Mody WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920. to leave your cold at BEST'S. 25 cents buys a preparation (Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure) that will cure the Cough in a few doses. SHORT STOP: at 15 cents 14 still in the run too and also all the popular Cough and Cold remedies stocked. At Best's Keeley Jr, MLO.D.. Insure Against After Regrets by Using' Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of today to do good work must mot only be equipped with the best mechan- feal apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCF CAN GIVE. - : It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in ' Kingston. -_-- AP TA -- v Political gossip in Manitoba as- Berts that Hon Arthur Meighen will seek re-election in South Winnipeg. This is George Allen's seat, but it is understood redistribution will give two seats there. | | =i A ¥ rn ---- You will be thinking of putting your Furs holds a definite place in the home and no Phonograph music is so true and sweet as that of THE FAMOUS Starr with its "Singing Throat" of Silver Grain Spruce. The Difference Is In The Tone Let us demonstrate this to you. SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 Filing Street >A Kingston 3 'fer Ohrenis wi I, » SHE 3h PRISE TH ENS LE Ld iy, AS Laas reSeavind URES Robert Young, a farmer near Mea- ford, was killed by a beam falling upon his head as he was helping tear ! down a barn. nl SAVETH away for the Summer months. Our Tin- ware Department have made a galvanized Iron, moth proof can, with tight fitting cover, cylinder shape, 53 inches high, 23 inches wide; will store all the family Furs, and every garment suspended full length. Now as we only have a very few of these Cans, we will offer them '« > week at the very low price-- $8.50 each. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. W. A. MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Department. THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE PHONE 287. « = = BROCK STREET IF You REQUIRE FURNITURE OR CARPETS BUY NOW that the price of lumber will not Lumber experts down for capers. Joars at, a least. _@ tree to travel from the is being sald to-day at less' t to the donsumer. the wholesale price of the goods. : VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECO WHITE SEWING MACHI It takes this length of time for Merchandise i | ruthers, * HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Te Told In Twilight | \Noties-Bioragiter, Sit Whig, In! common with uther papers all ovet | Canada, wlll make a charge of $1 | for inserting an engagement, mar-| riage or reception announcement. -. . - The. Edmonton Women's Press | Club entertained at an informal din- | ner last Wednesday evening in honor | of Col. George Ham, honorary presi- | dent of the Canadian Women's Press Club. { Mrs. R. K. Kilborn has asked a | few people to come in at the tea | hour on Wednesday to meet Mrs. A, | F. Cecil Whalley. | . Miss Kathiegs aud Miss Edith Car- | 'Annandale,' were the host- | esses for the Tuesday Bridge Club | | this week. | | | | Los Angeles, Cal, | | {| has returned from Toronto, where .| Andrew's church. || STEAMER CHAMBERLAIN SOLD | i city, {end in Yarker with Miss Benjamin. erley street, | moved over from Barriefield had are i leaving this week for Ottawa, . . - Mrs. J. H. Sutherland, Gore street, {on Tuesday evening. wy »- Mr. and Mrs, F. E, O'Flynn, Belle- | ville, who are spending the winter in | are now the guests | of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicolle, La Mesa. Miss Ruth Bliss, who is Mrs. Har- old Hughes' guest, spent the week- - Miss Edith Van Straubenzie, Bev- is in New York. Major and Mrs, H. Lawson have settled at 561 Clergy street. Mrs. James Craig, Johnson street, went down to Ottawa on Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs, Adams. Miss Katherine Fairlie has return- ed from Toronto, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Herbert Wood, Mrs! Gibson, West street, went up to Toronto today. ss * : Theodore Lyman and Miss Elea- more Lyman, who have been at Pase- dena, Cal., for some time, are now beginning their journey homeward, stopping at Santa Barbara, San Francisco and other places of inter- est. They will go up the coast to! Vancouver, returning to Kingston | via the Canadian 'Rockies, and are | expected home some time in Aprik Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, who was the | guest of Miss. Loretta Swift, King street, has returned td Ottawa. Mrs. Samson is now settled in her | new quarters on Barriefield common, | A, M. Cartel; who has been the | guest of his Ro. Mrs. R. C. Car- terfl, West street, Montreal. Capt. Winterbotton, town for a few days, h Peterboro. Mrs, Genet, has returned to oo ho was in returned to Maitland street, is to spend a short time there. * * - Lieut.-Col. Nissen, D.S.0., Mrs. Nisser and Miss Betty Nissen, who havé-peen spending the winter with the Misses Richmond, Unfon street, left on Monday for Toronto, en route for California. While in Toronto Miss Betty Nissen will be the guest of Col. and Mrs. Arthur Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Anthony Rankin, Collins Bay, she spent a few weeks, enjoying the galeties connected with the opening of the House, Miss Carrig, Waldron has left for Port Arthur to visix ner slater, Mrs, Edward Moore. Miss Hutton has yoturned to Bar- refi from Rochester, N.Y., where she has been for some weeks, * . - Mrs. Joseph Gurd, Johnson street, who has spent some time in Mont- real, returned to town to-day. . Falconer Paterson, St. Paul, Minn., arrived in town on Tuesday and is the guest of his sister, Mrs. James Minnes, Bagot street. Mrs. Travers Hora and little Miss Mary Hora, Wellington street, have returned from Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell is spending some time in Houston, Tex., with her sister, Mrs, Bute. Mrs, A. Willesford Jackson, *'Bishopscourt," is spending a tow days in Ottawa, Mrs. Lionel Smith, Montreal, the guest of Mrs. Charles McKay, Ville St. Claire