Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1920, p. 15

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. . Business Opportunity FOR SALE--CROCERY STORE AND BUILDINGS; CENTRAL; real estate consists of store and dwelling, with 7 living rooms and bath, and summer kitchen; garage; shed; stables. Real estate for sale separately and, if desired, stock at inventory. ranged. : THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. Price $6000.00. Terms can be ar- *"w 56 Brotk Street. GC W.VA General meeting FRIDAY 'at 8 pm. : Bubject for discussion:-- "Financial Standing. Auction Sales 1 am the best auctioneer in Kingston. ' Make me prove it. BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Phone 1721 or 1428. DR. S. H. SIMPSON Dental Surgeon | Desires to announce that he will re- sume his practice at the corner of Princess and Bagot street, on or about April 19th. Telephone 183. SCOTT'S GARAGE Automobile repairs of all kinds, Washing and storage. First class workmanship guaran. teed. 28 BAGOT STREET Phone 180w, ~ Get Your Awnings Made \ In Kingston * Patronize home industry. Help to bulld your own city, 0 better made, CAPT. JOSEPH DIX 211 NELSON ST. MAKER og Hair Goods MRS. F. H. BAZEAU 'wishes to announce that she has open- ed her Hair Goods Parlor for ladies at 143 WELLINGTON STREET > Oppontite Post Office Switches t¢ match your hair or made from your combings; Puffs, Rolls, and | Transformations, etc. A Call Solicited. J. BARRETT PLUMBER Plumbing and H Rep Work a Speciality, Address 225 SYDENHAM STREET Phone 688, / DR. NASH DENTIST 188 Princess Street. : Phone 785 We specialize In gas admjnistra- tion, Pyorrhea treatment, Créwn and Bridgework. Graduate assistants, Office Hours, 9--8. AUCTION SALE New Lumber, Monday, April 19th, at 2 p.m. at Cawgon Brows. Lot 10, Terom- to Street, North of Johuston. About 5,000 ft. inch hemlock, 1, ft. 2 x 4 and 2,000 ft. 2 x 6 hemlock; 1,000 ft. inch pine (dressed), 20,000 laths and 125 cedar poets. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Crescent Wire Works Fencing, Guards, Baskets, Flower bonders, Wire Work of all kinds, manu- factured by:-- FARTRIDGE & SON, 62 King Street West. Phone 380, Residence 915w, THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything dome In the oa tery line. 'Estimate: of repairs and w rk; alse wood floors of nll kinds. Al will receive prompt attemtion. 28 Queen Street. Bootleg Bot: tie: Phew! I'm worth about twenty dollars a quart now, Ga od AK DY y a 32 n= HOW THEY LOVE EACH OTHER "So Jack did not propose to you." "No; after being refused by you he knew he had no chance with me. BEHIND THE TIMES She: 1 tell yuh there's nothing like the old time remedies t' cure a body's ills, He: Yeal They're all right fer some. troubles, but | tell yuh they ain't no good fer these up-to-date dig. MORE FINITE THAN EVER Do you be lieve in the im. mortality of souls? Well, not In the case of my shoes, mn swa u i Be TOS ins 105 hi these times. " oH Alexander Somerville died at his home, Drummond, Prestonvale sec- tion, on Tuesday. Bleven or twelve yars ago he suffered a stroke 'of . He was born in the town- ship, in the place where he died, in 1849, and at the time of his death was one month beyond seven e 'years of age, + oe 15-YEAR 6% COUPON GOLD BONDS Dated April 1st, 1930. Interest payable half-yearly. Due April 1st, 1935. Denomination $1,000 These bonds are highly recommended, owing to their se- £/SuTity Wndt Dig Interest retur for & ng period. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG \GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT AND SATURDAY The Girl of My Dreams Under auspices Annandale Chapter LO.D.E.. a3. Director, Mr. Theodore Bird. Under the patronage of Maj. Gen. Victor Willlams, C.M.G.; Maj. Gen. Archibald Macdonell, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.8.0., and Principal Bruce Taylor, D.D. 15 REELS BEST PICTURES---15 Big Double Programme Constance Talmadge Sie "Happiness A La Mode" ALL STAR CAST i DN | "The Third Generation" COMEDIES and OTHER REELS GRAND AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Mat at 2.30 Evg at 7.30 ANY SEAT 20c | Siteods "°° oe Balcony BLA VIOLA DANA The Bewitching Little Star ----] Noe Please Get Married An adaption of the hilarious stage sucess of James Cullen and Lewis Al- len Browne in seven sparkling acts. SHERIFF NELL'S COMEBACK A Snappy Sunshine Comedy BOOK OF NATURE GAUMONT NEWS AY AND MUNG). Thursday, Friday, Saturday Constance Talmadge She Vamps Every Man She Meets; She Just Can't Help It "A VIRTUOUS VAMP" - Bert Caldwell Featuring "The Vamp," and "Golden Gate," "Dear Little Boy of Mine." ' $1,000,000 REWARD With Lifian Walker BRIGGS COMEDY POLLARD COMEDY "RAISING THE RENT" STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA Featuring another big ical pro AREA CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion, lc. & word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, hailf- cent & word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 26c; three insertions. 60 cents. The above rates are for cash only: When charged they are double. a HELP WANTED, APPLY BOYD'S GAR. SMART BOY. age. R. J. Gardiner, corner Wellington and Johnson streets. A STORE HOUSE MAN. Bros, 246 Bagot St EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. ply Briush- American Hotel. FIREMAN, APPLY DOMINION TEX- tile Co., Cataraqui street. tenet eee DRIVER FOR DELIVERY WAGON. : Apply to J. L. Gordon, Montreal St. A GOOD, GENERAL SERVANT. AP. ply Mrs. George Mahood, 169 Uni- versity Ave. APPLY REES AP- FOUN ON JOHNSON STREET, A COAT belt. Apply 180 Johnson St. A KEY," ON KING STREET. Owner may have same Dy calling at Whig Office. TAUPE WOLFE MUFF IN ST, George's Hall, on the evening of the farewell to Mr. Whal- » Owner may have same, by calling on the sexton and proving property. A PURSE, CONTAINING A SUM of money on Clarence street, Wednesday morning. Owner can obtain same by applyin to John Redden, Front Ro FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREB. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do 'so by. reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" aces not in- clude lost dogs cattle, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column, GIRLS, STEADY WORK, IN BRIG edry factory. Apply Geo. "A. Gowan Co. HT, Mo- GENERAL SERVANT; MIDDLE aged woman preferred. Apply 9% Barrie street. ONE EXPERIENCED AND TWO AP- rentices for dressmaking. Apply igs Stephaine, 157 Queen St. HOUSEKEEPER FOR FOUR RoouuD apartment. Dutles to commence a! pier Apply Box P-5, Whig Of- fice. COMPETENT COOK, GENERAL; good wages to an experienced girl Apply Mrs. Brigstocke, 7 Welling- ton Street. A MAN FOR THE SHIPPING ROOM; one that understands packing; also a fireman; steady situation. The W. J. Crothers Co., TWO WOMEN AT ORPHANS' HOME; one to do washing, and seamstress for children's clothing. Apply be- tween § and & am. and 6 and 7 p.m. GIRL FOR KITCHEN WORK. ALSO girl for upstairs work, Wages $25.00. Fare paid. Apply Thomas Green, proprietor The New un- ham Hotel. Cobourg, Ont! WANTED, AT ONCE, LINOTYPE OF- erators, floor mén and machinists; union shop; highest wages; no strike. Apply Superintendent, Com- posing Room, The Star, Montreal, LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME or steadily---selling our guarauteed trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario, WANTED AT ONCE Smart Boy or youth to learn Dry Goods Business. Apply John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. AUTO OR CARRIAGE TRIMMERS, UP- 8 and 'builders; highest dn pada; Pein workin Sohal Apply stating experience. otors of Canada, Id. Oshawa, Ont. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID, thirty dollars monthly, meals and room; also extra bonus of five dol- lars & mon 1 to girls who stay till October. Write or AREY personally to Manager, Hotel averley, To- ronto, v AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, THIR. ty-five monthly and meals; algo ex- tra five dollars a month bonus to girls who stay till October. Our waitresses make big side money, Write or apply personally to Jan ager, Hotel Waverley, Toronté. STEADY, TRUSTWORTHY MAN "TO do odd jobs, having wife capable of keeping boarders, in a small sawmill] communily, during the summer months and ooking in the camp In fall and winter. Refer. Shots required. Box X-26, British 8. WANTED---MAN CAPABLE OF OR- ganizing and menaging crew of salesmen for Canauian tome Journal. Permanent position; good salary and expenses to well-recom- mended and riy qualified man. Address R. 8. milton. Cana- dian Home Journal, Toronto, Can- ada. WANTED AT ONCE Two experienced salesladies for Ready-to-Wear Department or to learn general dry goods business. Also two smart young girls to learn dry goods business. Apply John Laidlaw Son, Ltd. gram. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE -~ Ask Your Grocer for Crest Brand RED SOCKEYE SALMON and accept no substitute. ity guaranteed, by: W. G. CRAIG & CO., 14d. MALE HELP WANTED A MARRIED MAN T0 WORK ON farm; must be ex enced. ly J. W. Redmon. d, Baitn Road. oy AUTO P. IN yornishing, Ur Varn ne var- nish rubbing, and rough stuff rub- bing. ARP, ence. General Motors of Ind, wa, Ont. = Sm---- STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND OTHERS am or Pn as te our and a hd Excep- unity a men. experience. In- terview by EE ROIRIIIOuT with Dis- ne Se ion Dept, 182 Spadina, Poranto. PICYCLE REPAIRS--REPAIRS TO Bicyele Works. 345 King Street ® | mee NOW Is THE a. i Your eas ation Or Bhone a TT a LOST A LADY'S DARK BROWN RUFF, BE- tween Kingston and Seeley's Bay. Hunaer kindly return to Whig Of- ce. WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK HAT in mistake from cloak room Wed- | nesday night, City Hall, kindly re- turn same to Whig and receive his own, WANTED GENERAL, HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or four bright, airy rooms, in good locality, Apply Box L-3, Whig O1f- ce. WANTED BY A GOOD LAUNDRESS, small family washings to do at home or by the dozen. Apply Box F-13, Whig Office. SECOND-HAND *UPRIGHT PIANO for cash or in part payment of new planos and gratono.as, C. W. Lina- Bay Limited, 131 Princess street. WANTED--MEN AND BOYS TO PAT- ronize J. W. Curgon. barber. Men's and boys' hair ouy, 20c. Shave lve. Kazors honed 250. 236 Ontario Bt, near Erock Street. » FURNISHED HOUSE, FLAT OR COT- + tage; in or near Kingston durin Queen's summer school session. Wiheable, 11 Oxford West, London. References furnished. Wanted by a young couple, § er § room, modern house. bungalow preferred; by middie of May. Rent about $30. , Phone 282. hh | PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, eto. re- moved permanently, Satistactory glasses ntted and furnisned after! others have failed. Goitre removea. 35 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, lye, Mar, Nose, Throat, Skin, 268 Bagot street. MEDICAL DR. J. B. KANE WISHES TO ANe nounce that he has opened offices at 136 Wellington Street, opposite Post Office. Office hours 2-4 pm. 7-8.30 p.m. Telephone: office, 1825; residence, 1631, CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor, 21% University Avenue. Phone 1§98w. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS. coll, 23 John Street. LAND SURVEYOR, F. F. MILLER, B.Ap, Sec, CE, 0.LS., DLS, M.ELC., Napanee, Ont. Ua- tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of. fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street. TO LET. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND ARD all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock sireet. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dry. Apply EK. BE. Wathen, 148 Neilson street. 