Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1920, p. 12

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a AR gisiz in every town. , The THRE LE TE A "oe 3 ? A y APTAIN EARNEST HILL, of Portland, Me, who says he was not able to reffort for duty be- fore taking Tanlac. Declares he feels like a new man now and is on deck every day ready for work. "I feel just like a new man since I began taking Tanlsc and I am not only willing, but I am anxious to tell other people what this medicine has done for me," said Captain Earnest H. Hill, Portland, Me., recently. + Captain Hill is in command of the Ben Hur, plying between Portland and Casco Bay. He has been in the service for ten years and is held in Righ regard as an gfficer and citizen by all who know him. ~ "I have suffered from on and stomach trouble for the past eight years," continted, Captas Hin, "and at the time I started taking Tenlac I was in such a weakened condition that I could hardly stand wp. When I walked I would actually stagger like a drunken man and, at times, would have to hold on to something to keep from falling. After every meal I would simply suf- fer torment. My food would sour and | I would swell up so with gas I could hardly get my breath. I would also have awful smother- ing spells at night and sometimes I would have to get up to get my 'breath, Lots of times I would have to open the win and doors to let in fresh air, or go out into the open air in order et my breath. I could not find anything to do me.uny good and along toward the last I be- came so weak and nervous I could not do my work. : . "Five bottles of T c have made my condition. rs old. I sleep 1 appetite and Just feel like & new man in every 'way. I.am now able to be on deck every day ready for duty." i Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown and by the leading drug- ~--Advt, Sen § .- 0 4 » and the Fairies of the Winds. x A held tigh the string of Bis little sailboat as it danced out across the stream. \ A stilt breeze caught the sails and 'almost turned the little boat over, i when it righted itself again Bob- by saw four tiny fairies seated in the 'prow. ' 'They waved and laughed merrily 'as they spied the astonished look on - An PAGE TWELVE GRANT M. RYDE "Birds are not only curious-minded but their curiosity can be measured. Moreover, they reason, so far as bird- reasoning goes. So, if you want to jcare them away, you must overcome that curiosity and out-guess that rea- i 9 £ E < i i : Bareed ii f §s23. g BREE i : i hit ok ! | | i This labor unrest is spreading. In Tokio laborers threaten to tie up in- dustry if they do not get eighteen 3 2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1920, . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG it SCHOOL BRITISH WHIG Lettér From Uncle Si. Dere Children: Ez i wuz sayin yistiday, a feller called Irving once sed thet a woman's tongue are the only edged tool what there staitment uv a fack aint no lie. Fer instance thet woman which wuz on the street car in the eddyfying city uv Kingston last week. She wuz only goin down to the market an gof on the palashul speedster, what eum peeple has the nerve to call a com- mon ordnary street car, bout three blocks from her dustynation. Wal, she set down partly beside me an mostly on top uv me an rested her baskit on my watch chain. I dident mind thet but mi ribs is rite under mi watch an i'm offully tikkelish. After doing a lot uv kweer tricks with a pokket-book which was big enough fér the hole Rockyfeller fam- ily, she turns to me an rekkins it shure is a fine day. I maid the mis- take uv agreein with her an say, me young frends, inside three and one quarter minnets i new the histry uv all her peeple an her naibors fer a distence uv three miles from her dore. I went home an told it, as much as i cood remember, to mi missus be- koz it 'will give her sumthin else to tok bout sides mi shortcummins. Yurs trooly, UNCLE SI. | Victoria School. | Jack Miner, Very few of us know about Jack Miner, so I will have to tell you. He is a great naturalist, a farmer, a lover of birds. He now lives in Kings- ville, near Windsor, When he was quite young, he used to go out with his brother and shoot birds. He was CAN You CHANGE THIS FISH INTO A NEWSBOY ? p ) gets sharper-the mare it is. used. Thet. a crack shot, and unlucky was the individual who crossed Jack Miner's path. Wherever he went shooting he, left a bloody trail behind. One day he was hiding behind some. bushes waiting for any of the air fowl. At last two geese came along and espied him, which instant- himself, "Wouldn't it be greater if 1 made friends of the birds instead of enemies?" After that he has been a great lover of birds. He