'FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SEEDS VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS Bow your early Seeds In your house now. They will bave a good start, and you ean trans- plant them to your garden when the warm weather ar- rives. Have You a Few Feet of Wasted Ground? If you have make it a bright spot by sowing a few of our Special Hollyhock Seeds. They grow any place, and will deco- rate your backyard, fence cor- ners and lawn. Seeds FOR SALE AT AUSTIN'S brug Store MARKET SQUARE KINGSTON ee | aEsERURSMNENNBNER | Wagstaf's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstafl"s Pincapple Marmalade, Wagstafi's Bramble Jellly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale at: Bon Marche Grocery Cer. King and Karl Streets. License No. 8-37149 Phome 1544. DID YOU EVER TRY | Kingston and Vicinity i Purchases Residence. { J. B. Hunt, manager of the Ren- frew flour mills, has purchased an $8,000 residence and property .on Clifton Road, Westboro, from the estate of the late William Ross, and in future will reside in it. | Teachers Granted Generous Increases ssmBEESEEENEEENE [EASTER In place of an Easter Card your Photograph. Both seasonable, but one a permanent reminder of YOu. |THE MARRISON STUDIO { At the regular meeting of the | Smith's Falls Board of Education the teachers of the Collegiate Insti- tute staff and the lady teachers of the public schools were granted gen- erous increases in their salaries. Bridge Across Bay at Deseronto. Deseronto residents may call a {meeting to formulate plans to ap- proach the government towards the | erection of a bridge across the bay at Deseronto. It is ernectad much influence can be brouZ={ to bear to carry out the project. Leaving For Lanark. Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of sdollow 'Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Bills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr., H. F. NORMAN ---- WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street Phone 133 Mrs. James Mcllraith, Clydesvillg, | is removing to Lanark much to the regret of her associates. The family carry with them the esteem and friendship of their neighbors. Thea ! place they occupied is now in posses- sion of Donald Cameron, Flower Sta- tion, and William Heffron, Lanark. { Leaders' Camp. The first Natiomal C.S.E.T. Lea- { ders' Camp is to be held at Algon- | quin Park, on August 20th to 30th, | and will consist of teachers, laymen, lawyers, doctors, educators, minis- | ters farmers Y. M.'C. A. and church | secretaries, and a group of choice We have a supply of hard wood and kindling. J. Sowards Coal Co. WeHave In Stock | Just Arrived Campbell's Tomaw Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark s Tomate Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Vistributory he lite. Bu Ruse Teanthe WR. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION Tirana Wo R-F43 It pays tosave Your Newspapers, Magazines and scrap material---we are paying good prices. YOU MAY NERD {pes for water or fencing or & § Tone for next summer, Call on us. L Cohen & Co. 836.887. 207-5 75 ONTARIO STREET PAA ry | | older boys. HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES We have everything you need 10 help you clean house. By using our Brooms, Brushes, Cleanser, Polishes, etc., you will be able to clean house with very little trouble. C. H. PICKERING 490-492 PRINCESS STREET Phone 530. Not Much Cheese. The Frontenac cheese board is cal- led to meet on Thursday, 22nd inst., at 1.30 p.m. It will be the inaugural meeting and it 18 hardly likely that there will be much cheese offered for sale as many factories have pnly started and some will not start until' May 1st. Last Day for Licenses. Thursday was the last day for the receiving of the payment of carters' licenses and there has been a great rush the past few days paying the li- cense fees into the chief of police. Any person found carting without a license will be summoned before the | All kinds of old Mattresses Renovated and Recovered Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w magistrate. A New Position. Major the Rev. G. 1. Campbell, in charge of the district covered by the Montreal Confernce, representing the Methodist church during the For- ward Movement campaign, has been appointed organizer for the inter-Pro- testant church census drive to be carried out in Ottawa. Died in New Jersey. Mrs, Maria Ford, aged about seventy-six years, wife of the late Captain Wayland ¥. Ford, passed away this week at the home of her son in Red Bank @N.J. Mrs. Ford FOR A GOOD NIGHT GET OUR "COMFYDOWN" KAPOK MATTRESS 1009% pure Becond to none for comfort and durability, Kingston Mattress Company 556 Princess St. Phone 00%w. has been in failing health for some time, suffering from a complication of diseases including Bright's dis ease, L. H. Ford, Clayton, N.Y. is a son. McIntosh-Vandervoort Wedding. The marriage took place at Tren- ton on Monday of a well-known Bel- leville young man, Jack McIntosh, son