FRIDAY, APRIL, 2%, 1920 ------------------ er ------ -- Te -------- -- [Girls! Girlsl! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Con opr: Tyess: Tine oe veal be Wome INDEMNITY OF MEMBERS MOVE GOING STRONG FOR IN- CREASE BUT UNMKELY TO WIN The Sessional Allowance is An Inde- munity and Not a BSalary--But There is Clamor For An Advance. GREW, APH tT rv e<for an increase in the sessional indem- nity of members of parliament is go- it this year. Any increase to mem- bers would, of course apply to sena- tors inasmuch as each is a vital { branch of parliament. The argument advanced is not new. It was emphasized |last year, but that extra session in the fall, groviding an extra indemnity, helped out and | forestalled any drastic develop ments. This year the contention is renewed fhat the cost of living at .| Ottawa, and the expense to which members are put, merits a raise, and, instead of $2,500 as now, $4,000 per session is the objective. Many would be content with a raise of $1,000. An increased indemnity, it is learned, is not in the government's plans, and if one is granted it will indicate & change in present intentions. One point emphasized is that the session- | al allowance is not a salary, but an | indemnity, in that members of par- | liament are not supposed to derive | their income from that source alone. | A stronger reason' which is invoked, i is that in a year when financial con- | siderations cause so many refusals of {| demands, public works, soldiers' bo- ot | nuses, and other matters, it would | be the part of inconsistency for | members to vote to raise their own ' Daffodils Just Arrived From Holland ay. | The estimate providing for a cost { of liying bonus to civil servants was strongly opposed the other day, and this is a further suggestion of the in- | consistency of applying the same | thing tosmembers of parliament. The CASTORIA For Infants and Children BUN en rn RI i+ |InUse ForOver30 Years + ~~~~f | Always bears It is dsually the questionable | the Trt Christian that winces avd objects to Signature of A just oriticism. mn Don't forget the 17th for Shamrocks, como m------ 1 See Your Gasoline | Before You Buy It You will experience a personal satisfac- tion in securing gasoline here from this new visible Pumping Station, which we have re- cently installed. In case the quality, of gasoline is not right, the glass bowl shows the shortcomings of gasoline. You see the amount and quality of your gas€line before it goes into your car--you see what you get and get what you see. KINGSTON AUTO SALESCO. Limited Corner Brock and Montreal Sts. Phone 600 MAXOTIRES We want you to get good service from MAXOTIRES. Until fore ther notice we will instal all MAXOTIRES FREE eof charge. STANDARD VULCA NIZING COMPANY 284 Ontario St. Res. 104 Queen Street. A. NEAL, Manager All persons having Tires on order with us for delivery April Ist, 1920, may get these up to April 15th, 1920. After that date the above orders will be cancelled. VanLuvenBros. - ing. strong. but, there are grave. doubly HAL any success will attend | agitation, 'however, is going strong, and something may come of it. CORKWOOD. Portugal Leads the World In' This Product. turers of Portugal, the total world -prodaction-slesrkwood ia italy, and 20 per cent. in Algeria and Tunis. 'probably will maintain its position for several years more. The quality in the future. The same is true of ing country of corkwood in the world. and cork disc. Cork waste is em- and Germany. Th corkwood, and the c import chiefly tugal manufactures 25 to 30 per cent. of its corkwood into cork stoppers; Spain, 70 to 80 per cent., and France, the whole continental and a small part of colonial production. The small percentage of cork stoppers produced countries. Queer Borneo Names, for a member of the tribe of Kayans of Borneo to keep track of his name. Among those people, when a child is born, it receives the name of some "it," so that, not having a distinctive it and cause it harm. four years old they name Tijan. The father is thereafter | According to a report made by the | Association of Corkwood Manufae- | For the present Poriugal is | the largest producer of corkwood, and | of the corkwood is superior to that ; of other countries. The forests in | Algeria and Tunis, the exploration | of which began recently, may pro- | duce larger quantities of corkwood | Morocco, whose extensive forests will | enable it to become the first produc~ | The greater part of corkwood 18 | used in manufacturing cork stoppers | ployed in making linoleum, for which | purpose virgin corkwood is alsp used. | The principal importers of Portu= guese corkwood are: England, which | imports ready-made cork stoppers; France, South America, United States 'k stoppers are | made in the importing countries. Por- | in Portugal is due to lack of modern | machinery and also to heavy duties | on this product in the consuming | It must be a matter of difficulty | repulsive object or is simply called | name, the evil spirits can not identify | When the child is two or three or it, say, | known as Tama Tijan; the mother is | known as "Inal Tijan--mother of Ti- | jan, The father's original frequently it is forgotten unless formerly Kebing. ing '""Kebing the Bereft," provided Tijan was the oldest child). Ifa comes Akam Kebing; if his wife dies, he became Aban Keébing. be Laki Kebing. an honorary title, like its equivalent, people datu is superior to the title the pilgrimage to Mecca. Datu, liter- ally grandfather, is equivalent to elder with us. Among the Kayans it is a breach of manners to ask a man what his name is. If a white man does so through ignorance, the man willturn to a bystandér and ask that the stranger, who does not know the cus- toms, may be informed. If a man will hear him and can more