Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1920, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1920. MEDICINES Now is the time to take those Blood and System Purifiers to make you feel fit. Get yours at: At Best's The Popular Drug Store Phone 59. Keeley x. Against Regieta by Using Glasses ribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley,Jr., L0.D.0. The optometrist of today to do good work must not only be SquIpRed with the best mechan- feal aj tus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI ENCF CAN GIVE. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. Fountain Pen: is a necessity nowa- days. We have a complete range of the best makes. Watermans and Swans We are also in posi- tion to supply new nibs and make other repairs. MARRIAGE LICENSES WEDDING RINGS SMITH BROS. JEWELERS _ Limited Established 1840 a Some folks shy at courtesy when it requires coin to- display it. We all ought to be glad that birth- days come so often and death but | once. Although warnings are there's always a crowd at the danger line. 8 H COAT NOW IS THE TIME TO GIVE YOUR HOUSE A COAT OF Fresh Pajnt or touch up the interior. .We have only ten (10) colors left, so we would advise ypu to come and get your shade while we have it in stock. Owing to the high cost of Paints and Oils people will not feel like painting, but we have a price that will reach everybody, and the Standard Paint (Ramsay's). Yours while it lasts PER GALLON $4.50 McKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. W. A. MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Department, THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE PHONE 287. BROCK STREET + 3 .the price is $75.00. It you will be here from the factory. T. E Harp Cn, Lid. « EERE A King George Has Ordered His "Hoover" You Too May Have One For Your Own Little Palace A recent newspaper story relates interestingly that King George, while visiting an exhibit of ideal home appliances, etc., in London recently, became thoroughly ilterested in the merits and mechanism of a Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper, and showed his enthusiasm by ordering one. THE Shoovse" THAT WILL GO TO KING GEORGE WILL BE MADE IN HAMILTON he managing director of the London branch of this gigan- tic industry was recently in the city, giving this his personal at- . tention. It will be a Hoover Special that will go to King George There is a duplicate of that model at Harrison & Co.'s store | for you, if you wish it, and at the same price, or you may choose one of three other models at lower or higher prices. - ¢ not familiar with the "Hoover," we will be glad to arrange a demonstration at your on Any time after; Monday, March 29th, a special demonstrator # EAL IR ER AREY plenty || street, who spent several days | Elgin with Miss Eva Coon, has re- || turned to town. i tu {| spe {| Anderson, and are again with Mr. {and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, {| street. || staying wit cia Told In Twilight (Notice----Herpafter, the Whig, in | common with uther papers all over Canada, will make a charge of §1 | ior inserting ## engagement, mar- riage or reception announcement. = » Mrs. Ross M. "Davis, 200 Stuart | street, entertained on Monday after- | noon, in honor of the birthday of her | little son "Billy", four years old. } Quite a number of little folk were | present, and they had a really jolly | time, in games and other amuse- { ments. Dainty refreshments were | served. | . 2 1 Miss Agnes Maude Machar, Syden- | ham street, entertained at tea on Sat- | urday afternoon from 4.30 to 6.30, | when her guests were some old | i | friends who were glad of this oppor- | | tunity of meeting each other, and of | | faving a chat with their hostess, the | { author of such charming prose and poetry, of whom Kingston is so just- ly proud. » * * Driver, Colborne street, entertained | at a miscellaneous shower, in honor | of Miss Edythe Dunlop, the bride of next month. About thivty were pres- ent. The color scheme was carried out in pink and white. A large white basket with a kewpie bride in the centre contained a number of pretty | gifts. * * * Mrs. Mason, Rockweod Hospital, was hostess at a small bridge on Fri- day. A number of people came in at the ted hour to have the pleasure of meeting Mrs, Frank Hawkins, Otta- wa, who was the guest of honor. * * * Mrs.