WEDNTSDAY, MAY, 19, 1vzv. -- - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a Austin's Drug Store Moth Flakes Oil of Cedar CARPENTERING Estimates Given. O. Aykroyd & Son ters and Builders Kingston and Vicinity ; Carpen 21 Main street. Phone 1670 Liquid Veneer Saniflush Purchased Brockville Residence. Formaldehyde Ammonia. for cleaning and stable. residence in Brockville last week. DD_YOU EVER TRY Charleston Hotel Sold. Everything i house qr Stat COLORITE makes am old hat {| look mew, Diamond Dyes. --i}y-ola Dyes Sunset Dyes. --Rit Dyes. ~--Tintex Dyes. use Rit Flake For fine fab we ink stains, we recommend Taylor's Ink Eraser. r= DFEqWird © | disposed of the Cedar Park Hotel at | Charleston Lake to Mrs. Arza Sher- man. Wagstafl's Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstaff's Bramble Jellly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- | lades, Jam and Jellies for sale | ------------ at} | Need Rain Badly. The market gardeners and farmers Bon Marche Grocery are hoping that rain will come very soon as the ground is drying up very Cor. King and Earl Streets. License No. 8-37140 i cracked. i He ---------------------------- Phoas 18544 Fountain Being Painted. The fountain in front of the court AUSTIN'S Drug Store MARKET SQUARE EEESANREMNERANS THE MARRISON STUDIO There is but ONE TIME house is being painted. The county council should consider itself very fortunate in having being able to get HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES one of the prisoners to do the work. We have everything you need to help you clean house. By using our Brooms, Brushes, Cleanser, Polishes, etc., you will be able to clean house with very little trouble. C. H. PICKERING 490-492 PRINCESS STREET Phone 330. No Lights on Rideau. John Joynt, Smith's Falls, who has held the contract for tending lights on the Rideau between Poonamahlee and Stonehouse, has been notified that there will be no lights to tend this year, Will Attend Convention. A number of members of the young people's societies of the local churches will go to Toronto on Sat- urday to attend the session of the to picture the children--AS Canadian Christian Endeavor con- THEY ARE TO-DAY. Phone 1318w. 92 Princess St. sid | We Have vention being held in that city. Retires After Long Service. After forty-two years. in the ser- vice of the Grand Trunk Railway, during thirty-four of which he pulled a throttle, Arthur W. Dales, one of the oldest employees, Brockville, re- tired on pension on Friday. It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R.-J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery Tile Being Made. For the past few weeks the prison- ers at the county jail have been busy making tile, for whieh there is a great demand. The county jailer is fortunate in having a number of pri- »soners to turn out the work. Stock . Just Arrived Campbell's Tomaw Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark s Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distribvtors for Red Buse ad |W. R. Mckae & Co. GOLDEN LION . Ythonea Nn R-R43 if DR. A. W. WINNETT EE TE RS Rushing Work On Pavement. The men employed in laying the new pavement on' Bagot street are rushing the work along. Only one side of the street can be done at one time. The cement mixer has reached the corner of Ordnance street. FOR SALE One excellent Express, or Farmer's Wagon; 1% inch gear and wheels which are al- most new. A snap for scme- body. Also one milk wagon re- built. | Splendid value at the price. McNAMEE & SLACK - 4 QUEEN STREET PHONE 1217W. 'Writes From Africa. In renewing her subscription to the Whig, Miss Ethel Davey, of In- hambane, Portuguese East. Africa, writes: , "I could not be without your paper when so far from home. I look for it as I would for a letter." Declines Call, Rev. J. C. Dixon, rector at Amherst Island, has received a call to Wel- lington, but has been obliged to de- cline the new post although pressed EN DENT AL SURGEON 'Begs to announce that he has resumed his practice, corner Johnsou and Welling: ton Streets, Kingston. Tes. phone 36%. Removal Notice | to accept it. Mr. Dixon has the warm attachment of thc members of his church at Amherst Island. Will Commence Thursday. It is expected that the cars to be used to draw the filling in material for the new Queen's campus will ar- rive on Wednesday and work will commence on Thursday morning. It is not expected that it will take very long as all the material will be load- | ed by steam shovels. The Party Fell Flat. I wish to make kmown to my customers and the public that om MAY 1st, my Jewelery and Re- pair Businesg will be located at 267 PRINCESS STREET in more convenient premises. G. W. LYONS Jeweler and