aily British Whig La . £ | Collier's T oggery || © Where the men HEAD OF Fe Hel ie i of the! Jo cin DEL DF { WISON'S PRIVATE CABLE TO SINS In Which American President Kicked Over British Admiralty's Condust of Navy. IE DD MT INDERSTAN [AT McGILL CONVOOATION ON | WHY BRITISH NAVAL EXPERTS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Principal Taylor, of Queen's Uni- i versity, Pays Tribute to the New Head of McGill (Canadian Press Despatch) | Montreal, May 12---General Sir Ar- Currie has accepted the position principal of McGill University of- d him a few days ago. He re- d the degree of doctors of letters McGHl this afternoon. In a statement this afterncon, in ich the appointment of Sir Arthur WERE SO PRUDENT And Did Not Usp Britain's Naval Su- periority Effectively Against Sub- marines--Thought They Should Allow US. Experts to Tell Them How. Washington, May 12.--A. confi- dential cablegram from President Wilson to Rear-Admiral Sims, sent during the war, was read to the sen- ate naval investigating committee to- day by Secretary Daniels. It disclosed the fact that the American President was not at all satisfied with the way" the British Admiralty was directing the work of the British navy, and al- 'so ihdicated that Mr. Wilson could not understand why naval experts there were reluctant to allow Ameri- can experts to tell them just how things should be done. Mr. Wilson intimated that he con- sidered the British naval men too prudent, and expressed surprise that the "British Admiralty had failed to i | | i | i { | GEN. SIR ARTHUR CURRIE It Atl as principal was announced, e 'of governors pay tribute to i8 general's services in the great war iid his fine war despatches. Approved Of It. Bruce Taylor, of Queen's, t as he was in Bvocation and told of the 'new jit's quite a. new move. I approve of it. Sir Arthur Currie is a fine er and a fine figure, and I am will succeed. I think it is a move, don't you?" ENDS ANONYMOUS § 'GIFT OF $650,000 al -Britisher's Contribution to Reduction of the National Debt. -- L London, May 12.--Chanecellor of hequer. Chamberlain an- neces that he has received an an- gift of £130,000 of the war for cancellation and as a contri- R to the reduction, éf the onal debt. @ donor - explains, says Mr. nberlain, that he was deniad the Fivilege of fighting for his country ti he desires to encourage © persons to similar patriotic mou od i b-- -------- LIBERALS IN CONFERENCE. mrp Hon. Mackenzie King at Ottawa ng Party's Future. Press Despatch) y 12~Prominent Lib- all over the country are to | | ap- He sald: "That's fine; | use Great Britain's great naval su- periority effectively against submar- ines." . He called on Admiral Sims for comment and suggestions "based on independent thought" and with- tut régard to 'the judgments of any- one on that side of the water." Secretary Daniels said Admiral Sims' reply was a "long telegram of generalities of wha: the British Ad- miralty was doing." STRIKE MIGHTY BLOW | AT SOVIET FRONT - {Canadian Press Despaten? Warsaw, May 12.-----Polish and Ukrainian forces have struck a mighty blow at the Russian Bolshevik front far north of Kiev, and have driven the enemy back along the Ber- esina river. Betchitsa, an im- portant Dnieper river crossing, has been captured and serious losses have been inflicted on the Soviet army. Fighting is now going on over a- trent of ap- proximately 400 miles, The me .essity of 'straighten- ing the Pulish line, after Kicv's capture, is said to have led to the new offensive. The Poles have crossed the Beresina river at several points and have taken Wielatisch, northeast of Mozir. The Bolsheviki have been forced across the Dniepor. From Kiev northward to the mouth of the Pripet river, a distance or about fifty miles, the Bolsheviki on the west side of the Dnieper are slowly ' falling back and are building bridges' to facilitate their escape before the main body of the Polish army reaches the stream. Paris, May 12.---Confirmation of reports that Odessa, Russia's most important outlet on the Black Sea, had been occupied by troops of General Petlura, Ukrainian commander, has been received by the Ukrainian press bureau here, KINGSTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1920. A view of the cit has claimed sin bied the city. he south that SOVET AGREE T0 SPARE LIVES Of Deakine's And Other Aa-Sovi Tos Who May Be Taken. BRITISH RECENE NOTE THEIR APPEAL The Bolsheviki Suggest That British Resuming Trade Relations: (Canadian Press Deapatoh) London, May 12.