ny { HOAG'S DRUG STORE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AUCTION | by the use of Wampole's preparation of | Cod Liver Oil as a good building up tonic. .It's both palatable and taste- | less; it has no equal; large Bate arrsssess Srarsnais nea We close at 8 p.m. daily except | Opp. Y.M.C.A., Kingston. | === ' Notice To. Ford Owners Let us overhaul your cfr mow ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON - rrendi sR TET oats. J. BARRETT | a, a PA PLUMBER Plumbing' and Heating Repair Work a Specialty. Address 225 SYDENHAM STREET 188 Princess Street. & We specialize in gas administra- tion, Pyorrhea treatment, Crown and Bridgework. Graduate assistants. Office Hours, 9--86. SCOTT'S GARAGE | 208 BAGOT STREET Phone 1884w, Repairs, Storage and washing. 1918 Chevrolet and & Ford Tour- ing Cars for sale. Physics Report Paper +» Collegiate Note Paper ience Note Paper uare Ruled Paper 20c. per 100 'BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. TENDERS WANTED I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. SALES Are you contemplating having | auction sale of your household goods | this Spring? Bear in mind that no | other method of selling ever devised] himan ingenuity can compare with an efficiently conducted aue- | tion sale In many cases an auction | sale may represent the hard earned! and treasured savings of a life time! and therefore you can readily under- sand how important it is that such a sale should be handled only by a specialist' in the profession Are you | having an auctipn sale of your prop- erty, your household goods or anything else? . i | I 'will be pleased to give you any information about it. i { Book early and secure choice of] dates, I will buy the contents of any house for cash. ALLEN, The Auctioneer Residence: 232 Brock st. Telephone 252 Over 50 years' experience in the Auc- © tion business. } { Auction Sales Make me prove it. | BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Phone 1721 or M28. J \ "Machine Gun Corps NOTICE Training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 p.m. sharp. Baseball practice at 7 p.m. A Gold Pin for that member secur- ing the most recruits by March 26th, 920. 1 ROOM 24, ARMOURIES Notice. to Creditors Matter of the Estate of Robert the City of King- County Froanteaac, Chief of Police; Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chap. 121, Sec. 56, that all creditors and others having claims against the es- tate of Robert 'W. Nesbitt, who died on or about the Fifteenth day of October, In the 'w SEALED TENDERS, marked ten- der on the envelope, will be received by the Clerk of the Municipality of Township of Wolfe Island up to noon, on Monday, the 12th day of .April, 1920, for the providing, crashing and delivering 200 or more toise of stone as directed by the Township Council during the season of 1920. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. J. D. COSGROVE, + Clerk, Township of Wolfe Island. Wolte Island, March 22nd, 1920. 'VISION In our thoroughly eéquip- ped examining room, your eyes will receive careful attention. We have every facility for a scientific ex- amination on your eyes. Our optometrist devotes all his time to eye work, and is, therefore. in. a position to give you undi- vided attention. Call at your conveni- ence and talk it over. We are makers of "correct" eye glasses. 182 Princess St. "Where the Clock is on the » - . Walk. { of the estate, their names and address- | 1919, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid, on or before the Thir- he 8 per ay of March, 1920, to the un- dersigned solicitors for the Executors es and a full description of all claims and the nature of securities (if any) held by them, such claims to be duly verified. And further take notice that Imme- diately after thé Thirty-first day of March, 1920, the Executors will proceed to distribute the sald estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only for the ¢laims of which they shall then have received notice. And the gaid Executors