_________ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 1 In The Spring AUCTION TT | ER ---- wv hte dh dd TYIUYYOV vewew ve vw pr . . . ' : a i ! : Time SALES : 1 = | I I. Our thoughts turn to the Ko- tine avis 4a TO-NIGHT i eu : dak or era, which has been| Afe you contemplating havi: ; % x n sale of your household goods @ placed away for the winter. A ay Bain ee ar ne "e Does yours need a general over-| 0. method of selling evey Sein : h : hauling; or do you need a new | by human _ingenuity can go B TE MR MT SAAT) smi : = so one? If 20. Wo mould be lad) NUE A el uN) en CONDENSED ADVER " : t sale. n > N N '3 ~ a . . x to have you drop in and talk | sain 'may re resent the hard earned PRICES 25-50-75-31.00-81.50-82.00 | jy YEN SED ADVE NSC RATES WANTED GENERAL. | FOUND e matter over with us. and treasured savings of a life secutive insertion thereafter, half- . - th al t £ Tand 'therefore you can readily under-| Seats now on sale. Sent @ word. Minimum charge for| BOARD AND ROOM, IN A SMALL, | A PAIR: OF GOLD RIMMED 11 BN CART IN hn We have a complete line of | #tand how important it is that such a one insertion, 25c; three insertions. private family; by a middle age] Glasses, Sunday, March 14th : : Road. » sale should be handled only by alg. everyone who likes geod 60 cents. mah. Address Box 69, oity. "i a Sunt ye Ciarey and THOROUGHBRED ENGLISH BU Camera supplies and will De | speciaiist in the profession. Are you Shows to take our word and sée this The above rates are for cash only; - . " "Brock street. Owner may pup; 11 months old. Apply Be glad it you will entrust your| having an Foust A B Fag wonderful laughing hit, phen chasged thoy are double. : SHOOND-HANDL, RIOT a TIANS have same at 13 Raglan Road R-3, Whiz Office. ty, ouse : pe --_-- or cash or in pa ym Bb NR " earls s > Printing .and Developing to us. Ty your THE NAUGHTY-NICE FARCE pianos and gratonoias, C. W. Lina- | PURSE CONTAINING SUM OF on mn 8 St. WORMWITH UPRIGHT PIANO: GOO! ¢ say Limited, 121 Princess street. | Inoney on Sydenham St 3 ill be pleased" to give YOu any |p, er trom a triumphant, ali season i N vner can have Jame by |} A Naar at 438 Brock information about it. run to capacity audiences at the Prin-| CHAMBERMAIDS, APPLY HOTEL| WANTED--MEN AND BOYS TO PAT-| calling at Gilbert's Grycery, 250.00. i 3 y . W. Curzon, barber. Men's Barrie St. ; Book early and secure choice of | cess Theatre, New York. RanGoion: and boys Bair cut, 306. Dave ide. ON BARRIE STREET, CHILD'S ART ASD MARNESS AND. Opp. Y.M.C.A,, Kingston. dates. ADOLPH KLAUBER PRESENTS MASONS, AT CATARAQUI QcnooL, Razors honed 25¢, 286 Ontario St, red woollen mitt. Owner y. Apply Clow's, 471 neess job, i » " : y ve Whi . . w I will buy the contents of any house (in mssociantion with the Selwyus) "Bagot street. Apply on near Brook Street. Ray have same wt & Ot RGOAL ITE TT hE for cash. ) CARPENTER FOR REPAIR SHOP. WANTED TO RENT ON 1.0NG LBASE, | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. ioal books. Apply between 7 pm s Laoghing oly dni le *C 'ate small farm, 5 to 10 acres, house and | b " 3 | 8 a ' 3 : Apply Domdnion Texttle Co, Cat ~ barn; mot more than five miley from | Anyone a TE i and and § pun 230, Sydenham St, i ge = e uctioneer XiEston, Apply Box T-24, Whig | Wishing to reach the owner may JUDSOX'S AUTO TUPS, BROCKYY : ' | : . oe, ---- do 80 by reporting the facts to © have the Plate Glass Lights 0 282 8 % st Telephone asz2 | YOUNG Sih SANIED, FOR, GEN. TE A Ea Bw ------ AVY DUTY | The British wag. Ihe a back Curtaine, all kinds. 