PAGE TWELVE TORONTO WOMAN HA GAINED 30 POUNDS Tried for Ten Years to Find Health Without Success-- Troubles Overcome by Taking Tanlac. better than when my friends meet me on the street they don't know | me, and no wonder for I have gained thirty-five pounds in weight," the¢ remarkable statement made by 'Mrs. Davies, of 55 Beaty avenue, Toronto, recently. "lI was a sick woman for ten years," she continued. "My {ll health wast caused by overwork and then a severe shock which shattered my ner- vous system and I had a complete breakdown. I wad in the hospital for a year and when I came out I wasn't very much better. I had headaches that nearly drove me out of my mind, and all the sleep I ever got was after 1 was completely exhausted. 1 was as weak as a baby .and- went down from one hundred and thirty-eight pounds to a hundred and six. I-was 80 pitiably pale and thin that you wouldn't have recognized me for the strong, healthy woman I used to be. "It was my husband who per- : suaded me to give Tanlac a trial. He read of a case in the papers which almost described my own and he was convinced that it would help me. That was just before Christmas, and that bottle qf Tanlac was the best Christmas present I ever had, for it was the turning point of my illness. The first thing jf did was to make me sleep better, a ti soon my appetite improved, and I began to eat as I had not done for years. My whole con- dition steadily improved and I gained fn strength and weight rapidly. I now weigh one hundred and thirty- six pounds so that I have gained thirty pounds and really I feel fine. For ten years I have been trying to find something to restore my health, 80 you can imagine how thankful I am for what Tanlac has done for me." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown and by the leading drug- gists in every town. --Advt. COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Restores Its Natural Color and Lustre « At Once. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux- urlant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use preparation im- proved by the addition of other in- gredients a large bottle, at little cost, at drug stores, known as '"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sin- ful, we all desire to retafh our youth- ful appearance and attractiveness. By * darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one ean tell, because it does it so natural- ly, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it ana draw . this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. Af- ter a.uother application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, "glossy, soft and luxuriant and you Appear years younger, : RUN DOWN, PALE AND WEAK, NERVOUS AND TIRED ? "Vital" Tablets THE GREAT FRENCH TONIC WILL BUILD YOU UP. How many people to-day are put- ting in an existence, far different from nature fi.tended. Disease of one sort or another is lurking in the system, sapping the very life itself. One cannot enjoy life. The French have come to the rescue of all such rsons. In VITAL Tablets dre all @ essentials to make you healthy and strong. You have no appetite, your food does not agree with you, your nerves are all on an edge, why? 'Because the very part of your body that needs to be kept in a strong, Mealthy condition, is gradually get- 'ting weaker, rather than stronger. You must build yourself up. You must fortify your body. Once your body is strong, it will throw off the ase. The question is, what should one take to do this? The makers of VITAL Tablets will sell them under a guarantee. If they do fiot build you up, you can have your money back. Build yourself up, and Away goes every disease. VITAL Tab- lets are a wonderful reconstructive remedy, known to science... Go to ur druggist and procure a box of 'TAL Tablets. See for yourself. Price fifty cents per box, at al! drug ~ Stores. was | "Mother says she won't let me have rabbits this summer, their pen messes the yard, Can you tell me, Uncle , how to build a rabbit house that will look 'nice? Then she won't "I think so. It will be different from any rabbit house I ever saw, but it will come out all right. If you paint it and i will not ob- ject to it. "Get a fairly large and flat dry-goods box--about 36x72x16 inches. Tay it flat on its beat side wd faites c als for I to keep it o ground. po each of the four faces, draw lines four inches from for panels, and saw out these panels with a key-hole saw. Tack fine-woven chick- en wire over these holes, on the inside. One long side can be made into a door, by fastening strap hin to the bot- tom edge, tacking upright cleats at the ends panel, and drawing out the original nails so that the side will open downward on its hinges. is the first floor. ' i. "The second story is the original top of the box. Cut a hole 18x6 inches on one side 10 inches from one end, and fasten a long slanting board to the: lower floor for a staircase. Then cut-- out of 'other boards--two end pieces shaped like the gable ends of a gambrel roof house. Cut panels in them, too, and cover with chicken wire. Toe-nail' them securely in place. Four 34-inch pine boards form the roof, and three of, these should be nailed fast, the fourth' left loose for a door to clean the sec- ond story. Put strap fastenings on these. In some s good padlocks; might be advisable. Living in town, as you do, better nail stout mosquito net-i ting over the whole affair, bottom, sides! yy roof, just as you would have to do! if in the country, where weasels might be common. The house, thus finished and painted, gives a large airy living! room downstairs and a cozy rabbit dor-' mitory overhead." (Tomorrow -- The Girl Who Twice) High Steps on Street Cars What can be the explanation of the new summer street cars ? 