THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | By Juanita Hamel "Robes To-day's Price $12.00 Our Price $7.50 For Business As Well As. _For Golf THE shme easy comfort that you get by wearing Fleet Foot on the links, you can enjoy down-town by wearing Fleet Foo every day. The Business Man and Business Girl, who wast te combine foot comfort, pleasing style, attractive appearance and sound economy, will wear Fleet Foot shoes regularly throughout the summer. There are styles for men, women and children--for every occasion gnd every purpose--for every sport and recreation--for every-day wear and holiday time. SEE WINDOW. She flits back to the chap of last summer--the one who played tennis 80 well or rowed on the placid lake or the one who walked by her side across the green gol? links. ~ She's changeable, and men to her are events which change with the seasons. Some girls are that way. AA A A Gedrge Sproule left Monday to take 4 | charge of the extra gang to lay hea- vier steel on the line from Calabogie to Mississippli We are sorry that wil. s i D IN E Y 5 liam Thomas has not been quite so and spent Tuesday evening at W. DD, well of late. \f | r co - PA "FRONTENAC LEEDS Rol) ~ Black's. - Mr, Thompson, of Bed- . SR E ford, has moved on. W. R. Wagar's \ place. B. Hanpah has moved to the iin SINGLETON. village again, J. A. Goodfellow has gone to Toronto. Mrs. Gv 'A. Smith,| May 6,--The farmers are preparing Men change with the seasons--for the butterfly girl, When she. sees the last of the snow-birds winging his way northward and hears the chirp- ing of the first harbinger of spring, her thoughts turn from the chap she skated with on the winter ice and flirted with by the fireside. CNN AN, DINER JUDGED BY SIEVE eele, Briggs' Seeds | F rom the Countryside Smith's; Mies Lillian Black and some friends motored out from Kingston DESERT LAKE. _ Paint your own car this year Coloma A Mile pi wi om roshers Automobile Varnioh and add several hundred dollarsto its selling value. Nothing looks worse than a shabby car, and nothing ean be so quick- May 10.--Tufe cheese factory start- ed this morning. J, N. Abrams is on the sick list. B, Albertson lost a calf last week. The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Quinn, Fermoy, were sorry to get the news of her death. Miss Yale is on the sick list. Mrs. P, Lee- | man is all smiles, it is a girl, Visi- tors: A. F. Page and family at Wil- liam Bauder's; Mrs. J. Abrams, at James Wilson's; Robert Freeman and Miss Mary Abrams at Edman Page's; Miss Florence Freeman at her sister's, Mrs. M. Reeman's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark at Ji'N. Ab- ram's; Miss May Wilson at James Campbell's; Mrs. S. Leeman at M. Leeman's; D, Murphy at Bert Ab- ram's; Mra, A. F. Page at James Campbell's. 7 ---------- CROSS LAKE. May 10.--Mr. and Mrs. John BE. | Keller have returned home from the - north country 'where they spent the last year, Mr. Kellar brought home with him a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Kellar, of Napanee, have been visiting friends at this place for the last week. Roy Baker, of Nap- anee, called on friends here recently. Miss Edith Brooks, of Wingley, is at Wit. Scott's, Mrs. Willlam Wilks, who is reported on the sick list, is # | Hot much better. Mrs. W. R, Kellar and Mrs. Benson See of this place, have returned home from Water- town, N.Y., where they have been vi- siting for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Jona E. Kellar and Mrs. Benson See, Watertown, N.Y., and Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Kellar, of Napanee, visit- #4 at John A. Newton's, Dead Ofek, on Sunday last. " Z ELGINBURG. May*8.--Quarterly board was held In the church on Monday evening. Miss Mabel Jackson is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Irvine visited Rev, and Mrs. BE. Codling, Bat- Mrs. M. Wagar and childrén at J. U. Smith's; Mr.'and Mrs. R. Hamil- ton at A. B, Howes'. Mr. Minorgan has his pew car. Archie Howes is home from; Queen's, Mrs. Evelyn Butrins, home from Verona. Mr. Turney's show was here Friday and Saturday arLSnis and was well at- tended. iss Clara Howes'is home from Sydenham High School. Minnie Clow-js in the city. Mr. Osborne at Arden. . Mr, and Mrs. A. OC, agar and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. We- ger at Ernest rim's. . Mr. and Mrs. W. D, Black, and Keith, at Wagarville, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Wagar at G.'A. Smith's. The cheése factory is starting for the season, Lemox & Addington VENNACHAR. 