| saromvar, wa 15, 1990, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG __ PAGEFIFTEEN " . " [Choose :............. 35 to 40 | Hay, baled. ton .. ..26.00 to 28.00 zo mre Hay, loose, ton ...... 25.00 Markets 'Reports | Bras a BE = | TO THE PUBLIC SCONE .. .. i. Tres SR To 4030ate MER Raine? ge 2 Ba Your Victory Lonn Coupons dui | Boas ens amine orts, tom ..... "36,00 to 36.20 ict : . GRAIN QUOTATIONS. $12.50 to $14.50; medium butcher, Straw, baled, ton .. 15.00 to 13.00 May can be cashed at ; : : $10.50 to $12.50; common, $10 to Meats. Strew, loose, ton .. 1§. $8 to 17.00 ay ; ; $10.50; light, common, $7 io $8.50; | Beet-- Wheat, forseed .. .. 2.35 to 3.50 Bank of Commerce or _ on Fo Montreal, May 11--Oats, Canadian heifers, 'to choice, 311 to §11- | Porterhouse steak, 1b... 40 to 4§ ----t Savings Account. A EA ER Re Ti ag ih Savings Sects is pad Nostern, No. 3, 140 10 $1.32; Cain | § hy 0 und steak, 1b. ...... o ngeng. por Jb. ...... 13.00 Manitou new slandasd rede, Fit {de-good. Fate 30.15: do. lights $1 10 Min roast ib 1 20 10-35 Deepak par Hot Aer Interest on i 35 to 315.05. Rolled oats, bag 99 [$8; canmers and cutters, $5.25 to $7; | Bolling cuts ......... 15 to 22 ; at the rate of 3% per anmum. 1bs., $5.50. .to $5.60. Bran, $54.25. stockers, $00 to 900 1bs., $9.50 to | Western carcase, cwt. it 23.00 Local Hide and Skin Market a. Shorts, $61.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, $10.50; feeders, 850 to 1,000 Ibs. | Western hinds, cwt.. 30.00 The hide and skin market is dull, - 1 3 lots, $33 to $34 ; |910.50 to $11.80; eheep, 315 to $17; | Lain reests, Ib. ... .... 40 h : sar Jou, $33 10 434 Reary sheep, $13 10 $14; calves, $14 : 40°10 45 count of Talirosd ambeerSel, an se- AN Toronto. . ta $30; do. medium, 313 to $14; - 45 | demand for leather, The prices 3 : Toronto, May 14-- Manitoba wheat Mg. fod and watered, $19.75 ta | Hogs, » as 19.00 | ape : Hides, green, 18 tp 17 cents # --No. 1 Northern, $2.80; No. 2 Nor- ig Ry off cars, $20 to $20.35; do. h . . Wx 28.00 | per 1b. ; vealskins, 35 cents \ . thern, $2.77; No § Northern, $2.73, [to ers, $18.50 ta $13.75; : de. amb =. Re he A160 3 cant er ni bus Sovslopuncn the Do. in store Fort William. PASTE to $19; yearling lambs, | Fronts .......... ve 28 | skins . | hod C e , up to 8: lambs and shear ini oO perience and | Manitobs oats--No. 2 C. W., $1.19; [$18 te $20; spring lambs, each, $10 | kinds ... ... [11'0.. 30 | tings. to 50 cents; horsebides ? CAPITAL - - Tr ont ul ot : 3 No.3 $1.16; astra Ro. 1 feed, to $18. i Wy rte trv iesaees 20 ta nl up to 3 Kips, up to 20 cents per oo. aBipmient are the service 18; No. 1 feed, $1.14; No. 2 feed mE eee Tea RA A No, 1, 14 cents per 1b. ; ' \ Wililam. Buffalo, Oops. .... +». «x ree SERVE FUND BRANCH-:R. T. a Manager. every customer, 8 31.12, in store Fort Wol Buttele, NY ae | 4.Cattl Taam Bb A te 4 fo Ta i el $18 per Ib. Manitoba barley--No. 3 C. 1.18 No. 4 C. W., $1.66; rejected, shore 3 lo steers, 3 .50 to $14; dut- -- Se feed, $1.63, in store Fort|chers, $3 to i, 0; yearlings, $12.50 Frait. hrs ep Iifam. to $14 $6 ta $11; cows, $4 Apples, peck ..... free 15 10:90 " 3 "TANDARD BANK Wa, corloNo. 3 Tallow le CI en 3 I 10S Shek | Apvies. peck... ike i : 3 "4 $2.27; nominal track, Toremte, [ers he nd 4 Neders. $13 $1.50 ny ry Svontauta, ach xy as AB & 2, . - > 3 A Tn . < t 1G see ses ws 'OF CANADA PROB SL oi. 08; | Calves 50 cents sats lower: $6 to $16.75. (Lemon, doz. ... |...» 