has a farm of 200 acres| Wheu he got go that he loved birds he made two ponds in one of his fields. Every year geese and ducks came by thou- sands to his place. No guns are al- lowed on his premises; therefore, his bird friends are safe from all harm. He sald the geese come in there in the sprifig in greater numbers than in any other time of the year. The reason .is they come there before they tly = north for the summer. Ducks, he said, come in autumn mostly. There is.a story that one year a gander with its family, in- cluding mate and goslings, flew on the ground near his door. He threw them an ear of corn. As he threw it the birds flew up in the air, and as nothing happened flew down again. He repeatedly threw them corn until at last the gander knew he could: be trusted. He then trapped the gander, and while his wife shut the door he put a clamp or tag on its leg. On the tag was Jack Mmer's name and address with a request to return the tag, for which one dollar would" be paid. In this way he could tell if such a bird had been there before, and whether it had been killed. He let the gander go (he called it Sir John Moore), who soon came back with its young and mate. A year later four tags came to him, one of which belonged to Sir John Moore. When he comes to Kingston I hope to hear him speak.~--Herbert Hamilton, senior III. School News, The inspection will soon be here and the cadets will soon have their uniforms. Some of the Rifle Club are dis- appointed because they have been . waiting quite a while for the pins they have won. ' The company sent our principal a letter saying they were out of stock. There is not as much shooting now, because of the baseball games. We expect to win the baseball shield this year. (Contributed) As Pat was going through a field a bull chased him. When he was in the next field he saw a calf. He picked up a stick and going toward it said, "I'm going to kill you for what your father did to me."--H.H. Riddle. Your Bob owes our Bob a bob, and if your Bob doesn't give our Bob the bob that your Bob owes our Bob, our Bob will give your Bob a bob in the eye.--H.H. : Easy Work. Foreman to Pat--"Pat, go down cents a day. and get me the round square." Women called their Easter hats Pat, after a fruitless search, comes - Pat--'"No, man, it is easier to look love hats, because they .would only across Mike. for 'a round square than carrying last a few weeks. »' Mike--*"Pat, there is no such bricks up the ladder."--Contributed. Iy sent then away again. He said to Watch Your Dog. FRANCIS ROLT-WHEELER Jot a ose, Sres and ea Sd og. But take him on a walk, im. Watch him closely." You'll be amazed to note what a num- ber of things he hears, and sees smells that you don't. You ma ee ed ore, or the w ore; h old stuff to you. #t isn't to him. Watch him. All sorts of migrations and changes have taken Paes over night or during the week. He sees or sme s of them. Every wilk is an ex- ration to him. It ought to be to' you. There are more surprises on half-a- mile of, trail 'than in half-a-mile of: newspaper. you are in wood- craft, you'll find them. But, if you. need a guide, let the dog find them) 'When the dog becomes excited concern< ing a bush, or a clump of weeds, you ot Pa go to work and find ouf what is excit. ing him. If you will throw yourself into his mood, some of his intense exe citement and joy will infect you. Talk about having an Indian with I~ for a guide! Any dog--unless he a room-dwelling petted tike--can . find more than any Indian. And, nina times out of ten, he can ex nearly as much. Then, too, the dog isn't wor fying about what ha J. or what will tomorrow. He's alive, right now ; interested, right now; and full of play and life, right now. Of course, if you have to go from here to there in a given space of time, go. But, if Jo haven't, take your dog; or a mod Does he walk in the middle of the road? Not much. He, darts here andthere, with i to interest him at every point. A : dog-walk, with a as guide, will! teach I Hore he fe in half-a-/ mile, than a tiring with your « eyes on the ground, for a dozen es, Tromorrow--Get the Hook!) thing as a round square, g0 on with your work or.they will laugh at you." Bobby's face. is "Come on up, Bobby," laughed the tiniest fairy of, them all, "and we'll go for a sail." Bobby looked at the tiny sailboat and laughed merrily. "Why, I'm too big,' he said. "I'd sink the boat and all you fairies, too." "Listen to him," laughed the four Sari. I pointing their fingers at Bob- 's 4 Bobby looked down at his fest and laughed with them, for instead of be- ing a big boy, Bobby found he had 5 cereal asubstantial part builder n 1S a become so very tiny himself that the grasses