Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1920, p. 5

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PAGE FOUR " a eaeses THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 8 role ee ee ee ee o or e and Shirts $1.00 up. 112 Princess "THE CLUB" FARMERS AS LABORERS | YARKER HAS HIGHT MORE RE: | 5 rr -- All the Yarkerites Catching Musk- rats--Four Churches Are Holding TIRED RURALISTS. | | i Special Services This Week. Yarker, March 23.--Maitland | Lake has taken up his residence .in | Yarker. "This completes a ist of | eight retired farmers. But these men 'moving into the villages are not re- | tired, for in most cases they enter the labor market, and are out for a | day's work. | Yarker surely should be known as |"Yarker the Good," for this. week the @Anglican, the Methodist, the ; B , {] | Holiness Movement and the Standard New Spring Waists | | church of America are holding ser- | vices here. { The Merchants' Bank of Yarker | must be doing some business when lit has three clerks besides the man- | ager... The first man out with his | auto was Byron Holden. Now there {are many to be seen here. | D. Peters, who lately moved here, | 1s doing a gopd trade at harness re- | pair work. This was a much need- {ed industry here. The Standard {church of America is about buying | the Holiness Movement camp ground bere for meeting purposes. The prospects for fall wheat and fruits are good. The second storey flat of the Benjamin Manufacturing Company office building has been fitted up for a dwglling, and is occu- pied, by Mr. Hyland. William Silver, shoemaker, has recovered from his late illness, and is now to work again. John Tupah has moved across the river in.one of J. Emberly's ten- ant houses. The basket factory is now very busy filling orders for ex- port. Mrs. M. for medical advice. of snow on tie" morth roads, which necessitates the run- ning of sleighs. Wilbur Wilson has taken over the insurance business of the late B. S. O'Laughlin, also buy- ing out the undertaking from the vVanluven Bros., of Moscow. 'Changes in the C. N. R. yards of Yarker this spring will require a pumber of men. Sixty or seventy men will be at work. The cities are no exception to the rule as to scarcity of houses to rent AA Ap gr Do not suffe mother day Bleeding, or Pilea. No sur- relieve A. Connolly is in the city There is plenty a with Itching. A Protruding gical operation required. Dr. you at once and tment will Chase's Ol 60c 8 box : all dealers, 2s certainly cure you. or Edmanson, Bates Drink 'Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. RUBER1SON & SON, Limited The Victory Corner Princess and Clergy. While Walking you appreciate the worth and quality of these shoes. Their . real value is in the downright - hard service you can get out : of them, and that is cértain- ly what you want in foot- Besides, this shoe has good lines and conservative style and is worthy of the best dresser. As Shoe Store Phone 486, wearing wear. THE © ' makes the of Zhe Nation ( step eh JON an evening of joy. when there Llusic al your own fireside... Fe CUM d TE 5 GREENE PLAYER PIANO fireside dance a plehsant sion. All the latest dance steps can be learned from the music of * this superb instrument. We are the sole distri- butor In this commup- ity of the renowned New Edison with the, Diamond . and south. flour, per bag, $3.60 to $3.75. | standard grade, ~$13.25 1 $13.00; \choice, heavy, $10.00 to $10.50; do. ™ $10 to $11; spring lambs, for