Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1920, p. 15

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MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1920. G. ) * V. A (Incorporated) General meeting FRIDAY ats p.m. Bubject for discussion:-- 28 April, Special Meeting. 'Business Management' Well Drilling and (Casing | should want for nothing, VERONA, ONT. = : ae NIN tata sts sts. | Auction Sales | I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. | Maké me prove it. | BEDFORD, The Auctioneer | i { Phone 1921 or 1428. | DR. S. H. SIMPSON - ot i Dental Surgeon | Desires to announce that he will sume his practice at the corner Princess and Bagot street, on about April 19th. Telephone 183. Hair Goods (8 ad BAZEAU «Ga A wishes to announce that she has open- ed her Hair Goods Parlor for ladies at 142 WELLINGTON STREET Opposite Pont Office Switches to match your hair or made from your combings; Puffs, Rolls, and Transformations, etc. A Call Solleited. SCOTT'S GARAGE 1915 MeLa ter for sale; cheap; first class condition. 298 BAGOT STREET Phone 1804w. DR. NASH DENTIST | 183 Princess Street. : Phone 785 We specialize in gas administra- tion, Pyorrhea treatment, Crown and Bridgework. Graduate assistants, Office Hours, 9---8. APRIL re- of or "A piece of Silver, Cut Glass, Fine China or Silver-plated ware from Rodgers is looked 'upon as "The Best To Be Had." Our Spring assortment is now _ ready and waiting for your ine | spection, ir t's the She: You He: Phone Verona | never dreamed either of us would, ON "Why don't you send the type riter back she Is so incompetent?" "To be frank, | don't feel justified I took a look around the class ang picked her out myself." Monk Cens | | said If | married you, | your dad's wealth HER LOOKS to the business school TOO MUCH ROOM He shook his fist right undes my nose, You shouldnt have such a big nose. |e THE DAILY BRI Big Double Programme Constance Talmadge fie Happiness A La Mode" A Robertson-Cole Feature AN ALL STAR CAST | sf "The Third Generation" SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE | | COMEDIES and OTHER REELS | GRAND AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Mat at 2.30 | Evg at 7.30 ANY SEAT. 20c . | Sround Sour 3%. & HAAN WHERT EVENYPCDY TO-DAY THE Po a CINEMA MURDER WITH MARION DAVIES A Thrilling Romance by E. Phillips Oppenheim, pulsing with lifer on the screen. Intimate revelations of stage and studio pictured from the "Inside" HAROLD LLOYD -- i "HIS ROYAL SLYNESS" Very Good Comedy AS, COMING! BERT LYTELL pi "LOMBARDI LTD" us Taker: | wonder if ose ducks come under the head of cating population?" A ROAST Artist (showing latest picture)s. Critic: best thing | ever did. Oh, well, you mustn't let that discourage you. EASY ONE Friend: How's the mining scheme! Promoter: fast month. Friend: © Promoter We took $50,000 out ut of the mine? No; out of the stock A tna "CRYSTAL" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE ......$150.00 Worth $173.00. One only at this price. 345 - ro AY King Stree ELE CTRIC (0. Business Opportunity FOR SALE--GROCERY STORE AND B real estate consists of store an rooms and bath, and summer kitchen; stables. Real estate for sale separately stock at inventory. ranged. THE J. Phone 68 and 874w. UILDINGS; CENTRAL; d dwelling, with 7 living garage; shed; and, it desired, Price $6000.00. Terms cam be ar- K. CARROLL AGENCY Province of Ontario vt 15-YEAR 6% COUPON GOLD BONDS § Dated April 1st, 1920. 1 'Interest payable half-yearly. Due April 1st, 1935. Denomination $1,000 "Price: 102 and interost, yielding 5.80%. Thess bonds are highly recommended, owing to their se curity and high inerest return for a long period. | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Bryant Washburn nf hes "Too Much Johnson" A Picture that rocks with Fun 'A Twlight Baby' More fan than a barrel of monkeys. (in four reels) BERT CALDWELL In all new songs. BLACK SECRET With Pearl White STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA Big musical program. Special attraction for Matinees Only! "HEALTH FILMS" All mothers should not fail these films, to see Ask Your Grocer for Crest Brand W. G. CRAIG & CO. 11a Sole distributors. cr Auction Sale Under ons from the Ad- ministrator of Maria