PAGE SIXTEEN For exacting men-- the popular choice. LIVINGSTON'S Livingston's Suits for Spring set the pace for clever designs, as well as practical styles. They are thorough in workmanship from top to bottom--the kind of clothing for the particular man. SUITS AND TOPCOATS ® ® Livingstons 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" : 3 3 | a ue EO -------------- ~~ Open only for § payment of accounts EAR ERLE ETRE A FIRST COAL CARGO ARRIVES THE STEAMER JESKA ARRIVED IN PORT FROM OSWEGO. Vessel Had Trying Time as a Result of Ice Conditions--Marine Notes Gathered Around Harbor. The hondr of bringing the first cargo of coal to Kingston this sea- | son, gges to the steamer Jeska. The F¥éska arrived in port on. Thursday | night, with a \cargo of hard ccal for | the .SBowards Company. The Jeska | carries 350 tons. The vessel had quite a trying time | with the ice, both on her trip over | to Oswego and on her way back. The {harbor is filled with ice again, and old | mariners state that it is many years { since they experienced such condi- | tions as are being met with .this | spring. . | The steamers Key Bell and Key | West cleared for Port Colborne on | Thursday afternoon. i Capt. La Vair has arrived to take {command of the barge Hamilton | The steamer Seguin has cleared for Toronto. The steamer Wolfe Islander is still {laid up, undergoing repairs to her boiler. Some of the islanders made a trip over to the city in motor boats. Theatrical At the Grand. Love will find a way. This is an old saying and it is the key to "The Right to Happiness," a strong -pic- ture which is being presented at the Grand for the balance of the week. Dorothy Phillips, the celebrated emo- tional actress, is starring in this pro- duction, "oui five to do with capital t and labor, butfapart from this there is a sweet love $tory running through the play. It is one quite out of the ordinary, in that the girl refuses to marry until she has brought sun shine into every workingmen's home. There are many gripping scenes throughout the play, showing thé agi- tation for a strike among factory men, with the usual mob scenes fol- lowing the calling of a strike. These scenes call for strong acting, and the various parts are in able hands Miss Phillips. has a dual role to play. There are twin sisters, but one is lost in the great uprising and burning of buildings in Russia. The children are left in the charge of a maid, while the father is absent, and their home is destroyed in his ab- -sence. One girl is lost at the time of the fire and it is not until after a series of very exciting scenes that the father locates her. The story tells in a most interesting manner how true happiness and contentment alone comes through love--how capital and labor can get along in harmony when both sides endeavor to do their part. It shows the real cure for unrest in tthe world. The Right to Happiness," will be repeated to-night and Saturday night. It is an eight-reel feature. The bill also includes some good comedies. "The Revelations of a Wife." ; "Should a girl tell her prospective husband her past life?" is a very strong point unravelled in that my- sterious dramatic offering, "The Re- velations of a Wife" that will be of- fered for public approval for three days starting Thurbday, April 29th, at the Grand Opera House. The play makes a strong plea for the depressed and innocent, and still it is filled with mysteries until thé final drop of the curtain. In writing the play, the author probably had in mind that the public is clamoring for something new theatrically, and the tremend- ous success in New York of plays of the mysterious order like 'The Un- known Purple," "Three Faces East," "The Invisible Foe," "The Woman in Room Thirteen," "The Crimson Alibi at Nine-Forty-Five," etc., no doubt prompted him to write along this line.--Advt. At the Strand. "The Thunderbolt," one of the most dramatic pictures of the screen, was shown as the feature at the Strand on Thursday to a crowded house, and the American beauty, Kathleen McDonald, in the role of Ruth Pomroy captivated the audi- ence. Thomas Meighen, who was such a signal success in "The Miracle Man," stars with Miss McDonald in this play which unfolds a Kentucky family feud in which the curse of im- placable hate and a thirst for re- venge that rested upon two genera- tions were dissolved by love. Here Miss McDonald's rare gifts as a strong actress are seen at their best 'and recall "The Woman Thou Gavest Me" in which she scored a triumph. Thomas Meighen, as Bruce Corbin, was given his father's dying message to wipe out the Pomroy name, but in- stead of lethal weapons, secures pos- session of Pomroy's forged notes and forces him to give him his daughter in marriage, hoping thereby to carry out his long nourished design. He is beaten at his own game by the strong motherly instinct of his wife and sue- cumbs as men have done before. In addition to this great picture the audience was taken on a most de- lightful trip through Japan and For- mosa, where the natives are seen making camphor and building h from cane. Other features are the while Bert Caldwell sings "Let's All Be Good Pals Together," and "Love's JEWISH WAR RELIEF FUN D Subscriptions Under $1 Not Reported --0, V. Bartels, Treasurer, $500--Ald. I. Cohen. $260---M, Oberndoffer, $100--L. Abramson. $50--J. Turk. $25--Dr. G. W. Bell, A. Spizeman, R. J. Carson, K. Zacks. $15--Mrs. L. Robinson. 