' | he t aily British COMPARE OUR PRICES . AND CLOTHS So We oan secuve your » Collier's Toggery YEAK 87; No. 81. THEY DID NOT IDENTIFY BODY A. J. Stoncham Writes Again to the Whig From Gravenhurst. DEES THE STATEMENT MADE BY MINISTER OF JUSTICE IN THE COMMONS. Declares That Neither Himself Nor Mrs. Stoneham Oan Identify It-- The Body Was Dug Up. BR The family of the late Finley Stoneham, who died in Portsmouth penitentiary, still maintain that thé body sent to them at Gravenhurst as NEW CABINET BEING FORMED And Independent German Socialists Are Sure of Several Portfolios. THEY ARE DISSATISFIED WITH SOFT METHODS TOWARDS THE TRAITORS, The Armed Spartacans Are Simply Shot Against a Wall--Government Troops Have Skirmish With Com- munists. (Canadian Press Despatch) Copenhagen, March 24.--The for- mation of a new German government KINGSTON, ONTARIO, NEW WEAPON FO R IRISH POLICE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920. WANTS TURKISH SULTAN OUSTE Presideat Wilson Opposes His Reteation in Constantineple. IF THE SULTAN IS CHASED OUT OE EUROPE. of Any Mohammedan Uprising as Result of Expulsion, Washington, March 24.--The Am- erican government's reply to the re- quest of the Allied powers for the FAR NO MOSLEN DARK The State Department is Not Afraid | 65 SINN FEINERS / "TAKEN TO IRELAND (Canadian Press Despatch) Queenstown, Ireland, ' March 24 --Sixty-five Sinn Feih prison- ers, under a heavy military es- ¢ort, were brought by motor lorry from Cork jail to this city this morning, where: they were put aboard a British sloop which set sail presumably for Eng- land. The sloop was accom- paniéd by two destroyers. The prisoners sang republican songs and returned farewells of the watching crowd as the vessel left the harbor. | CANADIAN DOLLAR ADVANCES TO 91.43 (Canadian Press Despatch) New York, March 24.--Sterl- ing exchange rose on the local market this morning to 3.82%, t { | { LAST EDITION We ONTARIO'S NEW ~~ # ELECTION ACT latroduced in the Legislature on Tuesday | Premier Drury. | By PROVISION 10° BE MADE | on Wao MOVE TO They Were Disfranchised at the Last Election--Polling Hours Are | to Bp From 9 xm. Until 7 pm. | Toronto, March 24.---The. Ontario | Government's long promised Election is a matter of only a few hours, and re i is y 3 !in the Legislature yesterday after | noon. The measure fixes qualifica-' | tion to vote, as tWelve months' resi- tries are now buying British | donee in Ontaxia, fifes months in the hi | onto) ue Eig pris jo 5 Say : { of polling, but provision is made* for The Canadian dollar advanced | addition of the names of persons who | to 91.43 cepts, have moved from one electoral dis-: MET HIS DEATH | trict to another within the three ON SAHARA DESERT months peried. | © "At the last election," said the r-- aA remier, i 5 - French Ai an Was Killed by | premier, in explaining the bill, '"'cler His Machine Cap- | | eymen, bank clerks and other classes | sizing. its strength being attributed to reports that Great Britain's ex- ports are now nearly at pre-war rate, and that continental coun- that of plaley Stouchum, Soup Rot the independent socialists are sure of ment of the Mi ist Ee he 0 oh { getting several important portfolios, House of COE the $ioaion {according to telegrams from Berlin ' "** | this morning. Ho el, vis Bot admitted | Gas, water and electric service had . uestion not one not been resumed in Berlin, and the | of veracity at ll, for the family were | tramways are still idle, as independ- apparently eager to make provision ent socialists have assumed a walit- for & suitable burial of the deceased ling attitude- They are said to be dis- in 'conformity with deeply religious | : a ' ¥ 24 eeply satisfied with the government's soft 1oueineta aa. 6 nosSHcipation of the ar. | ,,etnods towards the traito™, while purchased, but the shock that the af- | armed Spartacans are simply stood filoted ones received can be imagined |against a wall, when the body was viewed and could | not be recognized as that of their sofi. views of President Wilson on the tentative plan for the settlement of the Turkish question has not yet gone forward, but it can be stated | that the American position which | i€ not in accord with that of the | other powers on several essential points, is as follows : i (1) The United States Govern- ment sees no good reason for the re- tention of the sultan in Constanti- nople. : | (2) The American Government | does not believe there is any