SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920. A -- BR In the Automobile World Is Your Car Properly Protected From Theft ? 1. If your car is locked, the chances of its being stolen are one in ten thousand; if left unlocked, one out of a hundred. 2. It is mot sufficient to merely lock the ignition system on your machine, but employ one which will lock it securely, and to which dupii- cate keys may not be had. ; oe. Locks range in cost from $5 to 4. You are gambling from $5 to $50 that your car will not be stolen when you purchase a lock. B. Make it yodr business to know the make of your car, the license, Motor and factory numbers, so that if it is stolen you can intelligently give the police a description of it. 6. If you see suspicious-looking persons tampering with other per- sons' machines, it is your duty to call an officer, In this way thefts may be prevented, GOES UP ON HIGH. Wealthy Chinese Has Novel Trip From This Life to Next. There was a pretty custom among Some of the ancients when a promin- ent en died, to send his valet along with him on the road to Para- dise, and it was oftentimes necessary 0. resort to extreme methods to in- sure this company for the departed. 1 | But in the territory of the China- | American Trading Company, Ford Dealers in Tientsin, China, they have {discovered a much better aid to the { deceased over the rough places on the [ trip to the Promised Land. { It is 4 custom of the Chinese to | burn various kinds of effigies at the funeral ceremonies of the rich, the more wealthy the departed the mare elaborate the figures burned over his grave. These effigies represent every manner of thing, such as hu- man figures, horses, sedan chairs, tables loaded with money, etc. The figures usually conform to some of these stereotyped fashions, but at the funeral of a Mr. Li, who dled a short time ago in Tientsin, and who was a very wealthy man, the bereaved fam- ily outdid themselves and made an imitation of the deceased gentle man's Ford car to be burned at his grave. This Ford effigy was made entirely of strong Chinese paper stretched on bamboo and reed frames. The car was complete in every detail, the pedals accurately placed, and all made of paper and bamboo. The in- terior of the car was also accurate in detail, being carefully upholstered in paper. The effigy of the driver, as shown in the photograph, was a work of art. The car was carried about three miles through crowded streets to the graveside, where a match was appHed and it was consumed in a few minutes, This is the first time that a motor car has been burned at the grave of a Chinese, and there is every reason to believe that the deceased went up "on high." CAR SHORTAGE HOLDS STEADY. Wages, Material and Automobile Freight Cars Hold Up Production. A general shortage of new cars of all makes continues and there does not appear to be any signs of im- mediate relief. One cause is a short- age of freight cars, making it im- possible for automobile makers. to ship to distributors even what cars they have ready. Another cause is a shortage of parts. Materials, which have been scarce for more than two years, are still hard to obtain, and delivery to car-building points is slow. The scale of wages in parts and car-building plants is still on the upward trend, and this condi- tion does not offer any of the long- looked-for reduction in car prices. In addition to these troubles, the car builder must now pay more for his tire equipment. The new Letvian government has adopted the metric system, but has permitted the old Russian we'ghts and measures to be used for five years. A mew centrifugal machine for clarifying serums, bacteria, media, etc., in hospital laboratories revolves at speeds of from 40,000 to 60,000 revolutions a minute. A bathrobe dnto which are woven electric wires that are heated by con- nection with a light socket is the in- vention of a Salt Lake city man. Recent O.M.L. Achievements ITISH WHIG £DA74 Biax3cols N Speed limit increased from twen- |. ty to téenty-five miles an hour in rural districts and from fifteen to | twenty miles an hour in urban dis- tricts. wn Automobile insurance rates re- duced twenty-five per cent, in July, 1919; on public Hability, property damage, fire and transportation policies. Federal government persuaded to vote $20,000,000 to aid provinces in highway construction. Automobile license exchange be- tween Ontario and over a score of states in the American Union put into effect. A thirty-day free touring permit obtained from United States customs authorities. At Buffale, Niagara Falls and Lewiston, the O.M.L. mem- bership card is now accepted by cus- toms officers as a certificate of iden- tification in place of the consular let- ter otherwise required. Provincial highways system adopt- ed and Toronto-Hamilton highway constructed as first link in a trans provincial highway, Touring information compiled and distributed to thousands of mem- bers. ; Over 30,000 road signs erected throughout tlié province. You have benefited and are bene- fiting. If not a member, join now. ed 4? F YOU had the time to" note the tre" «a8 we do, that 1920 IS A DUNLOP YEAR r @ on ---- obil -------- se days, you . ve 4% q The ascendancy that shows on our sales record, naturally tallies with the " road " record. § You may not know where rubber § To "Traction" or * Ribbed." "The verdict 1. That the Quality Never Varies. ; 2 That the Mileage Keeps Adding Up, 3_That the Genenal ap Dunlop . 