N : TUESDAY, MAY, 18, 192v. : 2 nE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : PAGE ELEVEN WANTED: A MINISTER] ovum STOMACH AND Industry Grew Rapidly Last Year and | WHY CANADA NEEDS REPRESEN- sell Expands. LIVER TROUBLE TATIVE AT WASHINGTON. The season of 1919 established new Neen arid Canadian dairyi - ae oug0 Now That the Dominion Has Taken yecorda for Ting in sev Once the liver fails to filter the Se Greatest little Motor Boat afloat. The many distinct advantages Its Place Definitely as a Creditor eral respects; the Dominion increased poisonous bile from" the blood, there of the Disappearing Propeller Device has made Motor Boating Nation, New Arrangements Will its total production of milk, and |is a clogging up and poisoning of the a greater delight for man, woman and youth. Catalogue tells of "Nave % Bo Made So That Our prices were higher than they have | whole system, which causes many ever been before. In 1918 the aver- | troubles to arise. Therefore, upon fifteen features that make these craft most desirgble. ra Ep ------ en steaai------ Rights Will Not Be Thrust Aside |" ~. "°°0 7 . A ) o-the liver, more than.any.other-organ yap ncn mh, Anton tt pt : A. C. Slder |~ by Greedy and Powerful Business | $80 Price Dad TOF Thewss by thie DIY Tor"), "ody, depends the general 2 Ford Touring, T917; with start Interests. Produce Commission was 23 1-83 | pags. ; 700 : AT LASALLE CAUSEWAY. cents f.0.b. steamers at Montreal. : BES ou enaiie eis naw ine eed $ .00 OR some time there have been | While similar statistics are not aval, : Sucvieumtioss and BOEet and of- . . | able for 1919, the average price will | tentimes w sregard of nature's 1 discussions in Canada con Be vomawhore in the neighborhood of | laws will put the system out of sori. | Ford Touring, 1919 model ... . $700.00 cerning the appointment of a as h The bowels deco! tipated, th y Canadian Minister to co-oper- 3% Sets 4 pounds en the same we inactive ap ousyipats Tho | Ford Roadster, 191 7 model "ale a $400.Q0 ate with the British authorities at Record prices were also paid for To bring the rite any so its nor- I F d T S 1914 d 1 . 3 0 Washington, These discussions have | butter. The average price for all | mal state, you should t tiburn's ? grades of creamery delivered at Mont- | Laxa-Liver Pills. They nM up the or ouring, model .... $ 5 .00 gone so far as to lead the House of 1 ks out at a little 53 liver, get the bowels ba. Commons at Ottawa to approve the poi Mg oi hinted Bs of ory aa proper condition pots ak Bb they | Ford | Ton Truck, 1918 model . $650.00 4 8 VELIE SIX scheme and to vote an appropriation | ter produced was the largest of any | stomach. ; of $50,000 a year. But lately moth- | year in the history of the industry, | Lo ol po | Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster. ing more has been heard of the mat- | the output showing an imcrease in An authoritative embodim ent of the 'style tendencies ov rovince except Manitoba, | Writes:--"I have used Milburn's . which all Automobile leadership recognizes to-day. ter. It is quite certain that therel-mhece the Iabor situation interfered | Laxa-Liver Pills and have found them | McLaughlin D44 Roadster, A car, which holds all the familiar graces, with more is no opposition to the scheme on the | with the shipping of cream and caus- | 800d for both stomach and liver . convenience, more comfort, mo re flexibility of its abundant part of either the British or the | ed more butter to be made on farms. | troubles. I have told others about 1 Overland, Model 83 power, in a new y dein. : American Government; on the con- | Owing to the unusual channels you yalusble wedtese and they have ' * ave you t . through which a large proportion of | use em with good results. trary, it is believed that officials of Canadian cheese was handled, it has both countries are in favor of such | not yet been possible to secure exact raney are also good for head- ache." KENDRICK & Vv ANLUVEN an appointment, while from a'Cana- | figures of production hd export for . dian -viewpoint it 'would seem very | 1919. The receipts at Montreal were | i )hyrn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ : * DISTRIBUTORS. desirable. lower than in 1913, but a consider- |, yj5) at all dealers or mailed direct he | BDIe quantity of cheese was exported | ;, receipt of price by The T. Milb 878 and 877 BROCK ST. : : Phones 1888 and 81. No country