Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1920, p. 7

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pe Te HAAR HO OEE LTE TREO THE MOTORISTS PATHFINDER NEW UP-TO-DATE ROAD MAP FOR MOTORISTS COVERING EASTERN ONTARIO Scale 12 Miles to the Inch--s-- proved and much simplified by the ' fact that the less important and poorer roads along concession and range lines are indicated merely by * cross-hatching at their junction points with main Price 35 Cents --@ ~ ed R. Uglow & Co. © Tl 1 G1 NOX A COLD TABLETS speedy cure for LaGrippe, A uate ang | s, eadache, Neuralgia, Flu, a mild laxative. Breaks np a cold in a few hours. Get the genuine, at all drug stores. 25¢ per box. Sold at Best's Drug Store. The Newest Creation in Beads The latest designs in Bead Necklets from Europe -- Amber, Jade, Amethyst and Coral. Prices to suit all. $2 to $10 each | THIS TIME OF YEAR 3 The dust is here. Protect youn eyes with STEWART'S Goggles then you will have no fear. The largest stock in Kingston at your disposal. \ From 50c. to $7.00. Yewact EYECHT Opp. Post Office. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PhiNCENS ST. fe) Marriage Licenses Issued. | street. 'was a shipbuilder, and worked for , THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Famous Kingstonians Abroad Kingston Men Who Left Home To Gain Fame pr x Trevanion William Hugo. o In the year 1848 two very wide {open exploring eyes looked out of 'the window of their grandfather's house on the shipyard at Bodinac, Cornwall, England. It was their first view of the out of door world, and being night time, all they could see was one great eye looking at them. The two eyes smiled at the one eye, and the one eye winked at the two eyes, as if saying, 'Young fellow, you have lots to see." To- night these same two eyes look out of a window and see the one eye of the Duluth lighthouse winking at him. with a knowing wink which seems to say, "Well, old boy, you and I have hdd a bully good time and we know some things don't we?" Between these two lighthouses is contained the life and career of Trevanion Wil- ham Hugo, better known in King- mend mn | | i i { . TREVANION WILLIAM HUGO ton as "Baldy." . Trevanion Hugo's family arrived in Kingston when he was about six years old, so that, although not actually born here, his education and associations with the Limestone City entitle him to be called a King- stonian. Hig family lived on Earl His father, Nicholas Hugo, John Cownter, Captain Chrysler, and the Kingston Shipbuilding Yard, be- sides going up to the Bay of Quinte When the time came for the ycung ! lad to be educated a family confer- ence was héld. John Bennett Marks, his uncle, who was attached to the British navy, and his aunt Selina, wife of Francis Brockhill Spilsbury, . -- _ passed through the then new Well: and canal, being the 'first large ves- | at times to build boats. fof trouble, so without amy prened the steamer 'East' sailing between Montreal and Chicago, He sailed on several vessels and eventuelly, as chief engineer, went to Owen Sognd to 'put the engines into a' steamer building there called the "City of Owen Sound." While in Owen Sound he did some writing for the Times of that city. One article which he wrote calling attention to the mil- liong of dollars of steel rails which were being left to rust at Fort Wil- liam. "The editor of the Times, be- ingja Conservative, made the most of this, and this started the "steel rail scandal" which was prominent in the politics of that day. During the twelfth year df nis sail- ing career Mr. Hugo made a men:- orable trip on the steamer "Cam- pania," which came out from Lon- don, England, to engage in the lake traffic. The ship was cut in two por- tions at Montreal and towed throuzh the canals and" river. In the Corn- wall canal one of the pontoons 2f the bow end broke l6ose and that part -X Men's Brown Bluchers and Balmoral style Boots, with Neolin- "Solesand' Rubber Heels. iii t io TR EYST00 Men's Black Gunmetal Calf Bluchers; round toes; good, : strong, double, Goodyear Welted Soles; all sizes; extra special value . ... . coos ci aR i Friis eee veuie Ra Men's fine grade Black Box Kip Bluchers, Goodyear Welted , Soles; they are real good value; all sizes 6 to 11. Special ville .......0 cia inti a sven av re hea a van S100 "It Will Pay You to See These as Shoes Are Going to be Higher" ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE sunk. It had to be raised