8 q 5 KINGSTON BRANGH freight Hogs--Goaod, 15 cents to 25 cents Oranges, dos. .....s «+ 40 ® 4. : ; ny 47. S6uding ta retyata out lower, Heavy, Ss, 15 to $15.25; mix- -- th Th F. ROWLAND . * Managem Ontario wheat--No. 1 winter, per ad, $15 to $16.10; yorkers and light Fish. a e ort of a en 2 2.01; No. 3, do (do. $16 to $16.25; pigs, $16; roughs, (O1e0es .. wu +0 +4 +. n an to Or NaS do, $1.03 20 $13 to $10.80; stage 47 To PRE0 100k Bb LR ee 12% ; i Lamba, $3 to $19.25; yearlings, $12 [Bela, 1b, ., .. ,. .. 12% Sording io freight © or "|i $1650; wethars, $14 to $14.50; | Flaunders, 1h. I. 5 10 to 10s DouBT AND ANXIETY about hoiadhold fin- Ontario wheat--No. 1 spring per ewes, $6 to $13.50; mixed sheep, | Fillets, Ib. ..\ ... os 2% " to e |ear lot, $2.02 to $2.08; No. 3 do. $13.50 to $14. Sinuah baddie, Ih. bb. au hanes @ c way certainty and Slislacion 3 $1.98 to $2.01; No. 3, do., $1.95 to e------ . *. have a growl sa account. You 3 Montreal. Halibut, 1 .... oon. 30 ng savings ] . e Do ia ping points, ac- Montreal, May 34 Suttls, buuh Hercivg, gs 710 te 12% kaow fo U's at your bank book whe . Ehret . a8---N: er steers, fice, $15 to 385; se Ce me be 3 et for: Excelsior Life . Insurance Pr $1.87 to $1.89, | good, 313.50 to $15; medium, $12 Jostens, an. Nor woe $008 100 progress you ass maling. Company , according to freights outside. to $13; common, $10 to $12; butch Porch aa es ma i Sand ad your cheque ee 4 Buckwheat--No. 2, $1.75 to $1.80 | er heifers, choice, $12 to §14; med- rp ue TE i" according to freights eutside. ium, $11 to $12; common, $8 to Rash 2 os . ; : your payments. The rte a are - ting: ON 3 2.3 $10.50; butcher cows, choice, $11 to : Rye--No, 3, $2.15 to $2.20, ac- $13; medium, $7.50 to $10.50; can-|Saimon, 1b. .. .. 3 3 " sufficient receipts. AN, GRIER AND HASTIN cordingto freights outside. 4 FAN, 08 | Ontario flour Governtent stand- | ners, $6 ta 35.50; cutters, 36 to $7: mela I. .. as am . ? oe Montreal Stock | ard, $10.90 ta $11.00, Montreal, $11 | butcher bulls, good, $11 to $13; com- | gl lh Toye ye ++ +0 Start saving te-dny by opening an account in Exchange. to $11.10 Toronto, in just bags. mon, $8.50 to $10.50; Spring lambs t. salmen. 1d 26 to 38 he B. k of Prompt shipment. $10 tq $14; ewes, $11 to $14. no padi HH the Ban oronto, even if your first deposit is 4 Insurance and General Broker. Milifeed -- Car 10ts -- Delivered Hogs, selected lots for local trade Whitefish, 'fresh, 1b. . 15 ta 30 = only one dollar. Ii'sa comfort to k it is thers Montreal, freight, 3 included-- | Sold for $21 off cars. Sales of mixed x atti \ Mont ml freight, bags in ded. | 1014 Lor $21 NE $20.80 to 351 | Whitings, 1b a - 13% Branches: and to watch it gre Sows were $4 less and stags $7 less i Da 281 King Street 8s , £004 teed four, 33.75 1a $4.00, | Sous Were 34 Jess and atres 31 low Vegetables Kingston, Lansdowne, Our household savings accounts are constantly x $31.00; mixed, per tom, $25.00, |320.50 to 321; heavies, $19.50 t0| Beets, pack ... ... ... 40 Lyndh growing. We extend every possilile courtesy to 3 yndhurs' depositors. : hi - 568i & 1087 PACK. $20; sows, $16.50 to $21, Cabbage, head ... ..... 10 to 16 ones a Straw--Car lots, 'per ton, $16.00 + |Celery, bunch ... veowy 6B to 85 fo $17.00 track, Toronto. Lettuce, bunch .., .., 5 to 1 i . » ~ Potatoas, Dag ........ 6.50 ' a Ch May 14.--Cattle--Med- . Winnipeg. ~~ lium and heavy best steers slow, most- Sarain, Rock SAS 40 ) Winnipdg, May 14.--Oats, No. 2 ly 3c lower; light and 'yearlings | "3" POOR woivnaanc. vs BO CW, $1.18; Neo. 3 CW, S10: steady to lower; top yearlings, $13-| . Fak a . - extra No. 1 feed, $1.15; 78; top heavy cattle, $13.65; bulk, ji 13: No. 2 feed. 3 A0X; a. $1. 