has developed to the | ¢, the United States through other ee PH ' o - Milburn , . EPAIR SHO : : 878 BROCK STRE same extent as Canada during and | ports, and the stocks on hand at | 0 mited, Toronto, Ont. a uven 5% R SHOP L 2: Er after the war. So far as her trade | countty points are larger than they |™ : X ® was concerned, before the war Can- | Were at this time last year. The home | consumption of cheese has, according Come in and have a demonstration. ada was a debtor nation; she emerges | Sonsumption of cheets bas. peeoryls Bb - from it a creditor nation. So far as | to the bes nable, . § her financial status was concerned, | increased during the year. When the . SINCE § 1870 Phone 1 609 -- before the war Canada financed' her- | figures are had it will probably be | n self from British sources; now she | found that there was some decrease | oN | in the output of cheese, but this will | has borrowed large sums from the BUY HYSLOP [7 SErmE aT ff By far the largest of Canada's cus- | In the output of condensed milk and |p CCT ZT A pos milk powder, for the manufacture of ) tomers is, of course, Great Britain, and the bulk of her exports are sold | Which milk supplies were largely to that country. But 80 per cent. of | drawn from the cheese factories: her imports last year came from the The of the condensed-milk . United States. Canada's exports in | and milk-powder industries during S 1919 were valued at $1,294,920,372 | the war period has been the most and her Imports at $941,000,700. | notable feature of Canadian dairy : Goods valued at $740,680,225 came | production. ' It is estimated that for from the United States, against ex- | 1919 the total output of condensed from ports to that country worth $454,- and evaporated milk will be very 686,294. nearly 110,000,000 pounds, valued at These figures explain the reason | approximately $20,000,000. The total for Canada's biggest problem as re- | quantity of milk powder produced lated to the United States--namely, | during the year amounted to 5,323;- ° the exchange problem. However far | 537 pounds, valued at $1,662,353. Canada may proceed along the path | There was also a large increase in of developing her own resources to | the manufacture of ice cream and in Phone 542 the point of becoming as nearly self- | the consumption of milk in the towns supporting as possible, it will always | and cities. be to the United States that the Dom- Jalen wii tum to buy yeh Comuodh A Mountain Tkgedy. 68 a8 she requires; however large Occasionally there are tragedies in St Naiall 3he toil) of Jmaperts may be | the lives of bears just as in the lives nts rem ' of human beings, Mr. Enos A. Mills @@ : | jal Mats who win supply nearly 80 per | y jioq in his new book, "The Griz- % i : | wiy**s Por fnstance, Canada relies largely | 275 And be foes, on to ll of an on America for her coal supply. The | ba recent coal crisis affords 4 valuable cubs whose mother had been shot by object lesson the necessity for Cana- | » hunter were the heroes. The little dian representation. As oon ad the beats were discovered pacping hom coal strike became formidable and | beneath 4 large ruck a short 4 ee, YOTPIUtive TIORNTIEE. arn enlol ood | from where the slain animal lay, and Canadian railroads and manutuctor- | after hesitating for a moment they ers found themselves in a very ser- ae ul 2a 4 Stood lopRINS Tomy fous position. Their supply of coal | oiner was either curtailed or threatened to cease altogether. Representations a Ae Ee dl ok were made to the British Embassy, | guein they stopped, re an whose staff endeavored to familiarize | jooved round, and hastily themselves with the standing of the | i oo iad to the rocks: . v firms and the urgency of the demands | iver had than: Power Record, before presenting these demands tO | wherever she loft t : B EE the State Department, which in turn x % 1020 . turned, but they had waited a long ofa) rel wife (Ciel fehol iad I fo = e | [ Ih handed them on to the Fuel Admin- time. . "LM I) istration. It was indeed fortunate for | pend | Canada that at this time there was Wy 1h fle they Sos and Whim: i ( 53 a Canadian member of the embassy | yoyen children. They could reent Y u es i LE =r, Jos Juryiver os Camian their mother, and see her, too, and \ od a broad sense of Canadian conditions. they a they JNungry and Hlonessime. X Canada survived the crisis more men, walking closely Ph by side. Ira e : through the generous co-operation of When very near, they paused, rose Belt Efficiency =) | tbe Fuel Administrator than through | on their hind legs and looked in won- ey | o al Tepivaanistion Of ber Sint. der and longing at their lifeless ib Sg ® ® . 