2d Serviceability is Matchls™ © X -- : 'STOCKED BY LEADING GARAGES AND TIRE DEALERS. 5 Tire & Rubber Goods . BRANCHES IN THE LEADING . » ¥ x oe 4 comes from, but after a purchase you'll soon know that ¢ on thes tvs exon poplar te is 7 | i Motor Truck Tips. ¢ 's getting to all the _ Next drain out the kero- wens and refill the clutch with fresh oy oil. h ---- The Winch--Trucks fitted with a winch demand a little extra attention, for the winch and winch drive should be lub once a month. After top cover plate and ns ofl to case up to put Mu Ssvugh - bring lubricant the Tovel. he Hap gen 1 and back. - ASK YOUR GARAGE | MAN. UH he &oanpot supply you, Jobbers Handling H& D'S . | caret cleaning off any dirt on th wing with Si Senin a When Scenes Like ewspaper--0K-1920 C, & ' PAGE FIFTEEN Cosi Cor=2-10 . This Call You WoL you have your Velie for the motor trails all ready to the hills, the lakes, and the woods? You will, if you place your order now. Here's the car well worth waiting for. The Velie's increased facilities are gaining on the demand--but only promptness in ordering can insure an early delivery. In the Velie you obtain the Authoritative Style--long roomy body--genuine leather deep plaited upholstery--silent flexible power--new ideas everywhere. Six body styles, open and closed to choose from. Closed cars are marvels of luxury and complete appointment. show you. Let us KENDRICK & VANLUVEN Lecal Agents 373 and z.; Crock Street. Velie Motors Corporation, Moline, IL Builders of Automobiles and Moter Trucks : RUSHING into town several times a week--Winter and Summer --over all kinds of roads--with fragile goods ike eggs, glass containers, etc. --makes him appreciate just what a set of H& D's: does for a Ford. more comfortable. He tly and easily. His rapid joumey is made fur Ford car or truck takes the big His repair bills are redu by and ruts i He is sefe against He has lose tires last longer. His investment is a better ont. R&D's prevent breakage of Ford springs . GUARANTEE fs. as ol apes wii BY FRICES Twinn style, as shown, oot ir... PE Siogle-arm style, act of fous... ,. Ford Trashy sovef oan 222 E. CHOWN & SON A. CHOWN & CO. W. B. DALTON & SONSTLTD. < there have been chronie oiling trou- bles and it is doubly important to be certain at all times of the exact level of the lubricant in the case, it is a simple matter to have two gauge pet cocks inserted in the case, one above the other. By this means posi- tive knowladge of the oil level may be had, whereas any oll float is like- ly to stick and give a false riding. Misfiving--If all the spark plug &aps are too wide, the magneto can- not be rotated fast enough by crank- ing to generate a voltage high en- ough to overcome the resistance of the spark gaps in the Zombustion Space of the cylinders and as a .resalt the engine will not start. But even it the engine fs started and the spark plug gaps are too wide, the en- gine will miss fire when #t is attempt. ed to accelerate rapidly or when run. a wide-open throttle and a heavy load. The insulation of the high temsion wiring or the condenser may be punctured. Inasmuch as the voltage increases with the speed of armature rotation, the engine may ha aneadad un hv eradually onenine | the throttle without en raing the en- gine to miss an explosion, | Spring Breakage--Springs break because of overloading, badly rusted leaves, clips too tight, spring not properly fastened to the axle and because the shackle is inoperative, due to a broken shackle bolt or a stiff shackle. - 3 An emergency brake for bicycles, to be appiied by back pedaling should the coaster brake band break, has been invented by a Frenchman. For keeping up steam pressure at all times in fire engines a gas heater has been invented with a burner that can be placed in a fire box. A French aviator has equipped the fuselage of his airplane with two cots for the use of pasengers deciring to siesp during night flights. A waterproof shell, making it serviceable under all weather condi. tions, features a new gun for firing life lines over shipwrecked vessels, An inventor has attached a cine to ay mde of a shopping basket to aid InfSupporting the load when a per- son stoos 10 add 10 Us contents