Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1920, p. 15

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EA _ WEDNESDAY, MAY §, 1990, © : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GRIFFIN EC DEE) = THE PEOPLES FORUM own | AND ALL THIS WEEK Francelio Billington | cas casma enna. First insertion, ic. & word. PUBLIC HEALTH FILMS | "BLIND HUSBANDS"| Sites Boat it | Son Soh | | --------" 'A Picture You Will Never Forget 5 8 nsertion, s 1973. TOBACCO avo oy LIGHT DELIVERY RIG. APPLY Present . SPECIAL COMEDIES AND RT nn Su es, $00 10 1600 10s cach' an call at Whig Office and res England Bakery, Coll ER SUBJECTS ply Bos. Two 8 CALL NEAR | | MOTOR LAUNCH, 30 ¥T. CLAIRE ADAMS and RICHARD BENNETT, in| No abvance iv PRICES HELP WANTED, ey MENT. on THRER Randolph Hotel Gwner any mle." Gan be seen At 38 or Tour br right, a ry rooms. in good have same at this of BY © Mat at 2.31 id at 7.30 GIRLS FOR IMPERIAL LAUNDRY, y Jocanty, Abply B Bax L-3. Whis ot- HUMANE socteTY BDALy WIOKER RABY Diy evenings. 14d Ba 3 rive horse -------- a Se - ANY SEA COOK. APPL Mus. WARD - Ins Owner may 'ge: same ¢ . 2 me 7 A Of Folger, 1 Bently atrest. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO at Whig Office. ea UIP RIES, BRoCK TAR, a ; for cash or in part payment of new LEATHER POCKETBOO EE all kinds. WANTED AT ORPHANS HOME, A} - Pp Abd onoiss, C, W. Lind- Tuesday, on Clergy est: woman to do plain cooking. say 121 Princess street. containg receipts, etc. FORD TOURING CAR; er may have same by he overhau Sup | for quick g A CHOOOLA' DIPPER, APPLY WANTED.-MEN BOYS TO Ran at Whig Office. 1 . Authorized by United States Public Health Service, New York Fruit, 316 Peincas o. We Barber. Man 2age| | a okey "ioVE sevowarve Apply BM Eo a * Produced originally for the War Dep't Commission eo Ete, oy | - Mazors honed aie" 32% ontar bu, ar as oon Dieu. Gwac i 1. a on Training Camp Activities--Division of Social FIRST CLASS WOMAN COOK. APPLY | WANTED, BY TWO BUSINESS GIRLS, POTN tS ADVI. 7 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AND ot the Carlton Hotel, 76 Princess two quiet, comf: ly furnished iS FREE. near Frontenac Park. Pri Hygiene Section on Women's Work. er 5. rooms; south of Phncess strect: Ayana pia RAL snd pen . 3 Don mem] hoa dmeane, nie ASP Pi Joe 3 ONE NIGHT ONLY A YOUNG LADY TO ouse Bo os Tr pre: 0 80 Dy reporting ® a (None under 16 admitted) te m---- Holton, 360 Lrincess me % 0 A D:| __ Apply Box Ds, Whig. Cisement will be Srinted tn thie * Tosa column free of charge. on Atteen inch T0 LET. "Found articles" aces not tne Apply 35 Albert or PRICES: Matinee ............. venetian. 3Be. . J Pi he few farm work Any pi to Foe SR roe clude lost dogs. atte. ho TWO FU! ctesecenioesienesaa.. 0c. i X { FENOGRAPHER; MUST BE A00U- OCU. a Apply 476 Brock street. vertised for in the "Los! Evening n { f hand- ROOM AN 1 show, doors open at 7 o'clock. Show starts at 8. | } oat all Nf | wring to Box (U5 Whig Office | TRONT Bi Rein" Seay om, TE A GOD, GENERAL SERVANT WOR| Two UNFURNISHED ROOMS. AFPLY J ' family of two. Apply to Mrs. Rich- 21 Lower University, near Vocatfon- > InThe TobaccoBusiness Auction Sale yb nO | a ae a vs Seeron or | Set , : ;: Avenue. 214666. ) Pinder please return to GENUINE GukrioNoiL aN EER UNFURNISHED TOP FLAT, SUITABLE ori E-AGED WOMAN _AS HOUSE- : selections; your own choice, $4! 1 wish to inform my AY, 6th MAY "Pkecrer in good country Rome; no Jor Block beret. © C APPi¥. to DISAPPEARED FROM PREMISES OF 5 Forme. 