which had been under his feet | Nb: before now rose like great, tall trees above his head. He lost no time clambering aboard the sailboat and bowed to the four tiny fairies. "We were having a discussion just as you came along," said the small- est fairy. "You see, I am South Wind and these are West Wind, North Wind and my other sister, East Wind, and we were arguing which is the best loved by you little folks. Now North Wind here thiriks that she--" meal an at- +] should never ¥ its Shank Judge a package by "Nothing of the sort!" exclaimed rth Wind, the largest fairy of them all. "But I did say that you never heard a child: complain . when I brought them snow.' "I should say you don't," laughed Bobby. "Why, that's just why I love winter. I love the ice and snow, though it's terribly cold sometimes. They're always welcome." "See! I knew it, sister mine!" cried North Wind proudly. "He likes me." ' "Not the best," laughed Bobby. "I love you all for the good you bring to the world. Now, grandma tells me that we would miss East Wind terribly it she failed to visit us, for she brings the cooling showers that soften up the ground after old Win- ter has crept back to his bed. And West Wind, I love you because you make the fruit trees grow so we can have pears, peaches and nice juicy apples. And dear little South Wind, I love her because she brings us the beautiful flowers. So you see, friends, there's no cause for quarrel. We love you all, and couldn't do with- out any of you." > "I knew it," laughed the tiniest fairy. "I'm so small, but I know I am loved." , yes indeed, South Wind!" exclaimed ' "One The fairies all laughed and were Just about to pull up anchor for their sail when mama called him. | RE » ve LIEUT-COL. M. BOAK, D.S.0% of the R.C.H.A., who has commenced he Bickfc pl, resigned. Col. Boak {8 an ex-Rojal Military College cadet of Kingston, and before the war was the adjutant of the R.C.H.A,, Kingston. Trotzky Left for Front. London, May 12.--LeoOn Trotzky, the Bolshevist war minister; has gone to the Polish fighting front to as- sume direction of the Soviet's cam- paign of defense against the Poles. A lion may be beholden to a mouse.--Aesop's Fables, ' LIFT OFF CORNSI | | WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1000." ' » ' . ok B.C. Fir Timber A carload due to arrive this week. All sizes up to 36 ft. long. 5% 4 For strength and lasting quality, B. C. Fir is second only to Oak Timber. a 8 ES Sa a S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Futury and Lumber Yards, and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Pn . Factory Phone 14.8. * JUTE BAGS WANTED We will pay highest prices for all kinds of Jute Bags. Get in touch wit us. A. SPEIZMAN 60 QUEEN 'ST, KINGSTON \ We want you to get good service from MAXOTIRES., Until fure ther motice we will instal all MAXOTIRES FREE of Sharys, STANDARD VULCA NIZING COMPANY 2384 Ontario St. Res. 104 Queen Street. * A. NEAL, Manager HIGH GRADE BONDS BOUGHT--SOLD----OR EXCRANGED Owing to the favorable exchange it is a good time to rell your Anglo-French, United Kingdom or any bond, payable ,n New York funds, TELEPHONE 703 Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Kingston ~ KINGSTON MILLING COMPANY, Ltd. Foot of Brock Street, Kingston our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by electric motors with current generated at Kingston: Mills, WE MANUFACTURE: -- * HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED CORN CORN, GROUND OATS, CRACKED CORN, BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. Our Products are good 'and freshly made FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS » UR, BUCK- ,* GROUND GROUND FEED, FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES Fresh Strawberries and Pineapples. 5 * Green Vegetables--Cabbage, Lettuce, Radishes, Onions, etc. Ice Cream Bricks--all flavors. : FRUITLAND 'ALLEN MASOUD, Prop. 848 Princess St. Phone 004 I've Ever Worn" 1 wit he yur veidiitwion you wear this smart, domi fortable, perfect - fitting Shoe. Has all the points _' well-dressed women are || demanding in low shoes-- long vamps, taper toe, ex- tension : fopgue,. large buckle, high arch, turned: sole and French heel. "The Nicest Pumps Come and see your feet in a pai r in dull Kid and Patent Colt. Sizes 236 to 7. .. $0.75 The Victory Shoe Store Corner Princess and Clergy. Phone 480. Apply few drops then lift sore, I= touchy corns off with fingers~No pain! OF THE FINER QUALITY For Men And Young Men | SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING ~~ SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 BEST WEARRC CLOTHES VALUES TWEDDELL'S Door

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