2] Residence: rock st. Telepho; eral housework; sma mily. P= * 1 tisement will be printed in this A4t us sverhaul yous ear mow -. ' ta the Aue] Nice Farce ply 24 Frontenas street South, engine, not ia len op over Solan Frag of Shere SULID BRICK HOUSES, NOS, 200 ANM, ore rush, ars' experience e- | . enty horsey : HH engine "Fou clos" . Ri : oh N a. ion Busnes. Rid st EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR' YOUNG Dame deseripion and price. hb. Is ore ac --. Rot i MEE Siraas Buse pry ? . Given here with the original cast of baby. Apply Mrs. Earnshaw, No. 4% Kees, Northport, ont. in etc. These, If lost, may be ad- or Shop 1035. | Mem. A ction Sales Metropolitan Celebrities, = including RNC Hrvunds Phone 1086, WANTED T0 PURCHASE A SWALL Phones: Shop 1030. Res. 1537J. u FRANCIS BYRNE, and the identical ex- = digs! in first class condition: Sn £ quisite production which all New York | . 4 i LS price. Apply Box N-22, Whig Of : CARETAKER FOR SONS OF ENG- } feet; draft, four feet;| pie I am the best auctioneer in Kingston, | 2¢¢iaimed "A Perfect, Laughing Joy." land hall for nights. Apply H. M. ; botled, abou? ¢ hp. Ap- | LOST. vg vertised fur in the "Lost" column. ONE 'NEW BLUE ALL WOOL VE- AY our Suit; bust $8. Keusomable v i & ue Lumber Mills Co. 2 , oe NOTE-This company appears im Mont- Hawley, 109 Princess street. 4 ery 4 + | A WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, IN 4 Make me prove it. real week of March 15th, Ottawa March ih Street, Quebec, Que. | mre POCKETBOOK CONTAINING 800d copdition. Apply before : be et Ww 2 A GIRL TO CLERK IN GROCERY - i oney a . x R Wm, and after § p.m. Pr J. BARRETT | pproRD; The Auctioneer | oor far, To CURE Ii GROCERY ad BF aba ! 3 He oneer ply Friendship's, 210 Division St. MALEK HELP WANTED | te this office. ion PLUMBER rr ----mm---- : . | - rae R - - - " 1 FORD TOURING CAR; FIRST CLASS" Plumbing and Heating Repair Phone 1721 or 1428. AERO RRRRR ER ONRRRRRRFRRRERRRRRRROA ARRAY COOK, GENERAL; NO WASHING OR | GUUL WAGES FOR HOME WORK. STRAYED OR STOLEN. condition; detachable body; . make m bing | A ------------ iromng; tamily of one. Apply | We need you to make socks on tne 800d delivery truck. Cuaea for Work a Specialty, Addrens | Mrs. C. F. tilldersleeve 199 King fast, easily learned" Auty Knitter. 4 Pha "43 4 5 ' ' 226 SYDENHAM STREET 2 4 ---- ere. te. x . ~~ » y street Experiences unnecessary. Distance ONE BLACK AND A aon, AN, Juick sale, Phogs - O88, 1&L : can. | swering to the nan 0 sey. r ' " vii enders Wanted @ 24 , oe ; i AN SMART, YOUNG MAN ' AS SHOE acting DO tid "Bar Any person harboring this cog wili | SPLENDID. BUILDING LOT, CLOSE TO lek hes BR ISR RE PE | ' Yarn supplied. Particu- a y corner Earl and Albert; ee ae ne etna clerk; one with some experience lars xc. stamp. 'Dept. 24C, Auto be prosecuted. . J. M. Woodruff, a bert; built about 4% \ > y : be iF it; a bargain. Owner leaving onyy 4 a $ > 8 s . " BC itt Co. T Sydenham, Ont. - vos Te R NASH Sealed Tenders, marked tender on the WHERE TVLHYRODY COF / preferred. State Whig of occted. Knitter Co. Toronto Bb chic Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St. 5 envelope, will be received at the o y . i ee CE er ® of the County Clerk, Court House, TO-DAY STUDENTS AND TEACHERS, YOUNG "DENTIST! NTAI GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND oe, : i men or women, write for our $600 DENT selections; your owa choice, $44.50, . Kingston, up to noon on Wednes- A CHARWOMAN FOR HOUSECLEAN- offer for Summer holidays; also erms, $6 cash, $1 per week day, Marek Sist, 1920, for the hire of a : ing, the latter part of this week. $100 offer for Easter holidays No|A+ Es. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, .D.DS, indsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. 17 hp. and a 20 hp. traction engine, 3 via Breamer Apply after § o'clock at 23 West! gepogit required. Educationei and 2fiice 258: Princess Street. Phone ot 188 Princess: Street. : Phone 735 | Without belt, to run County 'Crusher y og Bel. . ~~ patriotic work, - Exceptional oppor- : RS CANES, Sirs Pon Spr 3 - 4 . . . Sts < ' A wn. We specialize in gas administra- Alwo for hire: of a competent man to ' EXPERIBNCED FARM HAND 40 eXpoionce. corned CT fhe PRS A158 Wellington sirce DE. Qunp Supplies, Ste. Frank i. run the County Roa r, R b rt G d work on farm; ree miles fro 1 oD ¥ pr ot Pray 5 , ooke, 2 agot etre Phone tion, Pyorrhea-treatment, Crown and Jun the {unt ope oraon GIy: references required MePIY at terview by appointment with Dig Carovsky's. Phone 348) bY t mraet. J Bridgework. Graduate assistants. Terms and conditions of contract to ' : Ly »A¥ict' Representative. Address Mr. ract + "And al Bt. Cast 4 Whig Office. < Conrad, Desk C. Supt. Students be seen at office of County Clerk. e an All-Star Cast in o - 152/8padi TG to. " 1 9B. 1 MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEAVORK;| A 2 FOR SALE. : stand, oak rocking chair, Axmine Office Hours, <lowest or eny tender not necessarily h no laundry. Apply to Mrs. Wm. pe -- accepted. ster rug, 10 ft. x 9-6, almost new, - Pied. 1 w. BRADSHAW, ct ble B Pr ' Birmingham, corner Union and : CLEVELAND BICYCKE, $25.00, BOYS Abply §-7 pam. Apply 376 Albert + We < to ; ee 'erfect Bicycle, $15.00. Street, y SCOTT'S GARAGE Sounty Clerk espe a y OXY Sena nswn denne TEACHER FOR SS, NO. 7, BARRIE, forfect Bleycle, 315.00. 334 Alfred roa, . 2 X ton Hi ical Society . SPPPES Dutieg to commence April 5th. Sal-| TELEPHONE POLES, CEDAR POST! Dept ONE DRESSER, BURBAU, WASH. ary $400 for seven months. Apply | SEVENTEEN COLONIES OF BEES, any size, all pried; also Seed 208 BAGOT STREET 4 A maid. Apply to the Dietitian; + to Wm. Killingbeck, Plevna, Ont extraction and other bee equipment. Oats, "The Century: guaranteed Phone 1804w. 1 pe HC nant . /denh Hospital. LA SLAIN C. N. Garrison, Colebrook, Ont. clean and good. Apply B. A, Fret irs, Storage and washing. ae % Sydenham Hospit i ix . -------- ee relly, Barrfefield. Ye Repal Hs + / D 1918 Chevrolet and Ford Tour iq FPRMM RIM EERE Rhy / MEDICAL EGGS FOR SETTING' THOROUGH- ing Cars for sale, bred Rhode Island Reds, both | MOTOR BOAT, 25 FEET \ - Prof. John Macnaughton, of Toronto A CHEESEMAKER KOR WHITMAN | DR)J. E. KANE WISHES TO AN. combs and Blue Andalusians. Ap- cylinder, Gray engine; 14 " 3 , rye 1 nounce that he has. opened offices ply 25 York St. wer; Blso boat house. Phone University, will speak on "National | Paramount Mack Sennett Comedy ily fhe SUT 188:090) 108, cheege at 136 Wellington Street, opposite . Residence 80 Frontenac . = RY Ph Rh . residence, 31. Wicker combination