35 clan. ¢1'pe er Test cS friends and the public = THe Whis Office n> Apply Box G STREET. NEAR| ous we sheep 7 Ob April Lit, ; A generally t that I have tak- ; (Mail orders now) FOURTEEN To INTERN or 621. . CANAAN Go! LD PIROE, USED ON en over z " Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00-75-50-25¢. ES J A ore Ne To AME DWELLING and and to Whig Office. . Reward, E Attracts Dugout Pititure, Wal: Seats now Mills, 79 Cla ce Street. ? STRAYED OR STOLEN SMALL WHITE MOTOR TWIN McGlade's Cigar Store - hair ma ro ou sale. SEALE PPE LEE -- rrr Sreach Joodis or. Chewacd, it ve- "wi apesa ) ; . ned to meter; tn good runnt 3 270 Princess St. [i= Simin GRAND} cio mie or ume 370 Ste 250, som | pT . mercerized linen curtains, Russ. n um. 1 A CHILI'S GREY FUR YES. FOR ARNIIURE Ci terd Pin Find- 9 erday noon, on Stree SMALL FRANE HOUSE, LOT 5 = 137) . x : [two new pillows, i= | & a fig. Movie coal g Jar: and will conduct the bus Gostaen, "Tait horris F - d Foran.» Apply B. E Tale wh ndly return to $8 Pine West end of sity; A et ness along first class oak Jenthes. +4 'chairs. 'vet oY I. an A CAANASSER AND COLLECTOR:| Finwy CLASS OFFICES AND STORE, | A LONG CLOTH CoAT ov MULRERRY 1228 lines. plasvware, Bursa: rg os | MAY 7th and Sth. Matinee Saturday | SUA", "hd Sommiron; must be] FIMYD, CYASS OpFICES AND day oy | om Bs Todos Prioamnny | __ Brock street. Paes aoe and des A able to furnish satisfactory refer- James Richardson & Sons, Limited. to Alfred street, Finder please re- | ypy™ Soo WOMEN'S © Iwill carry a complete art ticle Tre): . toe; an en SPL his Box B3 turn to Whig Office. house furniture, s; WM. MURRAY. YOUVE READ THE GLRD 200k D I * "on ts BOX, FOR JUNIOR PoSi-| TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, facy, boon: buy uctioneer. tion in Bank. Apply in Swan hand- with light housekeeping if requir- line of Domestic Im- tu JOUVE SEEN THE GLAD PICTURE writing, givk dress and ed; all conveniences. 470 Johnson "me AND Rm Br 98 ornay, COME TO THIS TMEATRE AND feferences 10 ig Of- street. to Woslty. Kinde Street. n 3 Statlo 19 Poried 3 Cigars, € Sars, Cigareties NOTICE HO SEE.LEAR ANDADORE | fee , Brock street and rovelve. reward. rar | LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TINE | BRICK HOUSE, N 333 EARL ST, boots, furniture, stoves, solicit On and after this date, T will not THE or steadily--selling our guaranteed opposite Collegiate Tnstitarcl Hens A 'SMALL BLACK PURSE, covrams. Sood set single "har Sh Tobaceos, your business. { be held responsidie for any debts con. LIVING . trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- session June lst. Apply 174 Prin. ing a small sum of money a see oy phany other cess Street. Company." Narva wa thers cess Princess or Barrie Streets Findon B reeries, P.O. Outario. storage R FURNITU CLEAN ¥tndly return to iE Uifics. Re- BREATHING oe ay OR SATUS, tate yerd. HEINTZMAN PIANO, | ERNIE CAIN | May 4a, 1330. lf IW | A © POSITION WANTED. Spa BL SR Rana #250: 30ne Happy "3 FURNITURE FINISHING ~ qui x egg in connection. Auction Sales GIRL OF 14, WANTS FURNISHED HOUSE, CENTRAL Lo. CALL OR DROR AO Streqt brus. borne Sureet. 3 TS wom G P A CARD TO W, . ¥. of ool hours an cAlity; two blocks from ¢'ty par | uth oni ---- Saturdays Apply Box 8-19, Whig Gas and electric light. Apy Be ark . 