Watchmaker, It pays to save W. F. Cockshutt, in acknowledging Your Newspapers, Magazines and scrap material--we are paying good prices. YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or & tent for next summer. Call on us. L Cohen & Co. Phone 836.837, 267-275 ONTARIO STREETY Bm 'Sea Salmon, Had- Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh INCOME TAX MEETINGS ARE TO BE HELD AT VARIOUS RURAL POINTS In Order to Explain to the Farmers What is Required of Them in Fill- ing Out Government Forms. During the past two years much progress has been made by the dis- | trict income tax office in covering the field allotted to it, but as the income tax was a new thing in'Canada a vast dock, Halibut and Cod Dowision Fish Go. amount of educational work has been >» - Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of dollow Damp. Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Bills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick atreets. PHONE 730W. Mgr., H. F. NORMAN on WILL SURPRISE YOU. SEED SEED SEED THE WARM WEATHER IS HERE! Now is the time to plant your Garden and Flower Seed. We handle your gardening by getting your seed NEILSON'S ICE CREAM BRICKS necessary, and owing to this fact there stil remains much work to be done before the local inspectors will be able to feel that the act is being properly carried out in its operation, that the interests of the country that created the tax are being protected and that justice is being served as between man and man. This is the duty these officials have to perform and they welcome assistance in their work. - Owing to the new character of the Suffered With Boils Last 5 Years Boils are simply a breaking out of ly the best. Obtain success in ail fs Prouse's Drug. Store The Busy Drug Store COME IN AND HEAR IT. bad blood, and anyone who has suf- fered from them, knows how sick A. G. Williams 1TI WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 4 ; YOU SAVE _ Let us repair ywar old Mat- By tresses WE KNOW HOW 'and with modern machinery + and experienced mechanics we guarantee satisfaction. 10% DISCOUNT UNTIL .. JUNE 1st. be (Mention Advertisement) Kingston Mattress Co y PRINCESS STREET PHONE 602w. S SPRING EI the skin appears to be the the irritation the real di- rooted in the blood, and to f these painful pests it is right at the seat is purified, cleans- HN 3, Burdock Blood T'S Spring--the energetic Juickly aap, | time of the year when the io Hn atan eid, and grown-ups and the kiddies ' Pome oy need energizing, pure foods : instead of nostrums. Let 'our bread disappear from your table three times a day. 'It's a health habit. Speak- ing of our delicious pastry-- it's delightfully digestible. [LACKIES BAKERY HMOME ™M AQF 3) AAR A A (x 1the vote of thanks at the Board of the perceived the mover was a rela- [tive of his good friend, W. F. Nickle. {It was once proposed, he said, to Cres Montreal, HAN Tform a Party of W.F §--W. IF NI¢KT fed away Saturday W. F. Maclean and himself. 'W. F. | Cockshutt But when it came to have | a leader everyone of them wanted it, so the party fell flat. | Called by Death, | Rev. A. B. Frederick, a promising | {and brilliant young pastor of the {on Saturday morning at the parson- |age at Ivanhoe after a brief illness | from pneumonia following influenza. of age, and was ordained into the ministry seven years ago. Northumberland Tobacco. 8. J. Brown & Son, Brighton, have proved that tobacco can be success- fully grown in Northumberland county. They made their first ship- ment from Brighton of an experi- mental crop, which brought $500, and was grown on about one and a half acres. Assistant Pastor Named. The official board of Bridge street Methodist church, Belleville, has ap- been engaged in mission work in the district, as assistant pastor, to which, |in July, Rev. Dr. Cleaver, of Howard Park church, Toronto, goes. Mr. Brown was at one time pastor of the Belleville Tabernacle Methodist church. Gave Them a Farewell. On Tuesday a pleasant social even- ing was spent at the home of Frank Fortune, Junetown, when about eighty friends and neighbors gather- ed. to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Fortune, who have recent- ly moved to their farm at Glen Elbe. They also took occasion to present Mrs. Fortune with a silver pie casser- ole, as a token df esteem from thelr neighbors of Junetown. Planing Mill Burned. The planing mill on Queen street, Picton, owned by Allen & Cline, was destroyed by fire Monday afternoon. The building and machinery are a total loss. The insurance is stated to be $2,000, and, the property was valued at about $18,006 Some of the adjoining residences caught fire, but the fires were extinguished with- out serious