carriage. Ap- . Physics Report Paper . > 4 PXTERIENCED TABLE MAID FOR aldenicy, 1633 | PLY at 25 Upper William st, city. | ONE 100-EGG HOT WATER IMPERIAL Friday Eve. Marc 6 GAUMONT WEEKLY---SCENICR--4. nurses & ny 3 ' ; Hospital HOUSE AT 235 BAGOT; » ROOMS; B. & Apply after 4 o'clock to L. C. Wile 3 "hap A FEW GIRLS AND BOYS; GOOD H 209 1 > hx 24%w 11 BO V ; : 1d . ght housgkeeping. Apply 202 ply mornings to. Phone 1242w, until A NG HOUSE AND BARN AND Sq Ruled Paper 3 JATION HALL, QUEEN'S wages paid to learners. Also ex Whillam St. ng 5 ; ners and weavers. Apply Dominio, va > LOR RP x VE ENGINE. v "NL. BSIOM YL... ipecnivenene, 2Bc Textile Co. Cataraqui Street. 4 TWO ROOMS FOR OFFICE PURPOSES, | MARINE ENGINE; 4 CYL. 4 OY( v3 some one. Best of reason for sells Spit Conceit" Lae Baerga On| len adlepbons: okies DEH oh pov. Seu mAVE SARL Shes ' Collegiate Note Paper : obey ro Matron: Noneienaral help; TO LET.- broader; both th, goss cog ees ; i Note Paper at 8 o'clock, in ROOMS TO LET; SUITABLE FOR Pe Sonit_knd = nz Ped) Hams, $22 Albert strest, perienced card tenters, ring spine Saturday. pr 480; io Sppetan Ty, h town . 20c¢. 'per 100 : A on Princess St. Apply Box U-24, with clutch; develops 45 h.p.; fine ing. ly to Burgess & Wilson, BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. = Pp A GOOD, YOUNG MAN; MUST BE 'Whig Oftice. ofling system; worth $1,800; sell props, Yarker, On ~. surat 1 v for less than half. Terms allowed. J . accurate and willing to work. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR Apply Box W-25, Whig Office. ASS EARL STREET, BRICK, WITH EX< . P Bet oan lea I ere light housekeeping; on bath room Jension Kitchen; oak floors; hot wa. . " 4 3 t = SOD F N N or héa i Apply Kingston Mattress Co. @ floor. Apply $3 Raglan Road ODA OUNTAIN, ¢ FEET LONG; e ting; gas and electric 14 a oe i. AT complete with ocarbonating plant; ing. Price $6200. A ly nex ge THUKSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY IE Wa Brae vortex cus, spoons, etc. Run one 3 Te P. Power, or homes Wis, CARTERS' TARIFF FOR REMOVING | The Best Dressed Woman in America ror dane oom our guaranteed | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; season only. Wil sell cheap to 79 Clarence Street. Brown Nurseries; 11 improvements; centrally locat- quick buyer. Apply A. G, Harris, , HES. trees and plants, Outfit free. Lib- : Imversi 3 MeLAUGHLI TRIN SEALED TENDERS, marked ten- Aa lead removed. front eral commission, Brown Brothers ed. Apply 243 Brock street. Univ ty Drug Store.' OLIN oa Sen CAR der on the envelope, will be received cellars rough window or Company, Nurserymen, Limitea,} : run "716 miles 1 : by the Clerk of the Municipality of | other opening including carry. 0. Oniario. | STORAGE rom, FURNITURE, oRMAN seen ak Angrove roms Township of Wolfe Island up to noon, | ng Taner $ WANTED--MAN CAPABLE OF OR. ® 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391). btrac- Tenders, in writing to on Monday, the 12th day of April, Pot 2ach load 7emoved from, --in-- - sanizing and ; nearly new: or 1920, for the provid Sgshing | carry up Interior statrs .... 1.25] In her latest Paramount Artcraft Sslesmen _ for S| STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN will exchange for Ford o j J 1° Permane Sy J ar. J. A. f{ and delivering 200 or re tolse Offa jor each load.removed when rand nano and dry. McCann's Real Kstate Duncan. 