Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1920, p. 6

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- 2 ; i ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ; WEDNESDAY, MAY, 19, 1920, A WOMAN'S HEART PAGE SIX = : {THE BRITISH WHIG { dresses were given by men of world- : 87th YEAR { wide reputation dn the work. Splen- | ps did results have been accomplished | the men who had avold-) ! in Britain, !ed the churches are being won back | l'hrough sympathetic helpfulness and | | personal endeavors to make every | {mean his brother's helper and thus | create a social condition that speed- | ps men along higher and A woman's heart is a-savings bank Where the love vou deposit lies,: Gathering interest day by day From the sunshine of the skies. There isn't a safer place, my lad, ood a | To bury the treasure you'd keep b si pa down Ti its beautiful>vaults-of-dreams.. lo tollow. Kiazston. jatérested Where the tenderest blossoms sleep, } The mE oy ave decided to form A woman's heart is the place to hide hg db re, and it is to D Whatever you'd treasure best ; BOE a in For she'll give it back as the years go by no : 11"develop into a service- pad it will "develoD LF I ! abla group whose aim and purpose In a love that's more than rest. bani be the cementing of cordial re- | ;at'oaships end the upbuilding of all} | things right and true in the com- | munity. i J BIBBY'S| $1000 REWARD We will cheerfully pay the sum of One Thousand Dollars for information that will : lead to the apprehension and conviction of party or parties who, without the slightest founda- tion, maliciously and falsely started and spread the repert that" Bibby's Limited had been fined $500.00, or any other sum for profiteeriag. To The Public We would say that we have yet to receive one complaint fram man, woman or child. A woman's heart is a storage vault, _ Where nothing breaks in to steal, Except the honor you fail to pay & And the love you forget to feel. ME TMMIGRATION PROBLEM. A love you have placed there once remains, The tide of immigration is beginn- | And you may forget, but she tng to flow steadily toward Canada, | Will give it back if you want it so, and all anthorities admit that it will; . +. And smile as she hands the key. Smile, but never forget, my lad, That a smile is the saddest thing When it's over the ashes of something dead And the heart is a broken wing ! Pasbisiea muy sid Semi-Weekiy U7} THe Borie WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED 2. G. Eiliett +o. President beman A. unl 3 reach large propprtions within the siness of ErNON next few months. Inasmuch as the Jalorial Roomy 2 great majority 6f these people are coming from England and the United symsghibPe ion) Tay States, they will be welcomed to this "One rear. fle in saves dominion, and all the more so as Ome year, by mail to rural oftices they will not be laborers or mechan- Ome year (0 Bid Baition) fcs, but farmers, farm hands and ' Dae soar. (oY math a In advance, $1.80 | domestic servants. There is a great Ons year, to Uniied Sites wl" shortage of the latter classes In Sia Sd Thise vgn ae are Canada to-day, and the cause of OUT-OF-TOWN. PRESEN TIVES greater production will bé much > 'Lumsae ass'sted by the new arrivals. i» this connection it is interesting | to note that the Salvation Army now announces that it is going to imme- | diately resume the Immigration work which was interrupted owing [to the ¥. M. Thom 402 on Bldg. ronto. . #.R. Northrup, 303 Fifth Ave, New York restrietigns placed: on sailings and from other causes connected with _F.R.Northrup, 918 Ass'n Bldg. Chicage the war. It will make a special ael2Uate to the BALE ME "or he writer. e effortitd encolrage the Immigration of farm laborers and. domestic ser- vants, but announces that, owing to the present conditions in the skilled labor market, the army is not emn- couraging men of the aritsan classes to come to Canada. Applications for farm and domestic help as well as for workers in other branches, are far in excess of the possible supply, and the Salvation Army, through its extensive organization with branches in every part of the. country, has positions ready for all immigrants who arrive. In many cases the per- son is sent direct to his work. There fis another movement of people which is not as satisfactory, viz., that from the country to the city. There continues, as the month- ly commercial letter of the Canadian Bank of Commerce points out, a steady migration from rural to urban centres. As many of the men who left the farms for military service during the war are not now disposed to return to farming, it is doubtful if the resulting loss in the efficiency of agricultural labor will be repaired by the efforts of the Soldiers' Settle- ment Board to place ex-service men on the land, notwithstanding the fact that, in addition to the forty-five mil- A woman's heart is a fortress strong, Where your foes may never come, : With prancing steeds and glowing sword And the rat-tat of the drum. For that which you treasure she will defend, And loud as 'the guns may roll, She'll stand in the breach to the very end-- And then she'll fight with her soul. A woman's heart--I would rather trust My all unto that, I know, For love in the keeping of such a place = Will grow as the blossoms grow. CanadaEast and West | 1 | FTTFRS 10 HE EDITOR Dominion Happenings of Other Days: 63 Livingston Avenue, May 18th, 1920.