heforgale voyage to Kingston could proceed. Still being towed, the vessel ran into one of Lake Ontario's most vicious storms but finally reached Port Dl- housie, where the two parts were riveted together. The ship then sel to do so, raced one of the crack river tugs up the Detroit river to Lake Huron and reached Colling- wood without further adventure. When Owen Sound was reached it was decided to lay up for the winter. At the same time Mr. Hugo laid up all his aspirationsito remain in the service, and in the winter of 1881-1882 he secured a shore posi- tion with the Consolidated Elevator Company. He has been with this company ever since, and has watched its growth from |one 'elevator with a capacity of ene million bushels, to eight withyover elevemgnilljondbush- els of storage. He hal seen Che gle- vator capacity of Duluth grow to thirty-seven million bushels, its grain shipment$#¥rom four million bushels to 145,185,000, its iron ore ship- ments from nothing to<hirty million tons, and its population from 5.000 inhabitants and eighty saloons' to 100,000 and no saloons, during his stay in that city. His engineering experience, rein- forced by 'constant study of its allied! problems, made him a$handy neigh- bor from whom to borrow in times tated effort he became a consultin engineer for many extensive plants and projects in all parts of the mid- dle west. Thése have included the Duluth Edison Electric Company. That combine the master craftsmanship of the old world with the progressive style de- mands of this continent. We show a wonderful assort- ment. collected from the lead- ing hat factories of the world. $3.50 to $10 With all prices between. Step in and try om some of the new styles. CAMPBELL BROS. The Largest Hat Dealers in This Part of Ontario. - WHAT A BETTER HOME MEANS TO A WOMAN Home to a woman, is the one place of greatest importance--wife, mother, daughter spend nine-tenths of their time in the house--surely that is reason enough why you should maké the home as attractive as possible. JAMES REID "The Basy Store With Large Stock" Phone 147 for Service. were the chief members of his con- the Minnesota Canal Company, Cap- ference, and it was decided that he itol Elevator Company and others in should be educated in all the modern Duluth; flour mills and city water graces, being the first of a new gen- {and light plants in southern Minne- eration. Latin he studied with a gota, the Hartford Steam Boiler In- 'eal old Irish gentleman," named gpection and Insurance COmMPpPany, an O'Donnell. He studied drawing with | vestigation of the West Hotel of Professor Hight, and he progressed \,.neapolis; tests of the street rail- 80 far as to have a landscape draw-! lants of St. Paul and Minneap- ing on exhibition in his master's stu-| VY P > oy dlo. Th t thi French, 0lis; the Georgian Bay Canal Com 0. ® nex ng was rench, ny and others, and at the same which he studied under Professor Pa0V levator Com- Laroner, of the Queen's Theological time the Consolidation Eleva - t College. Dancing was the next of pany was building an slayator: 0 the modern graces to be learned and feleven million bushels capacity or it is unfortunate that space will not more, each year. These matters kept permit the telling of his experiences him very busy, and he finally with. in the study of this art. Suffice it to grew from everything except tha Ele- say that they still leave pleasant and yator Company and. the Hartford amusing memories on his mind "Trevanion Hugo was by this time in the grammar school. Principal Thomas Gordon being -the head. Previous to this he had attended the school taught by the "Polly" Hop- kins family, and another of which Thomas Wilson was teacher. At! the grammar school he chummed with guth well known Kingstonians as "Jim Metcalf, the Meagher broth- first meeting of ers, famous for their skating ability, | aiderman and at the frst me he was the Dixon brothers, Tom Driver and | = oae its president. After four years a host of others. He tied with Tom | of aldermanic experience, the citi- Driver for the Queen's scholarship, | sons thought he might be entrusted OUR Ice Cream has been the BEST in KINGSTON for years and will contniue to be nothing but PURE CREAM and FRUIT FLAVORS used. Th¥ busi- ness established nineteen years. MOIR'S and GANONG'S CHOCOLATES on hand. SAKELL'S CoWhtle in the city of Owen Sound Next © Opera House Mr. Hugo had a large amount of . gpare time, and used it to good ad- -- Crescent Wire Works f vantage by beginning a system. 