shall not be llable to any person of whose claim notiee shall not have been received by them prior to the sald Thirty-first day of March, 1980. Dated at Kingston, this Ninth day of March, A.D. 1920. = NICKLE, FARRELE & DAY, Kingston, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 'Woman's Canadian Club 'LECTURE by DR. HASTINGS, TORONTO Erovinecial Medical Health Officer "The Modern i Conception, of Public Sani- tation and 'Value to the Community" CONVOCATION HALL Thursday, March 25, 8 p.m. Admission to non-memhers >. oo 200 Revival Services Sunday, Mar. 28 to April 4 BETHEL CHURCH Barrie and Johnson | Every night (except Sat.) 8 o'clock Speaker: REV. A. W. ROFFEgot Toronto, t REVIVAL SONGS. FOR SALE---- HOTEL | Furnished or unfurnished; thriving village, main line €. N. R. R.; 80 permanent boarders; barns; house; ice house; bath; furnace heat; water system; real estate consists of entire block on Main street. Price $8,500. THE J. K. CAKKOLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. garage; tenement : i 56 Brock Street IGRAND TO-NIGHT LAST SHOWING Big Double Programme: OLIVE THOMAS pm "Upstairs and Down" WILLIAM DESMOND fy "The Blue Bandanna" AND OTHER REELS GRAND AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Mat. 2.30 | Fveaing ac 70 round floor 30¢. Any seat - | Balcony ...20c. CRA GRAND Thursday-Friday MAR. 25-26 PRICES 50-75-$1.00-$ -~Seats now on sale. We want everyone Who likes wonderful laughing hit. THE NAUGHTY-NICE FARCE Direct from a tri all rum to capacity audiences at the Prin- cess Theatre, New York, cane ADOLPH KLAUBER PRESENTS fin association with the Selwyns) Given here with the original®ast of Metropolitan Celebrities, including FRANCIS BYRNE, and the identical ex- quisite production which all New York acclaimed "A Perfect, Laughing Joy." NOTE--This company appears in Mont- real week of March 15th, Ottawa March 22-23; Toronto, Easter week. ° LTT [CHEERY 34.51 Aas 13 IS ART LT av TO-DAY | "The Miracle Of Love" Founded on Cosing' Hamilton's celes brated romance in the Cosmopolitan ---beautifully staged---a brilliant cast. HAROLD LLOYD In His Ditest Comedy "FROM HAND TG MOUTH" OUTING CHESTER TOPIOS OF THE DAY AY, AND MUNC) LAST SHOWING 'TO-NIGHT ANITA STEWART ~~ MIND THE PAINT GIRL THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY IRENE CASTLE The Invisible Bond COMING MONDAY ! | "The Soldiers Of 3 Fortune By Richard Harding Davis FOR SALE Miltary Saqdies, Bridies, Lines, prices pald for all kinds of Faraiture. Call phone 1237, 45 Princess A SHAPIRO MN Ask Your Grocer for Crest Brand RED SOCKEYE SALMON fat eco ae suis. Qua <. W. G. CRAIG & CO, lad. = | f + Bole distributors. vi mood | shows to take our word and gee this 'HE PEOPLE'S FORUM | = f CONDENSED ADVERTISING WATES First insertion, le. & word. Each con-| secutive insertion thereafter, half-| cent a word Minimum charge for one Insertion, 25¢; three insertions, §0 cents. The above rates are for cash only; When charged they are double. Ee er --_---- HELP WANTED, CHAMBERMAIDS, Randolph. MASONS, AT CATARAQUI Bagot street. APPLY HOTEL SCHOOL, Apply on the job. ------------------------------------------------------------ STRONG BOY, 17 YEARS OR OVER, for pressroom. Apply E. E. Adams, Whig Job Office. YOUNG GIRL WANTED GEN- eral housework; small family. Ap. ply 24 Frontenac street South. EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR YOUNG baby. Apply Mrs, Earnshaw, No. 4, RM.C. Grounds. Phone 1586, WANTED, Al PLUMBER FOR FEW weeks at Belleville Apply John Lewis Co. Ltd, Belleville. ~ CARETAKER FOR SONS OF 'BNG- land hall for nights. Apply H M. + Hawley, 109 Princess street. A GIRL TO CLERK IN GROCERY store; experienced preferred. Ap- ply Friendship's, 210 Division St. AT ONCE, A FIRST . CLASS SKIRT hand for dressmaking departmeu:. Apply Mrs. Mitchell, 73 Brock St. COOK, GENERAL; NO WASHING OR ironing: family of one. Apply to Mrs. C. F. Gildersleeve, 159 King street. ete ete nei WOMAN TO TAKE HOME WASH Apply 172 Johnson street, morning, or evening between § and § 0'- clock. SMART, UNG MAN AS SHOE clerk; éne with some experience preferred State wages expected. Apply Box 0-23, Whig Office. A CHARWOMAN FOR HOUSECLEAN- ing, the latiér part of this week Apply after § o'clock at 23 West street. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND ™ work on farm; three miles from city; references required. Apply at Whig Office, MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no laundry Apply to Mrs. Wm Birmingham, corner Union and Kensington Avenue. ONCE, A DOY, ABOUT 14 OR 15 years old, to ® assist with light chores, on farm. Apply to John G MacbDonal . NO. 1, Wolfe Isl- ang, Ont EXPERIENCED TABLE MAID FOR nurses' dining room; 'also ward maid, and a man for general help Apply to Matron, Kingston General Hospital. A FEW GIRLS AND BOYS; GOOD wages paid to learners, Also ex- perienced card tenters, ring spin- ners and weavers. Apply Dominion Textile Co, Cataraqui Street. A GOOD, YOUNG MAN; accurate and willing one who can learn Steady employment. Apply Kingston MUST BE to work, the trade. References. Mattress Co. | : LIVE MAN WANTHD--SPARE Ting or steadily---seiling our guarantee trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nureerymen, Limftedq, Brown Nurseries, P.O, Ontario, WANTED--MAN CAPABLE OF OR- &anizing and managing crew of salesmen for Canadian Home Journal. Permanent position; good salary Sind expenses to well-recom- mended and properly qualified man. Address R. 8S 'Hamilton, Cana- dian Home Journal, Toronto, Cane ¥ hh ' + Good, strong boy. Apply Mail- & 3 ing department, British Whig. FERRE RPE Pb PEP EIRP Ibe UPHOLSTERING - CALL OR DROF A CARD TO WwW, J. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St. F. W. HAROLD FOR € YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor, 217 «University Avenug. Phone 1898w. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cununing- ham. Cyril M. Smith. : BA, BARRISTER Solicitor. Law office, corner d Brock, over Royal to Phone 1999. AMBROSE SHEA, a ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREV . tects, Merchants' Bank corner of Brock streets. ARCHI- hambers, and Wellington % PERSONAL. WANTED, BY A GOOD, INDUSTRIOUS m a ply to Box R-23, Whig Office HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, ete. re- moved permanedtly. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre remov 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eve, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 158 Bagot "AUCTION High Clans © Friday, an, ¥ t IRA ---- SALE March oth, at 130 om: | Parlor . suite, Senora, Phonogram, parior tables carpets, rugs, Mholeums. heaters range, 'dining room chairs, oak "extension table, couch, oak sideboard, massive pholsterad a ToOM Suites. dreseers. stands. toilet Beds lamps, kitchen utensils, refrigerator, a host of other articles. \ woman for & wife. Ap- | } MYERPOO LONDO ire Ee cs ] WANTED GENERAL. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS month or more; with or board. Phone 1851J. BOARD AND ROOM, IN private family; by a middle age man. Address Box 63, city. WANTED, BY PRIVATE PARTY, MA- hogany sideb d, extension table, grandfaiher's clock, mahogany book case. Box Z-23, Whig Office. Z-23, SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT for cash or in pa. . payment of new | pianos and grafonolas, C. W. Lang say Limited, 121 Princess street. WANTED--MEN AND BOYS TO PAT. ronize J. W. Curzon. barber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20e. Shave 0c. | Razors honed 25c. 238 Ontario St, near Brouk Streét. | WANTED, BY MAY 1st, TWO OR] three rooms, for one year; furnish- | ed or unfurn ed; private family | preferred. Thomas' Mills, 79 Clar- | ence Street. { FOR A without A SMALL,' WANTED 70 RENT ON LONG LRASE, small farm, § to 10 acres, house and barn; not more than five miles from Kingston. Apply Box T-24, Whig Office. 