danger of a Mohammedan upribing if. the | Sultan is put out of Constantinople, | because other Moslem peoples con- | Dublin's mounted police force has been issued a new weapon in the shape of an ash stick. In a recent Sthn Fein battle the rioters thought they were swords. The picture shows the close resemblance. A SHORTAGE OF RAILWAY CARS And the Usited States to Blame For This Te MORE TROOPS SENT TO CORK, IRELAND (Canadian Press Despatch) Cork, Ireland, March 24. More troops and the Roy{1 Irish Constabulary have been here, and empty houses strategic points have been cupied by military and sent at were disfranchised in large numbers through being oved in the course of their ordinary occupation within the Skirmish With Communists, se ® @ 1 "Finley Stoneham, nor will I say that " ton to examine the body om March for certain whether it is Finley's The parental love that sought to give | expression to cherished memories | was rudely checked by the absence of | signs that the lineaments they beheld | were indeed those of their own be- | loved son. | Hon. Mr, Doherty said that no | blunder had been committed and that | an unde er who had served on | the jury that convicted Stoneham identified the body as that of Finley | Stoneham. | The Whig knew of the deaths of | the three prisoners at the time of | their occurrence, but from policy de- | clined to publish them. It was only | upon receipt of information that the | family of one of the prisoners de- | clared that the body that was sent home was not that of Finley Stone- ham, that attention was direoted to it. The" question is asked: Did Acting Warden H: C. Fatt know the provi- sion of the Penitentiaries Act gov- eérning the disposal of the bodles of deceased prisoners ? Was the pro- per procedure followed when the prisoners became sick and after they died ? If the body of Stoneham was ¢laimed, why were the family not irected to identify it and remove it themselves 7 With regard to the other two bodies, one of which was sent to the medical college, no state- ment has been made by the officials, but it uld be interesting to know why the body of J. Roy was sent to the gollege and that of Eposito was not. "Xf neither was claimed, was there dNscrimination ? Mr, oneham's letter, which fol- lows, shpws that the body which had beer buried at Lake View ceme- tery, Gravenhurst, was exhumed on | March 15th by the request of officials of the Portsmouth penitentiary, who were sent to investigate the oom- plaint of the family. Gravenhurst, March 22, 1920. Kingston, Ont. To the British Whig Publishing Co., Gentlemen--In answer to your en- quiry of March 20th, 1920, about the body of Finley Stoneham, I cannot identity the body as Finley Stone ham, neither can Mrs. Stoneham and four of our neighbors that saw the ~ body after it was dug up on the 15th of March, 1920. They said that it did not look like Finley Stoneham. | 1 won't say that it is not the body of it 1s, as I am not certain. The body sent to Gravenhurst to A. J. Stone- ham is buried here in Lake Vi Cemetery in Gravenhurst. About - expenses, half of the $207 ts paid by my sons, the other half is not paid as yet, as I am not able'to do any hard work myself, as I have been laid up for the last_geventeen months. Yours truly, «A, J. SPONEHAM. A. J. Stoneham writes further: Gravenhurst, March 22nd, 1920. The Daily British Whig, Kingston, Ont. Dear Sir--You will please find in the Gravenhurst Banner a piece that was printed about the supposed body. Two mien that came up from Kings- 15th, 1920, as you will see in the Banner, all that they did was mea- sure the body and lift up his left hand to see a mark om his any. Those two men said that it was - Tey Stoneham, and the undertaker thinks that it is Finley Stoneham. The two men said that in two weeks more there would be a change-- that the corpse would look more ke * Finley Stoneham. I will admit that there is a change in the corpse since it was buried, therefore I cannot say body or hot, as the hair on the head | of the corpse is black and Finley's |. was light red. There's where the doubt e in---Yours truly, of Warwick, has entered. a whirl- pied by a titled woman. campaign, Lady Warwick, addressing not only should the middle classes, the doctors, lawyers, merchants and single great movement for the con- evolution «» from a Tory - landowner, /and discuss with her such matters as thy with the Central powers. Bolshe- (Canadian Press Despateh) ' Wesel, March 24.