8 $10Cot: W. 4. Anglin, L. Lesses; Friend, Jas. Reid, M. Bailey, Young Judeans. : B. Murray, Rees Bros. E. Chown & Son, W. Newlands & Son, Geo. Thompson, A. B. Holton, Geo. Mas- oud, W. McCandless, Mrs. Langbort, Dr. Black. : yn $3--P. Dafnas, £ $2--John Reid, Kriend, J. B. White, H. J. Bongard, Dr. Morgan, D. Godkin, W. MoGlade, N. Y. Shoe Shine, Friend, 8. Collier, Mrs. Fergu- son *Mrs. Johnston, Mr¢. E. J. B. Pense, Mrs. il, Wolger, Capt. Tul- loch. §1--Friend, C. Hicks, Friend, D. Fitzgibbons, W., 'McCallum, Friend, Rev. Pierce, D. Wood, Mrs. Green- lees, Friend, Mrs. England, Mrs. King, Miss Hyssop, Mrs. A, Evans, R. 8. Graham, A. L. Clark, Miss Mec- Quire, Miss Drummond, Miss H. Chown, Miss D. Rae, W. H. Brown, W. Taylor, Mrs. A. Maclean, Mrs. Brynner, Friend, Miss Tierney, M. Parrotf, Mrs. Perceival, Mrs. Glass- ford, T\James. Total Yeceipts,-$1,089. To-day's list is as follows: $25----Steacy's, Ltd., Bibby's, Ltd., J. Crothers, I. Zacks, H. B. Wartell, British Whig Pub. Co. $16----F. J. Hoag, W. J. Moore & Sons, B. Zbar. $10---Kinnear & D'Esterre, T. E. Rowland, J. Laidlaw & Son, James Redden & Co. George Mills & Co., H. Sugarman, $5--W. P. Peters, N. R. Grimm, A. N. Lyster, Cragvford Grocery, W. A, Sawyer, L. T. "Best, Friend, N. E. O'Connor, Dr. Boyce, S. Zbar, Smith Bros, J. B. McGall, L. M. Austin, 8 Cohan, J. P, Hanley, James Swift, Mrs. E. K. Johnson. $2--F. Elmer, Woolworth Co., P. G. Reeves, E. P. Jenkins, Campbell Bros., J. Nash, C. J. Corrigan, H. Harkness, Rev. J. W. Jones, F, Robbs, R. W. Allen, Dr. Glover, Ang- lin Bros., J. Hogan, G. W. Dusten. Total to date, $1,604. Gananoque Co., Incorporated.' With a capital of $150,000, the Eastern Ontario Milk Products Com- pany, Limited, has received a provin- cial charter, with head office at Ga- nanoque. The incorporators are Liv- ius Percy Sherwood, Harold Fisher, Stanley Metcalfe Clark and James Auberon Robertson, -barristers-at- law, and Linda Bonnell, stenogra- pher, Ottawa. The objects of the com- pany are to manufacture, purchase, sell and deal'in condensed, preserved and evaporated milk and all products of milk, as well as other food pro- ducts. Died While Operating. Many in Brockville will Hear with regret of the death on Sunday, at Middletown. N.Y., of Dr. Sidney F. Wilcox. He died while performing an operation. He was well known through visits to his sister-in-law,' Mrs. u. T. Fulford. He practised his profession in New York city, and was a skilful surgeon, * . Fire Damages Picker Room. Fire broke out in the picker room in the Yorkshire Wool Stock Mills, Almonte, and the fire brigade was called out and soon quenched the blaze. Only the fact that this room is of cement, and practically fire- proof, saved the entire mill from the flames. The contents of the room were almost a complete loss. Penitentiary for Two Offenders. - Convicted of "the theft of an auto- mobile, housebreaking at 110 Queen street, Toronto, and robbery of $110 from a Chinaman at the point of a revolver, James Brown and Douglas Kew were sentenced to three years in penitentiary by Judge Coatsworth, who regretted that he could net or- der a whipping in addition. "The Lion Man." . Theatré goers will be pleased to hear that Kathleen O'Connor will appear as the Circus Girl detective in "The Lion Man," a new serial which begins tonight and every Fri- day and Saturday for the next fifteen weak at the King Edward Theatre. --Advt, -------------------------- Col. A. P. Deroche, Royal Can- adian Engineers, Ottawa, has been appointed by the Ontario Government to the board of governors of the Uni-, versity of Toronto. He is a graduate of the Royal Military Cellege, and son of the late A. P. Deroche, ex- M.P.P., Napanee, ; We may figure to our disadvant- age but mighty few of us do so pur- posely. ' HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR Market Square, Kingston DAILY MEMORANDUM. See top of Page Three, right hand corner for nrobabilities. BORN. ANGLIN---In Ki fon April 28rd, 1920, to My. an 8. Charles S Anglin, a ughter. Fog berg Koven, J M Farrell Dr i ET SOA a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ee EE = TRADAY, ANIL, 28, 1980 K | You probably have been Fpne ay 1 EE a TO SR RE Sand wishing for just suc a suit opportunity " ..SATURDAY.... IS THE DAY 73 Only Spring Suits A THIRD TO A HALF LESS THAN USUAL To-morrow at 9.30 we will place on sale the balance of our Spring Suits at nearly half price. | SPRING SUITS in Navy Serge, Black Serge, Navy | | Poplin, Navy Gaberdine, Black Gaberdine; all sizes | | 16 years to 20 years, 36 to 44; regular $40, $42.50 $45.00, $47.50. TO-MORROW, | | | | 35 ONLY SPRING SUITS, handsomely tailored, silk lined, braided and button trimmed; in Gaberdine, Trico- tine, Serge; the colors are black, navy, brown, sand; Suits originally $48.50 to $60.00. TO-MORROW $35.00 - | | | | | L 15 ONLY Gathered from our stock of the better quality Spring Suits, in Serges, Tricotine, Gaberdines--priced from $64.50 to $78.50. TO-MORROW. $45.00 Zz / John Laidlaw & Son; Lid. HERR 18 A VERY STYLISH Boot of brown leather with good leather sole, more style than usual .and a Boot we will recommiend. izes 5% to 10. wr na Ai A A EERE CHEE RARE