Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1920, p. 15

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WHDNESDAY, MAY, 19, 1020, Fm ee -- KINGSTON Thursday, June 3rd, 1920 FAIR GROUNDS, 2 P.M. HORSE RACES . s=Colt Race 8 years and under, =-Named Race. : . »=2.80 Trot and Pace. : BASEBALL Ponies vs. Triple Links ' Opening Game of St. Lawrence | Amateur Baseball League | Repairs, washing and storage. 1915 McLaughlin Roadster for Sale; cheap; first class condition. i 298 BAGOT STREET Phone 1504w. WELDING ~ | We do all kinds of Welding, Brazing | Land Soldering of Machinery, Automo-| | "SCOTT'S GARAGE | * KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 Princess Street. fc wv General meeting FRIDAYS, at 8 p.m. Bubject for discussion, May "TENDERS will be received at the of the undersigned, (where 'plans and specifications may be seen) 'up to 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, 25th Bt, for the several trades works re- Quired in the construction of a resi- dence on the corner of St. Lawrence 'Avenue and King street in this city. : west or' any tender not neces 'sarily accepted. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, Architects, 258 Bagot St. 1 Annual Concert "SALE OF JACKF. ELDER ~--THE BRIGHT LITTLE STORE-- Kingston's Musical Organi- zation The Kingston Symphony Mr. O. F. Telgmann, Conductor Will give its GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th Tickets ....25¢c., 50c., 75¢c., $1 Seats on sale Monday, May 24th i i PROPERTY ! ! SEALED TENDERS will re receiv- ed by the undersigned up to Monday Noon, May 31 A.D. 1920, for the sale of property No. 3 Johnson Street opposite the Grand Trunk City Sta tion in the City of Kingston. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to MRS. M. MATHEWSON. Removal Notice PATTON'S DYE WORKS Formerly known as Montgomery Dye Works Has now moved to ' 349 Princess Street Now ready for business All kinds of Cleaning and Dye- ing will be carried on as form- * erly. M. F. PATTON, B Phone 214. Proprietor. TOBACCO ~-- NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES -- SUNDRIES SPECIAL--To get acquainted, we are selling a handsome $1.50 Pipe, English make, with Sterling Silver $1.00 each. Orders taken for Old Country Papers * "Better Vision with More Comfort | 3 | R. J. RODGER COST YOU NOTHING TO TEST THE FAMOUS Apex with a broom when you can .clean in one-third the. time without effort? Call or phone. Announces to the Kingston trade the opening of offices at 190 ONTARIO STREET : PHONE 593 Real Estate For Sale--14 rooms, solid brick ments; hardwood floors; hot. wa ter heat; investment of $4300 ensh. Will bring you $1410 per THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. ~ Province of New Brunswick 6% COUPON GOLD BONDS Price 90.08 and Interest----Yielding 83 % . ncadia Sugar Refining Co., Limited 7% 1st Mortgage Bonds, : Principal aad interest payable in New York funds=--carry- ing a 10% Common Stock Bonus. (At present exchange rates, these bonds yield about 7% %) '. . Further particulars on request. George Bawden & Co. . Investment on Johnson street; all improve year. Let us show you. 56 Brock Street 4 Price 100. * Orchestra | .| VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS The Most beautiful woman in the '1 this age-old but unfair contest. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GRAND ALE-THIS WEEK | TO-NIGHT | MR. LINDSAY E. PERRIN Presents | 'MISS ARLIE MARKS And Associated Players IN COMEDIES AND DRAMAS. . TO-NIGHT "THE GIRL FROM OUT YONDER" Thursday Night: "THE GIRL FROM NORTH CAROLINA" Change of P| Night PRICES lay Nighoy Matinee, + CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES st insertion; 1c-& 'word. con Secutive insertion thereafter, half. tent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25c; three Insertions 50 cents The above rates are for cash only; When charged they are double. HELP WANTED, APPLY IMPERIAL GIRLS WANTED. undry. rt tt SE MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK. AP- ply