--8ix thousand government troops, reinforced by armed countrymen, had a skirmish with communist guards, numbering about 15,000, near here last night. Reports state that sixty-twq were killed and about 100 wounded 16,000 SOLDIERS _ : FROZEN TO DEATH (Canadian Press Despatch) Lond¢n, March 24.--More than 6,000 anti-Bolsheviki sol- diers have been found frozem-to death on the steppes, it is an- nounced in a Soviet military communique received to-day from Moscow by wireless. The statement reports the progress of Red troops against General Denekine's forces along the rail- way in Ekartrinedar region on the Caucasus front. LADY WARWICK SEEKS SEAT IN PARLIAMENT Wants Middle Classes to Join With the Labor Party For Control. London, March 24.--Announcing advocacy of a great fusion of the middle classes, the so-called "New Poor'--with_the Labor party, Lady Frances Evelyn Warwick, Countess wind political campaign to win what she hopes will be the second seat in the House of Commons to be occu- In a speech opening her election several thousand electors, declared all who earn their honest living in non manual labor vocations, join with the Labor party, but they should enlarge themselves into a trol of the nation. She desertbed her. through the stages of charity or- ganization and philanthropic work, until she became an out and out re- bel. She invited the workers to come nationalization. "Being a landowner, a coal owner, and a royalty owner," she said, "I know something." PERRY FLAYS THE ALIENS. Bolshevism Finds Fertile Field in Ranks, Says Police Head.. Ottawa, March 24.--In a report on the work of the Royal Mounted Po- lee Commissioner Perry referring to aliens in the west says: "These peo- ple as a body have shown little ap-~ preciation of the justice and fair treatment metedyout to them by the people of country. They have shown themselves ready to follow and support edtremyists who play upon their ignorance and appeal to their natural prejudices and sympa- vism finds a fertile field among themd and is assiduously cultivated by the ardent agitator." . A UNIONIST CAUCUS Statement Regarding Decisions To Be Made In Commons. {Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, March 24.--At one o'clock pto be unable to remedy the situa- conditions across-the border, where ditfon as to equipment is acute, and self defense it has been compelled agreed upon early to-day for ending conferences between the Minister of Works and representatives of the ceded. Gondition. HOLDING CANADIAN. CARS ACROSS THE BORDER FOR THEIR OWN USES. Willing to Pay Ninety Cents a Day | Demurrage on Canadian Cars in| Order to Get the Use of Them. ' Ottawa, March 24.--The Depart ment of Railways and Canals admit that at the present time there exist a serious shortage of cars for the] purpose of handling export business | to the United States, but professes tion so long as the United States persists in retaining Canadian cars across the border for its © mestic purposes. The trend of tx. is normally southward, and the mal requirements at all times great. Under the present unsettled the railroads are passing back from public to private ownership, the con- American lines are willing to pay the 90 cents per day demurrage on Canadian cars in order that" they may have them for their own local and domestic purposes. The department declares that =| has exhausted every known means to get Canadian cars back, and that in to use only American cars for Am- erican export businges, inasmuch as any contrary polfy would simply mean the complete denudation of Canadian lines for domestic pur- poses. The same condition of affairs ap- plies to private owned systems in Canada. The hope is expressed, how- ever, that with the return to indivi- dual systems in the United States of equipment which was pooled under the war administration of the Am- erican railroads the situation will improve. PLAN AGREED UPON. By Which the Spanish Railway Strike Will be Ended. {Canwdian Press Despatch) Madrid,. March 24. ---A plan was the general strike on the Spanish railways inaugurated yesterday. It was announced that after prolonged railway companies, a solution had been reached, under which the wage demands of the men would be con- Og Canadian it Increase. (Canadian 'Press Despatch) Ottawa, March 24.