loss. . Police Commissioners Determined. "The police commissioners are de- termined that the tariff which they set for cab drivers and taxi drivers will be lived up to. During the past few weeks a number of complaints have been received about certain men over charging. In nearly every case the complaints did not want to prose- cute. The chief of police has placed a notice in the papers stating the charge for funerals decided upon by the taxi cab drivers is not according to the city tariff. Girl Fatally Burned. Mabel, the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reid, residing one and a half miles west of Cardinal on the river road, received fatal burns on Saturday while playing around a bonfire which she and her sister, Isabel, aged eleven, built in the rear of their home. The little work and the fact that the territory has never been fully covered, it was found necessary to require every citizen to fill out statements regard- ing his income, whether taxable or not, in order. that the information might be placed on record for future guidance. In this way the officials can tell at a glance who are assess- able, who have been assessed and who have not been. The returns from some parts of the rural districts have been very slow in reaching the office, and it has been necessary to send out circular letters calling for them. Even these letters have not brought a quick response, and officials are now being sent out into parts of Leeds, Lennox and Ad- dington and Frontenac counties to hold meetings of the farmers and ex- plain the necessity for their prompt action in filling out the statements asked for. After they have done so, many of them may not be troubled again, It is recognized that many farmers do not fully realize what is required of them, or the terms em- ployed, but this is a matter of im- portance to all of them, and their co-operation is needed. A farmer's return is never put through without writing off depreciation, etc. The first visit to the county will be made on Tuesday next and meet- ings will be held at Mississippi, Ar- doch, Plevna, and other pomts. The dates of the meetings will appear in the semi-weekly Whig, published Monday and Thursday, in time for the farmers to attend and hear what the officers have to say for their benefit. There is no disposition to create 'hardship for anyone, but the state- ments 'asked for must be obtained and all farmers who have hot re- sponded are advised to fill out the forms, whether they are taxable or mot, and send them to the district office. f Killed While H h Ogdensburg, N. Y., May 19. -- Patrick Sullivan, aged firty-eight, 'who resided between Lisbon and day at his farm. He had gone from the farm-house with a shotgun in search of a hawk which had been ¥iling his chickens and failed to return for dinner. His son,»Glen Sullivan, went to call him and found his body beside a wire fence. He had attempted to shove the shot-gun he carried through the fence when it exploded and the charge struck him in the chest instantly killing A -------- e After an {liness interest 'of his employer doesn't have to worry about a fire Deceased was only thirty-five years! pointed Rev. George Brown, who has | Morley, was accidentally shot Mon-| girl's clothing caught on fire, and in | Ernie Marks purchased a double | Trade, moved by Mayor Nickle, said spite of frantic though ineffectual ef- | forts on the part of the older girl to {put out the blaze, she was terribly | burned, with the re at that she pass- | | Increasing Salaries. | The school management commit- | | tee of the Gananoque Board of Edu- | cation reported recommending that | the principal of the public schools re- | ceive a salary of $1,700 for the year commencing Sepfember 1st, 1920. rapidly. In many places the ground is | pat hodist denomination, passed away | The assistant teachers will recelve | the following salaries to commence | | September 1st: First year teaching, | $800; second year, $850; third year, | $900; fourth year, $950; fifth year, | $1,000. The report of the committee | was adopted. In a Canning Section. { There are two canning factories at Brighton, which take the product of some 300 acres of tomatoes. There are two more at Trenton on the one side and two at Colborne on the other and one at Salem. One man, C. E. Post, is this year growing 160,- 000 tomato plants for sale, and be- sides this, most of the large tomato | growers about Brighton germinate | their own plants. Last year to- | matoes in this section averaged 300 | bushels per acre, Mr. Sirrett says, | and one man had 2,500 bushels from | five and a half acres. The price for tomatoes this year is the same as last, 60 cents per bushel, and the acreage 1s