--Russian Bolshe- vik authorities have agreed to spare the lives of soldiers captured from General Denikine's army in southern Russia, and those of other anti-Sov- ken prisoners. peals sent to Moscow during the past fortnight. shevik note that the British govern- representdtives prefersbly those now in | , regarding the the men captiired countries, the mdst satisfactory note on the sub- Ject yet received from government and officials hope full WOULDN'T LISTEN TO LINDSAY CRAWFORD Winnipeg Club Resented Re- marks Der to England. Winnipeg, May 12.---The Kiwanis Club yesterday refused to allow Lindsay Crawford, editor of : the Statesman, to continue his speech when he made statements derogatory to England. Crawford, as guest of honor at the luncheon, was discuss- ing the Irish question. He started to say England was interfering with Ire- land economically as she had inter- fered with Canada on the railway ways be built east and west Instead of north and south. Members of the club arose and protested, -démanding that he retract the statement. Presi- problem, dictating that Canada's rail- | y of Odessa, Russia, which is the the Poles, in conjunction with the Ukraine forces, are wa, ce the war that Odessa belongs to it, an Should Poland get access to this port she would offset the barriers set up -against | | Government Negotiate Regarding awarded to | / Medical College, Kingsto: who S A note to this effect was received E! mn, wa by British officials in answer to ap-| ¥ouRded while hunting in the bush i The suggestion is made in the Bol-| Indian companions, made the har- } } ment negotiate with the Bolshevik! ried upon a also the question of resumption of receive visitors, a jtrade relations between the two | friends called the From the. British viewpoint this is | 108 nerve and the Soviet Wounds was made yesterday at the rotection can be guaranteed Den-| tion of th Da ro an _be guar agreements | that about 50 shot still remain in his and other contessions from Moscow. | DP and leg, necessitating a slight i PROBABLE GOAL OF THE POLISH CAMPAIGN. EE ------------ a Ce a SN ging a would her in t ALLIED FORCES WILL ! REMAIN PERMANENTLY | They Will be In Constani- | nople and About the Dardanelles. Washington, May 12.--Permanent Occupation of Constantinople, which | is left under the sovereignty of | the sultan, by a small international | force of allied troops is provided for | In the treaty which was handed to- | day to the Turkish representatives at | Paris. A similar international guard | is provided for garrisoning of the | Straits as a guarantee of the free | Passage through the Dardanelles and | FROM MOSCOW IN. REPLY To! Sea of Marmora to ships of all ra- "ARE MADE BY OOL. MAX BAUER tions. An inter-allied commission | of control will exercise supervision | over the execution of the clayses of | the treaty. Thrace in its entirety 1s | Greece while the Arme- | nian settlement is left open for fu-| ture negotiation and decision. --aioh an¢ denision STILL CARRIES BUCKSHOT Dr. Corbett of Ottawa Is Very Much | Improved i m 3 Ottawa, May 12.--Dr. Cecil B.| iet troops who may in future be ta-| COrbett, son of H. L. Corbett, city | treasurer, and a graduate of Queen's 200 miles north of Roberval, Que., and who, through the devotion of his rowing trip out to eivilization car- strete last night dition By St. Lak ombet condition a num his' marvel- An X-ray ' examination of his congratultaed i upon suotess. hospital, and subsequent investiga- e plates established the fact operation for their removal. ' The abdomen wound, 'while deep, is not considered critical, as no vital organs. were injured by the shot-pel- lets. His present condition is highly encouraging and unless unforeseen complications ensue, Dr. Corbett will Soon have recovered from his horri- ble experience. 1 i ------------ W. D. HOWELLS DEAD "The Dean of American Writers" Passes Away, New York, May 12--Willfain. Dean Howells, the novelist, died here yes- terday. { Mr. Howells returned a few wepks 280 from Savannah, where he had spent the winter. While in the south Mr. Howells was stricken with influ- enza, and never had fully recovered from its effects. With Mr. Howells at the time of his death, which occurred shortly probable objective of the 'campaign d several times its troops have occu- gainst the Bolsheviki. Ukraine have an opening to the sea to | he Baltic. DEPOSING MOVE MADE IN 1918 To Remove the Kaiser From the Those of Germany. ap SENSATIONAL REVELATIONS OF GENERAL STAFF. The German Army Command Two Years Ago Proposed to Declare Wilhelm Mentally Incompetent, Berlin, May 12.