Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 May 1920, p. 13

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MONDAY, MAY 10, 1930. moval SHOE REPAIRER to anmounce that he d his place of business to 292 PRINCESS STREET Opposite Salvation Army ine Shoe Repairing and Rubber ' Heels While You Wait. Ask Your Grocer for Crest Brand RED SOCKEYE SALMON and accept mo substitute. ity guaranteed, by:-- W, G. CRAIG & CO., Ltd. Sole distributors. has | 'ale; cheap; first class BAGOT STREET Phone 1804w. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY CLOSING EXERCISES, 70th SESSION Sunday, May 9th, 3.00 pm. -- Baccalaureate Bermon. Rev. W. J. Clark, D.D., Westmount, Con- vocation Hall Tuesday, May 11th, 8.00 p.m. Conversazione in Grant Hall. Ad- mission by Invitation. Wednesday, May 12th 2.30 --Convocation in Grant Cards may be obtained at Registrar's Office. al the Battalion--Tuesday, May 11th. Coys "A" and "B"--Thursdays. ,. Coys "C" and "D"--Fridays. rass Band, Mondays. Sd Band--Thursdays. All at 755 p.m o FOR SALE Nine room Brick House, w ith five bed rooms; hot water heat; electric lights; gas; mode ra plumbing; good cellar; ex- tellent repair; central location, 235 Bagot Street--8$3630. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street I|{PRICES: .......--.. TIRES TIRES TIRES AT VERY LOW PRICES. Drop in and look them over. Ww. H. COCKBURN & CO. Phone 316. BUY HYSLOP ~ BICYCLES from 'H. MILNE 212 Bagot St. Phone 542 Dairy Supplies A GOOD 30-GAL. MILK CAN FOR $10.50 LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET t+ : KINGSTON - Province of New Brunswick _ E +6% COUPON GOLD BONDS Price 99.08 and Interest--TYielding 63% % © = 7% 1st Mortgage Bonds, ai aad interest payable in New York fands--carry- Stock Bonus. Price 100. '. rates, these bonds yield about TR%) Bawden & Co. #1113 BROCK STREET mg + io At present ¢ TO-NIGHT and TUESDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT The Show That Broke All Records, at His Majesty's, Montréal F STUART LLASI3) Ad TIA 5 One better than "Cinderella" with Miss Zara Clinton and Imported Company. Beaty. now on sale, GRAND Wed, May 12th You'll laugh--the side-splitting, eye- streaming, cyclonic kind of laughter. WHY ? BECAUSE the Eminent Author - Produter, RICHARD WALTON TULLY, is going to present the Delightful Comedy Success. SEE By Jchn Hunter Booth SUPERB CAST OF 25. Including: || DAVID MILLER, ISABEL WITHERS De WITT C. JENNINGS. .50c. to $2.00 GRILLIN] Se IR Le LR Ee al To-Day { William Farnum The Adventurer A romantic drama by E. Lloyd Shel don, a great star, a great feature, a great treat. . « HARRY MASON fe "PIPE DREAMS and PIRATES" Gaumont News Scenic Weekly REGULAR PRICES MONDAY, TUESDAY, w EDN ESDAY Dorothy Dalton In her latest Paramount Artcraft Picture "Black is White" by George Barr McCutcheon "A RUM RIOT" Two Reel Hank Mann Comedy "BLACK SECRET" ALDWELL featuring: 'God Send You Back to Me* STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA Big Musical Program COMING THURSDAY! CONSTANCE TALMADGE aadOTICE. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lc. a word. Each 00: secutive insertion. thereafter, Bait. cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 26c; three Insertions, 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only; when charged they are double. So HELP WANTED, A DODK, 4 GENERAL. APPLY 100 GORE A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. HOWARD 8. Folger, 1 any street. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply Mrs. Gardiner, 68 Johnson street. IMMEDIATELY, GIRL WANTED. Apply at Royal Hotel, 347 Faken street. UR FIRST CLASS PAIN v . re Im H. Ward & Som, 132 Toe ar | street. Phone 1867J. HAT SALESMAN. APPLY GEORGE Miils & Co., "The Hat Store," 126 and 128 Princess St. GOOD GENERAL washing nor ironing. or call 38 Frontenac street. MAN OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL help in kitchen. Also ward maid. Apply Matron, Kingston General Hospital. SERV s e 1808 JUNIOR CLERK FOR BANK OFFICE. Apply In writing, giving age, etc., and experience If any. Box 113, Kingston, Ont. 'YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE DELIVERY waggon. ho viiderstands Soraes and knows . oly rn angen 377 Brock St RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN A -YOUNG LADY or FAIR EDUCA- tion to assist in office; writing must be neat and Jesible ; stenogra- phy not necessary. stating moderate salary, to Box. a Wa care Whig Office. AVTO PAINTERS, EXPERIENCED IN arnishing. colour varnishing, var- -- rubbing, and rough stuff rub- bing. NAAT stating experience. General Motors of Ca faa. Oshawa, Ont. LIVE MAN WANTED----SPARE TIME or steadily lling our KuArauteed trees and plints. Outfit free® Lib- eral commission. Prowa Brothers Company, Nurseryate ited, Brown Nurseries, P.O. "ontario. LADY OR A YOUNG MAN AS ASSIST. ant bookkeeper in a wholesale; one with a hawladge of customs work preferred y stating experi- ence and salicy expected to Box N-10, Whig Office. - * GIRLS--SEVEN OCLOCK IS T00 surly for some girls to begin work ey get-jobs that pay $6.00 to $5.00 per week. We start at 7 o'- clock, work 55 hours per week ahd every week in the year and pay $9.00 to $10.00 per week k to learners HEATED APARTMENT, - or four bright, airy rooms. in good Yocality. Apply Box L-3, Whig or | fice. | SECOND-HAND UPRIGRT PIANO Planes and grefono an By Limited, 121 Princess WANTED--NEN Ae, Ts TO FAT. a iy hair eu ve 10c. | Radors honed 280 ne Ontario BL, near Brock Street. ' 70 LET. THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms; all conveniences. APPLY 376 Barrie street, or phone 22 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND - SOARD all improvemen i Sentrally locat! ed. Apply 243 STORAGE FOR FURNITURK) © CLEAN 143 Ne on Apply. Pione a RAG Rn FURNITURE, CLEAN rR ro McCann's Real Estate Agency, 86 Brock. street. Phone 326 or 621. Pe UNFURNISHED ROOMS, TOP FLAT; suitable for light housekeeping. Also furni@hed rooins. Apply 247 Brock street. OR THREE ment of new | | fae C. W. Lind ~ bill, ON QUEBEC STREET ON FRI- aur a Crucifix. Loser apply at 361 Division Street. PAIR 3 a EYE GLASSES IN Princess street, on Wednesda . Can be recover- ed at W Oftice. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- clude os ete. hese, lost, may vertised for in the "Lost LOST A MUFF, B KINGSTON AND Seeley's Bay. $5.00 reward. Finder kindly return to Whig Office. GREY POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING sum of money, & note and. a due on Saturday night, in down- town section. Please leave at Whig Office and receive reward. FOR SALE. LiGHT DELIVERY MIG. APPLY NEW eh gland Bakery, Collingwood WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, ALMOST new. Apply evenings. 148 Bay St St -- APP NINES MOTOR LAUNCH, 20 FT. LONG, FOR sale. Can be seen at 39 Russell St. | BRING YOUR USED CAN FOR SALE to Palmer's Used Car Market, cor. Bagot and Queen Streets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND TEN= ancy of eightsrpomed house. Arey 27 Nelson stresil. fione 963) BARGAIN-FRAME DWELLK Street. USED CARS NG, garage and stable, No. 16. Carlisle MeLAUGHLIN' FIV! touring car; Bator PE Rr repair. Terma easy. Apply ND. TRUC A makes, SA $250.00 RS ale Used Car Market, Cor. Bagot and Queen streets. ' FOURTEEN CEDAR SKINVF) IN ood ; seat four or five street." Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence Division 5 1 A ol 61 Che Street,' Deppla; er a erey 7 ROOM FRAME FoF BARN near Frontenac Park. 2% $3100. Possession May ist. J. arroll Agency, 58 Broek St. Phone 68. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT ng: bath . room . floor; king: no children. he ADpIY 96 Princess Street. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, BEDROOM and bed living reom, id a Nook; or three rooms t house Keep: ng. pro fo, Box K-8, Wiig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, Cor. Pioscs ley" Stosage. 39 0! streat. Phone 514 528; res. 980w. GE FURNISHED - ROOMS, WITH se of kitchen on Siam room; suitable or light eS) ing. Aanly 21 King street, or « one 1871. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; bath room flat, suitable Yor ght housekeeping; gas for cooking; all conveniences. Apply 406 Jo street, or phone }31F. TWO ROOMED FRONT APARTMENT, furnished especially for light house Keeping; gas for cooking and Lght- in A Pioneer FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 23 John Street. BUSINESS CHANCES. Sd d ddd ddd dd ddd TT TTTTTTRTIT TTT TY YYYT i Bullding: Jot: 38x132, og ne 4 ngaton v ~ Dear 4 set A App oy H. Friend- ¢ : 4 ly ship, 83 Frontenac street. Said ddd dddid ddd ddd nson FREE TEXAS OIL MAP--IF INTER- ested in oll leases, send for map showing Texas Oil Field. Map is free. Lease Balesmen wanted. Gal- loway Company, 303 Main street, Fort Worth, Texas. $2 DOES IT~TEXAS OIL LAND MAK- ing holdérs big money every day. Bank references furnished. Tries ilxate us thoroughly, thafs all we Results count. Our plan $2 SE balance monthly; few months gives you Warranty Deed to land. May pay profits $200. or more monthly. Maps, reports, establish- ed FREE. Address Sourlake Texas O11 Co:, 250 DeMenil, St. Louis, Mo. MEDICAL 8. pply Apar 313 ha gi Division street. Phone BATHROOM FLAT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished; three or four yobs; auliable for housekeeping; no chi § 520d central location. App y ok C. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. one 1002W. GENTLEMEN OR MARRIED couple, furnished bedroom and sit- tng room adjoining; use of - sep- arate wash room and tollet; also = of phone; house opposite Cit rk; rk: Beat locality. - Apply Box G7, attending cotton After two mont! os asl ris will be earning $1200 to $15. week. Experienced 08 make up to $35 week Machines do heavy work, Eirls * supply the attention. The work is light and clean. the rooms are well yentiated 4 a humidity kept Fi EAT Ne Eh TE Bure a . -- ui POSITION (WANTED. A YOUNG LADY, TWO YEARS EX. porisnes in Iron Foundry, as time- eeper and ng clerk, desires Box 195, New Lis- situation. «A ke rd, Ontar REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED, HOUSES TO SELL WE will sell ) Jour Ame in thirty days or we it.at all. J K. Carroll nt § Brock Street. LAND SUvETes, Se, CE, 0.L.S. panee, Out Ga Oa- fio and Surveyor." Jingston Of alkem & Walkem, 33 Clar- ence street. FINANCIAL WANTED, BUY FOR GOOD 28d mortgages on brand new houses and A-l purchasers. The J. K. Car- Holi Ageucy, §6 Brock Street, Phone Fire Insurance C Eg valians assets $61,147, Ne in eddition to whieh the policy hoideis have fo lability VERPOOL, LoNBUN ins TOWEN, SON AND DREV Zot trange and Star, Agents. Phone 325. "% FRONTENAC LOAN AND ny corporte i iokls, x4 «3 vice. Foolish to Try to Remove Freckles, Wreckles can be fémoved, but, as Medical the Journal of the American Association says, "the effect is only | temporary at best, and usually not worth the irritation and effort that it costs. The method is to oly solutions of mercuric chloride fn a strength of from 0.5 to 1 per cent. strictly under medical supervision, for if one tries to do it oneself she is likely to make & nasty mess of her face. lutions produce an Be nas of the skin which ends In the outer skin bringing the freckles . with it. rr Journal of the he. Ametiesn Med- Das written ry H: hat the e ommended . n rURNISHED, S8-ROOM HOUSE, ON THE St. lawrence, three miles from Kingston; 18 acres of land; garden; hay field; orchard; stable; ioe: house, ~house; 'whart and ete. . House suttable for year use. Ap- ply Box M-10, Whig U ae - . Ee gas kg PERSONAL. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. PAR- Souler s regarding relief. Write A. farony. 5 $0 Bran: Aventis, Brant- ford, WAR 3 8 cancers, he TRE oy gd étc., re- rmanently. Satistactory roe Rttea and furnishell after y Pihary have falled. Goitre removed. Silorience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake Eve. y Nose, Throat, Skin. $ Bagot street. . TO RENT, As PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES, deply Gilbert Matthews, R. R. No. 2, or ring 14 on 800, Gananoque. GOOD PP! ann erty. $1.00 per 501, STURE AT MACKENZIES 50 acres). Six miles from es, 1.75; young cattle, ead per month. Phone DENTAL gies 0 iam: Stre Phone ie oy Wellngton, sire: Street, 0 veh ovaky"s. Phone 3 SE Ban ky Chambers Merchants' Bank, ¢ corns elllagion corner of Brock and streets. J. E. KANE WISHES TO AN nournice that he has opened offices at 136 Wellington Street, Phposiis Test Office, n Hie ne: oftice p.m. ii ~ p.m. Telephone: office, 18 residence. 1831 : UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St. PEPE P POPP INININNNNNG GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND at stlections; your owa Sholes." 