99 . ggesti e appoint- Lowers Power Cost [Bl [mali teil | meter, Thm they vent 0 her, One ositive Drive 4 { [c Washington could be regarded as uszsled her cold, still body. Do you know how many drives in [8] | te thin edge of the wedge" in the | }o"gumely siroked her fir with his : = rom e your t are wasting power? 'There | British commonwealth seems ridicu- paw ad thay. wt flown and begag to A 1920 C.C i . are a number in most every plant. J@J lous. Canada conducted her own war, |" 'rg otner cub stood locking with Jump ona CM. It is the only coaster Zach one a leak that is helping to [2 | [280.0 oun representative at the Le inte his mother's motionless face. Bicycle. brake in Canada without create a stream of lost pr i 5) tatives signed the treaty and she has v y Tollars. § These leaks are called pulley [Tf | mate: Suits oar tat the intends | 329 melled bor Moody bond: (hin «JYY the new Hercules 3 Side arm. Therefore, the slippage, idle machines, dle employees DI] | Lomsue of Natlons. she. has for ' | 1268, 9f the hunter who had been Positive Drive" Brake. i A easly fe : y : : =) long time run her own affairs to suit ) 9 S1) a bho "0s so - . mov an wp mn Ppa Smgerial, Wndersized belts, poor WB | her own opinions. Did this make her | moment ho took a step. toward Rim It positively will not slip! frame \ bric worse constru . J ward for one day in supporting rose up and, putting his forepaws up- x : } x the Moth 3 s . | Dominion Friction IB] | Ser" he word Tie wv | 02 he mag knee, looked condaine A gentle backwardpres- ~The Hercules is unique - Rl] | natural and businesslike corollary |1iile orphans to camp; and the huat- sure on the pedals engages in construction. There is Surface Belting [EB] | nave her own representative in the | fret eeris inae bef nother was the the brake. no other coaster brake that last animal that he ever shot. foreign country with which, in the Never before have you combines so many excel- will place your transmission equipment [@ |28turs of things. she is doing the Argument. on the nearest possible HN SI 100 | do the 'most busiaces. Si%aze te The ANG. Appeal to the used a brake more soft lent features. pe omit. SHdency that you may ever [I have ne ioe sincus thas Miniter, out from D Detroit ons poser, "alen + and velvety--or moresure ~The new Hercules can DOULA, : ra rl El ctu ing Abtssador. | od.bY Lovioo Jtsiusk) 4nd ons hup- and powerful. There is no be attached to any bicycle Dominion Friction Surface Belting is [El " i f } gis Ht of a Minister from Canada is of less | ens": ; other coaster brake more t st. I not merely rubberized fabric. It is [I importance, At this preseat time, at | "We the members of the States' at moderate cost. It isob- I i a re be 1 all events, his political activities will | Fights and Personal Liberty wing of dependable than the new tainable fram any C.C.M. compound, which makes it water-proof, [& Boriation and extradition. But It 1s |sby represented Wy Governor Ee. Hercules with its Positive dealer. vulcinizes the fabric plies together, and | mudi sores | Ihe pid depletes of our. Team Drive Clutoh, - .. All G.OM. pulleys-- whether it is used on main |& ho, og Shagdition, the Hercules Bioyoles drive, inter-shaft or machine. : : { 1 ers of the National Democratic Party 18 er, neater, lig h Bicycles are Dominion Rubber System Belting [& ; 35 bain stay the tiag of out mestbere . very little larger than a ©quipped Engineers, after Shofoighly studying [ gtitiey umimediately issuing » Momis 10 re- plain hub. It has fewer with the Her- Jour quirements, wi Jost LZ 3 TE States at the earliest possible date parts than others. . cules Brake. given purpose that all waste . JE {or In founectien wiih fahery | Will Extend Railway. | mm ee ena | BEES mana | CCM: Bicycles on Yay Bi oih to the gressest 5) financial v . : eee rove, ily nN : Jhon atv RED. BIRD -- MASSEY -- PERFECT bre StaNie. otf Beare service [8 mon : CLEVELAND -- COLUMBIA 90% Made in Canada--100% Value Canada Cycle & Motor Company, Limited Montreal = Torento WESTON, ONT. Winnipeg Vancouver oy, "#i% Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. FFARR ere mn. Agents for C.C.M. Bicycles HO