of Mr, and Mrs. John McIntosh, to Miss Ethel Vandervoort, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. Vandervoort, Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh left on their bri- dal trip to Toronto and other places. They will make their home in Belle- ville . Will Not Be Aboard. George Rattray, for many years the popular purser of the ferry stea- mer Wolfe Islander, is reported to be confined to his residence through ill- ness. Mr. Rattray will not be on the steamer this season, but will devote himself to his cheese business. He is the proprietor of St. Lawrence cheese G. Hunter Ogilvi Agent for Excelsior Life Insurance Company Representing: RYAN, GRIER AND HASTINGS, Members of the Montreal Stock ¢ Exchange. Insurance and General Broker. 281 King Street Phones = 568; & 1087 er DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Bogs 0 hae weumed his pr ling orner Jo ton Streets, Kingston. Tes. hrs 36%. Show Cases, Camputing Scales, Cash Registers, Electric Fan, Linoleum, 3 h.p. electric motor, Ice Cream making ma- chinery, etc. LBAR' 288 PRINCESS STREET, PHONE 1128. Selling out factory and has established a reputa- tion for his cheese, much of which is sold for local consumption. Formerly of Cape Vincent, N.Y. 'Word has been received of the sudden death on Tuesday, in Fargo, N.D., of John H. Forsyth, a former resident of Cape Vincent, N.Y. Death was due to pneumonia. Mr. Forsyth was about seventy-six years of age. He married Miss Lizzie Toole, Cape Vincent. He was an active Mason and an attendant of the Presbyterian churhe. One sister, Miss Cynthia Forsyth, lives at Cape Vincent. To Have Steamer Trip. In connection with the visit to Kingston in June, of the Internation- al Deep Waterways Commission, J. M. Campbell, president of the Board of Trade, intimates that he hopes to be able to have a steamer placed at has a upe? purpose. Tt brings Jeukh and strength and satisfaction to the folks who partake of it One slice calls for a Joa, one loat ~ | Just re {cattle to ester to be ki Yo.5ll it to some museR: ; the disposal of the commission 'and to give the members of it a close view of the Thousand Islands. The steam- er might £o as far as Brockville, with the commission, a large number of the members of the Kingston Board of Trade accompanying them on the excursion. Fined .a Second Time, Nathaniel Easton was met by members of the Belleville . police force when he stepped off a passen- ger train at the union C. PR. and C. N.R. station on Wednesday, He had two suitcases heavily laden with li- quor. Easton was put under arrest and charged with a breach of the Ontario Temperance Act. In court he admitted the offence and was found guilty and.fined $750 and costs. Last year Easton was fined $350 for a breach of the act. EPP RP PERRIER CANADIAN JEWISH RELIEF FUND. All next week a campaign to raise funds for the relief of mil- lions of starving children and adults in Central and Eastern Europe will be carried on in Canada and the United States. Kingston is asked to aid in this humanitarian? work, and on Sunday, at 3 p.m., a meeting of citizens is called at the Jewish Synagogue on Queen street. Humanity's = needs know no creed. A large attendance is desired to consider the matter. All who have compassion for those in distress are earnestly invited to attend. * + oP Ld + + + * * + +» + * + * +* + +» { + + CLP PIP PPP ETP IIe eer te i | Married in Montreal. The wedding of Coralie Laurie Cook, niece of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bur- rows, Belleville, to Lieut. Joseph | George Caldwell, son of Dr. and Mrs.q | Joseph Caldwell, Belleville, took | place Thursday at the residence of the bride's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Robb. The honeymoon will be spent in Quebec. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell will reside in Guelph, Ont. The out-of- town guests were Dr. and Mrs. Cald- well and Miss Caldwell, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Burrows, Belle ville. Wants Marriage Annulled. In Supreme Court, Ogdensburg, Emery W. Buck for annulment of a void marriage. Plaintiff was the wife of Arthur Fuller and defendant Buck represented to her that he had ob- tained a divorce for her from Fuller. Believing she was divorced, she went to Prescott and married Buck, with whom she lived until ghe discovered she had béen deceived. Hence the ac- tion to annul thé marriage with Buck One child, a girl two years old, re- sulted from the second marriage. Robbed by Bolshevists. Ald. Isaac Cohen, has received a letter from. his ry in Lithu- ania saying that: the Bolshevists have robbed him of everything they could carry away and then burned his \property. He was a man of very much wealth, and was engaged in a wholesale business. His great re- gret is that in view of his circum- stances he would not be able to edu- cate his seven children as was his purpose. He also intimated that a sister who lives in the same province could not be communicated with, and he had not heard from