readily do him harm. Origin of Word "Tabu." Recognition of the "tabu" (the word is Polynesian), in one form or another, is almost universal. Thus | aleohol has recently been made tabu | in this country; and enthusiastic re- | formers are anxious to have tobacco | put on the same list. The primitive natives of Polynesia {have 'tabu days," when nobody is |allowed to indulge in amusements, They correspond to our old-fashioned Sundays. On other tabu days meat must not be eaten. On some island groups of the South | Seas the bodies of chiefs and priests | are tabu -- meaning that nobody is allowed to touch them. At certain periods the chiefs cannot themselves touch food with their fingers, and must eat like dogs unless fed by others. A chief may impose the tabu upon other persons or things, or may re- move it. He may declare his own head to be tabu, in which case he must not himself touch it. If a drop of his blood falls upon anything the object becomes tabu. i The first potato dug is tabu; no- body may eat it. But almost any kind of tabu may be removed by the pro- per authority, with the right sort of | ceremony --- such, for instance, as throwing leaves into the air and jumping after them. - An Arid Climate. At a congress of German physicians in 1911 there was a. discussion of the supposed benefits of an arid eli- mate to sufferers from kidney and lung troubles, as a result of which in compouifion, Trem that of Euro- so sligh! as to be insignifi- t. This, he believes, does away with the idea that such a hot dry climate benefits sufferers from Kid Toh Dowdell caught two pike Ja ver at Mississippi, one weighing fourteen pounds and the other eleven pounds." An accident occurred at the mill at Craig's Camp when Ross Camelon had his left hand severely cut with the edger. EE name, | Kebing, for example, is dropped, and there are other fathers of Tijans. In | that case the father is known as | Tama Tijah Kebing, father of Tijan, | If Tijan dies, then Tama Tijan's | name becomes Oyeng Kebing (mean- | younger child dies, the father be- | If he be- | comes a grandfather, his name will | Laki is distinctly | datu, among the Malays. With those | hadji, borne by one who has made | | | | | tells his own name the evil spirits | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 2G ed at 18,000,000 kilos, or 396,832,000 | pounds, of which 45 per cent. is pro- | duced in Portugal, 30 per cemt in| _ Spath," 5 per cent. In France and | = ER AT RCM REI OME 7 ms en Double or Single Breasted : either emer Correct Style - hime i or or or Spring ASHION- Quality Clothes Made to meet the taste. and requirements of men of all ages. Every suit is tailored in the best possible way and bears a label showing by whom made. FACSIMILE OF LABEL, Look for this label if you want a guaranteed assurance from the makers that what you buy will give service and satisfaction. Cost no more than the other kind. Sold by 300 live merchants in Canada. Locally by :-- E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO. J 14 Princess Street. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Says Backache is Sign You * Have Been Eating Too Much Meat. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney reg- fon it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which éverworks the kid- neys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they becbme sort of | paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you | must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have back- ache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and' when the weather is bad you haye rheumatic twinges. The urine ig cloudy, full of sedimant, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good. reliable phy- sician at once or get from your phar- macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fing. This famous salts is made from tbo acid of grapes and lemon juice, ¢ombined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad- der weakness. : Jad Salts is a life sayer for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, can- not injure and makes a delightful, ef- fervescent lithia-water drink. 51500 $1500 Stewart Phonograph WILL SURPRISE YOU, \ COME IN AND HEAR IT: A. G. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 40 KEEP IT SWEET Keep your mach swedt estion of tamenow--tty | Ki-M0IDS the new 30 to Sgeaion: take as candy. . MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S RAILWAY SYSTEM HL REL AGENCY : In a Few Days Our FOR ALL New Address Will STEAMSHIP Be 233 Princess St., LINES . For information wnd cates apply to 4 Next To Harrison's . P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A, GT. Ry, Furniture Store. Special For Salidy urday Choice Stewing Veal ........ Choice Steak, Pork, Lamb. All kinds of Smoked Hame and Bacon. QUICK'S Y'ESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STRERYT Phone 201 CRAWFORD & WALSH " Tailors es 4 IR | cemememenm Too many people ars willing live and do just as their ancestors a half century ago. . tb Fa To-day not a bit to early : If you book your order now for early delivery, you can be rea- sonably certain to have your new car with the early call of Spring. You must surely know that Automobile sales this year are ab- normal--no other year was ever like this--buyers are waiting right now for cars ordered long ago--McLaughlin is very much oversold and the demand grows heavier from day to day. We are just as anxious as you are to deliver your car on the day you want it. : erefore, we are in dead earnest when we ask to, book your order now. If you haven't seen the newest McLaughlin Model ~--the sensible car of 1920--let us show you its qualities. : | SIMPLY TELEPHONE BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED ar H. M. FAIR, Manager. thr tr ar eng SR