0! study which stood him in good stead Fencing, Guards, B borders, Wire Work of A} Rina, ower lin later years. The result wus that factured by:-- J. BARRETT pingine 22a, esi, ere ACCESSORIES We carry évery accessory that is worth while. We invite you to look over our very complete line. Let us equip your new car with the 8. KIRKPATRICK, CWA General meeting FRIDAYS, at 8 p.m. rays For next Friday, there will be & grand "variety entertainment, including music, songs, dancing, boxing, quartettes, a a mono. Starts at 8 p.m. Tickets, 25c. each. logue. 'when the citizens of Duluth called {him to serve them he was ready and qualied to do so. He was elected A GREAT BARGAIN "CRYSTAL" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE ......$150.00 Worth $175.00. One only at this price. PARTRIDGE & son, latest accessories. and while the latter got the regular scholarship of two years by tHe toss of a coin, Hugo was given the Chair- man scholarship for the same period. School over, he began to look around for somé occupation which with something more dignified and in 1900, after a unique contest as the Reform candidate he 'was elected mayor of Duluth by five votes over | his "wet". opponent, a German poli- ticlan.. A recount was held, and the HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. Phone 94 would give him "apple ple three 1. tion carried to the supreme court, - times a day, a spare set of shirt studs 3. the five votes stood. 'Two years and a pipe organ" in his old age.| ater the same two candidates were He was a long time debating wheth- ire field and this time Mr. Hugo er or not "Jim Carruthers, who was again was elected by a majority of getting, old, would like to be relieved i» votes. Again there was a recount by having him as a partner or wheth- | and an appeal to the District andSu- er Dr. Barker might not want to (Continued On Page 11) have someone relieve him as editor 700 ED 10 EAT? of the Whig. He started in, however, § pts, as an assistant in the grocery store Rest a Bit, Eat Slowly, Then Take Hood's SBarsaparilla. Have 'your Old Tires rebuilt and double their life--new Tires for old : : vs " en le -- FOR SALE Beautiful Home in the West End : of James Black on King street. d This did not suit him very long, : : 80 he donned overalls and started MOORE'S | A Seah Sled La Engine Works, © spent five years OE ---- In this way you will avold indiges- | == tion, (your stomach will feel tonic |= effect, and in » shot time Fra -- hi better , more e | = tren tte assimilation, and |= there, and says now that this period was a tinfe of vocational training and experience which laid the founda- tion for everything he has accom- J . His salary there, at the out- . ea will find your "food tastes good. One gratetul woman writes: "I earnestly recommend all women who | == wish to be made mew, or who are |S troubled with that tired feeling, 'to |S 'take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It won- [== ' derfully relieved me of sour stomach, A well-known Justice of the Peace in Indiana says Hood's Sa made "food taste good," as after tak- |= ing three bottles he can now . eat == set, was the princely sum of a dollar and a half weekly, but the experience was 'worth- more than the financial rengaamlion. o B1 fiu § | len came the Fenian.outbresk. }}l| Trevanion Hugo played in Hind- }]| marsh's band as solo baritone, but {this was disbanded, and he was placed in the ranks of No. 2 Com- 3) pany, P. W, O. Ry The captain of 5% I : x | this company was'Captain Burrows, 4 Men's A x h y B al R } } Soles and with William Herkimer as lieutenant. ow : Heels The "beau ideal" of the enlisted men three hearty meals a day, i Doesn' $5.75 hard #nd sleeps sound. 't this ap- a Se TE Brown Calf, Chocolate Ki | pp .. Py. oy rows Calf Kid and Roa, ove Cl o Hairs [iS PROPERTY is thoroughly modern throughout, finished in Oak, Hos [ER EL ae : The Kirkpatrick Property on the Corner of Kensington Solid brick, four rooms on the ground floor, with fire places in library - and living room; also butler's pantry. pase n foeny SECOND FLOOR has four bed-rooms, one with fire place. THIRD FLOOR, three bed-rooms. Bath rooms on both second and Tr. - BASEMENT is divided by brick partitions into furnace room, fruit Avenue and | : ed ar, oe saparilla. As Hood's Pills help greatly. = A 'Women's SW

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