Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1920, p. 3

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We have just received a ship- ment of Now is the time to take those Blood and System Purifiers to make you feel fit. Get yours at: Very F igh | Grq e Pearl | Necklets made in France by the masters of the art. These are inde- Phone 59. | structible, of beautiful lustre, ff (and are 'shown 'fa graduated and unifornk styles. MARRIAGE LICENSES WEDDING RINGS f ng THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. HEE No. 1 for Bladder atarzh. Ne. 2 for Ricod and Skin Diseases. No. Co., Haverstock affixed' to genuine The Gurney Oxford Oil Cook Stove For Suburban or Summer Homes TWO, THREE OR FOUR BURNER MODELS AT $22.00, $27.00, or $35.00, respectively. ; Much of the cooking convenience of city housekeeping may be enjoyed in the summer homes with a Gurney Oxford Oil Cook, Stove in the kitchen; provides heat at a moment's no- tice, which may be regulated to suit various cooking needs; und, adjustable cotton wicks operates in brass burner and #ives a powerful heat--an efficient short combustion chamber _ Is directly under cooking. [McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. | } i | | | - » -- ll| day afternoon, il ll opportunity to welcome |i and to add thelr congratulations to ff the hosts of others that have been i showered upon her. | Assisting them wora li | Carruthers, Marioa Ra., N.W.5., Strange, Miss Kathleen Carru London.' See Trade Marked Word *PHERAPION" is on Brit. Govt, Stamp packets. i HE DAIL Told In Twilight (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in i common with uther papers all over Canada; will make a charge of $1 {or inserting ai engagement, mar: il | riage or reception announcement, | . -. * - "Glen Lyon" was en fete, yester- when Mrs. J. M. Campbell entertained delightfully at | tea dn honor of her talented daugh- t| ter, whose acting came in for so {much praise in London, Mrs. John | Gordon Mackenzie. The reception- ff} room was sweet with the fragrance || of lovely flowers, pink carnations, ink sweet peas and ferns being ar- tistically arranged. Mrs. Campbell, who was assisted in receiving by her daughter, wore a 'graceful gown of grey georgette crepe, while Mrs. ll Mackenzie was a picture of winsome i | pale bi in a dainty French frock of pale blue taffeta, and carried an armful of sunset roses. Her many friends were delightad to have this her back In the dining- room golden daffodils and ferns made a burst of sunshine in the centre of the polished tea table, || where Mrs. Normar Fraser and Miss Lettie Tandy made tea, while the de- lf '.clous ices we:é zut by Mrs. Hamil- «cn Roberts an! Mrs. Hugh Ryan. the Misses tiwendolyn ard Doris Folger, Edita Ogllive, Mar- garet Hemming = Harrlet Gardiner, l{elen Strange and Sybll Kirkpatrick. Some of those prossn: were: Mrs P. G. C. Campbei!, Nirs. T. Callander, ll | Mrs. Constaniive, Mre. Francis Con- li | staatine, Mrs. W. Besmingham, Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, Mrs. Tofield, Mrs. Bruce Taylor, the Misses Taylor, Mrs. D. Phelan, Mrs. J. Rigney, Mrs. Wotherspoon, Mrs. Campbell Strange, il | Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mrs, T. A. Kidd, i] Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Mrs. Howard Penhale, Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Mrs. J. B. Car- il ruthers, Mrs. R. C, Carter, Mrs. H. Hora, Mrs. Sanford Calvin, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Mrs. Bruec Hop- kins, Miss Bessie Smythe, Mrs. Gar- nett Greer, the Misses Cicely and Alleen Rutherford, Mrs. H. Steacy, Miss Mowat, Miss Bates, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. W. Harty, Mrs. H. Lafferty, Mrs. H. Folger, Mrs. J. L. Whiting, Mrs. Hig- gins, Miss Doris Browne, Miss Eliza- beth Cunningham, Miss Mary thers, and Miss Laura Kilborn. ss General and Mrs. Rutherford, Stuart street, are entertaining at a dance this evening, in honor of their daughters, the Misses Cicely and Alleen, * .H. May, Ottawa, came