--The German su- ed May 13th. The Crown | saret of Connaught, died May 1st. preme army command made a move | early in 1918 to depose of the kaiser i by the constitutional means of de- | claring him mentally Incompetent, | because he was endangering the out-| come of the war through his sheer incapacity to make a decision in a vital moment, This sensational revelation was made by Col. Max Bauer, who was a member of the grand genexal staff and right 'hand man: of Ludendorf, and who is credited with the orgaui- | sation bf -the. Kapp-Luettwits. coup. of last March. # Col. Bauer preceded his statement with the assertion that in the general staff his awn position was often made | difficult because he was looked upon as a democrat, whereas now he is accused of being an arch-Feactionary. "In January, 1918, said Bauer, "I told Ludendorff that the kaiser must be deposed or else we would lose the war. I urged him to take steps for the elimination of the kai- ser." : Leading German medical author- ities, Col Bauer averred, were subs sequently won over to the conviction that the kaiser was irresponsible and were ready to give their authoritative 'Windsor. support to an official opinion to that effect. Thus, the path was clear for | constitutionally deposing the emper- | or, but the plan was shattered on | Hindenburg"s immovable opposition. The incident is part of the revela- | tions of the inner secrets of the Ger- | man high command which Colonel Bauer is reciting in a book soon to appear. "I was in a highly important posi- tion within the general staff from the begininng to the end of the war," said Bauer. "I had peculiarly con- fidential relations with each chief Moltke, Falkenhayn, Hindenburg and | Ludendorff. I saw much of the kai- INGENIOUS RUSE ® BY PSEUDO CRIPPLE Lured Jeweler's Clerk to Room in Hotel on Pretence of Disability. Philadelphia, May 12.--Diamonds valued at $10,000 were stolen by a guest at a prominent hotel from a Jeweler's clerk, 'whom he had fu- veigled to his room by stating that he was crippled and unable to go to the jewelry store to make purchases. The thief entered the hotel on crutci- es and although he was unaccompa- nied, registered as "Charles Du Bois and wife, Bridgeton." :He stated he had been in an automobile accident and that his wife would follow him, He was assigned to a room on the seventh floor. : : "Shortly afterwards he telephoned to the jeweler's stating that he was confined to his room and wished to purchase some diamonds. H. L. Me- Ade was sent with about $25,000 worth of trinkets. Several hours lat- er McAde was found strapped hand and foot to a chair in the bathroom of the suite. "Du Bois" had disap- peared, leaving behind the crutches. LEFT DIRECTIONS AS TO FUNERAL Crown Princess' Coffin to be Covered With Greens In- stead of Mourning. Stockholm, May 12.--A document written by Crown Princess Bustave Adolph of Sweden in 1914, contains detailed instructions for her funeral, which is to take place Ascension day, cess be- fore her mariage, was Princess Mar- 0 PASS BLL DESPITE UF. Supcransuation Legislation Is To Bs 5 Put Through. : We THE CAUCUS IS UNANIMOUS THAT MORRISON'S OPPOSITION SHOULDN'T BE HEEDED The Grants to Hospitals Will Be Raised---Bill to Regulate Rates for . Natural Gas. Toronto, May 12.--Regardiess of opposition on the part of J. J. Morri- son and the U.F.0. clubs of the Pro- vince, if such develops, the Govern ment's superannuation bill is to be proceeded with, Premier Drury made this announ- cement following a caucus of Govern- ment members of the Legislature yes- terday afternoon. "The members were practically unanimous in agreeing that the biM. should be passed," said the Prime Minister. Under a bill introduced in the Leg- ture this afternoon by Provineial Nixon to amend the Hos- pitals and Charitable Institutions Act, the Provincial grants to hospi. tals will be raised from 30 to 650 cents a day and municipal grants from $1.35 to $1.50 a day. For Sani- toria the amounts will be increased from 50 to 75 cents