the same trouble exists in towns and villages. Forsyth O'Neil will im- prove his residence with a new porch and verandah Cyrus Edgar, con- tractor, reports building operations in the county this year as good. The one time roller mill here ds now idle, pnd here certainly is & water power that should be acquir- ed by some good live industry. It looks ag if there would be a trap set for every muskrat, judging by. the number who are at this business this season.' The price of these skins is a temptation to all who care to go after them. A, Tompkins was a visitor at John Wright's over Sunday. Mrs. B. Bab- cock and Mrs. John Main are on the sick list. The residents are now clearing the 'walks of ice, the warm weather having made this possible. 0 CARE FOR EMPLOYEES Silk Strike Settled; Workers Out Ten | 3 Months. | Amsterdam, March 23--The strike of employees, of the silk mills of Yul- | {us Kaysor & Co., in this city, Brook- | lyn and Sidney, which originated 10 | months ago over the refusal of the | company to dismiss a woman in the | Sidney plant because of her failure | to join the union, has been settled through the efforts of the state board! of mediation and arbitration. Hun- | dreds of workers will return to their | places operating its mills on eight- | hour shifts to accommodate those who have been out. ! | { Made Sales Manager. { New York, March 23.--Rey. Chas. | R. Vickery, former pastor of the Me- | thodist Episcopal church at Manlius | and overseas worker, has been re-| leased from serving as a pastor in the Central New York Methodist confer- ence to engage in business at an in- | creaséd salary. Announcement is made of his appointment as city sales | manager of the Sargent Service cor- | poration. Kills Widow and Self. Barre, Vt., March 23.--Hoyt Gal- lup, an aged farmer, shot and killed Mrs. BE. M. Fenwick, a widow, ins Barre town 'today, and after driving to his own home in Plainfield, a few miles away, killed himself with a bullet through the heart. He is be- lieved to have been angered because Mrs. Fenwick would not consent to an immediate marriage. He was 68 years ord, Mrs. Fenwick was 51. A heifer, owned by G. W. Van Pat- | ter, Dunboyne, Ont., has produced in | seven days 35.1 pounds of butter | from 708.1 lbs, 6f milk. i James Richdrds, for many years a! member of Belleville's Board of Edu- cation, died sat the age of about ninety-one, { Marie Bellanger, aged twenty-se: ven, has died, after sleeping for three | weeks, from tubercular meningitis. | 'Mayor Gray, Winnipeg, in a speech before the council committee, hoped the council would not spend a dollar in buying material from the United States. Farmers of Frontenac County were pleased with the Whig's report of the I. F. O. meeting. Markets GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Reports | ters, $5 to $7.35; veal calves, $17.25 | to $18.65; feeder steers, $9 to $12; stocker steers, $7.25 to $11.25. | Lambs, $17.25 to.$19.75; culls and | common, $14 to $17; ewes--medium, | good and choice, $11 to $14.75; 'culls | {and common, §&75 to $10.75. 1 Toronto, Toronto, March ,23.--Manitoba'! wheat--No. 1 northern, $2.80; No. 2, 2.77; Ne 3, $2.13; in store, Fort William. ™ Manitoba oats--No. 2 'CW, $1.00%; No. 3, C.W., 97%e; ..0. 1 feed, 96¢; No. 2 feed, 95¢; extra No. 1 feed, 97 3% ¢; Fort William, in store. American corn--Npo. 3 yellow, nominal, $1.96; No. nominal, $1.93; track, Toronto, prompt ship- Montreal. Montreal, March 23.