-G. Y, Chown, "Sunnyside" was hostess at a small, but very plea- sant tea on Tuesday, when her guests had the pleasure ' of meeting Miss Anning of Ottawa, who is visiting her. > Mrs. H. F. Mooers, Barrie street, has sent out cards for a dance on Monday evening, April 5th, in honor of her daughters, Miss Isabel and Miss Grace Mooers. * - r On Tuesday, Mrs. James Dunlop, Brock street; gave a delightful linen shower in honor of Miss Edythe Dun- lop, the bride of next month. * 5 » Mrs, David B. Murray, Kensington avenue, is entertaining on Tuesday evening, April 6th, for her daughter Miss Marjorie Murray. * - > Mrs. T. B. Caldwell, Perth, is vi- siting her sister, Mrs. A, Strachan, King street. Major and Mrs. G. G. Greer, are at the Chateau, Ottawa. Major General Victor Williams, Kingston, is at the Chateau, Ottawa. Inspector M. R. Davis and Mrs. Davis, are spending a few days in Toronto and St: Catharines this week Miss Marion Ruddick is sailing on Thursday by the Melita from St. John, to spend the summer visiting friends in England. Miss Ruddick in- tends joining the Serbian Red Cross next winter. . * Sir Archibald Macdonnell, Royal Military College, has returned from New York. Miss Marie Beynon, Toronto, is visiting her relatives, Dr. and Mrs. Nicha}ls, Clarence street. Prof. John Macnaughton and Mrs. Macnaughton who spent the week- end in town, returned to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Gambsy, Union street, will leave for Frankford on Friday to Spend Easter with Mrs. Joseph Por- ritt Mr, and Mrs. W, Kent Macnee will occupy Prof. and Mrs. Gummer's house on Collingwood street for the summer, * * * Mrs. Francis Duffie, Almonte, is in Kingston visiting her son. She will go on to Hamilton, where her husband is located. Robert Sloane Gouglay and Miss Adeline Howell Rowland announce their marriage on March 11th, in New York. Mrs. Gourlay is a sister of T. W. Rowland, University avenue, Kingston. The engagement is anmounced of Miss Florence Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Isidore Martin, Pem- broke, to L. Victor: Pelletier, L.A., C.G.A., son of Prof. and Mrs. R. O. Pelletier, Montreal. The wedding will take place the latter part of April. * * . Mrs. Constantine, Earl street, has returned from Ottawa. Miss Freda Burns, Frontenac in Miss Anne Minnes, Toronto, will .| spend the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. {| Jameés Minnes, Bagot street. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. H. Boak re- A from Ottawa, where they a few days with Mrs. Victor Earl . -. - * Mrs. Henry McLeany Kingston, is her mother, Mrs. James Spence; Brantford. William Gimblett, Kingston, is visiting S. H, J. Reid, Brantford. Phone 231) On Wednesday evening, Miss Rita | Easter Footwear-- OUR SPRING SHOES FOR MEN ARE THE LATEST AND BEST. WE HAVE ALL STYLES AND LEATHERS AT PRICES FROM $8.50 to $13.00 CALL AND LOOK THEM OVER. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE BRITISH WHIG | Mrs, Cleary Hanley, Master God | | frey and little Miss Mollie, who have | | been visiting in Vancouver, B.C, | the past six weeks, are now Seattle, Wash., about May 1st. Mrs. John Ford, Kingston, is spénding a few days with friends and relatives in Prescott. Miss Isabel Mooers has come down from Bishop Strachan's School, To- | ronto, to spend the holidays with Mrs. H. F. Mooers, Barrie street. Dr. Brisco, Timmins, Omnt., spent the week-end in town . Miss Winnifred Hague, University avehue, will spend Easter with Mrs. Walter Boyd in Ottawa. . * » Miss Helen Tofield, Barrie street, has come down from Toronto, where she has been attending Havergal Col- lege, bringing with her Miss Eileen Longworth, a school friend, whose home is in Charlottetown, P.E.L, to spend the holidays with her. Miss Helen Turner, Knoxville, Tenn., is expected next week to pay {a visit to Prof. and Mrs. Alexander { Macphall, Clergy street. Miss Marjorie Gamsby, Union | street, will spend Raster in Ottawa, the guest of Mrs. . E. Stewart. Mrs. Gwillim Sh "Miss Gwenyth Gwillim, who have been with Mrs. | Macphail, Clergy street, have re- | turned to their home on Albert | street. Brig.-Geperal and Mrs. H. T. | Hughes, who spent a few days in {town, returned to Ottawa on Mon- day. Mrs. Harold: Harvey, London, is the guest of her mother, Mrs, Lyons, | Alfred street, for a few weeks. | Miss Edna Chown will come up {from Boston this week to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Chown, Sunyside. . . Mrs. D. K. McCrea and sons, Win- nipeg, and Mrs. Frank Sletcher, Mor- ley, Alta., and two little daughters, are vigiting their mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. John Stansbury, Kings- ton. Mrs. H. S. Elliott, Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, Bagot street. (Continued on Page 8) NEW METHOD OF SERVICE HOW AUTO OWNERS WHO VIO- LATE LAW ARE