her for a long time. Men Who Worked T Referring to the death of Robert Herring, who claimed to be the first commercial traveller in Canada, P. Slavin, of Deseronto, tells the Post he knew Mr. Herring very well. They were employed in the same store in Mingston, and worked together for about four years, from abdut 1856 to 1860. The store was called the Montreal House, of which James Davis was proprietor. It was locat- ed at the corner of Princess and Bagot streets, where Messrs. Macnee & Minnes' wholesale warehouse stands. Mr. Herring was a smart, active man, and understood the dry goods business to perfection. The late Samuel Carsley, Montregl, and F. X. Cousineau, both of whom be- came eminent merchants afterwards, were also employed in the same store at the same time. Meeting at Deseronto. The St. ark's branch of the 'Woman's Auxiliary held their an- nual meeting on April 13th at the rectory. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Presi- dent, Mrs. Radcliffe; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. G. D. Smith; second vice-president, Ji. Dalton: Tasord- HIS 8 FIVE-LEQUED cow NAMED. THE "PROHIBITION * pid you ever hear of a five logget 'camel' inpid cow? the animal | with other in force the own was. With fre losued hump cow did not make a hit rs the slaugh- ter-house gang, who all decided to let itive a while, and hy Lulu Buck is the petitioner against, ing secretary, Mrs. Foley; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs.' treasurer, Miss Violet Smith; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. McMath; leaflet sec- retary, Mrs. Childs; secretary babies' branch, Mrs. Kettle. The annual reports were read and were most en- couraging and all pledges met. meeting was well attended and en- | thusiastic. . A Very Sudden Death. A very sudden death happened at the home of Mr. Buckboro, 144 Jan- nette avenue, Windsor, on Sunday evening when Levi Ducharme, form- erly of Oconto, took suddenly ill with acute indigestion and died with- in three hours. The young man was twenty-four years of age and had been employed at the Ford Motor Works for several years. During that time he had. received a few good promotions. He leaves a fa- thef, mother, and brothers and sisters at Oconto, and a host of friends at Windsor. He was jovial and kind, and won mapy friends. Cenjennial Lodge No. 463, 1.0.0.F., of which he was a member, took charge of his family plot at Oconto. Kingston's Housing Problem. A citizen, who has very wide know- ledge 'as to building propositions, says that Kingston needs at the pre< sent time between three hundred and four hundred houses. Prior to the war, an average. of one hundred during the war there was no con- | struction of any account carried on, {and the deficiency in good houses is now very, apparent. His suggestion is that Kingston could very quickly get houses erected if the city council were to pass a by-law granting exem- ption of general taxes for five years to all those who build houses. "You would see them spring up in great sumbers," was the final comment of the gentleman, in suggesting the de- $sirability of the by- -law to a Whig re- porter. Hood's Pills Cure Constipation Billousness Liver lls Childs ; | The | body and will have. it buried in the houses were built every year, and: PEWS A job lot of Pews from a local church, enough toseat a small hall or country church, will be sold cheaply for quick re- moval. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factury and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory I Phone 14.5. Another Big Rose Sale Our last sale was such a suceess we will in addition will give a dozen Reo ses with chase uplicate our offer, and he highest cash pure Friday and Saturday ~ Remember our 10 Per Cent. Disc count on x ew A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - ¢ Phone, 661; Res, 2036W. Flowers seat to Hotel CROWN DIAMOND PAINT IS GUARANTEED TO BE FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT and to be composed only of materials, properly combined, which produce a paint that works smoothly and possesses durability, permanency of color, handsome appearance and covering capacity in the highest degree. 'We have a full stock of all shades. LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON Plesse--Fox Trot Tumble in--One-Step By Byron Gay, euthor of "VAMP" 0' (Oh)--Fox T: mer Fou Test Murray's Melody Men. Sed be the shortest title ever, but it will it in many a meoa, combined with 216101 'His Master's Voice" Dance Hits : frsetand Low Wats hr Be Sons Ong dng. i Orkrnm JL tte Drom Kear Opheten } 216097 Bo Hie bade Bd) meme Hons Sram vena All on 10-inch, double-sided $1.00 Hear these and the otiagr new April records at any "His Master's Voice" NYY YY YYW vr F. W. "COATES AGENT VICTOR VICTROLAS. Phan 3014 a always ened to ar Victrola rr Victor Records T. F HARRISON CO., LTD. 229-231-233-235-237 Princess Street. oe Sa ec \ ar one 0. MAHOOD BROS. i. hr Ages Victor Victola,, Wu A iy Ai hd dd ddd 113 Princess Street.