---Butcher steers, choice, $13.50 to $14.25; | good, $11.25 to $13; medium, §10.50 i to $11.25; commgn, $9 to $10.50; | butcher heifers, fhoice, $10.50 to! ment. [$13; medium, $9 to $10.5Q; com-| Canadian cbrn--Feed, nominal. {mon, $7 to $9; butcher cows, choice, Manitoba barley, in. store, Fort $10 to $13; medium, $7.50 to $9; Willlam---No. 3, C.W., $1.93; No. 4 canners, $5.50; cuttters, $6 to $7; | C.W., $1.55%; rejects, $1.42; feed butcher bulls, ood, $14 to $12; 1 not quoted. common, $8 to $0. Good veal, $15 Ontiirié wheat--No, 1,32 to $2.01; [to $17; medium, $10 to $15; grass, No. 2.$1.98 to $2:01, f.0.b. shipping ($7 to $7.50.» Ewes, $12 point, according to freights; No. 3, $1.92 to $1.93; No. 1 spring, $2.02 to $2:03; No. 2/8198 to $2.01; No. 3, $1.95 to $2.01. Ontario oats--No. 3, $1 to $1.02. Barley--Maltin, $1.80 to $1.82, Buckwheat--$1.65 to $1.70. Rye--No. 2, $1.85 to $1.88. Peas--No. 2, $3, according to freight outside, $15 to $17. Hogs--Selects, $20.50; (lights, $19.76 to $20.50; sows, $16.50. : Buffalo. East Buffalo, N. Y., March 23. -- Cattle--shipping steers, $13.00 to $14.50; butchers, $13; yearlings, | $12.50 tp $14.25; heifers, $6 to Ontario flour---Government stand- | $11.50; cows, $4.00 to $10.50; bulls, ard, Montreal, in jute. bags, $10.80 | $7.00 to $10; stockers and feeders, to $11; Toronto, $11. $6 to $10; fresh cows and springers, Manitoba flour and Government! $75 to $176. Calves, $1 lower; $6 standard, $18.25, Toronto. Ito $21.50. Hogs--heavy, $15.50. to Mill feed--Carloads, delivered | $16.50; mixed, $16.50 to $17; york- Montreal; shorts, $52; bran, $45; (eps, $17 to $17.10; light do., $16.75 middlings, not quoted; good feed |to $17.10; pigs; $16.50 to $16.75; T roughs, $13.00 to $13.50; stags, $8 to $10.50. Lambs, $13 to $20.25; yearlings, $12 to $18.26; wethers, $15.50 to $16.00; ewes, $6 to $14.50; mixed sheep, $14.50 to $15. _Hay--Baled, track, Toronto, car lots, No. 1, $27 to $28; No, 2, mixed, $25 per ton; straw, car lots, $16 to $17. ' Montreal. Montreal, March 23.--Oats, No. 2 C.W., $1.19; No. 8 C.W,, $1.15. New to $13.55. Rolled oats, bag 90 Ibs, $5.50 to $5.60. Bran, $45.25, Shorts, | $52.25. Hay, No. 2; per ton, car lots, $30.00 to $31.00. New York. New York, March 23.--Beeves-- Common to good steers, $9 to $13.- 86; bulls, $7 to $11.15; cows, $3.25 to $10.50. Veals, $17 to $23; culls, $12 to $16; little calves, $10 to $13; skim milk calves, $10 to $12; year- lings, $6 to $7. Sheep, $8 to $12; culls, $5 to $7; lambs, $17 to $20; culls, $14 to $16. Hogs--Light to {medium weights, $17; heavy hogs, $16; pigs, $15 to $15.75; roughs, $13.75. Chicago. Chicago, March 23.--Wheat, No. 2 hard, $2.52%; No. 4 mixed, $2.35. | Corn, No, 3 mixed, $1.68 to $1.61; No. 2 yellow, $1.66. Oats, No. 2 white, 9414 to 98¢c; No. 3 white, 9314 to 95¢. Rye, No. 2, $1.77% to $1,78. Barley, $1.40 to $1.65. Tim- othy seed, $10.00 to $13.00. Clover seed, $45.00 to $59.00. : GENERAL TRADE. Montreal, PA Montreal, March 23.