'They are evidently not constructed for the use of children, as they can only scale their dizzy heights by climbing the steps on their hands and knees, They are evidently not constructed for the general use of women past middle life, for they have to be hauled up or rescued coming down--Ilike women in a drowning ac- cident or a house on fire. True, the conductors are willing and muscular rescuers, but quite a few women are averse to being gripped or pushed every day--without any excitment of a drowning or a fire--by even the SCHOO i » TH L BR E DAILY BRI eens dir TI TISH WHIG ITISH WHIG wa LETTER FROM UNCLE Si. Dere Chidern, Ez i wuz sayin yistiday, sum peeple wuz born tokkin an. others has jist sorter-accoomulated the HKabbit. "Meé an Mirandy hed an argyment bout how to spell thet there habbit. I sez thet thur is too bees in rabbit so thur must be too bees in habbit. She sez thet 1 am a good-fer-nothin grouch an { tells her thet grouch an growl is always married an got the last word since the minister maid us one an a haff. Wal, Mirandy is sorter hetup, over thet letter i sent tokking bout her letter. She thinks i hed a lot uv nerve, sez thet {i am a uneddicated old fool an a lot thet i'd be ashamed to tell on the wife uv mi declinin yeers. Why she used langwidgé thet wood skair a mule- skinner let alone a meek an gentel little lam like, yurs trooly, --UNCLE SL Dear Uncle Si: Basketball will be starting next week, The baskets and everything are all ready for us. You can come any time next week and watch us play. But be sure and let us know that you are there, Did you go and see the baseball match Monday night ? You must have done some skipping if you skipped until they coundn't turn it any more. Victoria School. Yours truly, Pansy Woods, Jr. IV. Class, Note--Uncle Si would much ap-, reciate more letters. . a School News. On Friday morning at ten-thirty the cadet corps of Victoria school will be inspected by Col. Gillespie. At the same ceremony Arthur An- drews will be presented with the gold medal for first prize in the shooting contests which were held recently. Pupils and their parents are asked not to forget the concert to be given in Grant Hall next Friday. The girls' basketball teams are now well under way, and everything is expected to be in full swing by next week. Needless to say, the boys are fully occupied with baseball and more of t outside school hours.--Contribut- ed v More Tragedies. He rang the door bell at three in the morning to see if his wife was awake. She was. He lit a cigarette in the office to . : see if the boss would kick. He did. He put hig finger across the ter- minals of an electric switch to see if the current would run. It ran. He jumped off, a ten-storey to prove that gravity was a fake. most kindly rescuers. The street cars are as obviously not intended for holiday making, for 'a crowd on the side ladders would make for calamity, Street car traffic under normal conditions leads to the belief that women and children are nmsuch in the majority among the pas- sengers and, therefore, one would naturally think they would be con- sidered in the conmstrugtion of a vehicle of traffic which ought at one and the same time to accommodate the bulk of trafic and produce revenue. It may, of course, have been an irony on the narrow skirts of some of the young ladies, for it would be interesting to see how they could negotiate the climb! It may possibly have been due to DNESDAY, MA /, 19, 1920. It wasn't. He jumped in the lake to see if he could breathe water. He couldn't. 1 He walked into an insane asylum to. find out if he was.crazy. He was. Wise Words of the World's Wise Men A "true-blue" is a thoroughly re- * liable good fellow, blue being re- garded as the color or emblem of constancy, but whether in reference to the blue of sky or sea, or the. fast- ness of some dye, is unknown. In a ton of water from the Atlan- tic there are 31 pounds of salt as against 187 pounds in the same quantity from the Dead sea. Water is used in Oregon to trans- port fine coal through pipes, and a blast of air is used to lpad hay Irglont cars. The hay is draw tow deck or float beside the car to be loaded, a crane then lifts the hay to this platform, and a blower, driv- en by a gasoline engine, hurls the hay forcibly into the car. In the early days of its history the earth grew rapidly by the addition ot meteoric matter. It is still growing in the same manner, though scarcely to an appreciable. extent, for the mass of meteoric matter added year- ly is reckoned to be omly 20,000 tons. In the course of ages the larg- er planets have swept up practically all the fragments of the original dis- ruption, and the only available source of supply of meteoric matter seems to be that brought by comets. | Pencil Fwister | Brest Mate a means of training In agility. He must have been a Spartan indeed who would seek to do away with the women past middle age, even in the interest of physical development of the younger members of the com- munity ! After all, ladies, the men do not take us very seriously, vote.or no vote, but it is strange that they would forego revenue on an investment. Elected Methodist Bishop. Des Moines, May 19.