc- | Eddy Company. - tions of from one-fifth to one-fourth '§ An aftermath of an accident which | on various women's wear; Bonwit- | occurred some time ago, on the con- | Teller quotes prices from 2' to 30 | cession road, about four miles from | per cent. down and mentions other | Verona, was heard in non-jury sit-| 'very decided reductions." Macy's is | | tings of the supreme court on Tues- | having a'big sale; so are Oppenheim, | day afternoon, when the case of John | Collins & Company; Stern Brothers | J. Johnston versus the corporation and Saks & Company. Some of | of the township of Hinchinbrooke, | James McCreery's prices are cut in| was called. { half, and one men's store calls at-| Johnston and his wife were driving | tention to all wool suits at $29.50. | along the road, returning home from In addition, four chain-stores of | a wedding, when they were dumped | ready-made suits are going out of | out into a ditch. Mrs. Johnston had | business for some private reason, and | her right arm broken and her chest | the shelves sag with suits which are | | supposed to be dirt cheap at the pids, joined the play with various | versions of the same general idea. | Wanamaker's sales for last week | jane Friedman-Spring, of Grand Ra- | Semi ready [EVIL Lalo 1 $7.00 es sts ese sen en SUITS Give "VAN" a call for your next Suit. George VanHorne $7.00 $7.00 injured, and the suit was edtered for | THE SEMI-READY STORE Phone 362w. 213 PRINCESS ST. (Opposite Grand Opera House) NOX A COLD TABLETS A safe and speedy cure for LaGrippe, Coughs, Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Flu, a mild laxative. Breaks up a cold in a few hours. Get the genuine, at all drug stores. 25c per box. Sold at Best's Drug Store. damages, it being claimed that the accident was due to negligence on | the part of the township in not keep- ing the road in proper repair.' J. L. Whiting appeared as counsel for the plaintiff, and T. J. Rigney for the de- | dence. Judgment was reserved. Mr. Johnston and his wife gave evidence. Johnston stated that his wife become so nervous after the ac- cident.that he had to dispose of the animal, as she would not drive with him. Mrs. Johnston said that she had been laid up three months with a broken arm, and that to-day she suf- fered more or less from her injur- Bag Tops We are showing the newest styles in FANCY BAG TOPS Square and oval shapes; in Tortoise and Amber finish. Also a complete range in fancy metal designs. Prices range from $LS wp Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PLINCKNS ST. THIS TIME OF YEAR The dust is here. Protect your eyes with STEWART'S Goggles then you will have no fear. The largest stock Kingston at your disposal. in From 5300 to $7.00. a J SEE Opp. Post Office. Marriage Licenses Issued. jes. Her arm was quite stiff and she found it a difficult task to dress herself. Evidence was taken in the case of the British Whig Publishing Com- pany versus the E. B. Eddy Company, Ltd., in which the plaintiffs claimed the sum of $5,224.37 far failure to carry out an agreement made be- tweén the parties for a supply of paper. Justice Middleton reserved his decision. A. B. Cunningham ap- | peared for the plaintiffs, and G. Hen- | erson, of Ottawa, for the defence. { 'There were just two witnesses in the case, Leman A. Guild, for the Whig, and Mr. Taylor, secretary of the Eddy Company. Mr. Taylor has charge of the sales end of the busi- ness. The contract in question had to do with the supply of newsprint dur- ing the years 1916, 1917 and 1918. Mr. Guild gave evidence concerning the contract which galled for the supply during these three years, at the rate of 150 tons a year. This amount was considered ample to meet the needs of the Whig for a year. A similar contract had been made for the years 1913-14 and 15. Evidence was offered to show that the supply given the Whig fell short of that specified in the contract. Mr. Taylor told about the contract being overrun in 1916 and also in 1917, but stated that following this the compapy came under the restric- tions of th agwaprint controller. Mr. Cunnin@ham held that | the question hinged on the meaning of the clause jn the contract. Some ff meaning must be given to the ques- tion of "whole requirements." The J. BARRETT 5 newspaper was entitled to its sup- ply of 150 tons each year. Each year should go in the form of a sep- arate contract, he held. Work a Specialty. Address 735 SYDENHAM STREET Phone 685, PRICE SLASHING } = {| What Are "Rebuilt Tires"? They are Tires that have the top tread worn off without a lot of holes through them; and scientifically rebuilt by expert tire builders. Our name is em on them --that assures the customer of the very best of service obtainable. We use the best of stock and procure it from the best tire manufactirers in Can- ada. 