50 to $13. 40; buteher stock gene- al : a : - teady, su light; veal calves g ncorporated 1855 ; 3 No. 4 CW. STAT, food, $1 CAs oo: Tally st dy. pply ih 1 Saives Suctwient, Bush. Lov: oe B08 | I : wl - jected, $1.63; track, $1.72. Flax, |stockers and feeders steady. Hogs eal, cwt. .. . §.50.t0 0.06 . No. 1 N.W.C., $5.12%; No. 2 C.W., mostly 10 to 26¢ higher; medium ad-| : cd $5.08; No. 3 C.W. 34.43; track, vancing mast, $15.60; bulk light, ; ? y : $5.12. Rye, go. 2 CW. $2.45. $15.26 to $15.40; bulk 250-pounders : and over, §14. 10 to $14.90; pigs Chicago. steady ta 26¢ lower; bulk 100 to 125 Chicago, May 14.--Wheat, No. 2 pounders, $13.50 to $14.50. Sheep hard, $3.01 to $3.08; comn, No: 3 mix- | unevenly strong to 25¢ higher; spots ed, $2.06 to $2.07; No. 2 yellow, §2.- | more: ehgice shorn lambs, $19.25; 08 to 32.10; oats, No. 2 white, $1.- bulk shorn lambs, $17.50 to $19; a n % $1is x e. st eal good 102-pounder shorn lambs, $165; » If wes, barley, $1.65 to 31.86; timothy seed, | | 1 ime shorn owes, $13.50. "1410 ta 13:80; clover. aged, $45 to Ex : sad i $35. GENERAL TRADE, rien EN New York. Batter. : : New York, May 14.--Flour firm; Belleville and Stratford, 60 to 4 spring batents, $14.75 to $16. 75; 65c; Brantford and St. Thomas, 68 La h " spring clears, $11 to $13; winter ta 3 T0c; Cobourg, 63 to 65c; Chat. H " Straights, $12 to $13; Kansas ham ahd Sarnia, 70 to 76¢; Kitchen- straights, Js 76 to §14.50. Hay er, 65 to 88c; London, 85 to 72c: firm; No, $2.20 to $3.25; No. 2, |Owen Seund, 632 to §6c; Port Hope, $3.15 to $a. 20; No. 3, 33.05 te $3.10; | 63¢; and Woodstock, 65 to Toc per shipping, $2. 90 to $3. Hops steady. pound. Minnéapolis., Minneapolis, Minn., May 14--Flour Eggs. unchanged; shipments, 38,348 bar- Belleville, 47 to 60c; Brantford, : rels. Bran, $63; flax, No. 1, $4.74 to | 45 to 520; Cobourg, 45 to 47¢; Chat- ¥ y y $4.79; wheat, cash, No. 1 northern, [ham, 44 to 48¢c; Sarnia, 50c; Kit- $3.15 to $3.30; corn, No. 3 yellow, |chener, 45 to 48c; London, 48 to Jn Contra ot $1.94 to $1.96; oats, No. 3 white, |54¢; Owen Sound, 43 to 45c; Port ' $1.07% to $1. 081. Hope, 47¢; St. Thomas and Stratford, 290 ROOMS ---- 43 to §0c; and Woodstock, 50 to 1c HE | MVEMIOCK MARKETS, © [dwt #5 i ---- -- es ML soon. Toronto. Chickens, Toronto, May 14.--Heavy steers, Belleville and, Woodstock, 30 to p. ¥ a : choice, $14 to -§15; choice buteier, |856e; Cobourg, 40 to 450; Port Hope, a: w : ir : 40c; Kitchener, 40 to 4%¢; London, [Re 38 to 40¢; Barnia, 45¢; St. Thomas, i - . 85 to 380; and Stratford, $7 to 40¢ Z per pound he " : Potatoes. gave all Belleville, $6.50 to $7; Brantford 1-4 ) snd Woodstock, $6 to 37; Chatham, Jor : 6.50; London and Stratford, $5 to ¥ $6; Kitchener, §6 to 36.50; Owen : ! : Sound, $4.76; Port Hape, 35; Sarnia, lel ($6; St. Thomas, $5.50 to $8 per bag, 'Wheat. Brantford, $2; Chatham, $2.18; Kitchener, $2 to $32.10; n and Owen spund. hae to 31 Y . \ ope, : IL NT : 2.05; Smatiord. $187 to $1.08, 4 ' " and Weodstock, §1.93 per bushel. " Eg The Ti RE -------------------- - Belleville and ingston, $1.40; Brantford, $1.76; Cobourg, $1.60; Chatham, $3.25; Kitchener, $1.80 to > : ag Hi on; $1.30; Swan Bound. EPL FIT AHA 1. to 68; Port Hope, : saver them all. 8t. hl $1.45 to 150; and $ +85 per bushel. on Bel , $1.10 t ne it venches | ek , lots and Cobourg Hb farmer to mak re tri the Ena 95¢c to $1,006; Kitohener $1.0 i Port Hope snd and I pide sma spp Ho iY a ¥ Bae paimae Jon Gh aT wy BT