a day. Hon. Mr. Nixon said these institutions had not received any increase in their grants for a number of years. According to another bill intro- duced by the same Minister grants to industrial schools of which there are four will be incressed from 30 to 50 cents a day. These schools at pre- sent get 30 cents each from the Pro- vince and the municipalities. It fis now proposed to give fifty cents a' day from each. : Action is to be taken by the Gov- ernment to regulate rates paid for natural gas throughout the Province, Hon. H. Mills announced in intro- ducing a bill to provide for such ac- tion, § 7 iam There are 500,000 people in Onta- rio who are dependent on natural gas for fuel, Hon. Mr. Mills stated. Some action is deemed necessary, he declared, to avert a serious shortage. REMARKABLE RECOVERY Of a Sister In St. Joseph's Convent at Wi Fort William, May 12.--A remark- able incident happened at Bt. Jos- A Aen RE a = Months ha h SL R % 1 wn and who was told by vel | A that it would be absolu impos sible for her to walk again, fell from a chair in trying to' get to a wheel 53 chair that was tlose by, and in fall- ing she regained her strength. The strange thing was she started to walk .| in fact ran around the convent, and she is now walking, it is said, as if she bad never been sick. | win Out Unusual Promise, Ottawa, May 12.--O. R. Gould, member of parliament for Assini- bola, Sask., is on his way to Winnipeg to fulfill a promise he made two P ago. At that time a neighbor ' er, who had been overseas, and had, / fallen violently in love with an Eng- lish lady, secured a 'promise from him: that in the Sant a ahs Jatz coming to n Tr. , if: was elected ber of parliament, would go west to act as best man. The bride-to-be arrived In Satirsy a g Winatpes where Saturday n or A the wedding is to take place at the end of the present week. ---- pe, She directed that her coffin be plac- ed in an open carriage as is the cus- tom. in the case of peasants in Swed- en, and that the carriage be covered with greens instead of mourning. She asked that special places at her funeral be given to relatives and friends without regard to rank. The document requests that there be no sermon, merely scriptural read- ing in English and stipulates that burial be in the open instead of in the Biddarholme church, where the tombs of the Royal family are locat- ---- PROVIDES FOR HOUSE BUILDING The Windsor Council A the Provincial Housing Act of 1920. Windsor, May 12.--The city coun- cil adopted the 1920 housing act of the provincial government, thereby releasing $1,600,000 for the con- struction of workingmen's homes in It is the money will permit of the immediate con- it u one permitting lot owners to borrow as high as $4,500 at six per cent, to be repaid in twenty years or ah alter- native by which the completed house may be sold to the workingman for not more than $4,000 at 5 per cent. A resolution to pay the members of the housing commission a salary of $25 a month was defeated. SOME $154,271. Trial of Strike Leaders Cost Canada Sum, Ottawa, May 12.--The trial of the strike leaders in Winnipeg cost the Dominion government $154,271.09, of which $50,000 has not yet been paid. This information was given by the minister of justice in the house in answer to a question by Er- nest Lapointe (Quebec East.) The government counsel, it was stated, were Andrews, Burbidge and Baste- do, J. B, Coyne, K. C., Travers Sweat- man, Isaac Pitblado, K. C., and WwW. W. Richardson. They were retained direct by the dominion government. Bishop of Durham Dies. London, May 13.--The death is an- nouhced of Right Reverend Han- ley Carr Glyn Moule, Bishop of Dur- ham, Rishop Moule was born in 1841. AS NEWS IN BULLETIN. after midnight, were his daughter, Mildred, and son, William Mead, both of this city. Besides them, he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Ac-| hille Frechette, & translator for the Canadian House of Commons, and Miss Aurelia Howells, uiso of Otta- wa and a brother, S. D. Howells, of Washington. The late William Dean Howells was known as "the Dean of Ameri- can writers." . | He held many important posts, be- | ing associated with both Oxford and | Cambridge universities. He was non- orary chaplain to Queen Victoria ia 1898-1901, and was chaplain-in-or- dinary to King Edward. i Bishop Mpule was the author of many works dealing with the Christ- ian religion, A CUT IN PROFITS The U. 8S. Attorney-General Has Fixed Up Prices. (Canadian Press Despatch) Boston, Mass., May 12.