to Kingston General Hospital. A COOK, ALSO HOUSE MAID. APPL) Mrs. R. J. Carson, 73 Barrie Street. A COOK AND HOUSEMAID. APPLY to Mrs. Howard 8. Folgér, 1 Emily Street. YOUNG MAN FOR OFFIOE WORK. Apply in own handwriting to Box §5, City, 3 The Shea Grand Opera A MAN TO WORK IN BREWERY. Apply Bajus Brewery, foot of Wel- Mngion street. AT ONCE, A GOOD HORSE SHOER. Good wages. Apply at 147 Brock street. J. A. Lowry, Concert Company A WOMAN TO DO WASHING AND cleaning by the day, Apply O. D. Skelton, 138 Albert St The Musical Treat of the Season Featuring ' MDE. LORETTA BECK, Soprano and J. J. SHEA, Celebrated Violinist With a supporting company of noted Singers and Instrumentalists. Prices « + 25-50-75-8$1.00 sesessies S150 Seats on sale Friday. Mail orders now A SMART, YOUNG WOMAN TO DO cleaning one day a week. Apply Box F-19,. Whig Office. BRIGHT, YOUNG BOY TO LEARN the hardware business. Apply Mc- Kelvey & Birch, Limited, hardware department. WOMAN TO DO HOUSEWORK NO objections to one or two children. Apply Mrs. John G. MacDenald, R. 1, 'olfe Island. A SMART, ACTIVE, YOUNG MAN TO learn Mattress business. Apply Kingston Mattress Company, 56 Princess Street, between 11 and 12 am, reIIERY| PICTURES ALIS Sel Te IIR ade a ial] To-night and Wednesday STENOGRAPHER, CAPABLE oF king after insurance and gen- eral office work. pply stating experience and all particulars to Box A-18, Whig Office. RESP] ABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN as Wight porter; easy, clean work. Good wages. Also a good cook. Good wages paid. Also wafltress. Apply Box No. 7, Cobourg, Ont. LARGE BUNCH OF KEYS PICK- ed up in Cataraqui Cemetery. Owner can secure same at the Methodist parsonage in Cataraqui. GOLD CUFF LINK, INITIALS WMC. Owner may have same at Whig Office, STRING oF CATHOLIC beads on Victoria Street with a crucifix on #t. Owner may have same by caldng at 88 Victoria street. FEATHER RUFF ON MONT- real street. Owner may have same by calling at 328 Mont- real Street. z NEW TESTAMENT ON PRIN- cess street, Wednesday even- ing. Owner may have same at Whig Oftice. FOUND ARTICLES ADVRR- TISED FRER. ne finding anything and wish £ to reach the owner may do so % reporting the facts to The British Whig. T adver- tisemeng . be printed In this ol Of charge. "Found articles" Goes not Ine clude lost dogs, cattie, horses, etc. These, if lost, m be vertised for in the "Lost" column. A An LOST | Livemroo., LONDON AND GLO Fire Insurance Company. Available, assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for | security the unlimited liability of city property, insured ag | Ssible rates. Before reaewiasr i old or giving new business git { rates from Strange and Strang, { Agents. Phone 328. | FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST- ment Society; Iimcorported 1861. President, W. F. Nickie, K.C.; ylce- A. Cunningham. city and Money issued on farm properties, municipal and oun! debentures; menage) pyrchased: investment hohds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Ca ght, manager, 7 Clar- ~ ence streét, Kingston. A TO LET. FURNISHED ROOMS; ALL IMPROVE. ments, on bath room floor. Apply 67 Gore street. Phone 2224w. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, on bathroom floor. Apply 499 Princess Street. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock street. FURNISHED APARTMENTS, ALL conveniences for light house- keeping. Apply 283 King Street. A SMALL BROWN DOG ANSWERING to the name of Teddy. Lost Tues- day morning. Finder kindly return to 36 Lower Union St. Reward. WANTED GENERAL. WOMAN WISHES WASHINGS DONE at home. Apply 14 Markland St. HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or four bright, airy roams, in good : locality, Apply Box L-3, Whig Of- ce. WANTED TO BORROW $4,000 ON first mortgage, on 300 acre farm, Prince Edward County. Particu- lars P. O. Box 281, Trenton, Ont. SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT PIANO for cash or in part payment of new planos and grafonolas, C. W. Lina- 