'May 8.--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thompson, twin girls. George Sallans buried the remains of his little daughter here, she having died at Sand Lake," near Plevna, while visiting friends with the rest of the Sallan's family. The cause of death was scarlet fever! -Rev. Thomas Me- Naught, Baltimore, motbred through here this week, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Arnold McGinnes, and Mra. McNaught, who came here to visit her mother, Mrs. N. J. Bali. Mrs. Pervis Barr, who-has been staying With her mother, Mrs, Alberta Gregg, for the last ten days, has returned to her home in Kingston, Alexander Johnston made a business trip to the Palmer this week. Rey. and Mrs, N. F. Perry, Fernleigh, are visiting friends around here this week. n~ the ground for sged. A number of farmers sending 'milk to Brockville have received notice that their supply was not required longer than the end of April. The cheese factory has offened for another successful season. Miss Vora McCann is spending a week in Brockville the guest of her aunt. Charles McCann took a number of young cattle to pasture on Mr. Egan's farm, Narrow Locks. The roads are in fine condition for motoring. The Joung men play football in the even- ngs. ------------------------ London's Crystal Palace. How many people are aware that the Crystal Palece, which will be the scene of the world's biggest indus- trial exhibition this year, wis orig- inally erected In Hyde Park and de- signed by a farmer's boy? : Curiously enough, it was the neéd of a building In which an industrial exhibition could be adequat housed that led to the erection the Crystal Palace, . Representations were made to the Government, who witimately allotted a site of eighteen acres facing Knightsbridge. Two hundred and thirty-three schemes for a building to hold the exhibits were 'considered and rejected. Time was getting short, and ultimately Sir Joseph Paxton, who from farmer's boy at 18s. per week became head gardener to the Duke of Devonshire and acquired much fame as a horticulturist, hit Ron the idea of a giant conservatory. a Jetked out ih, iochulel and en eering detalls e days. Critics said that so frail a strue- ture would be reduced to a shape- less wreck in the frst storm, and that when the sun shone the visitors would be grilled to a cinder. But no such disaster happened. The exhibi- tion was a tremendous success, over 6,000,000 wisitors passing through 1 have proved amiss fifty Jams | ve ned 3 Insure a bamper crop of big, sound roots this Fall by sowing some of the 1 i ie, pia Steele, s' "Jumbo," crimson si Be demain Stele, Briggs' "Select Westbury," STEELE BRIGGS SEED C rn HAMILT( tersea, this week. Farmers are seed- | 4 ns Walter Clogg is having the out- } side of his residends repaired and | painted.' Mrs. Beatrice Graham had the misfortune to fall and fracture | her arm. Mrs. Martha ursday; The. rity of farmers ls vieinity are " ying Je Sollsts - r seed potatoes. Free * | friends at Flinton. Mr. and Mrs, J. prayer meeting was held at D, Flake and children spent the week t. | end at Plevna, Miss M. Lee has returned home after spendipg the ast two weeks with her brother in nark. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lee and visited the latter's sister, |B: | Mrs. B. Mullen, Montreal, last week. Misses Emma Howarth and Ella Fer- the turnstiles. { 'The Government declined to buy {the glass-house, however; which ; cost £176,000 to build. Ultimately & few public-spirited men clubbed to- gether, bought the shell for £70,000, ra rebuilt the great conservatory at l Lowe Brothers Auto-Gloss Ia nine stondard automobile colors See The Real Honest I DISPENSER o LAVANE STATION. '23a ay 11.--Miss Jennie Gran enha! cost of £1,500,000.-- | her - two little nieces ere visit aa R of £1,500.000. t-Bits, ---------------- An English Mummy. ! mummy, to which the . * An English name of "Old Jimmy" has been irrev- . erently given, is bothering the Rev. wardens and vestrym ene the v an e City Ohurch of St. James, bepind the | n, Ottawa, are spending an inde- | Mansfon House Station. They have it | ds,_hers [9% ther hands and can got 20 trace | RR EE Bale" ume" vil" bil friends be 2 hat: h Aged of aoe | oe 1 '| to di of it. At our Garage. It shows the customer what he pays for, & .