Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1920, p. 8

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» - PAGE EIGHT In the 'Realm of Women--Some I nteresti RS PS | A Tea Surprise is awaiting you in your first cup of Lanka. You'll exclaim at the rich sparkling color, the inviting aroma. The rich, smooth flavor is the crowning delight. + 'This perfection is due both to quality and skill in blending. Lanka comes from- the 'hill country of Ceylon --is the choicest growth of British gardens. Price WM. BRAID & CO. | Cocoanut Oil Makes A Splendid Shampoo Too much 'alkall dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is yor! o (which is pure and entirely | greaseless), is much better than any- thing else you can use for shampoo- ing, as this can't possibly injure the . harmful, Mulsified cocoanut * shampoo hair. Simply malsten your hair with wa- One or two tea- i spoonfuls will make an abundance of ! ter and rub it in, } rich, creamy lather, and cleansés the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lath- er rinses out easily and removes . every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff jand excessive oil. The hair dries ignickly and evenly; nd it leaves it & "and silky, bright, fluffy and easy * to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil . shampoo at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is "smough to last "veryone in the fam- «| but he took me in his arms and said: EC eu s es eee CE TR TT] » _ The Workings of John's Mind. John looked at me .for » moment after my outburst against his mean- ingless flattery, and then his usual excuse came into his mind. "You gre;not well, Katherine," he said. "1 sh¥uldn't have zllowed you to work yoursel! up into such a ner- vous state as this. It has faken you 'longer than I thought it would for you to get over that automobile acci- dent. Katherine, I should have re- membered and not allowed you to talk upon things which prey upon your uerves." I laughed somewhat hysterically at this. It was really funny, and then I said: "Yes, you have it right for once, John, I am not well. At least I am a little unstrupg this morning." And then I told him boldly and without tFe little tremors of delight with which 1 imparted, the news to him before, when he had so disappointed me. At first his face was clouded and then he said: "Dear, I am glad. That new house of ours will be big enough to hold three, instead of two." Unexpecteliness a Charm. - I believe that that is one of John's tascinations for me. I never know how he is going to take things. Un- expectedness is a great charm, 1 guess, for all human beings. John has just told me that it is the unexpected- ness of Elizabeth Moreland that ap- peals to him more than aay other thing about her. I wonder if I am al- ways the same to John. As I thought this, I turned to. him and asked the question: "John, are you always sure just how I am going to answer you.on all questions?" "Pretty nearly," he said. "Weil here I am going to surprise you." I answered. "I want this baby, as little as I longed for the other one." This really did startle John, "Dear, I think you are just saying this to tantalize me. I know you are the best little woman in the world, and all good women want children. I am very glad that we bought the house. Katherine, because it will make such a nice place in which to raise a family." "Hello, John," interrupted Alice, who came through the door. "I didn't expect you quite so early." Met By Katherine. "I came in on the afternoon train. Katherine evidently knew when I was coming, for she was on her way to meet me." "So you have bought the finest house in have you?" said Alice. "Yes, and very soon Katherine is going to remodel and, furnish it." "Will you have to remodel it?" "My dear Alice, don't you know that women must always be remodel- ing something? If not their houses or their husbands, they remodel themselves." = "Gracious, John, I hadn't realized THE DAILY BRITI that, you had become cynical in your old age." "I am going up to my rogm." 1 said, "and leave you, Alice and) John, to fight it out. I just remarked in passing, however, to John, that you had remodeled yourself into one of those feminists, which seems to be the fashion in clever women this year." As I went out the door I heard John say: "Yes, of course it is a fashion and a fad; you won't keep it up long. Alice," And I stopped to hear Alice answer: "Only as long as I live, John." Followed to Her Room. John followed me to my room shortly arriving almost before I had changed my tailored frock into a house gown. "How lovely you look in green," be said, I glanced up quickly. I had worn this house gown numberless times since we had been married and John had never noticed its color, its shape or becomingness, but when he added: "Sometimes, Katherine, I think you are thé prettiest woman I have ever known," I thought perhaps it was time to begin to flirt with my own husband. "Only sometimes, John." "Is that a bid for me to say all the time?" he taunted. "Take it just as you please," was my answer, as he softly kissed the curve of my arm, which was bare in the wide sleeve of my negligee. Tomorrow--A Woman's Happiness. Laxative Fruit Cake. . The Journal of the American Me- dical Association recommends a la- xative fruit cake made of equal parts of senna leaves, figs, dates, prunes and raisins. It does not matter much whether thé ingredients be weighed or measured, as exact pro- portioning is not essential. The dose is one slice, large or small, accord- ms je the requirement of the indivi- ual. Sora / me "-- NOW REV. DR. SHATFORD. Rector of St. James the Apostle a - Made. Dy Cu Lo. pian ase 2 Montreal, May 13.