THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG [rr ks ARRANGING THE DETAASIYCDENTS OF THE DAY |= STONE & COX LIFE TABLES OF THE COLORS. GENERAL INTERKST, | 1920 in the City ang Vieinity | Ready This Week--Contents ~--What the Merchants Ofter te! the Readers of the Whig. | peppy Th 21st Battalion Mekuiey's, of Bone Sbbw. | . eyeing Si copii Bin oh Ped i PREMIUM RATES-- (Profit and Non-Profit). SURRENDER VALUES-- (Profit and Non-Profit ) ANNUAL STATEMENTS FOR 1919, Vo SETTLEMENT DUTIES PAYABLE in all Canadian Provinces. BENEFICIARY LAWS IN ALL PROVINCES. INTEREST AND DISCOUNT, TABLES | { be held on May 24th." | with the transfer of the battalion col- PRICE, $1.50 PER COPY ' £n Thursday afternoon the work of ors were discussed. It was arranged | !3Yibg the concrete on the Bagot that members of the local club will Of interest to all Insurance Agents and to those contemplating tak- ing out insurance, . The College 'Book Store J. G. Adams, B.A., of Queen's Uni- the colors at the ceremony on the Open Evenings ) gs New Fashions --il-- FURS ® ) {of the 21st Battalion to the Princess | = of Wales Own Regiment of Kings- ~--for-- Spring and Summer Ermine, Mole, Hudson Seal, Russian . Squirrel, Kolinsky, Sable, etc. Featured specially in the popular choker or pretty scarf or throw. These garments are, faultless in mode and supreme in fur qual- ity. versity, has been appointed as sei- b ence assistant at Rjverdale Collegi-| Is cricket field on the morning of June ate noronts. : - 3rd. The president of the club and Metbadie pts of Sydeaham Street ex-commanding officer of the 21st | total] ¥ ! will address a letter to the battalion 24 $23,000, the best your in the b clubs of Ottawa, Toronto and Peter- boro, requesting them to send repre- chureh's history. Among the graduating nurses at ospita sentatives to Kingston for the event, and that places will he reserved for Ottawa are: Lady Stanley, Miss Elsie K. Barton, Kingston; St. thém in the eseort. It is hoped that ex-members of the unit will be pre- Luke's, Miss Beatrice Young, King- ston, sent from other outside places. Bat- Py, Sa Vy ime ¥ a When on service, the '21st BAL: oO Say tHo tallon was a unit of the Eastern On- tuners and Lan assure entire satis- » - | Jn- | faction. C, W. Lindsay, Limited, hn McKa Limited tario Regiment. In accordance with 0 3 ' the recent re-organization of the Can- ? adian active militia this unit will be 149-157 Brock St. : perpetuated in the first (or active) H. M. Mowat, M.P., came from Ot- battalion of the local Princess of tawa to attend Queen's convocation, and was extended an invitation to a seat on the platform by Principal Wales' Own Regiment, the other overseas battalions affiliated being the 59th and the 253rd. These.are {slated as reserve battalions, The ex-commanding officers and | trustees of the 21st have been noti- | tied that the approval of militia head- {quarters has been granted for the colors to be taken over by the loeal battalion. So far as is known, this is the policy to be followed throughout the Dominion. Major W, E. Kidd, the chaplain of the old unit, was present at the meet. ing on Wednesday evening, and spoke briefly. ! i + {DOCKET OF GIL GASES FOR TRIAL BEFORE JUSTICE MIDDLETON NEXT WEEK. British Whig Sues the Eddy Company For Failure to Carry Out Agree- wment~-Another Case Over Lease of Store. | The following is the docket of civil causes entered for trial at the non- jury sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario to be opened there on Mon- day, the 17th day of May, at 2 p.m., by Justice Middleton. 