3 NOTICE OF Lam the best auctioneer fa Kingston. aq LT ities. os B5. Whig Office. BUSINESS CHANCES. HANCMIN CR non . POSITION BY DRUG URNISHED FO LIG a Tw ollas fo ae s Make me prove it. clerk, proterenly Ea of Ki Rn ny ve ars £ wr ROOMS . housekeeping; bath room floor; | FREE RA SEAS 0 OIL MAP---JF INTER. three dollars for fifteen. - PRICES: Whig duck . 2 . Sas for cook ag: a9. children. Appl. ted in leases, send for mms a BEDFORD, The Auctioneer t : . pov WLBT Prineoking poly wing Texas On Fas Map ie hi Lease Salesmen wanted. al- Evening . 25C0TBeL." A few $1.50 STORAGE FOR FURNITU 1 S A Phone 1221 or 1498. Seats now on sale. A YOUNG LADY, TWo A AS Sey rooma: pon r URE, CLEAN AR) away ocapany. 3 303 Main street, polence ta in Iron e t's ty Storage, 299 clerk, desires Queen street. Phone $26; res. 935w. \ ' PERSONAX. GRAND fituation" lade a : Ds ji Eat huseioeping AND HAY RETURNED MAN, ASTHMA AR Mon. and Tues. Erion, Gains Sorioal s Sa, Krew I ror mith, 363 street. Phone song: ryrding a N Ha Susiness May. 10th, 11th a = bath room flat, ADD for ght # General meeting FRIDAYS, MATINEE TURMDAY Whig Conventanas: us for cooking: all MAIN, Mowks, cancers Toirs, Ste rec XN I convenienc Apply 406 J at 8 p.m. The Show That Broke All Records, at CARPENTERING street, or phond 1ESIF. ps ted ond ees hod alr v -- Shere have poriogo His Majesty's, Montreal WHEN YOU W. CARPENTER | A FIVE-ROO) BRICK COTTAGE 35 years' ex $ by, tractor, 219 on water t; tWo minutes' walk Lake. Eve, 1 : wo ' Unt Snnts Avenue. one 1898w. from Ferry Landing. -Fine view of| 358 Bagot ne newly overha d: a all new om RIVA 7 ho L River. Apply to Allan McLaren, : Plates in bat newly y or call No. 7, R. 2, Wolfe island. ' DENTAL oS. Call i ' Prontenas Street MEDICAL . wv > R= RED Be a wa iE vrROLSTRERING bE Sh Bok, URE awe ants 205 Weliguon Retest | OALy SR Dor 1 GiED WWE. Sheniolsiy SEE Al Fost Office. EEE 20 M8 Bagw Bt | oa ND SPARKS, DEN. t >a nam. F. FOR YOUR UP. tists, 159 Yellngten gfireet, over bi 'Cinderella Eouliity erat SSP CR | me Phone usd One better than * with | Leave o BICYCLE REPAIRING 394 Clerxy ats FINANCIAL . Let us repair your old Mat- Miss Zara Clinton and I tod =r tresses BICYCLE REPAIRS_REPAIRS TO : LmGan WANTED, BUYERS FOR GOOD ind m brand WE KNOW HOW Bicyele Worke poke fromiing. CA = and Ac) parohaceres mie. ons . . Ph ba Sn Clarence roll CY, 56 Brock Street, Phone . aad with modern machinery A Cunning- 68. and experienced mechanics we oy Tuesday Matinee , . =m (| eel TEACHERS | aie 5 wee WANTED LAND SURVEYOR. Kingston Mattress Co | tor Ta ra Gout ea" ERE x = 586 PRINCESS STREET oe B D MUNG). 3 Register now. Fullest data. 'alkem & Walkem, 93 PHONE cotw. ; : 1 B. C. Toachers* Agony, Id, * 1% street. - 1601 Third Avenue, PAINTING AND. PAPER HANGING ancouver, B.C. GET PRICES OW FOR YOUR PAINT. Wi » 3 ing or a Pp a card. It is not always the truest patriot % HB. Rowley, 337 i Who makes the biggest demonstra a o WHEN WANTING PAINFING t : a tion every time hie sees the flag. done. Srp ® cara'lo rm HOTEL RANDOLPY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 202 ; Hours For Meals World's Greatest Sporting Film i ENGLISH GRAND NATIONAL - You Wake. Breakfast ......7 am. to 9.30 am. a A a ry N) [Dimmer ........ 1180 am. to pm. Order now fo May delivery, Current prices, 1,000 feet 1980. One of the most exciting race 3 a Supper .,....5.30 p.m. to 7.50 p.m. | Alms ever screened. ' : } } : : Maddie POLLARD COMEDY Lardy a SUNDAY: a --------------_----_ a a HESS SESERRS EI A ---- Denominations $30, $100, § BS The But fuventiment "w to verve es rou -- aon appredaty

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