--When Cafon" Shatford, rector of the Church of St. James the Apostle, returns to Mon- treal on Saturday next, he will come back as Rev. Dr. Shatford. Letters received from him by his friends of the congregation stated that he had been given the honorary de of D. C. L. at the annual convdcation of King's college, Windsor, N, 8., where he gave an address. "Canon Shatférd wrote that he was much improved in health by bis holiday. GOOD DIGESTION: To be able to est what you want and to digest it properly, is a price- less blessing, Good digestion is not appreciated until you lose it. yon cannot afford to experiment, for strong medicines are hard on weak stomachs. If you have indigestion do not be persuaded into believing you can cure yourself by the use of pre-digested foods or so called stom- ach tonics. There is no tonic for the stomach that is not a tonic for every part of the body. It is through the blood that the stomach gets its power to assimilate and digest food, and as the blood goes to every part of the body any improvement in its condition not only results in streng- thening ths stomach, but every organ in the body. Rich, red blood is ab- solutely necessary to good digestion. It your stomach is weak and you are troubled with sour risings in the throat, a feeling of pressure about the heart, or nausea after eating, try the tonic treatment with Dr. Wil- jiams' Pink Pills. So many dyspep- tics have been cured by this medi- cine that every sufferer from stom- ach trouble should try it. You will soon know the joy of good digestion and enjoy better health in other ways if you give this medicine a fair trial You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer,in medicine or by fail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for; $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 14% "9 Fuel at Lake Erie Ports. Cleveland, May * 13.--Boats are waiting at Lake Hrie ports for fuel, which is as scarce hs at any time since the stirt. A meeting of traffic heads of railroads was held here yes- terday when plans were taken up for bringing coal to thelake front to sup gly the demands of the northwest. The movement is slow, and many reg- ular leaders are going up light, -T0-DAYS FASHION By MME. FRANCES h A 'Slack gown and e picturesque blak hat contribute much toward charm in dress. Few are the women who do not look their best when sp Black charmeuse is the "de luxe" fabric for .the dressy spring frock that will also serve for formal sum- mer wear. This model displays a sur- plice blouse bound with white char- meuse satin. = The shirred vest of white mousseline de sole is also bound with white satin. This over- SH WHIG skirt is mew, It is shirred with a "heading" and is attached to. the straight dropskirt in a rounded line which gives the impression of a yoke. ié broad Hat is DICK Straw I8 faced with satin and is trimmed with a striking black feather 'fancy. A Vest of White Mousseline de Sole Completes This Smart Gown of THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1980. ng Features _ Charm Black Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited Tea Elegance-- Comfort-- Economy: "D & A" corsets are up-to-date in style and of excellent workmanship. Their great popularity has made possible their low price ; they are produced in large quantities in a splendidly equipped corsetry. Sold Everywhere, DOMINION CORSET CO., Quebec, Montreal, Toronto. Makar ot Cash DIVA® +220 EEE INFANTS - DELIGHT 1! J [XH IT'S WHITE TONETSOAP (ORDER a 'supply of Infants- Delight from your dealer today. It is well to keep a good quantity on hand for ho soap can quite take its place i ads "1 Cari i . Am Ui i! i "ily for montk . By, Juanita, lamel ¥ {OVE IN HER EYES :. 3: 3.'3: 3: pt Many a Canadian" Beauty owes her exquisite complexion use of . JE invite all persons visiting London to inspect our factory anid 'see how McCormick's Jersey Cron Sodas are. made. Ye her ey Ta oe ended Our visitors' registers contain names of thousands of from all parts of America who have visited "our plant. What they say « about our factory is one of our adver- tisements. ; - - guuindes such circumsianioes, you yest content at quality, pis reshness ) » . i ] an Te TmiICK a) Te Jersey Cream Sodas ? Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages:

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