--Attorney- General Palmer to-day set a margin of profit to be allowed on sales of sugar at one cent a pound for whole- salers and two cents = peund re- tail. In a telegram to United States Attorney Boyuton, Mr. Palmer order- ed that stéps be taken immediately to prosecute persons taking larger profits. dent Salmon brought the incident to a close by calling on the members to rise and sing "God Save the King," Crawford protested against ftreat- ment which he called unfair. -------------- It Will Not Pass This Session, and May Be Ottawa, May 13.--It is very doubt- ful if the bill which has passed the Senate, and which confers the power of granting divorce in the courts of will pass this session, and it may not be reached. It is'not a government measure, but a private bill, and is in a list on the order paper which will not be taken up unless the ment specially sets aside a in session with Hon. Mackenzie King today to discuss organization plans for the party's future. ug other things it is expected h @ projected western tour of leader willbe taken up. ' further caucus of Liberal mem- was held this morning fo dis- the rem clauses of the act to come befora the The main point urged was preparation of the voters' list as much as possible to the pal and provincial authorities, some believed, would mean the of three-quarters of a million ser, the crown prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, and of the men ardund the kaiser. "Among the false conceptions in vogue," added Bauer, "is the popu- lar fiction that the high command was absolutely dictator of Ger many's political as well as military policy during the war. "1 will give documentary proof at we could not even dictate the military policy, much less the politi- cal conduct of the government. "We were but one of eight advis- & organizations around the kai- eral The Russian embassy at Constan- tinople received & message that the Poles have captured Odessa, the most important seaport of South Russia. Premier Nitti and his entire cabi- net have resigned, after filling in a vote of confidence. The Grand Trunk became the property of Canada at 4.35 o'clock Tuesday afternoon when the Gover- nor-General gave assent to the bill The Toronto Street Railway Com- pany has asked the government to allow an increase in fares to the demands of the men for an crease in wages. Sis men were fined $600 at Windsor for failing to send in their income tax returns. - ; A Farm Worth the If you are in the market for a £ved fan it wil ra gen [ix months' u to read the "For Sale" ads in the Whig to- onment each Tor Dabs ny ; . He oh . » : a ; poy To every day. Owners and agents choose their ingly : , Ma v. Boo © _.-{] ~ most attractive listings for Whig advertisements. pus 3 You will be able to secure a farm well worth the price asked and suited to your requirements. Or, for quick action, why not run an advertisement your- self, stating clearly just the sort of farm you are locking for ? t No THE GREAT WANT AD STORE Jail Useless Now. Newburgh, N.Y., May 12.--The county jail here will be abandoned July 1st, the Grange county board of supervisors voted yesterday. The closing of the jail is the direct result of prohibition, the supervisors de-' clared. : » -- $8,000 For Alienation. stead fctatin Toronto, May 13.---A jury in the et on % before Mr, Justice Logte awarded Harry Heard $3,000 in his claim against Ernie Ashton for the alienation of his wife's affections. The deliberated for an hour, and i s Head Western Bye Election. Edmonton, Alta., May 12.--Atha- basca bye-election to the Alberta leg- islature takes place on June 3rd, with omtiations on Mayo inh, it Was announ at the parliament buildings. bv 12.---Speaking | We Gperations of on Bounties until 1925, re- tly, Hon. William Sloan, provincial Bister of mines, made the ggos- 'that the province may enter the and steel business on its own ac- -------- fast, 'Ire., May 12.-+Because a girl spoke to a soldier, a Sinn gang 'cut her hair off and ned to cut her ears off. Three Jack, William and Frank deliberated for an hour, and a friends, greeted "the verdict. in Ports- term fary, but was released | be er of Justice found he *railroaded" i pv 8 § i Fr § g s he, mg kx a il | 2 $0 400604406004