TREATED. Policeman Ties a Yellow Card to Steering Gear Summoning Owner Before the Police Magistrate. Chief of Police Robinson and his staff are right after citizens who do not get their 1920 automobile licenses. Citizens have bean given lots of warning that if the new licenses were not obtained by March | 15th they would be summoned before the police magistrate. Several have failed to comply with the order of the chief constable, and have been called | upon to part with $5 and costs. They | have paid their fines without going | before the magistrate. The chief of police is working out a new system. Any time that a con- stable, while on the tour of duty, sess a car with a 1919 license, he im- | ediately takes a yellow card from | 8 pocket, writes the number of the | ar and the time and place where the | car was seen with the wrong number. On the opposite side, the card advises | the owner of the car that he is sum- moned to appear before the police magistrate for neglecting to have the right license number. The card is then tied to the steering gear of the car. In past years the police have had a lot of trouble getting after the men who violate this rule. In past years the number of the license was taken. The constable then had to go to the issuer of licenses, and after getting | the name of the owner, he had to is- sue a summons. In many cases it took some hours to locate the name 5 the man who was violating the aw. On Wednesday morning, a Whig reporter saw a meichant trapped for not having the right license, The man drove down to his place of busi- ness and left the car on the street. Police Constable Timmerman, who happened to be walking up Brock street, noticed the car and immedi- ately placed a yellow card on the steering gear. It was amusing to see the merchant when he came out. = Your Promise Is Good. Do not estimate your ability to subscribe to the Y.M.C.A, by the amount of cash you may have in your ket. Your pledge for a later date of payment will be very accept- able. / Wilson Goes to Massachusetts. Washington, March 31.--President Wilson will spend the summer at Wood's Hole, a village on the souihk- ern coast of Massachuetts, where the summer White House will be estab- lished on the estate of Charles R. Crane, recently appointed minister (to China. Po Thirty-nine mills is Galt's rate. ae For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always ay Signature of - for | in | § and will reach home | | ET 3 OG TT TT OA 70 Brock St. PAGE THREE a PROBS: --Thursday, winds ; rain or SNOW. --. Store Closed Friday All Day. ~~ Last Call for Easter Shoppers Two More Days-----Thursday And Saturday The slogan for Easter is "Dress Up" and Steacys is right here ready to help in that necessary supply of dressy things to wear--two more shopping days only and with value, variéty, style, combined with rock bottom prices, Steacys will be the shopping headquarters 500 Easter Suits For Women And Misses They're here! 500 of them! The most exclu- sive in fashion--the most extensive in variety and the most exemplary in quality. The fashions are entirely new and are the near- est approach to perfection that can be obtain- ed and by reason of our STYLE SUPERIOR- ITY our Suit collections are foremost in char- acter and quality, affording infinite variety of selection. Women's Spring Suits $16.95 +27.50--$35.00--$42.50--$45.00-:348.50 up to $125.00 Beautifully tailored of Tricotine, Serge, Poplins, Jersey and Tweeds --up to the minute in every detail and distinctively new styles; Navy : Blue predominates, with many other Spring colors. st wesc ssn Women's Spring Coats $19.75, $22.50, $25.00, $28.00 to $60.00. Blouses To Accompany Easter Costumes $1.98, $3.98, $5.50, $6.00, $10.00, up to $35.00 Belted models and loose swing- ing effects, in a wonderful collec- tion of the most sought after Spring shades; developed in Jer- sey, Velour and Donegal Tweeds 1,000 Blouses to choose from, in exquisite materials .and styles; many novelty effects: New Easter Hats A collection of such charm . and com- pleteness as to prove a pleasure to the woman or miss who has not yet chosen her Easter Hat. Every hat new and every style authentic in every style and combination correct for Spring. Priced $7.50 up to $25.00 THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF Easter Gloves And Silk § Hosiery We have arranged a special selling of Easter Gloves and Silk Hose--special values, mark each article and it will pay to shop here. The greatest values in Silk Hose i in the city, He, 3M, $1.25, up to $5.00 a pair. - !

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