--(To the Editor): From the letter of M. L. Adams in your issue of May 17th, ft would appear that he has misapprehended the aim of my letters on the subject of contagious diseases. These letters were intend- ed primarily, not to inconvenience any one family or person, but to call attention to thé need for an impartial administration of the law relating to such diseases. | 1 have every sympathy for *Mr. Adams in his situation, but feel that his doctor, if he believed, or had rea- son to fear, that the patients had scarlet fever, could follow no other course than to impose a quarantine. The guiding principle in such cases is simply stated. When in doubt, give the benefit of the doubt to the public. It is surely better that there should be a very occasional period of dis- comfort for one than that all should be exposed. It is not at all necessary to suppose that a duly qualified medi- cal practitioner will remain in doubt or ignorance for the full period of six weeks. My thanks to the Board of Educa- tion for a little step in the right di- rection. Because "of a faintness in conception, and obliqueness .in aim, of the adopted report, it is only a lit- tle one. But permitting teachers to disregard certificates - from M.D's. other than the M.H.O. is something. +--CHARLES McDONALD. This store is run on the one-price cash system, which means we are able to provide merchandise at prices as low if not lower than any city in Canada. : ; "With regards to prices coming down, there is not the slightest chance of any reduc- tion in the near future but, on the contrary, when present stocks are exhausted there to bo an advance of from "ten to twenty-five per cent," and we believe this will apply not only to clothing and all Men's Wear, but also Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Furniture, etc. Goods are sold cheaper to-day in the city of Kingston than any other centre in Can- ada or'the United States. Mr. Wanamaker may make a reduction of twenty per cent. but Mr. Wanamaker be- longs to the country which say "We won the war," and he will have to make another reduc- of the best Job Cagada, . . Attached is one J printing offices in The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the BC Audit Burean of Circulations. Boundary Disputes in Acadia. The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 had declared Acadia to be the possession of the British people .but it did not fix the boundaries df the land. The French had previously claimed under that name the country from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the western part of the State of Maine as well as the peninsula now called Nova Scotia. They now said that they had céded only the southern and western parts of the peninsula. The British insist- ed on the former application of the name; the French saw very clearly the importance of holding this dis- puted region north of the Bay of Fundy and along the southern shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. If it were to fall into British hands com- munication, at least in the winter, between Canada and the islands of St. Jean and Cape Breton would be cut off. French supremacy in the Gulf would be seriously threatened. The French, who had hoped to re- gain some day the whole of Acadia, were much alarmed when the British Government sent out 2,400 colonists under Cornwallis to form a great mi- litary and naval station at Halifax in 1749. La Loutre, the missionary among the Micmac Indians, was very active in the interest of the French. Largely through his influence the In- dians were very hostile to the Eng- lish, They prowled around Halifax " Planting potatoes this year comes as bard as dropping nickles into ev- ery hill. --i, a? | : That 'man who smuggled whiskey $n eggs was the genuine 100 per cent. shell game artist. tion of Twenty per cent. before he reaches the Canadian prices of to-day. Will our friends stop to think and ponder over a fow of the above facts and not be 3 The Mennonites are going to Bra- zil. Quite an appropriate place. That's where the nuts come from. Jed by those who would pull down instead of building the reputation of this city and her ple ? : $ ey Yours sincerely, * President Carranza, of Mexico, has fled to the mountains. He may get bis whigkers tangled in the bushes. -------------- he folks who have been com- * plaining because it has been a cold spring will soon be grouchy because of the hot weather. Bibby's Limited MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR STORES. 78, 80, 82, 84 PRINCESS STREET 3 : KINGSTON [BIBBY'S Nobody has backed up the war as yet in the great job of making the world safe for democracy, to say no- thing of making it sane. & ------ Late comers and early goels are two nuisances at the theatres. Both classes might show more considera- tion for the rest of the audience. -------- Don't think harshly of Mexico, ad vises the Houston Post. She -is no crazier than the rest of the nations. She has merely been in a frenzy lion dollars voted last year by parlia- ment for this purpose, fifty millions have been placed in the current year's estimates to carry on the onists at every opportunity. La Lou- tre, acting on instructions from Louisburg, warned the Acadians that the Micmacs would attack them if and cut off small parties of the col- ~ SEPP EPHEPPRRPIRREERPIRRS HAVE BEEN CALLED * TO STAND TRIAL. # rr [ they took the oath off allegiance on which Governor Cornwallis was in- sisting. He persuaded many to leave their homes in the English territory south of the Bay of Fundy and to settle in the disputed country: in the north. In this district the French had already built a strong fort Beause- jour to commond 'the isthmus of Chignecto where there were large Acadian settlements, In 1750 a Bri-|® 20th, according to the Tage- tish force from Halifax established | # blatt. Fort Lawrence, a few miles south of | Beausejour, The Indians and Acadi- ans up under La Loutre annoyed them with petty attacks and on one occasion an officer was shot while go- ing to meet a flag of truce. longer. work. Fortunately, many of those re-established on the land will be better equipped for carrying on farming than they were before enter- ing military service. Good wages and highly productive lands are now offered for sale at reasonable prices, and from recent immigration returns it would appear that these are ap- preciated, For the ten months end- ing Jan, 31st, immigration to Canada from all countries totalled 101,940 persons, an increase of 140 per cent. over last year, At present passenger boats to this country are filled to capacity, while the number of Immigrants coming from the United States is on a larger scale than at any period since the war be- San. Altogether the outlook appears > (Canadian Press Despatch.) Berlin, May 19.