--Savings depo- sits in Canadian banks now stand at $1,187,000,000 an increase -during February of nearly twenty-four mil- lions, according to a statement is- sued by the finance depaFment to- day, All loans in Canada showed a decrease and current loans an in- crease. Demand deposits were rather lower than in the month previous. o- $- 5 ik British Vaudeville Artists Draw the Race Line, German perf: forces, zation is maintaining The Sinn Fein organi- secret watches and guards to protect its leaders, some of whom are reported to have rec threatening letters similar that delivered 'to Mayor eived to Mac- Curtain before he was murder- ed last week. PRESIDENT'S CHOICE. New United States Ambassador to Mexico Appointed. HENRY MORGENTHAU Washington, March bassador to Mexico, and Morgenthau, of New York, "PERHAPS | DID ~ MAKE THE REMARK" Admiral Benson Tacitly Ad-: 24:--Presi- dent Wilson has chosen a new am- Henry former ambassador to Turkey, is his appoin- tee. The a cement that the president has selected a new cnvoy was made at the White House to-day, mits the Charges of Ad- miral Sims. 'Washington, March eign waters. : "I was so busy directing the op- erations of our ships at that time, that perhaps I did make such a statement," said Admiral Benson. At the same time he absolutely re- fused to discuss the matter further. 24. --Rear- Admiral Benson tacitly admitted to- day that it was he who gave Admiral William S. Sims the now famous ad- monition, "Don't let the British pull the wool over your eyes," when Sims took charge of the U.S. fleet in for- BOYCOTT GERMAN ACTORS. London, March 24.--The federa- tion of English vaudeville artists exhort every member to refuse to work in y engagement where rmers are employed. It has recently been asserted that theatrical managers were seeking to re-introduce German at English music halls. entertainers of the Turks in the war, (3) That Armenia should receive most Mberal treatment and all ter- ritory she can safely defend, includ- ing an outlet to the sea. (4) No government should have +a paramount interest in the develop- ment of Turkish territory merely be- cause such government was a bel- | ligerent. (5) As to the Dardanelles Straits. they international body, on which a place would be reserved for Russia when she 'comes back," because Russia's interest is vital. state department, reply goes forward it is believed it will make it clear that this govern- ment feels the retention of the Turks in Europe would be an anachronism, and that it cannot accept as a valid reason for such retention any state- ment of the fear that the expulsion of the Sultan would cause a general hostile resentment among Moslem peoples. - Over Germany Than Middle East, Says Churchill. London, March 24--Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, secretary of state for war, in discussing the army es- timates in the House of Commons, that although the situation was an anxious one, it was not proving in It was still necessary to hold strong forces there, but he was hopeful of effecting great economies during the course of the year by guarding Meso- potamia primarily through the agency of the air, rather than by military forces, "We could not go on holding Mes- opotamia and spending fifteen or twenty millions yearly on it," said the secretary, "but I do not see why British statecraft, so successful everywhere, should be bankrupt in ' Mesopotamia. 'Other methods must be devised if we are to keep Mesopo- tamia." \ . The anxiety felt about the middle east, he added, might well be sur- passed by anxiety over events in Germany. , The estimates make provision for 525,000 troops, which will be gradu- lly diminished to 280,000, and ex- Senate of £125,00,000. There was much criticism indulged in of policy at home and 'abroad, but the vote was ultimately agreell to. WILHELM SUSPENDS HIS WOPB-SAWING Greater Restrictions Are Im posed by Authorities at + Amerongen Castle. The Hague, March 24.--The si- lence of Amerongen village and the castle now i= unbroken. For one week the ex-kaiser has not been seen outside of the castle gates. Otherwise there is little change ex- cept the placing of some additional sentry boxes, inside of each of which a rifle hangs. The guards evidently have been instructed to speak to no AID TO THE ARMENIANS one.' Automobiles are not allowed to stop long outside the gate. The dike path around the castle also is forbid. den to pedestrians. . The ex-kaiser should be administered by an | No reply has vet been made by the | but when that | Naval Affairs, said of affairs in the middle east® practice so formidable as in prospect. | takes occasional' tributed substantially to the defeat | | | Algiers, March 24.