--Dr. Ernest G. Richardson, Brooklyn, was elect- ed a bishop of the Methodist Episco- pal church on the ballot taken Sat- urday evening, it was announced at he general conference. some enthusiast on athletics--who instituted this type of street car as Love may bubble over, but hate is apt to slop over. ne FRANCIS JS Of course you've reall Kipling's "Just So Stories." If you i, get busy! And if you have, you'll have read "How the Leopard Got His Spots." The point is that there's a lot of good woodcraft in that'story. All the woods folk fit into their backgrounds, Watch, and you'll see! Khaki has been found to be the color Jeast visible at a distance, and how ! many of the woods folks are brown? | If you don't Teally look hard, of course, you won't see. y? Simply because, though the creatures are there, you don't see them. They're Bop ed. u deco observers have said that if go silently into any place in the woods, and k perfectly still, by and by you'll see opé creature, #nd then an- other, until maybe half a dozen are I 1 2 ight near you. You didn't'see them at all, at first, they seem to grow out of the woods like a puzzle picture. Sometimes even the most striking. col- ors are the hardest to see.: Try it. Take a piece 'of grey-green paper and pin on it a butterfly cut out of paper, solid color. You can see that butterfly a block away. Now take that same paper butterfly, scollop his wi and give him big white spots and shades : of blue. Near at hand he looks twice as conspicuous. 'Pin him on the paper. Twenty yards away you can't see him at all. Now, try the trick yourself. A girl who wants to see the wild-folk should put on a light green frock, a little hat with flowers and stay quite still in shrubbery that is not too dense. Don't hide. If you fit into the background, you'll be really concealed. And you 'might see a fawn stroll by, prettiest of all ating creatures in the woods. I (Tor r~Walking the Plank.) An author is a queer animal. His tale grows out of his head. Canada's Imports From Germany. Ottawa, May 19. The. total amount of imports from Germany and Austria during 1919 was less than a quarter of the total amount of these imports during the first three months of 1920. During the year 1919 goods to the value of $14,- 041 were imported from {iermany, and to the value of $779 from Aus- tria. During the first three months of 1920 Canada imported goods to the value of $30,223 from Germany, and to the value of $48,944 from Austria. The more 'we need advice the less likely are we to appreciate the kind we get.™, When a minister makes a mistake we forget all about the mantle of charity. WHEN THE MERMAIDS CALL Comes a time when the sun shines bright upon the yellow beach and the white-capped waves roll in--in Whiteness from the blue of the sky to dip and out of that azure which is sky and The sea-gulls detach their shining in the blue of the salt sea water . . N lazy succession, one upon another. * maidens fair, who sit on the yellow sands, 'plunge in the deep blue surf. It is for AP rns. rr OWR spord, Rl call of the sea. And need no second invitation to IHRE sittin nin them to rival the mermaid at her WEDNESDAY, MAY, 190, 1920, { } | I CC Beaver Board Red or White Cedar Shingles. E It will pay you to see 'our stock of = | ------------ ~Shingles before buying elsewhere, Always a good stock of Rough and Dressed L.umbe 'Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. Victoria Strest OA 3 E -- S-- To Keep Her Smiling No Put MAXOTIRES in those weak Tires and avoid blaw-outs, A Q other big shipment on the way. Order mow and avold delay, - STANDARD VULCA NIZING COMPANY 2354 Ontario St. Res. 104 Queen siceet, A. NEAL, Manager HoLD FAST To HEALTH With The Mighty £G a Strength-Giving | Power of Nothing away so easily as HEALTH, Unless YOU hold fast to HEALTH by your own eff: keeping your blood pure, red and rich in iron--the day may come when all you can d6 is to WISH you had acted sooner. Nuxated Iron helps strangthen the nerves, restore wasted tissue and build red blood, strength and en- Over three million people yse it annually, At all druggists, nm FIRE, IAFE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE I NSURANCE EFFECTED High grade houses and lo ts for sale. Victory and other bunds b ought, sold or exchanged, Telephone 703 "J. 0. HUTTON TIE Wl -- When you Rise in the Morning take a dose of ENO'S - FRUIT SALT --for your health's sake. It's good for you. ENO'S FRUIT SALT is 80 pleasant to take, too. It prevents functional irregularities, corrects dis- orders of the liver and promotes good health. ENO'S FRUIT SALT niakes a drink. t and ing. You can drink it at any time with benefit . Frepaved only by &.C.ENO,Lsd., "Prait Salt" Works, LONDON, Eag. ) Sole Agonte fur North America BAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO. LIMITED 18 McCAUL STREET, TORONTO (6) ~ OF THE FINER QUALITY For Men And Young | ~~ Men | SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING ~~ SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 : {al Rice between IG CLOTHES VALUES effec