--The Ger- & man war criminals on the list, # recently presented to the Gov- & ernment by the Allies, have # been summoned to appear be- & fore the supreme court at Leip- & sic between June 7th and June ee pi------------------ Two Toronto women are suing a ' resident for $50, the amount which they claim he promised them if they would find him a wife. The fellow might far better have advertised his want in the newspaper; he would have saved considerable money and had a wider selection. ------------ ASYLUM ADMINISTRATION. The Toronto Globe, of the 11th inst., gives prominence to an anony- suous letter dealing with ~ the administration of the Hamilton asy- jum, which is only caluculated to prolong an agitation that should have been considered "closed" when the | Judge Snider commission on enquiry GARDEN IMPLEMENTS --=Hand Cultivators. --=Wheel Cultivator and Seeders. «Field, Garden and Ladies' Hoes. w=Sets of Garden Tools. w=liadies' Spading Forks. --BASIC SLAG FERTILIZER. «Steele Briggs Seeds. Good assortment at lowgyt prices --Deliveries to any part of city, BUNT'S King St. Phone 388 Colorite PURE MAPLE SYRUP PURE MAPLE SUGAR With the real old- fashioned maple} } favor. Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990 mm ------------------) | he PPP b eet | The British Government will ac- cept the principle of a second cham- ber for both the northern and the southern parliaments. Miss Agnes Somerville, of the Mon- u arch Knitting Co., St. Thomas, had her hand badly crushed in a grilling ¥ - HARDWARE In Marine Circles. The steamer Joyland arrived from Sodus with the barges Frank and White, coal:laden, for Swifts. The Joyland went on to Montreal. machine. . First Methodist church, London, ------ submitted its report to the govern- ment. "While toe writer may be actuated by the motives, the criticisms . and suggestions are, for the most pirt, so obviously wbsurd, that it would have been better t¢ have for- . whrded the letter direct to the authorities responsible for the ad- ministration ot the asylums, who would deal with it in a proper manner : There is a phase of institutional life 'thal leaves a lasting impression 'on many susceptible persons. whether attendants or patients, and persists to manifest itself lohg after they have Jet the institution, no, matter how well it may bo conducted. The pub- ~ Meation of such a letter cannot be justified on any grounds, however altruistic, as its effect is to weaken the confidence that should be reposed in officials engaged in performing most arduous tasks. BROTHERHOOD. A brotherhood around the world seeking the best interests of every _ palion spiritually, morally and ma- "terlally, Is a plan that is finding sup- "port everywhere. The scheme is en- tively lay in character, its purpose is men together 'under the auspices, interest them in the worth while for the nation nd for God's kingdom, sti- n 'regard and to very promising, especially as great care is being taken in the class of immigrants admitted. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS AND THER ORIGIN ~MANY MEN, MANY MINDS That no two human beings ever think exactly alike is a truth that has impressed a number of great writers. Its earliest recorded use is found in the works of Terence (193- 158 B.C.) a Carthaginian slave in the family of & Roman senator, who be- came a famous writer of Roman com- édies, which he used, so far as pos- sible, as an instrument of moral In "Phormio," Tertnce says: . "As many men, 56 many minds." 4 The same thought appealed to an- other and more famous Roman writ- er. Horace (85 B. C.) says: "Count all the folks in the world, youll find A separate fancy for each separate Queen Elizafeth, one of England's has abolished all pew rents. The scow Ariadne will be taken to Prescott for service there ai soon as she arrives from the Rideau Canal. The barges Hamilton and Davie will be towed to Port Colborne to load grain for Montreal. The tug Thomson arrived from fo dig Ri hedge 8, , @N cleared for Montreal. sam Two steamers, Maple Hill and Male Gorge, going west, called last ration by the British Empire Steel tion Corpora! w The water in the St. Lawrence is very low this season, and steamers may have difficulty in navigating. The establishnlent of a shipbuild- 3 ing plant at Sydney, N.S. is under |that conside Drooping, Tired Weary, Try This Remedy! Don't give in to that depressed, mind." most celebrated sovereigns, use of the quotation in her essay on "Godly Meditacyon the Christian Sowle," written in 1548, She says: "As the saying is, 'So many wittes." says 3 """There never were in the a * . makes! § Montaigne (French 1533-1592), Dental Surgeon Desires to announce that he has re- sumed his practice at the Corner of Princess and Bagot Street. --Tenderloins. --Pork Sausages. Choice Western Beef Daniel Hogan 332 KING STREET Phone 285 > Colors Old and New Straw Hats «Easily applied. «Dries quickly. \ w(Gives a permanent color. «All colors. 30c Bottle DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE FOR SALE Two houses, barn and large lot. $1,500 for quick sale. " W, H. GODWIN 7 & SON Res! Estate and Insurance 89 Brock St Thane 44 DAVID SCOTT | tr. 165 Frontease street. Chestnut Coke The Ideal Fuel for KITCHEN RANGES or SMALL HEATZ=RS uick heat; clean; no clinkers; economical Sold only by: -- Crawford Foot of Queen St. Phone 9.

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