Dine, Deceased, the undersigned will offer for sale at his rooms, Market Street, Kingston, " FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd at 12 o'clock, that property with a frontage of about 114 feet on Chath- am Street, 200 feet on York street, and 75 feet on Pine street, King- ston, upon which is erected a frame cottage on stome foundation. The property will be offered subject to a reserve bid. An excellent opportun- one La oT W. MURRAY, TISH WHIG CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES rst Insertion, ic. & word. Each eon- Secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. Minimum charge for One insertion, 25¢; three imsertions. 50 cents. T rates are for cash only; ed they are double. COOK WANTED AT ALBION HOTEL. LIBRARY ASSISTANT. APPLY PUB- He Library. \ A PORTER, ALSO A HALL WOMAN, Apply British rican Hotels A GIRL, FOR GENERAL HOUSE- Work; good wages. Apply 172 John- son St. A MAN FROM 18 TO 25 YEARS OLD to work ing brewery. Apply Bajus Brewery. GIRLS, STEADY WORK, IN BRIGHT, &iry tactory. Apply Geo. A. Mc- Gowan Co. . GENERAL SERVANT; MIDDLE aged woman preferred. Apply 90 Barrie street. A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY MRS. R. J. Gardiner, corner Wellington and Johnson streets. SMART, YOUNG MAN, WITH FAIR education, for feed store. Apply McFarlane & Wood, 27 Brock St. COMPETENT COOK, GENERAL;! good wages to an experienced girl Apply Mrs. Brigstocke, 7 Welling- ton Street A MAN FOR THE SHIPPING ROOM; One that understands packing: also & fireman; steady situation. The W. J ers Co., he A A BOY TO Li N MECHANICAL DEN. tistry, about 15 or 16 years. Apply between 8 am. and § am, Phillips and Taylor, 122 Wellington Bt. MAN OR WOMAN FOR KITCHEN Melp. Also ward maids and maids for the-laundry. Apply to Matron of General Hospital, Kingston. -- -------------------- A COMPETENT OO00OK, GENERAL; good WAges to an experienced girl. pring cleaning all -done. Apply Mrs. Brigstocke, 7 Wellington St. MAN TO HELP ON SAILING YACHT must be able to cook and have had experience satling; good. Address with reference Bo Whig Office. GIRLS BETWEEN THE AGES oF fourteen and eighteen; light work; steady employment. Apply 8. Oberndorffer, Cigar Factory, On- taro Street. GIRL FOR KITCHEN WORK. ALSO| irl - for upstairs work. Wages | N Fare paid. Apply Thomas | proprietor The New Dun- otel. Cobourg,-Ont. wages. x L-16, ham H WANTED, AT ONCE, LINOTYPE OP- erators. floor men and machinists: union shop; highest Wages; no strike. Apply Superintendent, Com- posing oom, The Star, Montreal. LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME or steadily---seiling 'our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- al com syion. Brown Brothers pany, men, imited, Brown Nursorion 0. Ontario. GE ERS, UP. N ox ae: highest tions. = A! gs eran ns. erience. General Motars of Canada, Ltd, Oshawe, Ont. : AUTO 0) EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID, thirty dollars monthly, meals and room; also extra bonus of five dol- Jars & month ta girls who say till October. Write or apply personally to Manager, Hotel Waverley,. To- ronto. AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, THIR- ty-five monthly and meals; algo ex- tra five dollars a month bonus to girls who Stay till October, © Waitresses make big side money, Write or avply personally to Man- ager, Hotel averley, Toronto. STEADY, TRUSTWORTHY MAN do odd jobs, having wife capable of keeping boarders, in a small sawmill community, during the ths and "ooking in the all and winter. Refer. Box X-26, British WANTED---MAN CAPABLE OF OR- sanizing end managing crew of salesmen for - Canadian siome Permanent position; good and expenses to well-recom- ed and properly qualified man. Address R. 8 Hamilton, Cana- Sisa Home Journal, Toronto, Can- ada. WANTED AGENTS AND DEALERS pret: With Ford cars, to sell the fast selling Ford accessory on the mark One demonstration and every Ford owner buys at sight. $50 to $200 a week profit; Spare or whole time; exclusive ter Titory. Write The Arlington Co., Box 28 H, Lorne park, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED AUTO PAINTERS, EXPERIENCED IN ing. tolour varnishing, var- nish rubbing, and rough stuff rub- bing. Apply, wating experience. General Motors of Canada, Lad, Oshawa, Ont. DRESSMAKING. MISS GOUGH, DRESSMAKER ND Modelist, has removed Trond 140 Union to 72 Barl Street. DENTAL A. KNAPP, LDS, DO ghee 30% Prinosss Sioa: Phons DRS. SPARKS AND sp | DEN. tists, 15% Wellington s: over CAthovaRy's, ered ririet UPHOLSTERING 5 CALL OR DROP A CARD -0 Ww. Gavine, upholster, 1218 Sage F. Vi. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. Leave orders ator Grup boars street. » Ly ve Clergy -------------------- | BY GOOD, PRACT 1 A ROSARY, WITH LARGE Crucifix in Latdlaw's store. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office. TWO NAVY BLUE SKIRT Belts. Apply Whig Office. DOOR KEY, ON SATURDAY , morning. Owner may re- / ceive same from Capt. Reid, 204 Bagot St 5 A KEY, ON KING STREET. Owner may. have same by calling at Whig Oftica. FOUND ARTICLAS ADVERe TISED FREE, Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" aces not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised tor in the "Lost" column. Ey LOST A LADY'S DARK BROWN RUFF, BE. tween Kingston and Seeley's B Y: Finder Kindly return to W hig Of- fice. LADY'S LEFT HAND BROWN KID Glove, on Princess Street, or down- | town stores. Finder kindly return to Whig Office. i A GOLD BAR BROOCH, SUNDAY AF-| ternoon, on Karl, Clergy or John- son. Finder please return to 18% Earl or Whig Office. GOLD FILLED CASE, WALL EVER. | sharp peucil, lost 15th inst, be- | tween §Ot street and freight office, Ontario St. for return to Whig Office. ee WANTED GENERAL, DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING. Mrs. Amy, 93 Raglan Road. HEATED APAMRTMENT, OR THRES | or four brignt, airy rooms, in good locajity, Apply Box L-3, Whig Of- ce. SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT for cash or in part payment of new Pianos and gratono:as, OU. W. Lina- Say Limitea, 11 Princess street. WANTED-MEN AND BOYS TO PAT- ronize J. W. Curzon. barber. Men's and boys' hair cuy, 20c. Shave ive. 40rg honed 26c. 236 Ontario Bt, near Erock Street. 11500 YEET OF USED 3%" PINE, DRESS. FIANO BEGGS FOR SETTING, FROM PRIZE- winning White Wyandodtes. Apply I. Turner, Portsmouth. ed one side; also some used rough lumber; cheap. Apply W. H. Meta) calfe, Portsmouth. CHEVROLET, FORD, OVERLAND touring, Ford Coupe, Truck. If you { have a car for sale, see Palmer, 194 University. Phone 457Tw, SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE; GAS; electric light, furnace; extra deep lot; two splendid garages in vicin- fty of Victoria School. Phone 603w. A FPITNER LIGHTING SYSTEM GIV- ing 6000 candie power; can be self installed; to be sold very cheap. Apply gide entrance, Lion Clothing House. CGS FOR HATCHING, FROM A he grand pen of barred Rocks; heavy winter layers; also from my prize winning Black Langshan. J. B. Holland, 182 Clergy street. i | | A BARGAIN--FURNISHED COTTAGE | on wrence water-front; at Butternut Bay; six- miles wegt of Brockville. Apply to Mrs. J. E. Hanna, 2 Dorothy Avenue, Ottawa. MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, specialize in mili- tary boots; buy all kinds second- hand goods; highest prices paid. L Routbard. Phone 1723. 289% Prin- | cess Street. | SODA FOUNTAIN, @ FEET LONG; complete with Sarhonatizg plant; vortex cups, spoons, etc. un one Season only. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply A. G. Harris University Drug Sere. MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S AND 80YS boots, furniture, stoves, heat a good set @ harness, single waggon. Also many other articles. Mus: be sold this week, 398 Prin- cess Street. HATCHING EGGS FROM MY BEST birds--S. C. Reds, 8. C. Anconss-- two dollars for fifteen. Pit Game, three dollars for fifteen. Runner duck eggs, dollar and half per ten. Harold Kiedl, Elginburg, Ont. ONE GRAY DORT 5 PASSENGER touring car, in excellent mechani cal condition; engine and battery newly oyerfinuled; all new carbon plates in battery; car newly paint- ed. Call at 15 Frontenac Street aorth. SUMMER HOMES--DO NOT BUY OR build one before you have com- municated with us. Delivery with- POSITION WANTED. AL, MATERNITY | nurse; cy or country; weil experi-! enced. Keply to Box R-17, Wiaig | Office. A POSITION, BY A THOROUGHLY | oconipetent cook, or cook general; 1 8mail family, without children. Ap- | Ply or call, 170 Bagot Street. BOY WANTS POSITION AS TYPIST, Clerk or junior bookkeeper; has! course in Business Apply Box M-17, Whig Of- Seven montns' College. fice. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS Stenographer; high school training and' graa e of Ontario Business | College, Belleville, Ont. Apply box 1-15, Whig Office, | USED CARS AND TRUCKS OF ALL in a fortnight at 40% saving } cost. Write for catalogue. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St Phofe 88 and $74w. kinds, Ford roadsters and touring Chevrolets, Overlands, Gray Dort, Studebaker, Saxon Six, also 1 ton truck and light delivery trucks. Al- SO one dump cart and harness Ap- ply Bert Stansbury, 169 Raglan Road. Phone 1874w. eb FINANCIAL WANTED, BUYERS FOR GOOD 2ud mortgages on brand new houses and A-1 purchasers. The J. K. Car- oli Ageuicy, 68 Brock Street, Phone TO LET. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 126 Stephen Street. . FIRST ULASS HOUMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock street CLEAN . Wathen, Phone 13881). STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and ary. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 86 Brock street. Puone 826 or 621 FIRST-CLASS UNDERWOOD TYPE. writers, by the week or month. R. {hae Bell, 130 Clarence. Phone 002 W. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; sud dry. Apply kB BE 143 Nelson street. THREE ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED or unfurnished; suitable for Hgnt house-keeping. Apply Box P17, Whig Office. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; bath room floor; Bas for cooking; no children. Apply 386 Princess Sireet. FOUR-ROOMED FURNISHED APART. ment on ground oor; suitable for ight housekeeping; Possession May 1s. Phone 195sw. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, SUIT. &ble for Bight housekeeping: central ocality; no children. Apply Box N-17, Whig Oftics, City, i STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ary, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frosty © ty Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 526; res. 98Sw. N UP-TO-DATE DWELLING; EVERY convenience; good garden and best location; for suitable couple with- out children. Rent $60.00. Apply Box E-13, Whig Office. CHOICE OF TWO, THREE AND FOUR roomed flacs; bath; electricity; sinks: untuinished or partly fur nished; near oar liné and Univer a no children preferred. Phone DOUBLE Room OVERLOOKING THE dake; house facin Park; separite : room and toilet; use of od + one. or one or two gentlemen. K-16, Whig Office. 8 TWO LARGE ROOMS; : unfurnished or furmsh iwo other rooms, unfurnished; gas: bathroom; suitable for ih ht house. keeping. Apply 202 wit St. A FIVE ROOM BRICK COTTAGn, 0 fiver front; 2 minutes walk > Ferry Landing; good barber for Iasunch. Apply to Al M or call No. Th 2, Woife Taivas TWO UNFURNISHED Regus FOR ght housekeeping, o th room flat; gas for © okin - LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Availabie Sasels $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy hoidet 3 have for Security the unlimited iabality of y Ye sured at lowest Pp ea Before renewins old or giving new business met rates from Strange and Strang», Agents. Phone 325. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Saclety; incorported President, W. F. Nick resident, A B oney issued Properties, mu county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposity received and interest allowed, R. C. Cartwright, manager, 7 Clare. , ence street, Kingston. mE OY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING GET PRICES NOW FOR YOUR PAINT. ing or RAparamnging. Phone or card. ' drop a B. Rowiey, 327 Barrie street. eee PERSONAL. on HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, ScArs, eto, re. moved Permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after Others have failed. Golire removed. 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 358 Bagot street. BICYOLE REPAIRING BICYCLE REPAIRS--REPAIRS To Bicycles aranieed. Fred Dowli Bicycle 'Works. 345 King Street. © CARTING NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR carting done. For good and prompt serviee, apply H. Webber, 811 Prin- Cess street, or phone 2082], FURNITURE FINISHING * LARGE STONE HOUSE, SOUTH COR- ner Karl snd Sydenham. 