4 ? CHEESE PRESS WANTED--A SEC. ond hand gang press; Inch size, with or without hoops; must be in good condition. Apply Box M-22,| Wihig Office. MOTOR BOAT, WITH HEAVY DUTY engine, not less than ten or over twenty horsepower. Give engine! name, description and price, k. EK. Rees, Nogthport, Ont. rn ere emer ee ------ | WANTED TO PURCHASE A SMALL tug boat, in first class conhdition;| length, 40 feet; draft, four feet:| + horizontal boiler, about 20 h.p. Ap-| to Figue Lumber Mills Co. t. Jose, i P---- MALE HELP WANTED STUDENTS AND TEACHERS, YOUNG offer for Summer holidays; alse $100 offer for Easter holidays. Nc afispasit required. Educational and patriotic work. Exceptional. oppor- | tunity for returned men. State age, | expei®ence, college standing. In-| terview by appointment with Dis- | \ trict Representative. \ Conrad, Desk C. Supt be 182 Spadina, Tor TEACHER W TEACHER FOR S, S. ¥ $400 for to Wm. Students' | nto. rr 3 ----D ANTED. NO. 7, BARRIE, ce April 6th. Sal- 1 months. Apply | Kiliingbeck, Plevna, Ont. PROTESTANT +TEACHER, limited third or Normal certificate, | wanted for 8. 8. No. 1, Oso. Salary | $700.00 per annum. Apply to Ernest! { | i I | { | i } | { | WITH A Henderson, Sec'y-Treas., Oso, Ont. TEACHER HOLDING A LIMITED | : third for 8. 8." No. 15, Loughboro, | Salary $500. Duties to commence | after Easter holidays. Apply to! William R. Wilson, Box 167, Syden- | ham, Ont. y | FEMALE HELP WANTED, GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK. 'e need you to make socks on the learned Auto Knitter, unnecessary. Distance immaterial. Positively no can- vassing. Yarn supplied. Particu-. lars 3c. stamp. Dept. 24C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. j 4) Pr Experience MEDICAL I DR. J. E. KANE WISHES TO AN nounce that he has opened offices ~ @&t 136 Wellington Street, opposite Post Office. Office hours 2-4 p.m. 7-8.30 p.m. Telephone: office, 1825 residence, 1631. TO LET. TWO ROOMS FOR OFFICE PURPOSES, on Princess St. Apply Box U-24, Whig Office. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HEght housekeeping; on bath room fioor. Apply $3 Raglan Road. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dry. Apply KE. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1381). STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA and dry. McCann's Resl Agency, 88 Brock 326 or $11 N Estate street. Phone FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; bath ' room floor; gas for cooking; no children. Apply $96 Princess Street. v FARM ON SHARES; STOCK AND IM. plements; two miles from Barrie- field. Apply to 'R. E. Draper, Bar- riefleld. ' i RAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 516; res, Sisw. is THREE FURNISHED ROOMS ON bathroom Hat; suitable for light housekeeping: near Queen's Unie versity. Apply Box K-32, Whig Of- fice. | FOR RENT 1% store in hedrt shopping dis trict; best location for boots, shoes, barbers, gents' furnish- Ing and ats, Confectionery, ready-to-wear clothing: imme diace possession. Terms tu suit. 175 Princess St, next to Standard Publishing Co., SFP Pete Het bob bib FINANCIAL FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; Incorported 188i. President, wr Rickie, KALE Fica. 'unin am. elt. and Tarm Purchase sale; its received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, i; Clar- ence street. Kingston. AND uULOBE a isla tion te which the pdéiicy holders have for security the uaiimited lability of perLy, ent sured at low business » ge and Stra v, Agents. Phone 225. BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. : ' FPhane ITIL a EN SE ------ + Asa result of the comic opera, "In Sunny France," staged recently in Renfrew , by the author-composer, Wilson McDonald, of Vancouver, B. the Victoria Hospital, I benefits to the amount of $381.55, Donovan. Brockville. after seven months She was aged ffty-three i PIANO | men or women, write for our $600 | -- Address Mr. | CARY, IN FIRST CLASS 'Apply 12 Ragian Road, BULK Box Dump condition A GOLD RIMMED. | March 14th, A PAIR OF Glasses, Sunday, on the corner Brock street. have same at 12 Ragl 3 PURSE CONTAINING SUM money on Sydenham Own can have same "by calling at