73 William .St., Kingston. stone as directed by the Township Picture Agency, 88 Brock sireet. Phone necessar to carry down mended and properly qualified ARM, 2 RE i G BURN Council during the season of 1920. BATS, av i : "THE INVISIBLE BOND" an Midrand hropetly auaiifieal | Rell] FARM, 25 ACRES, IN GLENBURNIE,; 6 fn miles from Kingston, with good pay highest pric J. _ l'§--PFor each load removed .when dian Home Journal, Toronto. Can- 5 house and barn; good orchard; 33 Princess Street. P| _-- jowast or 3uY tender not Races. | = Kor A I rtd van Founded on "The See-Saw," by FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT ventent to sehool and church, rural iE Fen i "J.D. COSGROVE ans Biel OF waite saris. 2 Sophie Kerr Underwood. UPHOLSTERING '888 for cookiSk; no children. Apply| Toon Saivery. Immediate posdos- LE, FROM a A ' 5-57 ton. A yr R. H. P\ 5. K 3 Upwards; a few a Clerk, Township of Wolfe Island. | ¥rd when carrying ia neces ¥98 Princess Street. stop. TTY RH. Tui R. 5 Ring 250 Crime 2:58 > rk, Township o folfe Island. 4 et sary MYSTERY OF "13" CALL OR DROP A CARD ©0 Ww. J. Taveetigeovers for $2.60 (Come aud 5 2 Gavine, upholsier, 216 Bagot S . . BUI aero om where, TE, ? o Wolfe Island, March 22nd, 1920. $--For. each load removed from ] : Pp § Bagot St. FARM ON SHARES; STOCK AND IM. FOR 86.200, WELL BUILT, BRICK, ete. Woiere Bisydle or) : ~~ yard when carrying _is not Featuring Francis Ford F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. plements; two miles from Barrie- house; Improvements; electric ioty w, NECESBAIY ..ioeaten srvevasns -§5 holstering and general repairing, field. Apply to R. BE. Draper, Bar- h.w. floors; h. w heating; a MEN'S SUITS, MENS AND ; For the purpose of this section a load "wn Leave orders at or drop a card to riefield. dahs; deep lot; splefidid locality: boots, furniture, stoves, h Bors of ashes, earth refuse, or rubbish shall] ~~ "ALL LIT UP 104 Clergy street. easy terms, Apply Box K-20. Whi, & set single % heaters, & | consist of not lass than one-and-a-half Pollard Comedy THREE FURNISHED ROOMS ON Ry » Apply K-20, Whig Sosson: Mos mariarasss, single | cuble yards. -- bathrooni flat; suitable for Nght x ust be wold thie esther articles. Foam . CARPENTERING Rousekeeping; near Queen's Uni: Must be sold this Week.. 308 Prine VISION BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS. - BRIGGS COMEDY = versity. Apply Phone 1958w, 5 FARM OF 113% ACRES IN THE bn pee WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER -- , wi v i COMING MONDAY ! see James, Selby, Contractor, 217 i 03 With rani) foo, Hastings Coun BATEMANS WAL ESTATE, AUCTION SALE 5 a University Avenue. Phone 1398w.| STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ad deh @ louse, bound- -- 9p a : * dry, airy rooms; your own lock and ed on one side by Foster Lake; FOR SALE In our thoroughly equip: "SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE key. Frost's City Storage, 299 good hunting Forte Tob apoiid. A~RovGH CAST; 8 ROOMS; [ 3 s { LEGAL. Queen street... Phone 526; res. 989w. * 4 Ci » o. 1B. and C.; electric lights; large bed exainiaing room. your a a Marek och. ae 130 poms a Stands in an adventure story cldss by Black eet. Dareli Asmar, $28%0--r AME Ee ns a os eyes will receive careful HN J itself. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. B88; large jop. FUOMS; B. AND Cy attention. "We have every Parlor suite, Senora PUONGE ram, ers and Solicitors, 79 Ci noe i ge lof, } facility for a sefentific ex- rior tables, carpets, rugs, Mnoleums, ' ing Street, Kingston. A. B. C re 5 eaters, range, dining room chairs, oak x r 4 'amination on your eyes. extension table, couch, oak sideboard, ham. Cyril M. Smith. , massive upholstered. arm rockers, > 3 : Our optometrist devotes J' clocks, pictures, brick-a-brack, 'bed. Ask Your Grocer for AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTER all his time to eye work room suites, dressers, stands, toilet sets, and _Bolleltor., Law office, corner id § h i : lamps, kitchen utensils, refrigerator, a of King and Brock, over Royal A a ratore. unat. [| Bost of other articles. rest ran Bank. Money to losn. Phone 1998. Spsition 1a site you uads BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. Bata Phone 1721, HOP BARRED ROCK AND WHITE WYAN-| g2100: Re *, dotte Cookerels; a ®, fo " RAME, ¢ Rooms, LIPROVE. «hatehing from pri winger at ents; 1rge lot, Kingston. Smith's Falls, Picton and 00 aK Ottawa; reasonable price; satisfac- gis Provemens Ade, To loos; 1M. tion guaranteed. Joseph White, + oleatrig lighte. Portsmouth, Ont. Phone 2301 ring $2,400--BRICK VENEER; 6 Ro v . all improvemen For quick Ns, ¥ und Nia LACS KARE! wsav0, mick nUNGALow, 5 noone about bi £85 set of single harness: improvements; electric light; cutter, delivery waggon; also a 250 double lot. . Egg Chatham Incubator, ------ FOR RENT % store in heart shopping dis- trict; best location for boots, shoes, barbers, gents' furnish- ing and Hats, Confectionery, ready-to-wear clothing; imme- diate possession. Terms to suit. 176 Princess St, next to Standard Publishing Co., Ltd. edb diddtd of droped de ded dob | | ba RED SOCKEYE SALMON ARC! ECT Call. at: your conveni- HIT ence and talk it over. We and accept no substitute. Qual- POWER, SGN AND DREVER, ARCHI~ are makers of "correct" FOR SALE ity guaranteed, by :-- tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, = Brooder; cheap, to quick buyer. Ap. FARMS FOR f Brock and Wellington ly 401 Divisich st P SALE ' eye glasses. A cOrner«o; FINAN ply Vision street, city. 2, + solitary Sddlcs, Bridies, Lines, W. G. CRAIG & ©0., Ltd. wireets. 2 CIAL $2,000--30 RE GO BARNS; ACRES; on : small home; eight miles from Ki Php deb bedded aton. x % i" a or a a Tor all Xinds ; Sole distributor 3. PERSONAL. TO aat, Boctory ser a | phon 45 - ut Soclety; ine os e 1237. Princess Street.| || : . WANTED, BY A GOOD, INDUSTRIOUS President, Ww. F. Nick io. A Binary cing fa fave ALL GOOD La A SHAPIRO : ; man, & good Woman for a wife. Ap- dent. A, 'First class house forliate, si. » 500. No. 237 Brock #Mreet; semi~ ro facing the lake. Farm house yu : ply to Box R-23, Whig Office . ony issued on : bP detached; brick; modern; welt barns. properties, municipal and HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. debentures; Incr gages purchased; | & built; newly papered; excellgnt fb hot alr furnace; electricity; re. . men Sometimes a woman can preserve Sale Of Grocery marks, skin cancers, scars, ete., re- investment bonds for sale; deposits ! 4 : moved permanently. Saligtactery received and interest allowed. ¢ : ; . . her respect for a man by refusing to . : : Glasses nied Aud urs after C. Cartwright, mandger = 15 a gent | Rath paxturen, est con tain } marry him. Stoc gihers have failed. Goitre removed. | ence street. Kingston. 