43 rms, $5 Lindsay, 1 Smited. Br eo Ry st. FOR SALE 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, $13 Princess Street; needs some re= pais. Price $650; on easy terms. . Carroll Agency, 56 brock St, SHIFPS, J CAN , BIKIFFS FOR OUT motors; Tents, Awn dau Supplies, . etc. Frank Cookie, 319 Bagot street. Phone <> FOR SALE, SUMMER COTTAGE AT Bast View on the St. Lawrence, v two sleeping 'rooms. Price $1508, terms. J. nn, Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. PLADK Ww ALNTE ANTIQUE side. rd, § feet high, 5 feet & inchew Joan with thrée drawers and three. cupuvoards; good condition, Apply 16y Stuart Street. SMALL FRAME HOUSE, LOT 80 x 117) v Pout. end of 'city; barn and hen on May lst. Pri ey Js Carrol Auency, 5 a he FOR SALE, LARG] Phone 6 Bagot street, F. Wi. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering andl general repairing. deave orders at or drop & card to 104 Clergy street. CUNNINGHAM & SMIT BARRIST. and Solicitors, 9 Clarence reet, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- Cyril M. Smith. ham. 2 Roiloltor: a Las, dies corner ser Ro, te Money to --- one. 100% CARPENTERING WHEN YO NT DAD DEERE, nivarsitys Ave Phone 1838w. BICYCLE REPAIRING BICYCLE REPAIRS--REPAIRS Bicycles guaranteed. Fred Ra wiing, ; Bicycle Works. 348 King Street. < POR SALE. FPS, BROCKVILLE. late te, Wl ree idghts for TOPASSENGER OLDSMO- Apply 110 JUDSON'S Auto Tors, We. have RACK ONE J XBW le Bight; mode] B-45. Pari street, or phone 1606. SULLY BRICK | HUOUSKS, NUS. 250 ANA 3. King Street East. Apply ¥. BH Ja Jin 148 King Sireet West A TRAM oF onsus, HARNESS AND WA, good bargain to a lh Ter. ARO 58 phon St, Kingston. EIGHTEEN FOOT condution; newly built, with 2 ey- linder engine. Apply Mr. Davis, at > Davis Dry Dotk. » BEST KINDS OF THERES strawberry plants for ++ Now is the time to plant them. Or- by mail filled promptly. Phone cCormack, 86 Collings Kingston, Ont. sale. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING pops AREng. Drop a tard. _H. B. Be Rowiey, Barrie treet. ana donk frag dard A. Mounteer, 84 pred rt These so- | li Hi How to Avoid Bed Sores. i; } i hi i iH I 1] i 8 gi j i ot Fis =} oh g £5 -~ 1 : i t : Gers waod street, Street, HOLSTEINS STERED 'males and three fomares, all al one year of age; sired by a and "\ son of Daisy Pauline Piet olsteins " of the most famous known, with a record of 110 milk a day and from high produc- ing dams, of i conforma- oa And matings. a further particulars ne or Write Geo, ® Oprren, 'Bath, Ont. LAUNCH IN Al BRICK HOUSE, ON edr a impr Broth: Fran / bie rar rooming house. Price 3se0s. VE 4 Carroll Agency, 56 Brock MEN AND WOMEN'S re NG, house furniture, clalise in mills tary boots; buy all kinds secon hand goods; highest Ditees Data. Routbard. Phone 1723. ¥ Prin. cess Street. MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S AND 80y® boots, furniture, stoves, heaters, & goed wet hogs J hanes, other MARTDs od ey Seok. 398 Prin- HATCHING EGGS PROM MY BEST birds--8. C. iteds, 8. C. Anconas-- two dollars for fifteen. Fit Game, three dollars for fAfteen. Runner duck eggs, dollar and half per ten. Harold xiell, Elgtaourg, Ont WE HAVE JOR SALE ALL KIN 00d second hand iriure snd & BLOVES. isbqpe oi ving "we EL and rare 8 Frificess Sireet. Phobe gt vay higaest pri J Su BICYCLES FOR saLm, it upwards; a few paus rn bicycle covers for §3. Rey Cowie and vestigate betere wer where. a 371-373 King street. 1*hone iokiwe 3 USED CARS AND TRUCKS OF ie kinds, rord roadsters and touring" Chevroiets, Si3riangs, Gray Dort, Studebaker, Saxon Six, also 1 tom truck and Nght Jlelveny trucks. Apply. Bert Suansbury, 169 Rag Road. Phone 1674w. 14 FOR SALE, BEAUTIFUL BRICK SEMI- bungalow on Victoria street, Delt Union; 7 rooms; three bedrooms gas and Sleotric; 3 piece bath; Me Mos Cleary Furnace; concrete founda tion; a cellar; deep lot. Price - gasos. J. 4 Carroll Agency, 88 roc. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTAR " #OR'SALE ML Be ROOMS; IMPROVE. ~ 2 ments; la 02,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, § improvements; electr 5 5 double lot. : THAN DESIRABLE PROPERTY the corner of Princess ahd Al sireels, store And three dwelli and gore lot ot Princess st. dwelling. 308 Albert street. A bare gain for quick mle, to wind up an on' viorony X BONDS For SALRK, MONEY G. A. BATEMAN, : 158 Welllagton rey A) Current Jas. Swift & ANTHRACITE COAL Order now for May Jelivery, prices. = wo - ~ Foot of Johnson Street. re

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