THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG G V1 A General meeting FRIDAY at 8 p.m. Subjects for discussion: -- "Re-establishment" and Report . of Provincial Delegate. TT Inspection and Presentation of 1914-15 Stars by G.O.C., M.D. 3 THURSDAY, MARCH 25th Parade at 7.45 p.m. ARMOURIES. [$1500 $15.00 Stewart Photograph COME IN AND HEA A. G. Williams am WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 40 SURPRISE igre meet LETTUCE AND RADISHES AND CHOICE VEGETABLES FRIENDSHIP'S 216 DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 ; BR --- Cocoa and Chocolate Merger CANADIAN INTERESTS OF FRY'S AND LOWNEY'S, ASSOCIATED. Arrangements have been made for the asso iation of the of The Walter M. pany of Canada, Limited, and J. 8. Fry & Sons, Limited, business interests, in Canada, Bristol, England. The Walter M. - ticularly extensive. The firm of J. England in the year 1728, Canada and the Empire. been handled by its own branches throughout Bristol firm has recently caused J. 8. Fry & Sons, Limited, fo be incorporated by to 'which it has transferred its J. 8S. Fry & Sons (Canada) Limited, will continue to maintain its own branches throughout Canada, and has acquired, and will promptly equip, an extensive modern manufacturing for the purpose of manufacturing, Canada, 'Fry's well-known brands, which hitherto have been , office. in Montreal, assets, plant in Montreal, imported from Bristol. While the identity and good Sin of each Firm will be maih- it ig expected that, tion, substantial economies will be effected, both in the purchase of raw materials, and in the marketing of finished product. two lines supplement each other, inasmuch' as the Lowney Com- pany is largely engaged in manufacturing and selling eating chocolate and confectionery, and the Fry Company specializes very strongly in cocoa and related products, tained and extended, The Walter M. Lowney Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal. Lowney Company of Canada, Limited, has a large plant in operation in Montreal, established many years ago, and has been carrying on business in all parts of the Dominion, its sales of eating chocolate and confectionery having been par- S, Fry & Sons, and, for generations, its chocolate and cocoa products have been well and extensively known in During the past ten years thes® have Lowney Com- of Bristol, was established in Canada. The (Canada) Dominion Charter, with head Canadian within through the associa- The J. 8. Fry & Sons (Canada) Limited, Montreal. WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES Fresh Stock at SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Pringoes sna Moncrent 8, = THE SECRET FOR SUCCESS in chicken raising is proper feeding. No breed of hens could repay you for your pains:if you were not giv- ing them the food their peculiar ana- tomy requires. Order your next feed from us and let it prove that our quality feed is the most profitable you can buy. 'W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess St. | WHY SHOULD [ VOTE FOR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BYLAW? 1---Mr. G. Y. Chown offers to give $20,000 towards" Library provided the By-law passes; namely a building cost- ing $18,000 and $2000 for chance Kingston has ever had to secure a Free Public Lib- rary and the chance may never occur again. 2---Kingston is the only city in Ontario without Free Public Library. 3 The plans for the above building allow for a general read-- ing, reference and stack room on the main flodr. basement the Children's room, and the newspaper room wifere the men may read and smoke, and in the top flat a lecture hall seating. about 300 with platform and two small rooms, either side of platform, where committee meetings of all kinds may be held. 4--The educational and social advantages of having sth a com- munity centre will more than repay the half mill of taxation levied to support it. 1 you voted for Mayor or Aldermen in the last election you are entitled to vote on this By-law. Sonsider the necessity and advantages BY LAW TOUR a free alterations. This is the best In the || Anaconda ... 2% |i Bethlehem, Steel, "pr > {| Ins. Copper . {U.S Steel +... .... T0933 jj Money ... sic ane GANANOQUE (From Our Owa, Correspondent.) 5 March 24.--For the second time | | during the past two weeks, amateur | burglars were at work in Gananoque | | on Monday evening, when the grist | | mill on Tanner street was entered by | means of breaking a window, and al- | | though the papers in the drawer of the bookkeeper's desk were turned | | upside down and a number of copper | coins were there, so far as could be {| ascertained, nothing was taken. Hal liday's meat shop was also entered by means of breaking a window, and | there a dollar hill and a few silver coins were missed, George Haynes' hardware store was also entered in | tke manner, nothing 'being missed, with the exception of a flashlight. Anothér of Gananoque's aged and esteemed residents passed to rest on Monday eveni#g, at ther home on Charles street north, in the' person of Adelaide McCrea, relict late Willlam Carpenter, this town. She was well and w y known in | this section and was an