83y Limitea, 111 Princess street. THE ONE BIG EVENT The Original Production of Mr. Hyde Adapted from Robert Louig Steven- son's famous classic--positively the original pictures as presented at the Capitol Theatre, New York's biggest play-house. Through Canada with H.R.H, THE PRINCE OF WALES The Boy with the Smile That Won't Come Off. Photographed in every city. MRS. SIDNEY DREW The famous comedy star in "THE CHARMING MRS. CHASE" No advance in prices Dr. Jekyll and A GOOD SERVANT, WITH EXPERI- ence in cooking; no washing. Fam- ily of three (no children). Refer- encea required. Apply Warden's Residence, 'Portemouth, Ont. FPPPRRPR RRR a 3 Experienced Stemographer = for ¢ chantered Bank. Apply in own $ 3 handwriting to Box No B-18, wag} TEER EMEP R EPR WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, COOK- general and house parfor madd; four adults in household; refer- ences required. Write Miss Bos- Wel, 176 Bloor street East, Toron 0. = LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TINE or steadily--selling our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company. Nurverymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario. STUDENTS, AND others, men oF en, write for our $600 offer for sixty days' edu- cational and patriotic work. Ex- ceptional opportunity for returned men. Stat Kitchen maid; one able to as- sist with cooking. Apply Calder- wood Hospital. - x) AD MUNG). ° LAST TIME TO-NIGHT ! Don't fail to see John Barrymore Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde You will be sorry if you miss it! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Why always blame the woman? See Katherine MacDonadl in a play that will shame some men and delight all "The Beauty Market world, portrays the woman's side in WANTED PUPIL NURSES-THE DE- mand for nurses greatly da the supply. Ve offer a course of training In a"registered school. Al- lowance until July 1, month; after July 1, i, to $56 at rate of $4 each six months... Full maintenance 'includ- tng board, lodging and laundry. An excelient opportunity at excellent reimbursement. "lasses now forming. Write Superintendent, Jie ospital, Ogdensburg, N. TTI TITTY oT increasing | IMMEDIATELY, TWO UNFURNISHED ingston Avenue or vicinity. State price. Apply Box 222, Arden, Ont. WANTED----MEN ronize J. W. . ber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave 10c. Razors honed 28c. 236 Ontario Si, near Brock Street. D BOYS rzon. bar BUSINESS CHANCES. FREE TEXAS OIL MAP-JF INTER. ested in oll leases, send fur map showing Texas Oil Field. Map is free. Lease Salesmen wanted. Gal- loway Company, 303 Main street, Fort Worth, Texas. ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREV ARCHI. tects, Merchants' EA corner of Brock and Wellington wtreets. . PERSONAL, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks, skin cancers, scars, etec., moved rmanently. tted" and fu 35 years' ex Lake. Eye, 353 Bagot street. rience. UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW. J. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St. WW. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. vé orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. F. MEDICAL | DR, H. S$. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN. nounce that he has resumed his ractice vat $3 Wellington Street. fours: 1 till 3.30 and 7 till 8.30. Phone 2163, rooms for light housekeeping; Liv-| | TO PAT- | FURNISHED FLAT FOR LIGHT housgkeeping: bath room floor; gas for cooking. Apply 396 Princess Street. FROM JUNE 1st te SEPTEMBER lat, furnished house; very central; $5 a month. Apply Box C-18, Whig Office. AN UP-TO-DATE FURNISHED HOUSE for 4 or 5 months; in University section. Aprly i BR. A¥ency, 56 Brock Street. FIVE-ROOMED OOTTAGE, ON MAC- kenzie Island, six miles from city. Also pasture for horses and cattle. Phone 501 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry. M a's Real Estate Agenoy, 86 Brock street. Phone $26 or 621. Carroll THREE BRIGHT ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished; suitable for light { 'housekeeping. Apply 428 Princess Street. ? | t | TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS bedroom and sifting reom, suitable for two young ladies. All con-/ veniences. Apply Box 2-17, Whig Office: STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock an key. ost's Clty Storage, 299 n street. Phone 526; res. 98%w. 140 WELLINGTON STREET. OPPO- sité Post Office; has § bedrooms; hot per month. TWO ROOMED FRONT AFARTM furnished especially for light house keeping; gas for cooking and light- ing. Apply Ploneer Apartments, 333 Nd 214 Division street. Phone CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPEATER See James Selby, Contractor, 217 University Avenue. Phone 1898w. FOR SALE. FORD TOURING CAR, 1918 IN Al condition. Phone 1016, between 8 am and 7 pm. BAY MARE, 1,000 LBS, road or. delivery. Apply after § pm. FAMOUS HEATER AND QUANTITY of stove pipes. Apply 272 Uni- versity Avenue, or phona 163]). SUMMER COTTAGE AT DEADMAN'S Bay: nicely situated. Cheap for cash. Apply to J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. A GASOLINE LAUNCH, ston Foundry Engine; modate about thirteen people. complete. GOOD FOR 43 Quebec st. 10 HP, KING- ; will accom- AR Apply 283 King street. DR. J. E. KANE WISHES TO AN- nounce that he has opened offices at 136 a sliagton Street, opposite 'ost Office. ffice hours 3-4 p.m.; 7-83.30 p.m. Telephone: office, 1325; r dence. 1631. revesTeTee TeTTTeeTeTe JUNIOR BANK CLERKS WANTED fo 4 b 2 young men Willing to go to + p Toronto. Apply in own handwrit- 4 lng to Box ~13, Whig Office. 4 DODD Bedi eid td & PPPIPIOIY ~. POSITION WANTED. PROFESSIONAL DRIVER WANTS employment, either ag chauffeur in private family or driving truck. Can fetnish best of references. Ap- ply to Box 100, Beaver Office, Nap- anee, AGENTS WANTED. AGENT RECENTLY 1 "SE- cured 26 orders one da for Can- ret By tain an n ul opportun- tty for tadenta. tencners returned i ner Sl co. Dept. ® Spadina Bldg. To- A DRAMA FOR SOCIETY--FOR PEOPLE WHO THINK. | Crest Brand RED SOCKEYE SALMON _."W. G. CRAIG & CO., 13d. Sole distributors. + i { LAND SURVEYOR, ¥. F. MILLER. B.Ap. Se, C.E. O.L.5 DLS, MEIC, Napaiee: ost. | Ga tari nd Surveyor. ngs hy fice: Walkem & Walkem, 83 Clar- ence street. LBGAL. 4 DUCKS, rooster; 1 DRAKE, 7 HENS, 1 also a nice heifer = calf, nearly three weeks old. Apply In the evening. §68 Montreal strobe. -- 1 PEN OF CHOICE RUFF ORPING- tons, bred to lay, strain heavy win. ter layers; § £3 lets and 1 cockerel. Apply Box X% Whig Office, or phone 1418w. 370 ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF Clarendon, consisting of 100 acres of work land, the balance timber Hp A farm Fouse and barn. Price pply J. K. Carroll 5 58 Brock Street. Jususy CUNNINGHAM & A cane ers and citors, Clare t. Kingston. A. B Cuaning- ham. Cyril M. Smith. AMBR SHEA, B.A. ABE Bolloitor" Law * corner office, of and Brock, over Royal ea to loan. Phone 1990. DENTAL I Vn TR a SPARKS, DEN. Wellington street, over Phone 3 CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 23 John Street. ° CHURCH IN LAWSUIT Sues for Recovery of Portion of Re- Belleville, May 19.--A Nr f ) oO embers of St. 1 urch and DRS. SPARKS tists, 159 2 g 8 i #52 i= : i E 9 2 me Co £ : i i 7 g i i 5.8 H Ai } : i 5 5% gs i § 5 : i 4 i 4 i : i : | - ikl Hh TH ii DEAE ve DAA LED Ls sa TTTIIRIOVITTTTeedeide Dodge roadster, mileage 11,500; excellent mechanical condition: nearly new; Willard Battery and steering worm r: five tires. gea Price $1200 cash. © use. ue uring 4 4 Phone 2066w. ap- and trial. Sidi i sss TIITITTTIPTTT : r o r od < Sd bd i a TT TTITYSS lowest | OR! water furnace; gag and electricity; | three fireplaces; new bathroom; $45 | { farms in St. | and Lewis counties; Th t rs | MOTOR BOAT, PRACTICALL NEW; i reasonable terms. Apply: 296 Prin- c#is Street. PONY. SIX YEARS OLD; driver; also Spring wagon 16 Cowdy Street. GOOD Apply | | PIANO CASE DOHERTY cheap to quick buyer. Q-11, Whig Office. JUDSON'S AUTO TOPS, BROCKVILLE, We have the Plate Glass Lights tor oack Curtains, all Kinds ONE NEW 7-PASSENGER OLDSMO- - bile Right; model B-45. Apply 170 Earl street, or phone 1808. ORGAN, Apply Box HAPPY THOUGHT STOVE, PERFECT condition; cheap to quick buyer, Apply 30 Division Street, city. SULID BRICK HOUSES, NOS. 330 ANL 362, King Street East. Apply F. H. Macnee. 