expected to be about the same for 1920 as in 1919. Died at Gananoque. x Henry McKenna died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Gibson, of Gananoque, on May 15th. He was well-known in Kingston, where he resided for several yearst The de-| ceased was a veteran of both the Cri- | mean war and Indian Mutiny, serv- ing in the army for twenty-one years and six months. The funeral was held in St. John's Roman Catholic church, Ganahoque; where mass was sung and interment made in the Ro- man Catholic cemetery. He is sur- vived by his wife and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Charles Killen, of King- ston, and Mrs. George Gibson, of Gananoque. Kingston Symphony Orchestra. The Kingston Symphony Orchestra will give its second annual concert in the Grand Opera House on Wed- nesday eveming, May 26th. In ad- dition to a most elaborate program, designed to delight the lovers of or- chestra music, there will be drama- tic and vocal numbers. Among the features of exceptional beauty that may be especially mentioned are "Overture," "Titus," Mozart, "Con- certo" rendered by two viglins play- ed by Norma Telgmann, gston"s most talented ;violinist, and Leslie Taylor, the artistic daughter of Prin- cipal R. Bruce Taylor, of Queen's University; "Sweet Sixteen, a Ba- chelor"s Dream," and '"'Giosonda," (Poncheilli). » The Kingston Symphony orchestra has attained a permanent place in the hearts of music lovers in King- ston, by its brilliance of tone and masterly interpretation of the best orchestra music. It was organized by interested cltizens and volunteer artists and trained with consumate | patience and skill by Prof, O. Telg- mann, who will be the conductor at this concert. TWO DEATHS IN A HOME Deare Family, Yarker, Greatly Ber- eaved During Past Week. Yarker, May 18.--The home of Harley Deare has been a sorely af- flicted one during the past week by the removal by death of two of his children. A few days ago, while away ffom home, he received a telephone call that Reginald, his son, had died. He was sick only a few days of heart trouble. Deceased was a boy possess- ing fine qualities and endeared him- self to his school companions. A few home, and little Doris, the only daughter, was taken, aged two years and four months. The parents have the full sympathy of the community. Death has been busy in Yarker dur- ing the last few months, as eight have 'passed away from village homes. . At Brockville, on Monday, David Hamilton, a life-long resident of Brockville and immediate vicinity, passed away after an illness contract- ed in December last. He had been a patient in the' hospital since early in April. The late Mr. Hamilton was born in Brockville, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, and was in his sixty-mineth year. - LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sors, touchy corns off with fingers PAGE FIVE --_--_--. Senin 'Cedar Shingles from British Colunibia and Quebec. The most serviceable roofing obtainable. All . -- SR SRE sv. Scarce present prices. S. ANGLIN & CO. than our Woodworking Futury and Lumber Yards, and Wi Streets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone 00, I ngen Phone 14.05. TEN PERCENT All this week we will give Tem Per Cent. Disco flowers sent to the Gemeral Hospital. unt on all . ; Further We will send a dozen Roses from the largest cash pure er during the week, sending flowers to the Hospital, B yurehas. tient or anyone specified connected with the staff, A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. Nn, SOWARDS COAL CO. Until further advised, and subject to change without notice, the price for COAL will be: SHOVE .. .. . veel Yeninniv $15.00 Egg .......... sale bw vale wisreratret $15.00 Nut... .......d...........%0n .. $1500 Pea.......onnsis wis «ve vamaa 313.50 Carrying 50c¢. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR (ASH. Phone orders C.0.D. SPECIAL Perfection Oil Stoves 2 BURNERS .... inhi 8 BURNERS ry S160 W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner 'Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. ° days after, death again came to thisf Men's Brogue Oxford Smart looking, comfortable, se rviceable--the Brogue model has received the sanction of m en who like originality in foot. wear. You'll want at least one pair of Brogue Oxfords to wear this Summer, the authentic style of our models will satisfy you completely. Price $10.00 to $15.00 J. B. Sutherland & Bro. | THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES We are nearing the - Running Shoe Season \ We have everything that you need in the way of RUNNING SHOES. 'Women's--Men's--Boys'-- Misses' Children's from ............ $1.00 up H. JENNING ed resident of