'This process is a wonderful money- saving proposition. Satisfaction guaranteed: or money cheerfully refunded. Thousands of satisfied customers. MOORE'S | The Big Tire and Accessory House. ~ , 18 SPREADING FAR Merchants of Other Places are | Joining Procession of Reduced Prices. Pittsburg, Pa, Post After John Wanamaker, New York, announced that he would re- mit $1 in every $5 spent with him, the other great department stores hesitated Just long enough to watch l | the first public reaction. By last | mid-week several alert merchants had started similar sales and to-day there are few big stores in town that are not advertising reduction rang- ing from 20 per cent. on some arti- cles to 50 per cent. on others. Altman's, for pne, is offering a very large stock of women's wear be- low the wholesale cost, and the man- ager of a large rival store today paid Altman's the, tribute of admitting that the offer probably is absolutely on the level. Even the "little fellows" in the outlying districts have fallen in line, depending on a greatly increased volume of sales to compensate for the loss of direct profits. Gerning's five small department stores in resi- dential neighborhoods north of New York are following the Wanamaker plan all the way--that is, $1 back on every. $5, a nickel back oh every quarter, a cent back on every nickel spent over their counters. The J. H. Blumenthal Company of Montreal wired Wanamaker's that an identical sale had been declared up there; Miller Brothers, of Chattano- oga, advertised a reduction of one- fifth on everything' under their roof; so did Rosenthal, of Smytheville, Ar- kansas. Braeger's of Baltimore, C. Craw- ford Hollidge, of Boston, Sage-Allen of Hartford, the People's Outfitters of Detroit, Koch & Co., of Allentown, "DANDERINE" ~ "| ington, Prince Edward County, some prices asked. Wanamaker's does not expect any immediate effect on the manufactur- ing costs, but the executives of the atore do believe that in time the rip- | ples of this grand splash in the re- tail market will be felt in the facto® ies. The immediate effect hoped for | is that the speculator, hoarder and | profiteer who have been withholding | goods from the market, awaiting much higher prices, will be forced | to sell at a fair prifit, if not at a! loss. | --- | In Kingston, the noted clothing | house of C. Livingston & Bro. has taken the initiative to bring down | the high cost of clohting as shown in | to-day"s advertisement in the Whig, ! which announces a general twenty | per cent. reduction in the prices of | all lines, ready-to-wear, custom | glothing and men's furnishings of all | nds. Two Famous Sons of Prince Edward County { { | | | Every district village, town and city has its distinguished sons. In this respect not many can equal the present standing of Prince Edward County. Many of its young men have gone forth into the world and be- | came leaders. Why, it could be hard | for the casual visitor to that district | of fertile farms to say, but the fact remains that they did leave home. The field of operation may not have | been wide enough at home or the wanderers may not have beep fitted for such occupations as might be found there. Certainly in the case of two par- ticular men, it has been proved that the whole province 6f Ontario, per- haps the whole Dominion of Canada, does not offer them enough scope for their ambitions nor their abilities They are Lieut.-Col. W. Grant Mor- den and Col. P. D. Saylor. Both are famous 'soldiers, and achieved excel- lent service in the late war. Both are also young men, but although young they have reached positions which "It Will Pay You to See These as Shoes Are Going to be Higher" GENUINE Borsalino Hats Are Sold in Kingston at CAMPBELL BROS. "Beware of Imitations" | CAMPBELL BROS. | ESTABLISHED 1857, | The above trade-mark will | be found on the sweat-bands of | | this world famous make. Step in and try on some of : the new styles. WHAT A BETTER HOME MEANS TO A WOMAN Home to a woman, is the one place of greatest importance--~wife, mother, daughter spend nine-tenths of their time in the~house--=surely that is 11] reason enough why you should make the home as attractive as possible. JAMES REID "The Busy Store With Large Stock" Phone 147 for Service. < "The Store for Quality Hats" eee lei might be admired, if not envied, by most people. Lieut.