--The body of |General Laperrine, who left here {early in February in an attempt to | fly across the Sahara desert to Tim- | bustoo,has been found about seventy- | five miles from Tinzulin, an oasis in {the Sahara, 120 miles south-west of | Morocco. General Laperrine was | killed by the capsizing. of his air- | plane, but the pilot and mechanician of the machine 'escaped uninjured. Nothing had been heard from Gen- | eral Lapperine or his assistants since | February 17th, when the reached Tamanarasset, midway | Timbuctoo. Genergl Lapperine died on March 5th after suffering greatly from his { injuries. The 'pilot of the airplane, | Adjutant Bernard, and the-mechan- | ician, Wasselin, walked two days in an endeavor to obtain help. Find- ing none, they returned to the ma- | chine, where they were found. | -------------- ASK $20,000,000 TO FINISH SHIPBUILDING Government to Build Ships For i nection With to of asked the He terday afternoon to vote -$20,000,- 000 to complete the Government's merchant shipbuilding programme. | 'The expenditure up to March 1st on ships. for the merchant marine was. slightly over 43 million dollars. The minister said the Imperial Munitions Board had bought 44 steel ships in Canada at $190 a ton and 60 wooden ships at $204 per net ton | dé%d weight. After that the Canadian Govern- ment &erved notice on them that no more money would be advanced to Britain for the construction in Can- ada of ships under British register. The Canadian Government decided to build ships for itself to be used in conjunction with the 'national railways. RE-ESTABLISHMENT PROBLEM Is Before the G.W.V.A. Convention y at Montreal, . (Canadian Press Desoatch) Montreal, March, 24.--The Great War Veterans Association had before it the problem of re-establishment at this morning's session of their an- nual convention. The chairman of the re-establishment committee, J. E. Ai- kens, présented its report. He read the Calgary resolution which calls for an additional payment' of one dollar per day to men who served on any belligerent 'front other than -Si- beria; eighty cents a day for service in Great Britain and Siberia only, and fifty cents a day for service in Canada only, and a cash bonus of ($1,500 in a lump sum to widows. A long discussion followed, which was in progress at lunch adjournment. The nomination of officers was fixed for this afternoon. : Proposes Tax on Gold. Washington, March 24.--At the request of the American Bankers' Association, Representative McFad- den, Pennsylvania, has introduced a bill in the house to lay=a tax of $10 cept for momey purposes. The tax is to go to gold producers to stimu- late production, if the bill is passed. airplane | allowed to vote, an ounce on gold used any way ex- |' { period of three months." | Provision is made for special poll-| {ing places in practises, and return- | ing officers, poll clerks and agents {are authorized to take the vote of bed-ridden patients, - In the cases of women of foreign birth, who have become naturalized by marriage, they are required to produce a judge's certificate that they | possess the necessary qualifications {for naturalization, and have taken! ithe oath of allegiance, before being' | Special provisions are made w' regard to Indians who are qualified' to vote by reason of military service. Indian res are treated as terri- {tory without municipal organization iand voters' lists wil be prepared as Lin other unorganized territory, | ~ Stamping of ballots by returning officers is dispensed with as unneces- sary in view of the present kind of ballot. "At the last election, the stamping cost something like $500,- 1000," said the premier. | Polling hours throughout the pro- | vince are made uniform, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The municipalities are fe- quired to provide polling days, instead of the present ) day period. Election writs must % issued not more than twenty nik Tony than sixteen days before nomi tion. as FPR PEPEE DEEP PPR P ERPS LJ * + EATS STRAWBERRIES WHILE + > FORMER SUBJECTS STARVE + 4 Toronto, March 24.--A Mail # and Empire cable, dated Brus- sels, Belgium, says: "While thousands of his for- mer subjects are in desperate straits from starvation in Ger- many, William Hohenzollern is eating strawberries at $1.25 each in Holland, it was learned to-day. "The strawberries are being bought here and shipped to Amerongen for the former kalser's table." + / . PEEP PrP r ree CEE 40 42S Shoots Wajor Cloete at Frontier Post of Northeast India. : London, March 24.