In the Realm of Women--Some I nteresting Features For an Unbiassed Verdict Let your Tea-pot be the Judge LADA' _ Quality will loom up conspicuously : above a hundred "would be' rivals. War Bond Interést Coupons and Cheques Cashed Free. 'The Merchants Bank will cash all Wi? Loan coupons or interest clieques when due; ion presentation, without making any charge . . "whatever for the service, If you have not a Savings Account, why mot use your interest money to open one with 1 _ This Bank ? CANADA. Established 1864, . A. TOFIELD, > JW MeCLYMONT, i Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at Branch. RAMSAY | AGATE VARNISH STAIN A high grade Colored Varnish "Ask Your Dealer" pO CITY OF TORONTO 5% % Gold Bonds due 1920-1939 to yield .......+e-s- 6. % 53% % Gold Bonds due 1940-1950 to yield .........«-- 5.90% Kindly telephone our office, as this issue will be taken up rapidly. A remarkably "igh yield investment. INTEREST PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. "The Home of Good Investments" Phone 1728. - * = = ~ 237 Bagot St. H. J. Bongard, Manager. to this?" L WAXTIT Ey ; | ~~; package, wrapped and sealed with moisture- i proof "Waxtite." He knows that this protecting package full-flavored and oven fresh "til served. Guaranteed by this signature--= ,| radiance could bear. a. x atm Bae » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A GIFT FROM JOHN _ I didn't waken until the next mom- ing was well advanced. The knowledge of what was coming oppressed m first wakirig thought. There was su a difference in my feelings from those I had when I first found myself about to a mother, 1 felt then that the gates of heaven had opened, and I hardly dared look within for the brightness, the golden seemed almost more 1 And now, nothing but shadows, nothing but the blackness of despair, and in the background of my mind a feeling of sinfulness that 11dit\a I did about the coming of a I tried to put the whole thing out of my mind, but it came with renewed intensity as Hannah brought in my breakfast and the usual box of gorge- ous roses that John had sent me every day since he left. "Shall I put the flowers in a vase, Katherine ?" asked Hannah. "Do just as you please, Hannah," I said drearily. "Your room is so full of flowers sow oe remarked. ' Mitost "Yes, the ragrance of roses almo; overpowers me." Take Them to Church "All right, honey, I'll tell you what we will do," said Hannah. "We'll just take these new ones and send them over to the church. They'll look lovely on the altar tomorrow morning. I'll have Miss Alice write a little note and say you are sending them in memory of your er." ' "That will be charming," I said heartily. "But first you must look in the box. John has been in the habit of sending me a note with them." Hannah undid the wrappings and found the usual note inside. She hand- ed it to me rather triumphantly. I was disinclined to o) it before her, because in Hannah's eyes I was happily married; but she looked so t as you please, I had the deed made out in your name. Mother has made a great fuss and declares it is impos- sible for her to live alone, but I told her she hadn't been happy a minute since you came--at least she had made you unhappy by giving you to rstand as much. And that row, when she had a chance to live in the old house for the rest of her life, she could make me think she was going to be miserable. Can Not Keep Up Expenses "She intimated that it weuld not be r ideas. I am not going to open my TO about one- thing in-or outside Told in Twilight - - (Continued From Page 3) * * * 'Mrs. George Mills has returned from California, and has opened her home on University avenue. Prof. Mrs. A. G. Dorland left on Monday for their summer home at Wellington, Prince Edward County. Mrs. Dooher, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Jennie Blair, Westport. John McKay has returned from his southern trip very much improved in health. Mrs. Gunn ad Miss Beat Caite, Egypt, recent visito gston, are at present in Vi vor B.C. and are the guests of Mrs. BE. P. Davis. Mrs. Colin Graham enter- tained at a luncheon recently for them at the Jericho County Club. Lieut.-Col. J. F, Foulkes, Kingston, is in Ottawa for the week-end. rife? : fol sell ; i i i : cEsg 11a i$ ho : i i folSH i es oP 3 t that I finally broke the seal | "I bought the house yesterday, dearest and I am eagerly waiting for | ou to come and decorate and furnish | © gone out?" I asked' Hannah. " et she said, ay her ing out just as I came u irs." EocWas she ing or drifing?" "Driving," said Hannah. "At least. there was a taxi at the door." "When she comes im will you her to come up room," 1 4 For I had made my decision about John much as any other woman makes a decision. impulsively. I deter- mined to write the whole thing to John, to do, what he would call "plac- ing my cards on the table," let rn decide; by National Newspaper Copyri y (Copyrig Servite Tomorrow--A New Idea mm | DYE OLD, FADED $ DRESS MATERIAL "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Stylish and New won't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes,' guaramteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods ---- dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each package tells lainly how tq dia- mond dye over y color that you can nét make a mistake. gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Erman ssiismeremmi ror cr pe " oe 5 se a -- iA is 2 ~~ b You Have Your Things Cleaned? + AT PARKER'S, OF COURSE There is as great an art in cleaning garments as there is 3 them. Experience teaches that Parker's excel have studied the treatment for every fabric, every color, and every kind of blemish. From Georgette 'brocade, from white gloves to furs and feathers, entrust your treasures to us for cleaning, confident of satisfaction. <3 ? f \ To match any material, have drug- The Shoes we sell are dainty and dependable-- they have the style, the smart appeéarance, the fit and the comfort -- above all, they have the wear and the service which you must admit is just as an important counsidera- 'tion. You will also find the price very reason- able. The Victory Shoe Store Corner Princess and Clergy. Phone 486. o> 3 WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, _- ¢ HEN BRELLSSESiT A CHANGE OF TIME #7" Will be made on - Sunday, May 2nd Standard time, not socalled Day- light Saving Time, will continue to be used for Schedules ot all trains on the Grand Trunk Railway System For particulars, apply to J. P. Han- ley, CP. & T.A., G.T. Ry. Kingston, Ont. Hee Information dua rates apply to J. P. Hanley, C. P. & 7, a. G. T. Ry, MATTRESSES Don't throw awa Mattresses. ¥ Your kinds oN We renovate all make them as good as new. Get our prices, / Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET jot June 11--BEmp. of June 25--Pr. Fr Jair 2--Victorian Liv ors sad} arrival SE, Th he et 3 m. previous © Tam. day Apply to local agents or: CANADIAN PACIF ocEAN SERVIORS # HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES 'We have everything you need to help you clean house. By using our. Brooms, Brushes, Cleanser, Polishes, etc., you will be able to clean house with little trogble, 1 C. H. PICKERING $ » National Milk * Just when you want it Isn't it good to have an unlimited supply of milk for all your needs in cooking--when you want it? Fine country milk, rich end good, awaits Jour ye every use in' 9 ST. CHARLES BRAND 'Evaporated Milk WITH THE CREAM LEFT IN - white sauces for creamed dishes, whips to top your dessert and lends its cream to coffee. . . . i Always have a supply of Borden's "St. Charles Evaporated Milk on . hand--you may purchase it from your grocer. - Moentredl .