-- Butter -- Finest creamery prints, 67¢c per'lb.; No. 1 in blocks, 66¢.; dairy butter solids, 68c. per Ib. Eggs--strictly new 'laid, 58c. per doz. Lard--In prints, 32c¢ per 1b. Hams--Large size, 34c per Ib; small, 3%9¢c.; cooked, 62¢ : Cheese--Old, 82¢ per 1b. 29¢. Bacon--Windsor boneless, 50c. per 1b; breakfast, 40c. to 48¢c. per Ib. Dressed poultry -- Milkfed chick- ens, 42¢ to 45¢ per Ib; fowls, 30c. to 34c¢; geese, 30c.; turkeys, 57c; ducks 40c. Honey---White clover, 24c. per lb.;\buckwheat, 18¢c. Magle Syrup ---- Imperial gallon, $2.50; sugar, 30c. per 1b. Beans -- Canadian hand-picked, $5.50 per bushel; peas, $5. \ Dressed hogs--Fresi{ killed abat- tolr stock, $25 per 100 lbs. Cane sugar--Granulated, $16.50 per 100 Ibs. ; Flour -- Government standard spring wheat, $13.25 to $13.55 per bbl, according to container; winter wheat flour, $11.26 to $11.50 per bbl, according to container. Militeed--Bran, $42.25 to $47 per ton, ex-track; rts, $52.25 to $54. Hay--Baled, ton, in car lots, No. 2 timothy, $27 to $28; No. 3 timothy, $25 to $26; clover mixed, $23 to $24, SS trap : Potatoes--Per '108 1b. bag on track, $3.75. » Onions--Quebec reds, bag, $8.50. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, March 23.---Close; Wheat, spot, No. 1 Northern, $2.75 to $2.85. Flour unchanged; ship- ments, 27,834 barrels. Barley, $1.31 to $1.54. Rye, No. 2, §1.72% to $1.73%. Bran $48.00. Flax, $5.01 to $5.11. new, New York, New York, March 23.---Flour steady; Spring patents, $12.60 to Spring clears, $9.25 to $10.25; Winter straights, $10.75 to $11.00; Kansas straights, $12.00 to $13.00. Oats, spot unsettled; No. 1 white, $1.08%. Hay unsettled; No. 1, $2.45 to $2.50; No. 2, $2.30 to $2.40; No. 3, $2.15 to $2.25; shipping, $2.00 to $2.10. Hops eady; state and Pacific Coast, me- dium to choice, 1919, 78 to 86¢; 1918, 65 to 0c. LIVE STOOK MARKETS, Toronto. Toronto, March, 23.--Heavy steers, choice, > $13.25 to $18.50; cholce butcher, $12 to $12.50; medium butcher, $10.50 to. $11.50; light, common, $6.50 to $7; heifers, good to choice, $11 to $11.50; butcher cows, choice, $10 to $11; bulls, good, $9 to $9.75; do. light, $7 to $8; canners and cutters, $5.25 to $6.50; stockers, 800 to 900 lbs, $8 to $10; feeders, 950 to 1,000 lbs, $20 to $21; sheep, $13 to $14; heavy sheep and bucks, $7 to $8; calves, $16 to $22; do. medium, $12 40 $18; hogs, fed and watered, $19.75 to $20; do. per 75-Ib. Toronto, . Toronto, March 23. ~--Butter, choice dairy, 62c-to 68c; do. cream- ery, 70c to 80¢c; margarine, Ib, 37¢ to $14; | lambs, good, $17 to $18; common, |} strained, | All persons who have placed their or- ders for Tires with us are hereby notified that they may get these at any time between March 15th and May Ist. # Tires have advanced 20 per cent. and a greater advance of 25 per cent. is predicted. Let us take your order now for future §eliv- 7, and we can save you dollars such 4s be- ore. We are also prepared to take orders for high-grade Polarine Oils at old prices, thus saving you 35 per cent. of present prices. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609 --~------ It Pays to Buy Jour Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1588 and Get Prompt Delivery Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod Dominion Fish Co. Canada Fees« Beard Licenge No. 39-3348 ETDs RR CR HIGH GRADE BONDS. BOUGHT---SOLD--OR EXCRANGED Owing to the favorable exchange it is a good time to sell your Anglo-French, United Kingdom or any bond, payable .n New York funds. f TELEPHONE 703 Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON. 67 Clarence Street, Kingston EEC 0 SOLD BY LEADING MERCHANTS THROUGHOUT CANADA LoAciRg3 FOR NEW ILLUSTRATED (3p INe 0 CROPS BETTER. - SEEDS "CANADA'S GREATEST, SEED HOUSE *, OMPANY (SIR ge) TORONTO - WINNIPEG STEELE,BRIGGS SEED HAMILTON tion and Profit Protec 'When money is in a Savings Account in The Merchants Bank, it is absolutely safe from loss, as far as you are concerned. All the time it is