Gilbert's Grocery, Barrie St 4 SATURDAY EVENING, SUM of money Owner may have same by proving property at W. H. Penwarden's, 12 Col- Hngwood St. LADY'S RING, SOME TIME AGO, én down town store. Owner 4 may have same a; 73 Lower Alfred St. BARRIE STREET, CHILD'S red woollen mint Owner may have same at Whig 0Of- } fice. . FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- | TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting tife facts to The British Whig, The adver. tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not ine clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete se, if 'lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" %olumn. | THOROUGHBRED i pup; i 3 h ¥ ENGLISH s old. Apply R-3, y &< Office. WORMWITH UPRIGHT PIANO; GOOD as new Apply at 438 Brock St Price $350.00 HORSE CART AND HARNESS AND b Apply Clow's, 471 Princess i . | JUDSON'S AUTO We have back C or a------ ------------------------ COLLECTION OF BOOKS TO BE SOLD, all latest publications; new. Apply 44 Frontenac street, evenings. FUPS, BROCKY ILL the Flate Glass Lights fop ra all kinds SULIU BRICK HOUSES, NOS. 250 AN 282, King Street East. Apply F. Ha Macoee, ids nye Street esl {ONE Muw BLE ALL WOOL VE- i i Swit; bust $8. Reasonable ce. Apply. Box N-22, Whig Of« it CARRIAGE, IN Appiy Lufore 3 b pom. at 62 Welling= BABY { condition and after St ADID BUT 'ner Kar A WICKER Boog cor J Er LDING LOT, CLOSE TO and A DW aoout Owner leaving city. » 79 Clarence St. r be bere, a bar 'Thomas M MARCH 20th, IN CITY, ONE DEALER'S 1920 marker, number 23 Finder | BLACK SIBERIAN FUR RABBITS, kindly leave at Ford Garage. pair; matured; prize winners; & bargain at ten dollars. Temple, 148 Urdnance t FARM; WELL TIMBERED AND Watered, od sugar bush; also lot oa Macdonald street Apply 304 Maedonadd st t ty. PY ON BAGOT, LOWER UNION, WEL- lHington or Brock streets; one Jack- shaft with gear, belonging to Im- perial Oil, Ltd Finder please re- turn to Imperial Oil Works, foot of North Street. STRAYED OR § ONE BLACK AND TAN BITCH, AN. swering to the name of Topsey. Any person Jisboning this cog will . so be prosecut J Woodrufr, Sydenham, Ont. FOR SALE, CLEVELAND BICY( Perfect Bicycle, $1 street GENUINE GRAPE selections; ¥0 Terms, $5 cash, Lindsay, Limiv SKIFFS, CANOLS, SKIFFS FOR OUT. board motors; Tents, AWn.nge, Camp Supplies, etc. Frank W, Sooke, 219 bagot street o. BOY ad GOOD, GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE, 4 Alfred | used to farm work. Also Incuostop 1 i Brooder, in good condition. APp~ to W. H. d>pence, Bath Road, O. 25.000 a ¢{ COLONIE n and bther be rrison, Coleb A MARE, CHEAP. Al BUCKE incubator. Apply 16 lisle St., York St a Hy NOW IS THE TIME TO BU ¥ -A LOT, If you want a first-class lot at Earl and Albert sireet for $8090, for quick Sale--a real bargain. Apply t Bo. H-§, Whig Office. PY le - MIOARDING HOUSE AND BARN AND stables, in first class repair, in town of 430; no vpposition. A snap for some one. Best of reason for sell ing Apply to burgess & Wiison, Props, xarker, Ont SO B® Car off PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION; quick sale; will take $60. Box L-2 Whig Office. EGGS FOR SETTING: THOROUGH. bred Rhode Island Reds, both combs and Blue Andalusians. Ap-| a ply 25 York St i 138 EARL STREET, BRICK, WITH EX« - | tension Kitchen; oak Hoors - DOUBLE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE | ter heating; gas and electric. Hane or would exchange for a small ing. Price $5200. Apply next aor wicker combination carriage. Ap. - R. P. Power, or Thoma, Mills, ply at 25 Upper William st., city. Clarence Street. 5 FOR Apply ------------------------ TELEPHONE POLES, CEDAR POSTS, any size, all primed; also Seed Outs, "The Century;"" guaranteed] clean and good. Apply B. A, Far. relly, Barriefieid. p TETTTTETETTTert he reve eee FOR SALE Summer resort, Cedar Park Inn, ully equipped, wood and ice, sit. uated on Charleston Lake, conven. lent to all railways We! for particulars to Dr. Bawatd Sine os Old Birks Bldg, Montreal, ue. HOUSE AT 225 BAGOT; » ROOMS; B. & C.; electric light and gas; H WwW. heating. Possession May 1st. Ap- ply mornings to Phone 1242w, unti} Saturday. 