'Phone 1391). STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 88 Brock street. Phone 326 or 821. bat FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; bath room floor; &as for cooking; no children' Apply 396 Princess Street. FOUR-ROOMED FURNISHED AFPART- ment on ground floor; suitable for Mght housekeeping; possession May 1st. Phone 1938w. BRIGHT FRONT BEDROOM, 155. Tor Oho ay tai EOMEIOMOD. AD + for one ho a i, Box 3-180 Wihig Office. THREE ROOMS ON BATHROOM Boar, two adults only); heated; an water summer and winter, A. Weese, 168 Princess St. Prob on, ET CH ry. roo. . key. Frost's pe 8 LARG torage, 299 ueen street. Phone 526; res. #5%w. DOUBLE ROOM OVERLOOKING THE lake; house Icing Park; separate g Suitable for one or +h ot mone. Box K-18, Whig Office. : AN UP-TO-DATE DWELLING; EVERY an eMiCeT Food Biren and Dom . location; for suitable couple with. children. Ren 3 1 Box BL10 Wis Officer" Aboly A FIVE ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, ON iv A good HG t 'el 3 or. Jeunch. : 8: = or call No. 2 Wolfe liana. | $35 BUYS A 18 VARNISHED cedar skiff dn good repair. Apply P. O. Box 84. NUMBER 3 RENFREW CREAM SEP- arator; nearly new. Apply New England Bakery. CHEVROLET, FORD, OV! D touring, Ford Coupe, Truck. If you have a car for sale, see Palmer, 194 University. / Phone 487w. SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE; GAS; electric light; furnace; extra deep lot; two splendid garages in vicin- fty of Victoria School. Phone 602w. CANOE 16 FT. WITH SAIL AND 0UT- boards. Telephone 647. BABY CARRIAGE, ALMOST NEW, AP. ply evenings. 176 University Ave. GN, 7 FT. = 4 FT. @ IN. King street, or phone BLEOMRIC, 81 1058. ete rte eb LARGE STONE HOUSE, SOUTH COR- * ner, Barl end Sydenham. Apply 13¢ Earl St. LARGE McCLARY'S GAS RANGE with oven; Rractically new. Apply 156 Frontenac stréet. EGGS FOR HATCHING, FROM A grand pen of Barred Rocks; heavy winter layers; also from mp prize winning Black Langshan. B. Holland, 182 Clergy street. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY ON the south west corner of Barrie and Johnson streets, known ag the Brock street church parsonage. For particulars apply T. R. Carnovsky. MEN AND' WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house rurniture, specialize in mili tary boots; buy all kinds second- hand foods; highest prices paid. L.|. Routbard. cess Street. SODA FOUNTAIN, ¢ FEET LONG) complete with carbonating plant; vortex cups, spoons, etc. tun one season only. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply A. G. Harris, University Drug Store. MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S AND 8SO0YS boots, furniture, stoves, heaters, & good set single harness, single waggon. Also many other articles. Must be sold this week. 398 Prin- cess Street. GURNEY OXFORD COOKING RANGE, hot water front, with reservoir at- tachment; burns coal or wood; good 88 new; also several pipe lengths. Will be sold reasonably to & quick buyer. Apply 462 Barrie Street. ONE GRAY DORT § PASSENGER touring car; i. excellent mechani- cal condition ugine and battery newly overbuu.cd; all new carbon plates dn battery; car newly paint- ed. Call at 235 Frontenac Street oorth, Phone 1723. 289 Prin- SUMMER HOMES---DO NOT BUY OR build one before you have com municated with us. Delivery with- in a fortnight at 40% oring in cost. Write for catalogue. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St Phone 68 and 874w. USED CARS AND THUCKS OF ALL kinds, Ford roadsters and touring Chevrolets, Overlands, Gray Dort, Studebaker, Saxon Hix, also 1 ton truck and light delivery trucks. Al- 80 one dump cart and harness. Ap- ply Bert Stansbury... 169 Ragidn Road. Phone 1674w. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Studebaker seven ger; big aix; series 19. Run about 10,- 000 miles; has had the best of care and is in perfect condition. Apply E. E. Newman, Royal Bank of Canada or 47 George St. DENTAL A. BE. KNAPP, B.A, LDS. .D.D. offtes 258 Princess Street. ' Phos DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. ki UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROF A CARD TO Gavine, upholster, ¥ WwW. J, 218 Bagot St. F. Wi. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Ve orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. LEGAL. OUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning ham. Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, 2 Seite Ol Bank. Money to ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DrEvER, ARCH. tects, Merchants' Ban hambers, corner of Brock and Wellington streets. B.A, BARRISTER Law office, corner Brock, over Royal loan. Phone 1998 FINANCIAL LIVERPOOL, LONDON Fire Insurance . assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of city at lowest possi 14 renewins old or givin business gs. rates rom Srangs and Agents. hone 325. Strang, FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Susiety; AND GLOBE INVEST. incorported 1861 Nickie, K.C.; vice B. Cunningham. city and farm President, Bi JUDSON'S AUTO TUPS, BROCKVILLE, We have the Plate Glass uights for back Curtains, ail kinds. SOLAD BRICK HOUSES, NOS. 300 AND 352 King Street East, Apply F, Ho Macnee, 143 King Street West. SQUARE-STERNED SKIFF A ND Evinride outbroad Motor. ood condition; not sold separately. Ap- ply Box 4-9, Whig. Office. A-NAVY TAILORED SULT; AND SAND colored Jersey dress; soarcely worn, al consideranly less than half cost. Call at 366 Johnston St. PAN HA RANGE, IN GOOD CONDI- on, $10.00; also 1 three burner oil stove, New Perfectiun, wiih ovea, $8.00. Apply 198 King Street. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN seleotions; your owa choice, $41.50. Terms, $6 Sash. 2 per week. C. WW, 5 Landsay, Limit 121 Princess St. BELLE CITY HOT WATER INCUBAT- or; 140 eggs, and brooder; in pers fect donditlon; cheap. Apply 248 Concession Street, near Victoria. up ot @treet. Phone FORD ROADSTER, IN FIRST CLASS condition; will sell cheap for cash; . apply 8 Bajus Cottage, foot Wels ington street, p.m. A CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 66 x 133, on west side of Livingston Avenue Near King Street, wiii be sold right. Apply W. H. Friendship, 83 Fron. tenac street. between 6 and § MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITE, ODD ! chairs, Axminster Rugs, one bok, yds x 33% yds, double irom en brass bea complete, bedroom rugs, Ploutes, ornaments. Mrs. GUL se Ear t. BARKED ROCK AND WHITE WYAN« dotte hatehing eggs, from prize winner. If you want the best, L can supply you. My prices are right. Joseph White, Portsmouth, Ont. Phone 2301 ring 4. WE HAVE JOR SALE ALL KINDS OF kood second hand furniture and Sloves. Any person having stoves and furniture idispose of, we will vay highest prices, J. Thompson, 33 Princess Street. Phone 1s0vw. BICYCLES FOR SALE, FROM $18 upwards; a few pairs of $3.60 bicycle covers for $2.50. Come and investigate before buying eélse« Where. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King street. Phone 1032w, GUL, GENERAL PURPOSE MAREK sound and kind in covery way; on about buggy, set of single harness; cutter, delivery Waggon; also a Zo Lge Chatham incubator, an Brooder; cheap to quick buyer. Ap= ply 401 Division street. city. 7 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, MODERN improvements; side entrance; cor, Division and Quebec streets; also on continuation of Aifred strest § room brick house, with barn an § acres of land; also a 7 room frame house, 3lmont new, with large lot an rn. Apply J. D. Bo University Ave. : " 281 + PATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, ! FOR SALE ME; 7 ROOMS 8%; large fot. 3 B. AND Oy Se $2100--FRAME; ¢ ROOMS; IMPROVE. ments; large lot. 62,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, § ROO improyements;| electric Hrs double lot. FARMS FOR SALE ACR @ 8 small home; miles from King: ston. BS; eight 96000100 ACRES, ALL GOO facing the lake. Farm ue ad nl -- ARM; 200 A $ MILES from Kingston; 100 under cultiva. ton; good maple bush; well waters VICTORY RONDS FOR ro sALg, MowmY G. A: BATEMAN 150 Welling' on Street. Kingston FOR SA CAR Tenders for one Ford Touring car, the Toperty of the Depart. O., M.D. No. 3, the Armour- ihgston, up to & p.m, April yo Nipested at a Kentucky Cannel Coal For Grate Fires Jas. Swi & =

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