here, it is earning interest ~-g0 that the bank actually pays you to les it take care of your money. Don't carry * unneeded sums on your person or hide "them at home. Protect them against loss, theft and fire by opening a savings account, THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreak Established 1864, KINGSTON BRAN «eg = _ _H. A TOFIELD, Manager. PARHAM AND BRANCHES, - J. W. MeCLYMONT, Manager. | Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at Kingston Branch, x \ AGENCY rOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES 4. P. Hanley, CUP. & T. A, G. T. Ryq Kingston, Go. From West St. John To Mar, 28--Corsican Havre-Lon Mar 30---Scotian .Antwerp Mar 31---Sicilian .Glasgow Apr. 3---Militg ..Liverpool Apr. Grampian April 10--Emp. of France Liver 1 Apr. 16--Scandinavian po Antwerp Steamers sail on arrival of C.P.R. traing leaving Mont. real 12.10 p.m. and 7 p.m, day previous. Apply to local agents or CANADIAN PACIFIC { WEBSTER'S GROCERY Table Delicacies Quality t tt ¢ : Bervice For Lent § Canned Fish. ---Sardines. ~=Salmon. ~Tuna Fish. «Lobsters. --=Chicken Haddie. ~Kippered Herring. --=Shrimps, etc. WEBSTER'S Phones No. 47 and 780. BAGOT AND EARL STREET Fire Insurance We would appreciate a lire from you. We hive first-class English and Canadian compan- ies. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Tel. 819 $1 Clarence St 17th for s. Don't forget the Shamrock Sg i - MIEMORY may fail; a A Never-Failing Record «+7 lost; a household record may be open to receipted bill may be . Point, that off cars, $20 to $30.25; do. fob. a A es $18.76; db to the farmer, $18.50. exactly as rendered b ~ Ib. : kens, roast SES he. ; y Onloages doe = 45e; chickens, Toasting, Chicago,' h 23. Hogs, bulk, ¢; thrkeys, Ib, 55¢ to 0c; : $14.40 t0 $15.90; top, $16.15. Heavy, 15 Pgw: kL. S0¢ to $1; do. BL, 35 : Hike $13.90 to $15.35; medium, $14.90 to' i Sranberries, 3. qua, BAe; . We sell the New n, Pianos, and Player Pianos, on $16.10; light, $15.50 to $16.15; light Grange: qos, Si to $1; lemons, : an, which we 4 : He { os ¢ to 3 it, each, our easy purchase plan, which we would like to explain to || tights, $14.50 to $15.75; heavy pack- 5e to 10c; rhubarb, Apalral Hoc to » 16c; beets, bag, $2.25 to $2.50; sat. you. 3 y ing sows, smooth, $13.15 to $13.65; to rots, bag, $1.75 to $2; os ' | packing sows, rough, $12.40 ead Go page Hh : 18¢ to 46e; caulifiower, each, 25¢ to $12.90; pigs, $13.50 to $15.35. Beet stears--med} heavy--choice. 50c; celery, head, 1c to 25¢; leeks, The Home of Good Music. A large and ever-increasing volume of new Music makes this wonderful fnstrument doubly welcome in the home. ; : to 40¢; eggs, new laid, doz, 85. to 70c; cheese, Ib, 35c to 40¢; fowl, dispute; but a paid cheque is a lasting, absolute ; proof of the payment of money. ' Branches: Any person wishing to place personal affairs on "Zingston, Lansdowne, a business basis, may arrange for a checking ™=BANK°r TORONTO um and and prime, $13.75 to $15.50; medium bunen : and good, $11.75 to $13.75; com-'for oo are aes, Ine. o mon, $10.25 to $11.75; light--good 2c: onjons, hkt., 65¢c to $1.25; do and choice, $12.50 to $15; common green, beh., be to 106; potatoes, bag. {| and medium, $10 to $12.50; butcher $4.50 to $4.76; parsiey, bunch, 10¢; cattio--heifers, $7.40 to, $13.25; parsuips, bag, $3.35 to $3.50. tur cows, $7.40 to $13; canners and cul- nips, bag, $1.25, y 3 ' Princess Street. -

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