3 jrecaadss + ¥ -e > 4 -. & SODA FOUNTAIN, ¢ FEET LONG; complete with carbonating plant; vortex cups, Spoons, etc. Run one Season only. Will sell Sheep to quick buyer. Apply A. G. arris, University Drug Store. HIGH CLASS REO DELIVERY TRUCK, one of the best and most attrac tive cars in Kingston equipped with cord tires; nearly new; or Will exchange for Ford car. J. A. Duncan, 72 William St, Kingston. WE HAVE FOR ood second and Sioves. Any and furniture pe dishose or Sores of, pay highest prices. . Sol 333 Princess Street. Phone 1800w, 500 BICYCLES FOR SALE, FROM Upwards; a few pairs of $3.50 bicycle covers for §2.80.. Come And investigate before buying Where. Muller's Bicycle 371-373 King street. FARM, 25 ACRES, IN GLENBURNIE: 6 4 miles from Kingston, with good house and barn; good orchard; con- venient to school and church; ryral mail delivery. Immediate posses- on: Apply R. H. Fair, R. 5, King- on. / MEN'S SUITS, MENS boots, turndture, 800d set single harness, ragga. 31m any other ar © 80ld this wee cess Street. . B, ns AND stoves, hea Bors ters, a single tcion Prigs 5 th hh FOR SALE Saxon, 1918 model Miss Clark, 69 Brock FOR SALE $2,000--ROUGH CAST; & ROOMS; MiB and C.; electric lights; o Or garage; ce. he 2 850---FRAM Ey as 84s; large tot. R10 FRAME; ¢ ROOM PROVE. ments; large lot. S; Roadster, Bdrgain, street. tt d Sd Bd & FTFFTTFTeesesTieesd eee FOR ' $6,200, WELL-BUILT, veneer, medium size, § house; improvements; electric light, . W. floors; h.w. heating; veran- dahs; deep lot; splendid lccalfty; ny terms. Apply Box K-20, Whig ce.. FARM OF 113% ACRES Township of Mayo, Hast! ty, with small frame ho ed - on one side by Foster Lake; good hunting and fishing. Consid- Sable Bush, "Price for cash, $825. ply . - Carroll A 2Y, b Brock Street. X Senor, BARRED ROCK AN dotte Shi iiia ; $2200.-NEW FRAME; § RB ™. provements; eleciric ROOMS: $3.400--BRICK VENEER; ¢ all improvements. For ice Oks, Li $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, c improvements; ele . double lot. lectrl lights IN THE ngs Coun- use, bound. . FARMS FOR SALE 100050 ACRES; Goop small home; eight miles trom eng? Cockorsray Wire oy AN. . i also e hatching from prize wih, Tor Kingston, Smith's Falls, Picton ang Qttawa; reasonable price; satisfac. tioh guaranteed. Joseph White, Portsmouth, Ont. Phone 2301 ring $6000--100 ACRES, ALL GOOD LAND, Fe X facing the lake. Fam house and $7T,000----FARM; 200 ACRES; ¢ LES from Kingston; 100 under oLES GOOD, GENERAL #UR « Hon; good maple bush; well waters sound and kind In every wa i rune about buggy, set of single Darneas; cutter, delivefy wi on; also a 250 Egg Chatham neubstor, and Brooder; cheap to quick buyer, Ap- ply 401 Division street. city. POSE MARE, VICTORY BONDS FOR RY SALE, MONRY G. A. BATEMAN, ington Street, Kingston Kentucky Cannel Coal - For Grate Fires \ Jas. Swift & Co,, - Limited 150 Wel AL ; SELL YOUR GEO A SCRAP TRON, METAL RAGS and a le FAFER STOCK MACHINING M a 40 PRINCLSS STREET All kinds of repair work prompt 4 Iy &itended to Higsau sireei, nimgston DENTAL E. KNAFP, BA, LDS, B.D a office 258 Prigcess Street. Phone ef, LN DEN. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, pe FY ha over tats. 158 Wel} sky's ane "LAND SURVEYOR, F. F. MILLER, B.A Se, CE. 01.8. BLS MEIC Napanee. Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walk i "nas presi. : em, #5 Ciar- Eb: Office, 20567. Phone 1204. " 1205. ied Residence, 1840w, H RUSEN'& C0. St com Te re NOTICE, Highest prices pald for Louse. hold eflects and will purchase' all or part. ' SES L. LFSSES 1040w. . 307 Princosst St. Cor. Chatham St : ye Furn In lw x¥vot demand if yuu have 2 A fet wn Laswell 4 - AL we weld * um tide Fs i Conn » Politieal candidates :ve walcheds--it depends a good deal #0. thelr works whether they run weii a Rh [Rhea tot Sate. $e hot ean FETVEVEVYTY BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, ' * 4