143 King Street West A WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, IN EX- cellent cundition; cheap for quick® buyer. Apply 633 Princess Street, Kingston. TWO HOUSES ON 35 and 37; Enquire of Dr. street, city. PERFECTION OL COOKING stove (3 burners) with oven coms plete; in good condition. Apply 116 Rideau street. GENUINE GRAPHONGLA AND TEN selections; your owa choice, $42.50, Terms, $6 cash, §1 per week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. 131 Princess St. SKIFFS, CANVES, SKIFFS FOR OUT board motors; Tents, ng Camp Supplies, etc. Frank . Tonks, 219 Bagot street. Phone 436. \ MACK STREET, Nos. [1_seil one or both, Lake, 367 Johnson, CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING--STORE and living rooms on Johnson street near Grand Trunk Station. $2500; $800 cash. J. K. Agency, §§ Brock St. MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, specialize in mili- tary Boots: buy eli kinds Sutonge hand goods; highest prices paid. L. Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin- cess Street. NEW BRICK HOUSE, FIVE ROOMS, . with modern improvements. os- session May 15th.. Apply to J. B. Cooke, ollice phone 303iw; residence S42w. i 9-ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE; 392 AL- fred street; modern improvements; in 00d repair; possession soon, terms, reasonable payment; bal- ance on easy terms. Apply Van. Luven, Ford Garage. BICYCLES FOR SALE, FROM upwards; a few pairs bicycle covers for $3.50. investigate before buying where. Muller's Bicycle Ka, 371-373 King street. Phone i032w, FARM FOR SALE--I128 GOOD, DAIRY Lawrence, Jefferson in northern New York State; for sale. Send for mew catalogue just published, { H. C. Rogers, Gouverneur, N. | HATCHING EGGS FROM MY birds--S. C. Reds, S. C. Anconas-- two dollars for fifteen. Pit Game, taree dollars for ifesn. Runner duck eggs, dollar and half per ten. Harold Kiell, Elginburg, Ont. 3 WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF good second hand furniture and I Sloves. Any person having stoves and furniture te dispose of, we wil} pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone js00w. " SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY } owner of vacant lot to acqui Pair of woeden houses at a § rate price, remove them from elr Present site, and so avoid the high cost of bullding. Apply, ww i$ King Street W. USED CARS AND. TRUCKS OF ALL. kinds, Ford roadsters and touring « Chevrolets, Overiands, Gray Dore Studebaker, Saxon Six, also i tom) Luck 4nd. light plekivery Fucker ply nsbury, 169% lan? Road. Phone 1674w. ag ang 3 PERFECT, OOLUMBIA, PRINCETON and Crown Bicycles. Tires trom $1.75 up; also vaoy CArriage tires Put on while you wait. Special ate lention given to alli repair werk Muller's Bicycle Works, 271-373 King street. Phone 1032w. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE he $2100---FRAME; ¢ ROOMS; IMPROVYe meats; large lot. E - S-- £12 $3200-BRICK VENEER; ¢ ROOMS and stable; north end; large log; - improvements. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY oN the corner of Princess and Albert streets, store and three dwellings, | and gore lot on Prinv -- A bar. dwe. & 308 fre gain for quick sale, to wind up an estate. VICTORY NDS FOR SALE, TY BO, s MONEY G. A. BATEMAN 159 Wellington Street, ANTHRACITE COAL Order now for May delivery. Current prices. Yas, Swi & Co, - Limited Foot of Johnson Street. HH SELL YOUR SCRAP MON y CRAP IRON, METAL £4GS and STOCK ML ROSEN & (0. PHONES Sr Sosy" Residence, 1849w. ---- Furniture | ts tn great Semand. If you have anything to sell jot us know and we will be on the Job.

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