'The. British Whig Publishing Com- pany, plaintiffs, and the E. B. Eddy Company, Limited, defendants. The plaintiff's claim 1s for $5,224.37, dam ages for failure to carry out an agree- ment made between the parties. W. G. Craig & Co., Ltd., plaintiff, and J. P. Gillesple, assignee of in- solvent estate of Tripp & Steensburgh (Picton), defendant. Plaintiff's claim is to rank as secured creditors on this estate by reason of their chattel mortgage. CE aa Johan J. Johnston et uzor, plain- tiffs, and the (Corporation of the Township of Hinchinbrooke, defend- ants. Plaintiffs' claim is for dam. ages for negligence in not keeping the highway in repair. Orawford & Walsh, plaintiffs, and C. W, Lindsay Company, Limited, de- Mary, 216133, $1.00 fendants. Plaintiffs' claim dis for na ~ er specific performance of an agree- , li ment enterad into between the parties | for a five-year lease of the premises, No. 119 Princess street, Kingston, at §| twelve hundred dollars a year, or for damages for failure to carry out such agreement. John W. Snook, plaintiff, and §| Sarah Snook et mar, defendant. Plaintiff's claim is for a sum of $2,- 500, amount due for compensation for services rendered by plaintiff to defendants in eonnection with farm, or in the alternative, for wages, and for an accounting. Taylor. - Gasoline goes up. The retail price here will Hkely be from forty-seven to forty-nine cents a gallon. At pre- | sent it is from forty te forty-two cents a gallon. As a result of the railways not ob- serving daylight saving, some of the Toronto visitors for Queen's cofivo- cation arrived an hour after the pro- ceedings opened. The Prescott Presbyterian church has tendered am unanimous call to Rev..W. M. Omond, M.A, B.D, Kingston, to become its pastor in sue- cessign to Rey, K. W, Barton, resig- ned. We will reat you a plano, 2ad at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months, rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on dal- ance, C. W, Lindsay J. Courtland Elliott, B.A., has been granted an ad enndem degree of Ba- chelor of Arts, at the University of Saskatchewan, G. R, Stillwell, M.A, Queen's is also granted an M.A., ad eundem at the same university. A 'large brass tablet sbearing the names of those of the parish who served in the late war will be unveil ed at the morning service, on Sunday at St. Paul's church, Brockville. Ar- chdeacon O, G. Dobbs, Kingston, will unveil and dedicate the tablet. There was rather a slim attend- ance of students at the proceedings of convocation at Queen's, Wednes- day afternoon, but the usual offering of "coppers" ag the members of the staff took their seats on the platform was not forgotten. KEENLY-CONTESTED GAME Army and Navy Veterans Defeated R.O,G.A. at Indoor Baseball, The Army and Navy Veterans and the R.C.G.A. played a game of in- door baseball in the Kingston Mili- tary Indoor Baseball League at the armouries, on Wednesday night, and | i after a very keeply-contested match, | the Army and Navy. ng won out | by.a score of 15 to 13. Following is the score by innings. ..03330156--15 Arnis and Navy. . R. C, G. A 150150113 This match was played for the championship of the second series of indoor baseball, The gunners and the veterans have to meet again for the championship for 1919-20. As the R. C. G. A. were declared winners of the first period, the outcome of this match will be watched with keen in- terest, as being the closing game of the season, should be a big drawing card. The date of the game will be announced later, $10.50 ALSO MILK STRAINERS, PAILS, DIPPERS, etc. | | LEMMON & SONS A87 PRINCESS SYREET : } is the! time to get you» lawa } mower ready. Dom't wait un- Ai) the gmas is ahead of YOU. All makes repaired and sharpened promptly. J MN PATRICK 4 149 SXPENHAM ST, Pinae 2056J. fHOMAS COPLE Tel 987 Sale of House Furnishings including Draperies Art Blinds ~ Qilcloths and - Linoleums : All at prices that spell 'Savings VICTROLAS His Master's Voice Records Oh, What a Pal Was Mary, 216067-- $1; and its yeom i new Record; I Take the Place of You May Save a Dollar on For protection of self andl family "ACCIDENT and SICKNESS -- For protestion of self amd business, : FIRE | ~and lose a million dollars' For provection of stowe!/aud worth of eyesight, You cannot measure the value [i I stock, house and furnitifre. : ] of good eyesight in dollars and - LIABILITY | cents. You should not pur- |i For protection of budinjess | chase eyesservice on a mer- ENLARGED TILL, MONDAY WRIGHT-HUGHES NUPTIALS, Case in Which Women are Charged ! and car. BORER chandise basis, For protection of public. bem- ployees and property. PLATE GLAS3 For protection of windows and show cases, et. ; Consult: Real Estate and Taran Anca +180 BROCK STRERT] PHONE 386 OR 031. Real Estate bought and. sold. rrr ENR Rf eh EA Ne When you need Glasses go to the best Optometrists you [i can find. Have an accurate test | made, then take the advice of | the optometrist regarding the [| style you should wear. Get 'the best service you can ~--and whet you do all that you will come to: : JS. Asselstine, DS.0. Street, . 