active mem- | ber of the Methodist church, for | some time past being president of the | mothers' department. Mrs. McCrea was predeceased by her | many years ago, penter, and Mrs. George Moore, of ! McKellar, Parry Sound district. The funeral was held this afternoon to Grace church, where Rev. W. S. Len- | non conducted the service, which was largely attended Mrs. W. J. Waker, Market street, disposed of her household goods and chattels by public auction, yesterday afternoon. The sale was quite large- | ly attended. Mrs, Waker and family | expect to leave the latter part of the { week to join Mr. Waker in Detroit, { Mich., where he located recently. | On account of the illness of the teacher, Miss Edith McCammon, Stone street, her roon in King street { school has been closed so far this | week. There was a large offering of live { hogs on the locgl market yesterday, { all of which was taken by local buy- {ers for shipment. The prevdiling | price was nineteen cents a pound. | * Mrs. W." H. Moore, of McKellar, | arrived in town recently, having. been { summoned home on account of the { serious illness of her mother, Mrs. | Carpenter,"Charles street. John McCrea, who has been located | in the far west provinces for a num- | bor of years, arrived in town early yesterday morning, baving been |.summoned here by the serious illness {of his sister, the late Mrs. A. Car- penter, Charles street. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Truesdale, North street, spent yesterday in Kingston, the former in the interests of the Gananoque Co-operative So- ciety, Limited, of which he is mana- ger, ' COMPANY WON SIGN THE SAND CONTRAST Unless the City Council Agrees to Omit the Penalty Clause. At the meeting of the Board of Works this afternoon the board will have to decide about the tender for sand for the season: At the last meeting of the city council, on the motion of Ald. Graham, it was de- cided that the penalty clause must be included in the tender of 'the Kingston Sand Company. Ald. Gra- ham contended that the city would be very unwise in accepting the ten- der unless the penalty clause was in- serted. He claimed that without this clause the council had n¢ assdrance that the Board of Works would have the sand it required during the sum- mer months. The council was told by some of the aldermen, who were in a position to know, that the sand company would refuse to sign the contract if the penalty clause was inserted. The company has lived up to the conten- tion made by the aldermen, and is {only willing to sign the contract it the penalty clause is omitted. It is claimed that if the council insists on inserting the penalty clause and the company withdraws its ten- der, the council will be called upon 40 go on the open market for sand. If sand is shipped in, it will mean that the council will have to secure waggons to draw it to blaces where {iit is to be used. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, *. Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street. New York Stacks. Opening. Closing. 128% 74% 85% 100% 24 120% 35% 951% 382 103% 102% 134 Union Pacific Marine . Marine, pid. ha ws Gen. Motors .. .. Studebaker ... ... ALOR Lia. Am. Smelters .. .. Baldwin Loco. .. .. 94% ion i Rep. Steel ... . .. 110 Midvale .., ..¥ .. 48 10% Canadian Stocks, | |} Srasilian vai wae of 'the | husband | and is survived by | I two daughters, Miss Mabel M. Car- | . Bailey, 615%: A scene from House :to-morrow and Friday. ---------- LATE S00IAL NEWS. Dr. and Mrs, 3. "Ww. Campbell, Queen street, entertained at a dance on Friday evening for their sons, James and William. Allen's orches- tra rendered the most delightful mu- sic all evening. Those present were: LMisses Margery Gothard, Margery Fair, Bessie Fair, Vina Young, Lil- lian Carter, Helen Armstrong, Bessie Stewart, Mabel Stewart, Mary Fer- guson, Carmel O'Reilly, Miss Cole, Helen Thompson, Lorraine Irwin, Peggy Stewart, Ida Publow, Bessie Walsh, Phronig McFarland, Ruth Mc- Kimon, Sister Kilborn, Sister Annie Helen Méek and Messrs. Jack McKelvey, Reueben Young, Bob. Ferguson, Robert Ifwin, O. Denman, Archie Abernethy, Bill Shaw, Doug- las Slater, George Stewart? N.. Car- ter, Bill. Gimblett, O. Hénty, R. Hu- ghes; Orrin Carson, Homep McQuaig, Gordon Young, Bliss Barnum and' Dr.) \WeGregor, James and William Campbell, Dainty refreshments were served about mid- night. = - * * 5 Mrs. Robert Polk, Kingston, is spending guest of Mrs. Hester Lyons. Ottawa Yesterday from where he spent a Jow weeks, . * Mr. and Mr; Barrie street, da; y. Misses Donoghue, Wellington street, went up to Toronto today. Mrs. J. H. McKeown, Montreal, came up today. William Harty, Jr., ent to Winnipeg to- Annual meeting and recital, King. | ston Ladies' Musical'Club, Convoca- | tion Hall, Saturday afternoon, 3.30. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS IN CONDENSED FORM Way. : All Sad-Pasha, military governor of Constantinople, has been arrested by British forces. St. Thomas is so short of soft coal | that gas consumers may be unable to-day to light their jets. Soviet newspapers state' the Rus- sia needs thirty-two billion roubles in gold to restore herself, . Sergt-Major MacNamara attacked Premier Drury in the legislature in connection with the latter's fantt policy. Esthonia and Livonia may go to! war over boundary disputes. Both countries are making preparations for conflict, ing up. The company is seeking ap- cent. a by-law to authorize the expenditure of §10,000 for improved fire-fighting equipment. H. 8. Bowen, a carpenter, was al- most instantly killed by Jlumber fall. ing on his head out of a sling, at the Hydro forebay at Queenston. York Tuesday, and stated that he will not meet Dempsey unless the latter is cleared of slacker charges. over by a freight car of a which he fell, a mile from near Cochrane. gauier, ture planned. for an and United States delegates. five business and professional wo- men. The resolution to repeal the State Daylight Saving Bill was defeal- ed in the New York Assembly Tues- day. This means that New York] State will adopt the new time on Sunday next. In commemoration of the silver | jubilee of their archbishop, Roman erect. at the head of Wellesley plaice a residence for students entering up- on courses in philosophy. Tbrohto Canoe Club beat Selkirk, Man., in the first game for the O. H. Ac Memorial Cup and national junior championship Tuesday $4 10 to 1. The teams meet again T buts-. t was announced 'that the Provis. gE SILL 0 munici; es ot guarantee the bend on i 5 © @ muni- | "ipaittieg themselves "Vote Ton By-law. ; a 'Nightie N one whole year in New York, Howard Hiscock, | and few days in Newboro, the] Major Willis O'Connor returned to | California, | Tidings From All Over Told, in a Pointed and Pithy . | The cast of Pullman travel is go proximately an increase of 20 per' # f Blenkeim ratepayers have carried Georges Carpentier arrived in New | Brakeman Drinkwater of Smith's | Falls was fatally injured when run | ain off | on the C NR. 1 The Cankdian Council of Agricul-'| international | agrarian conference to be held at an | early date, and to include Canadian i *A business women's club was or- | ganized at Fort William with a re- | presentative membership of thirty- | Catholics ot Toronto diocese are to | coming to -the Grand Opera | Tr Suny | R.M.C. |BOXING BOUTS Are To Take Place on| Thursday. The semi-finals in the boxing bouts | were concluded at the Royal Military The Finals ral very fine contests took place,some of them going four rounds before a decision could be rendered. The re- sults were: Lightweights--Ross Scullard; won from Ballantyne won from Dry- four rounds. . Welterweights -- McKenzie won from Williams and Bigelow won from Grant, Heavyweights--@Gillespie won from -Bgrmingham, 'and Prince won from Barclay. terrific that has taken place at the college and went four rounds. The finals will take plase on Thurs- day and many visitors are expected. Whist Drive at Mowat. A whist drive was held at Mowat Hospital on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Catholic Army Huts and St. Mary's Red Cross Society. An enjoyable time was spent by the patients. The prize win- ners were: First prize (box of ci- gars), Mr, Seguin; second prize (box of cigars), Mr. Andrews; consolation prize, Mark Evans. A splendid musi- cal programme was put on by the young ladies and refreshments were followed by cigarettes and cigars. A showdown over the Board of Commerce, its work and all com- | bines, is sought in the legislature to- | day. It takes a man with a cheek of { brass to bogst of his heart of gold. Vote for Public Library By-law. Place Your Order Wi Why place your order out of town when you can get the gest DUBLIN GINGER ALE, ENGLISH GINGER BERR, CLUB BODA, at Toon Bottling Works All brands of Domestic and Imported Cigars and Cigarettes. Wholesale Tobaccanist s. Phone 304 292 Princess St. Geo. Thompson, Prop. ight," the comedy that ran for | College on Tuesday afternoon. Seve- | 3 nam after a hard fight that lasted This lag bout was one of the most | thed A. CHOWN & CO. 252 Bagot St. consi sas Big Stock Reduc- tion Sale REMEMBER -- we must reduce our stock of 'BOOTS and SHOES to make room for our two stocks and Spring purchases. A chance to get big value for your money. Come in and see our Big Bargains. The Model Shoe'Store | W. A. Sawyer - 184 Princess St. i 1 | | Young man! IN Touca; Young woman! Ady. honest task"s an opporiunity! do--and the PAY, VACATIONS and PROMOTIONS will come without seeking. If ybu're in quest of a position, take an Lour off at the Public Lihtars. brochure written some years ago by the late Eiberi Hubbard, ' open-mindedly, thought{ully--then take pencil and paper and prepare a three or foarling WORK WANTED" ad. for the classified column of the British Whig. Hundreds of employers will ses {t---and i Jobs? There Be Jobs. a Plenty" Today for Willing Workers! Cat the proper SLANT on this business of making a living. When picking a starting point for a career, it doésn't much MATTER what job you werk at--- so long as you WORK on the job that you work at. Do what you set ont to do--the best way it is in You to Ask to see thit Jutle "The Message to Garcia." Read it breathes the right spirit, you'll héar from it! Do rot FORGET---any honest task's an opperiuaity--and the British Whig will piace you