134 Barl St. BUYS A 16 FT. VARNISHED' cedar skift in good repair. Apply P. O. Box $4. JUDSON'S AUTO TOPS, BROCKY ILLE, "We have the Plate Glass Lights for back Curtains all kinds. SOLID SRICK HOUSES, NOS, 300 AN ¥ . 354, King Suees East. Apply F. HK. Macoee, 143 King Street West ONE KITCHEN RANGE, ONE STAN. dard Oak heater; both in good con-~ dition. Apply at once to ¥ Alwing- ton Ave. SQUARE-STERNED SKIFF AND a Evinride outbroad Motor. In good coudiion; not sold separately, Ap+ ply Box %-8, Whig ORice. Apply $35 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN seiecijons; yuur own choice, $42.50. Terms, $b cash, §1 per week. C. Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. SKIFFS, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OUT. board motors; fents, Aw Lamp Supplies, ; a a Bagot street. Phone 436. A CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 66 x 133, on west side of Livingston Avenue near King Street, will be sold right. Apply W. H. Friendship, 33 Fron- tenac street, HAVING RENTED PART OF five cows, Two's FARM, © rses/ iifiteen six weeks' oid pigs, and eighty bushels of seed oats, Banner," ror sale, Ap~ ply J. 8. Knight, Cataraqut. T™O FQUR-YEAR.OLD HEIFERS; 1 Durflam, 1 Holstein; also number 2 Renfrew Cream Separator, nearly uew. Apply New Bu giang Bakery, gston. Collingwood street, A BNAP--COMBINATION COAL AND gas range; motor washer, buffet, china cabinet, parior rug, hall rack, chairs, tables, blinds, books. ply W. G. Anderson, 943 Albert St. A FEW BROWN AND WHITE LEG- horn and Black Minorca laying Pul« lets; also Rhoda Island Red Hens; Wilt be sold less than market price. Phone 863M. or call at 206 Col= borne St. BARRED ROCK AND WHITE dotte hatching egEs, from prize winner, If yedywant the best, {1 can supply you.: My prices are right. Joseph White, Portsmouth, Ont. Phone 2301 ring 4. WE HAVE POR SALE ALL Ki good second hand furnitu sloves. Any person having stoves and furhituie to dispose of, we wil} pay hignest prices. J. Thompson, 338 Princess Street. Phone J$00w. BICYCLES FOR SALE, FROM 81s upwards; a few: pairs of $3, bicycle Coven 32.39. Come and investigate © ® buying else~ Where. Mul ' Bicycle Wor 71-3738 King street. i'hone 1032w, GOOD, GENERAL PURPOSE Ma sound and Kind in SVery way; RE about buggy, set of single harness; cutter, delivery WagEon; also a 260 Egg "Chatham incubator, and brooder; cheap to quick buyer. Ape Ply 401 Division street, elty, WYAN- NDS op re and 7 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, MOD improvements; side entrance; cor 7 room frame house, With large ot and barn, D. Boyd, 251 University Ave BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2.550--FRAME; 7 ROOMS; B, 84s; large lot. Rooms, IMPROVE. ot. AND Cp $2100--FRAME; ¢ ments; large $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, § ROOMS, improvements; electric pnt; double lot. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY oN the corner of Princess and Albert Streets. state and three d and gore lot on street and dweliing, 308 Albert greet, A bars Rain for quick wale, to wing up an estate. FARMS FOR SALE A00--30 ACRES; GOOD BARN swall home; eight miles from King! aston. ' Sm : $0000--100 ACRES, ALL GO D By facing the lake. Farm ANE barns. $.500--FARM; 200 ACRES; ¢ Mims from Kingston; 100 under cultivae "tion; 'good maple bush; wel) waters ed. | VICTORY WONDS FOR SALRK, to Loan MONBY G. A. BATEMAN, 1539 Wellington Street, Kingston & FOR SALE--FORD © AR Tenders for one Ford Tourin, car. the propérty of 'the - font of Jiiitia and Defence, wi © received at the office of the 8, & 5 O, M.D. No, 3, the Armour. ngsion, up to § p.m. th, 1920. » . Pm Aer "Ar o&n be napected at the : * * * + Kingsto CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, D coll, 23 John Street. ms. > Kentucky Cannel Coal For Grate Fires Military Garage, rack Street, n. MACHINIST 40 PRINCESS STREET All kinds of repair work prompt. attended to, Phode SELL YOUR : SCRAP ROY, AL RAGS and PArkit o A M. ROSEN & Co. 140 stiden: Hingston PHONES: Office, S007 =" Residence, 1840w, a RRS Some pref 16 do thelr ma er haymaking Furniture te. Frank pe + -

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