41% stairs. Price $4500; payment to ears' e 3 5 A . 3 - - 'Lake, Eye, Bar, Nose, Throat, Skin. : a : et PPiL Rev, JW. i ETT TTT ETS SYST SSeS TS SSRs sea ooY F 258 Bagot street, y LIVERPOOL, LONDON AxD uLoBE|L ce, Kingston. ' n 1X Tr = Fire Insurance Company. Available ' . : he iG A BATMAN 2 ; L187,215. pled 3 : 3 \ J LAND SURVEYOR. Whioh de pot 1 Bosger, iin pao 350 vctitukin Serve, Risaston AN | Pe, |. TENDERS will be received by the | ¥: 7. MILLER, Bhp, Soy CET OIE.| oo aha, uhmited ihuility of : -- 1 Furnished or unfurnished; thriving village, main lne C. undersigned at the office of W. G.| DLS, MELO Napree 'On > F a) 5 : N. R. R.; 30 permanent boarders; barns; garage; CRAIG & CO., Limited, 263-265 Qp-| iirio Land Survevor, Kingston Of- 3 ti 440¢ howe; bath; Beat; aysteth tario Street, up to the nes 8 Walkem, $3 Clar- trom ; ; : Sine, th lo Tost toon, th __ S52 TEE Kentucky Cannel Coal : . : 30th for the purchase of . : Conaists ot,entire block on Main street. Price $3500. under-mentioned assets of W. hy hurst. His death will be deeply felt) PUBLIC NOTICE : y . 1 : Marchand, insolvent: and regretted by a host of friends as TARIFE FOR CABS AND fi F Gr. t Fi THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Stock in trade ..$1,451.79 |g 8% ROIECDORs as he wae ever AUTunoiLy ~ or ate rires | 5 Righiy esteemed | ta" 427 'ha pone hes 7 "os Phone 68 and 874w. . 66 Brock Street , Fixtures ....... 449.80 eligvmen apd was highly esteem ny er pain n the aa ; . ih . + oo --N | 87,500~FARM; 200 ACRES from Kingston; 100 undes Tas ton; good maple bush; wel) waters Bld fed dob vie Y BONDS ¥ LoL, 00NDS FOR SALE. MONEY Sadie oleh a ade ole beds he os Lad fs ¥ ¥ £ and, respected by all who knew him. | Hmits, except as bere'nafter provided. Inspection can' be made on the He was a member and also steward | = | Naar premises, corner, Barrie and York |of the Methodist church at Cloyne,| = ' Ra . streets, R : and was an earnest and willing : . 1am. : ' F. A, SMYTHE, . } worker. He was kind and charitable | !--For one person 4 B50 3.75 s Assignee 50. 18 i } : 2--For two pérsons ...... x to the Sor, ord Snider wi D8 | 3 For each additionai perey Kase emeda b x 3\at Cloyne, in which he was nS, passenger to or 'mn «wT PS he uncillor. as ¢ , Grand 5 , , funeral service was | 52 For P J / A : E Gl ' A ' Man of the Cloyne Methodist church Thursday | any point wathie the co ir : ge Tens . : 4 ~The March 11th. Rev. J. C. Wickwire Br miant berdnd. the Te >. % (3) between 8 am. and DD atuin sy : - . ] . 3 v sey's Bm, 7 40 PRINCESS STREET . ¥ and (b Bw den $ pm. ang All kinds of repair work prompt- 4m ] | Bet : H. Sni-| am 1 ly attended to. ; uo PD By the H. : Phone i264 Res. 1205, E 5 x ym : 3 4 : Sn tsps oielte ma" +f g : > ® - hs '1 failing spite of protests . our: §~(a) Aotomobiles-- From And tc any pont within city linvits and within A oh hereof, : | : . el Eopeemin: (Fee = George Bawden & Co. RA | oh aps | es asa was ||} Furniture Investment Broker: - General Insurance | : eiitly : that the Clty Hmits 4nd John. ; Pho LENG : podond g ypig - aaa Ret: i 100 ow Er ; nt + ment' z sara ine yy a Ta ews 1.50 § 507 Princess St. Cor. Chatham St. we will be on the Job. : 400 : ? : : ' time over the hous under wube 7 : is ale fon irasone {om 1 Bess moss Taiber who has his J TURK Phone 705 | ! Just because the