--An American medical missionary, the Rev. Mr. Jackman, shot Major H. D. Cloete dead at Sadya, Asam, British India, a northeast frontier post, according to a Calcutta despatch to the Daily Mall, dated March 15th. . The full story apparentiy-is mot known, but the correspondent says that the reasons for the tragedy were domestic. Jackman went to Major Cloete's bungalow with a loaded re- volver and asked him to come ouf, and when he appeared he shot him. The missionary then went to Acting Police Officer O'Callaghan and sure rendered. Major Cloete was the son of Sir Henry Cloete, formerly an Indian ci- vit service officer. 5 NEWS IN BULLETIN. MISSIONARY MURDERS OFFICER walks in the garden, but has ceased | .) A. J. STONEHAM. sawing Wood for the present. Mean- today when the caucus of govern- article referred to in the There are many cruel aspects of dren are being aided iun.the. Armen The Bauer Government has come ment supporters adjourned, Sir Geo. urst Banner of March 18th fa \ from Kingston J N t them a finger- print expert, to Gravenhurst on Monday and exhumed the body of a local man who died in the peniten- tiary on Feb. 22nd. 'Foster stated there had been a gene- ral discussion of matters in the leg- islative programme. Among these were haval establishment, postoffice legislation and the franchise bill clauses. There would be a statement made in the house tomorrow in re- gard to decisions reached on naval "Some doubt had been cast on his fast | other matters would be made. knpwn at rest, | found #t impossible make new fingerprints to com- they brought with ; after examination, s the first woman" to be i to establishment, the acting premier stated, and opinions of the caucus on at a later date. - 'Woman to Commission. Washington, March 24.---Helen Hamilton' Gardener, of this city, wife of Colonel S. A. Day. author and lecturer, was nominated to-day by President Wilson to be a member of the Clvil Service Commission. She is lite in Armenia, according to the reports from the various sections of the country in which Armenian relief is carried on. There has been received from Samsoun a report of the first month's work there under Dr. S. B. Newton, the new director, who pays considerable attention to the orghanage activities. He reports 325 children in the Armenian Orphanage, and says:--- "Another building, making a 'total of eight which this orphanage is using, has been taken over. In it are an autoclave and a large bath, both of which the Turkish authorities allow us to use.. p : "Upwards of 300 womea and chil- | ian soup kitchen. The women are Previously abinowi- edged Pine Hill Red Cross So- .elety ... LB K. E. Taylor .. ~ wea vase A Friend, Sydesbam ...%" BW. Wud wks 1 A Friend ...oaiveie A Friend, Petworth ... "Pa G s Ry 2s Gananogue ... Mrs. C. C. Wannameker, - LORBR0AH ue wap wnt Bevenan widows, most of them having three, four and five little children." --.$2284.98 25.00 10.00 5.00 7 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ues. for 'Count Hohenzollern lately, and those arriving are taken direct to the castle, although his correspondence now is under strict control if the guards around the castle ve: been Increased, the additions certainly are not visible, but those in ht appear to 'watch 'visitors wi more attention and place on them more restrictions thad for- wmerly, Store Cellars Full of Water. Belleville, March 24.--The flood 'i gituation in this city remains un- . Eprnaces in all the stores on side of Front street out , owing to the Ddsewments, ~a commission, depth of water in the time work em the Doorn house con- Wowie 2. - dy Very few telegrams have arrived | a HON. C. C. BALLANTYNE Who has ordered the of to terms with the Reds and a purely Socialist cabinet will be formed and state troops immediately withdrawn, George'lTor increase in wages have been rejected "Another strike qf mins 'ers now appears ceriain. The new election act brought, down by Premier Drury provides for: a provincial election every four fears Fhe present assembly is to remain in power untit August 1st, 1923, - Reports frem Ireland say condi- tion in the South and west grave. ' If an intteltse is granted to the miners after April 1st the price of anthraait® voal will be immedia % advanced, -- . tely 'The miners demands on Lloyd afs very