019w, THE BUSY OPTICAL HOUSE ti, » a TIANA Arye Ee ---- TN | ANDERSON BROS, LTD. ~ COFFEE 60c. perlb. . Why pay cost of tin and label -- an extra Eharge of 15¢c. per lb. Our 'Perfection' iB none better, sells at 60c. Fresh ~ ground daily. dail t lined bags--Save the difference. » NE rss ras 1H sale Department 1767 * : Grocery Dept., 459. . Put up in } and 1 Ib. parch- - [ lj| Hughes and Mrs, M, Hughes, fll Wright, son of Mr. and || Wright, of Londen, Ont. The Groom Is & Nephew of the Non. N. W. ell, The wedding took place at Syden- ham street Methodist church on Wednesday of Miss Nora May Hughes, B.A., daughter of the late a Johnston street, and niece of ex- Mayor Hughes, to Douglas Guy H, Mrs, Gordon The cere- mony was performed by Rey. W. T. 1 G. Brown, Mr, Wright was regimen- sional Artillery in France. He is president of the returned soldiers' club at Queen's University, where he is attending the science faculty. Mr, and Mrs. Wright Jeft for Torpnto and London, and will then go to Cobalt, where Mr. Wright has a position for the summer months. Mr. Wright is a pephew-of Hon. N. W. Rowell. JLeeman-Wright Wedding. On May bth, a gretty home wedd- ing took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wright, West Huntingdon, when their dapghter, Be: ia uijiag in shariags th of MP. and Mrs. Lovi Lesman, Belle: ville, formerly of Frontenae county. Rae nT all, Stirling, offic 3 e Was gown- ed in lemon tte, the ies looped with Sears bl Se Surios veil ig | of rhite ult und with roses. She was attended ak silk and carried m was 5, West DEPRIVED OF PICTURES With Interfering With Military Man In the absence of Magistrate Far- rell, who was called to Toronto, on Wednesday, Ald. R. E. Kent presided on the bench at the Police Court, on Thursday. - Mary Lloyd and Mrs. Harold Huff- | man, were charged with having "'un- lawfully interfered and obstructed Newman & Shaw Tne Alays Busy Store". *% tal sergeant major of the 8rd Divi- h ear it. ene, William Lowry, in the discharge of his duties as a militia man, = A KINGSTON MAN MISSING Th urned till Mou. | o day, so that Magistrite Farrell could | WILLIAM LAMBERT MYSTERI- OUSLY DISAPPEARED, Attended Party at Home of a Friend on Montreal Street~Left There at Late Hour to Go to His Home. Where is William Lambert, an em- ployee of the logomotive works, who resided at 443 Princess street? Mr, Lambert disappeared on Satur: day night last, and so far no trace of his whereabouts have been secured. He is married, with a family, and as his wife and family: cannot account r his sudden disappearance, they have asked the police to try and il! find him, but thus far the police have not been able to locate the missing man. From what can, be learned, it ap- pears that Lambert who was a hard- working industrious man, spent Sat- urday evening at the home of Patrick McEwen on Montreal street. It is stated thet he left Mr. McHwen's home a 11 p.m, to go to his ; home, and I= a mystery. The missing men is well-known to many Kingstonians, and 'everything possible is being done to locate him. . Im Marine Circles. The steamer Clinton, which has been unloading coal at the Locomo- tive wharf cleared for Erie. The steamer Cataract was in port Th ra on her way west. 3 A Few Bungalows Left to sell in Rideau View at 1,000 Bagor STREET. ged Princess So el, ' ouble brick dwelling; each side heated by hot water, . together with extra corner lot; at a low figure to close an DIVISION STREET i rame dwelling on Division street, wit $2100. Futtesaion at once. ith #table going, at BEVERLEY 4 EBT A detached brick dwelling on Heveriey mt : provements; stable and sarden--34,500, Tan; 'E. W. MULLIN & BUYERS AND SELLE RS OF INSURANCN Sta, SON Cor. Johnson and Phones 530w and 539), 4 Protect Your Furs Manahan Bags, Overcoat size vm $1.25 Also larger sizes, + bh MOTHBALILS..... ............ 30¢. Ib. MOTHPFLAKES ...........n:30¢ Ib. -~ Mahood's Drug Store