by motor to attend Convoca- tion 'when their daughter. Miss Gladys will receive her degree of Bachelor of Arts. The Misses Evans, daughters of Mrs. Sanford Evans, Ottawa, leav- ing for Winnipeg to reside, will re- malin over to attend the Royal Milit- ary College ball at Kingston, in June. Mrs. Noel Gill, Earl street, and Ifttle son, Linton, have left town for Campbeliford, en route to their sum- mer cottage at Trent River. Mr. Gill is en pension with Mrs. Fair, Brock street, for a few weeks until "the school term closes. On their return to town they will reside at 8 Aber- deen avenue. ' * Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clark Taylor, of Gananoque, was a visitor in the city to-day. Rev. Father C. J. Mea, who has been spending the winter in Italy, is expected to return to Kingston about the end of May, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street, left to-day for Atlantic City, N.J. They will also visit New York before returning in two weeks' time. H. Allan Craig, Kingston, spent a couple of days at his home in Al- monte. . - - Mrs. G. 8. Clendinnen, Ottawa, is attending the graduation of her daughter, Miss Evangeline, and is a guest of Dr. and Mrs. C .C. Nash Professor and Mrs. J. D. Cralg, t street, are among the "Queen's party" sailing on the 8.8. Melita from Montreal, on Saturday, for England. Mrs. F. M: Gibson left last week for Picton to join her children and spend some time with Mrs. James Gibson. Mr, Gibson is leaving in the near future to take up his new duties in Cuba, but Mrs. Gibson and the children will not join him till the fall, when the intense heat is over. (kDuring their short sojourn 'in the 'Limestone City they made a host of friends, who" with deep. regret bid them "farewell." * * ® ' Principal and' Mrs, Bruce Taylr, "Queen's Residence," are sailing on Saturday on the S.8. Melita for Eng- land, where they will spnd sev months, y . Miss Margaret Duggan came In from Ottawa for convocation and is at the Avonmore, Willlam street, * m, convocation, her daughter, Miss Bea- trice Windrum, being one of the | "sweet girl graduates" of this after- | noon, Mrs, Windrum and Miss Bea- | trice are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Minnes, "Hilleroft." Mrs. (Dr.) Mason, "Rockwood," returned to the city on Saturday after a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. Mrs. T. C. Nicholls, Uxbridge, who | was present Friday night at the graduation of her daughter, Miss PRathieen Nicholls, of the Kingston General Hospital Training Schoel for | Nurses, has been visiting at the home | of Dr. a Mrs. Nicholls, 'Clarence | street. Helson, Lyman, who is at- tending the Dominion College for returned men, was also present for the graduation. Both have left for Toronto. ¢ ® @ Miss Agnes Richardson, University avenue, left yesterday for a short visit in Toronto. Mys. Ross Livingstone, Johnson street, returned yesterday from Newark, N.J., where she was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coey. Mrs. H. W. Richardson, and Miss bel Richardson, '"'Alwington," tho have been enjoying visits in Chicago and Minneapolis, are leaving to-day, oh the homeward journey. Mrs. Richardson is expected back by the end of the week, but in all probability Miss Mabel will not re- turn till next week. Lieu#-Col. and Mrs. Bévan Dun- bar, Alice street, returned on Monday from a trip to Belleville and the sur- rounding ceuntry, . * . Col. and Mrs. Douglas Young, who were en pension at Mrs. Bfa Denni- son's, 131 King street, for the winter, have now moved into their own home, No. 154 King street. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey, and Miss Mildred Horsey, Ottawa, ar- rived yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Horsey are en pension at Mrs. Efa Dennison's, 131 King street, while Miss Mildred is at "The Rectory," Barriefield. Dr. and Mrs. J. Franklyn Stoness, Sharbot Lake, are. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bassam, Alfred street. Mrs. Gauley and Miss Gwen Gau- ley, Vars, Ont., are here for convoca- tion, and are at "The Residence." Miss Dorothy Mickle, Ottawa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Nickle, Earl street. Dr. Milligan arrived on Friday from Toronto to spend some time in he city and is en pension at Mrs. Efa Dennison's, 131 King street. . . * Prof. J. B. Black, Queen's Univer- sity, is sailing for the Old Country on Saturday, from Montreal, on the 8.8. Melita, where he will spend the sum. mer, . Mrs. W. Claxton is now with her daughter, Mrs. George Wood, in Montreal, and will be there until June, when she will return to King- ston to spend the summer. William Wallace arrived on Satur- day from Pittsburg, Pa., to spend a few days in the city, and is at the Frontenac Club. i Principal and Mrs. Dyde and Miss Honora Dyde, who had Mrs. G. Gamsby's. house on King street for Y' BRITISH i WHIG Fe PROBS: Thursday, fine and cool. A The Fashionable Silks If you are.undecided as to what to buy a visit here will prove helpful. These Silks are all on display and one may look and ask questions without the least obligation to buy. Exclusive French Foulards ~~ Tricolette Silk Jerseys Shot Taffetas French Charmeuse! § Duchesse Silks Crepe de Chenes Georgeéttes Taffetta Silks Pailettes Silk Radium HE Habutai Silks Cheney Silks "The Finest Silks the World Produces" Thousands of yards of the newest weaves and colorings for Spring'and Summer wear. Thousands of pairs of Hosiery Te the winter, have gone out to Lough- bow Lake, where they have taken | Dr. Waddell's house for the summer. | Professor and M T. Callander, King street, are leaving on Friday for Montreal and will sail from there on Saturday, by the §. 8, Melita, for England, where they "Will spend the summer. \ . Miss Connie Richardson came up from thé capital 'to attend convoca- tion and is at "The Residence," Earl street, * * * Mrs. W. B. Carey fs spending the week with Mrs. Nash and Master John Evans at the Wellington apart- | ments. Continued On Page 8) ( ios -- A SUCCESSFUL OPERATION Was Performed at Brockville Hospi- tal on Mrs. Kelsey. Charleston, May 10.--Mrs. S. W. Kelsey underwent a very successful operation for goitre on Tuesday at St, Vincent de Paul hospital, Brock- ville, Charleston and vicinity have fconsiderable waste paper. Mrs. Roy Alguire, Athens, who has not been enjoying the best of health is spend- Ting a few weeks at H. Slack's cot- tage. W. Halliday has purchased a car. 8. W. Kel and daughter, Cora, made sew: trips to: Broe ville during the past week to see Mrs. Kelsey, who is a patient at St. Vin- cent de Paul hospital. Harold Perci- val, Athens, was a week-end visitor at W. Halliday's. Mrs. D. Spence, Miss E. Beale, Mrs. W, B. Beale and Mrs. T. Heffernan went to Kingston on Friday to attend the aduation of nurses at Grant Hall, Queen's University. Among the graduates is the former's daughter, Miss Flossie Spence. "Mr. and Mrs. W. Halliday and Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Halliday were in Brockville, Saturday after- noon. Bord, on Friday, May 7th, to Mr. and Mrs, D, Covey, a daughter. The farmers are busy with their seeding. Some have early potatoes planted and gardens made. Potatoes are scarce among the farmers in this section , Lindsay, arrived '| burg. OO Silk Lisle Cotton Marked at prices in nearly all cases at less than to-day's wholesale cost-- all colors, makes and many novelty ef- A fects. | " » LADIES' LISLE HOSE-- ; Priced 49c., 50c., 65¢. up to $1.00, LADIES' COTTON HOSE-- : Priced 29c., 35c., 45¢., 50c. up. LADIES' SILK HOSE Priced 85c., $1.00, $1.25, up to $5.00 TRH CHILDREN'S HOSE-- Priced 45c., 50c. up to 75¢. ° Children's Golf Hose Drop Stitch Hose . Kayser Silk Mose - MEN'S SOX--Lisle, Silk and re» § oN 35c., 49¢., 50c., 60c. up to $2.50 IT A TAREE REN Londoners May Ask Ald In and ates 0S gregations Small. AEs . ' : Sv th s Nae ; The best in Men's Velour Calf Balmoral, Goodyear Welt, Nar- Wo are now showing a complete line of Men's and Boys' Canvas

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