-Col. W. Grant Morden has been a prominent Canadian for many, years. His daring and foresight are a matter of wonder to all who are connected with him in business mat- ters. Forty years ago he was born in Prince Edward County. Since that time he has been educated in Toron- to, started upon a financial career in Montreal, been overseas with the first contingent, and transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Immediately af- ter the war he entered politics in England, and was elected to repre- sent the riding of Chiswick in the British House of Commons. At the present time he is promoting the merger of the largest steel masters -- Don't throw away your Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Ca. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w old and in England with the Dominion Iron and Steel Company and other steel companies in Canada. Col. Grant Morden has an insight into affairs and a grasp of matters relative to big business which is re- puted to be almost uncanny. Despite his colossal responsibilities and the work which is always before him, he finds time to indulge a few hobbies. He is an ardent admirer and collector of horses, thorough-bred cattle and deer-hounds. The flying experience which he acquired 'during the war hag left him with a strong Hking for communing with the clouds via aero- plane. Besides the large steel inter- ests with which he is concerned at the present, Col. Morden is connected with the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company, the Pacific Coast Coal Mines, the British Cellulose Co., Can- ada Securities Corporation, Pruden- tial Trust Co., Canada Steamship Lines, Davie Shipbuilding Company and numerous smaller firms, most of them in this country. The other of these two famous sons of Prince Edward County is Col. I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. PURE ICE CREAM OUR Ice Cream has been the BEST in KINGSTON for years and will contniue to be nothing but PURE CREAM and FRUIT FLAVORS used. This busi ness established nineteen years. MOIR'S and GANONG'S CHOCOLATES always on hand. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House & Crescent Wire Works Fencing, Guards, Baskets, wer borders, Wire Work of all Fonds wer factured by:--- PARTRIDGE & SON, 62 King, Street West. Phone 380. Residence 915w, Auction Sales Make me prove it. BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Phone 1721 or 1428. P. D. Saylor, recently appointed vice- president and general manager of Dunlop America at a salary of $50,- 000 per year. There does not seem to be anything miraculous about his business methods. His success is due to confidence, hard work, a frank smile, honesty and the fact that he sees his way through before" he goes in, Colonel Saylor was born in Well- forty-four or forty-five years ago, the son of a physician. Following in the footsteps of hig father, he became a dector himself, and practiced in New York. He gave up the medical pro- fession to enter the service of the Canadian Consolidated Rubber Com- pany, and by so doing robbed the time after he left this firm and set up a retail business for himself in Ham- ilton, dealing in tires and tire-repair- ing. He became connected with the Canadian Goodyear nine or ten years ago. When this company purchased the plant of the Durham Rubber Company at Bowmanville he was made manager. From that position he rose to the general sales magager- ship in charge of all sales in Canada. He vacated that position to take over and was eventually appointed direc- tor of sales for the Canadian Govern- ment. He took care of salvaged war material, and wag the right hand man of Sir Edward Kemp, Overseas Minister. and his eventual resignation from the military forces, Col. Saylor again took over his duties with the Good- year Company, until he left them re- cently to accept the offer of the Dun- lop America. would be well worthy of comment, but when two men of such calibre were born in the same county, then that county has something to about. One is promoting a half bil- lion dollar business scheme and the other is calmly re salary of half a huad Prince Edward County has reason to At the termination of hostilities One of these 'men for a province a yearly thousand. A GREAT BARGAIN "CRYSTAL" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE ......$150.00 Worth $175.00. One only at this price. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (0. 345King Street - - - - Phone 94 WE ARE GOING TO THE CORNER OF _ BROCK AND BAGOT STREETS. PAR- TICULARS LATER. Crawrorp & WALSH