Apartments. Mrs. C. Clifford, Watertown, N.Y., spent the week- -end with Mrs. R. N. F. Macfarlane, Johnson street. . » The marriage of Ruth Sweetland Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Henderson, Bel- mont avenue, Westmount, to Henry A. Newmark, son of Mrs. M. New- mark, of Westmount, will take place on the 28th of April, in St. (Continued on Page 8) Capt. Henry Martin Secured It and Two Barges. The steamer C. W. Chamberlain and the barge White and Friant, of i! Kingston, which were owned by the James Swift Coal Company of that were purchased by Captain Henfy Martin, of Kingston, The Chamberlain is undergoing re- i| pairs at Cornwall. They will be en- gaged in the Lake KErie-Montreal coal trade the coming season. Cap- tain Martin will sail the Thamber- lain himself. is | PRINCE BANNED DANCE WHERE NO GIRLS INVITED -- | Even Persuaded His Brothers | to Stay Away Frew Ne Affair. { London, March 23.--Since return-| {ing to London, the popularity of the | dashing young Prince of Wales, is | | increasing by leaps and bounds due to the wonderful successes of his vi- git to Canada and the United States: With. the fair sex here, as on the oth- er side, he is a "perfect darling." As everyone knows, the heir ap- parent to the British throne cannot do exactly as he likes especially when it comes to picking his own friends among the girls. Just before his sailing for Austra- | lia last Tuesday a private dance was | given at Buckingham Palace for | young people--mainly in honor of the Prince. The Prince wanted some' of his best girl pals invited and made out a list. Whoever it is that handles | such matters thought it proper not to invite a single girl named and, moreover, told the Prince so. "Well," said the Prince, "count | me out too"--and nothing could in- duce him to attend. Moreover, he at ! brid | persuaded his brothers, Prince Albert { entertaine at a very pleasa ge, | and Prince Henry, tp stay away with | the result that the evening passed in | gloom. A royal parental rebuke followed | next morning, but- the Princes of | Wales respectfully but firmly inti- mated he intended hereafter to take a stand for liberty in choosing his own friends especially among the girls. , THE WORLD'S TIDINGS 'IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From n All Over Told Ina Poipted and Pithy 'Way. Stanley Vickery, a Toronto mining stock broker, was sentenced to eigh- teen months in the Ontario Refor- matory for stealing $588 belonging to clients. The Presbyterians have raised $4,- | 748,413 for the Ferward Movement. The Synod of Toronto and Kingston raised $1,403.086. The objective was one million dollars. At Iroquois Falls, Ont.,, a -two- storey school just completed at cast. of $600,00000000000000000 cost of $60,000 was completely de-| stroyed by fire Sunday night. Hon. Nr. Rollo introduced a bill in | the legislature to amend the Nomina- | tion Act by requiring the signature of | twenty-five qualified voters upon a candidate as nomination papers. The report is, circulated that Tho- { mas Bradshaw, Toronto, finance com- missioner since 1914, will shortly ten- | der his resignation, but will continue office until his successor has taken over the reins. In order to stimulate.importations from Canada and other countries and to increase supply of print paper for American newspapers, tariffs on wood pulp would be sus- pended for one year under a bill fa- vorably reported by the House Ways and Means Committee at Washing- ton. At Croydon, England, where much of the spoils of war have been plac- ed, it has recently been' found that German helmets make splendid ma- \, terial for good roads, and they are being utilized for this purpose in the vicinity. Tens of thousands of these helmets were taken during the last months of the war. Vote for Public Library By-law. ARTHUR G. SLAGHT, OF TORONTO Liberal candidate in the Federal by- election at Temiskaming. = DODD'S ) °C ODNEY ~ MEN'S RUBBERS FINE RUBBERS AAS E0 HEAVY RUBBERS nines $135 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231) 70 Brock } g---- I ie AEE i Ei --------i | TT PROBS: Thursday, fair and d quite mild. AreYouReadyFor ~~ Easter? Just ning more shopping days then Easter, and in planning your new outfit it will more than pay you to shop here at our 'Easter Dress , Up Sale." Special bargain attractions every day and the best values consistent with quality in the city. A il » Charming New Suits For These | Bright Warm Days he IH me There are styles that are richand novel in effective use of bright cole orings in embroidery and stitch- ings that make most effective use of pockets, belts and becoming col- lars. Others of the smart tailored type that are distinctive. to the ex- treme. Developed of fabrics of depend- able quality, in many~ weaves, shown in all the colors favored for Spring and in the smartest of mix- tures and novelty patterns. We feel we have povided fully for many individual tastes--as you will see when you come. Priced: $19.50, $27.50, $32.50 up to $125.00. --We invite comparison. J Spring Millinery Of Inspiring Newness The variety the xolorings, the trimmings, the new shapes and the beauty of each Hat and the display: as a whole will appeal to%®very woman. Priced ....... ..$7.50 up to $25. 00 > ns -- There is Inspiration in, The New Easter Suits A most complete exhibit of the new Faster Silks. All the fancy and staple weaves are here, those superior quali- ties that have made Steacys known as the Silk Store of Kingston. 5 Radium Silks French Taffettas . Cheney French Foulards Tricolettes, Silk Je Fancy, Plaids Fancy Stripes and &cores of others PRICED MODERATELY For Easter Dress or Suit Smart Woollen Materials New and fashionable weaves in these assortments--exquisite novelty fab- ries, reflective in color and design of the newest fashion themes. 5 Velour Checks Plaid Skirtings Wool Serges Pussy Foot Velour = Wool Velour French Broadcloths Gaberdines Sylvean Suiting Tweeds Heather Basket Cloth . Oheviots : Wool Jersey . SPECIALLY TERED Charmeuse Pailettes Duchesse EE LARA