Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1920, p. 9

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920. 3 In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features WELCOME RELIEF FROM EGZEMA ~ Gomplele Treatment That Gives Grafting Result 'Wasma, Orr. "I had an attack of Weeping { Eczema 30 bad that my clotheswould be wet through at times. For four months, I suffered terribly, 'I could get mo relief until / ried "Fruit-a-fives" and '*Socthe-Salve". sold by dealefs at 50c. a bex, 6 for $2.50, or sent on receipt of price by Pruit-otives Limited, Ottava. "Fmit-a tives" )s also put upin a trial sive whieh sells for 25c. pen SPECIAL NOTICE ~ We have many lines of extra good value. It will pay you to come and see. C. H. PICKERING - Grocer and Meat Dealer. Phone 580. 490 and 492 Princess Street oe, FUNCT 5 YSTEM D AT AN fb Youwil IND HE OLD AN Tis IN THE OL PARMELEE'S VEGETABLE ~ VICTOR Columbia, Edison and all other makes of Talking Ma- chines repaired, adjusted, and * cleaned. Parts for all makes |, supplied. Expert workmanshi { I questioned if this | if | 1 had never encountered a man who hand on m¥ shoulder, just to brush Can a Woman Love Two Men ? "Has Karl Shepard gone?" I ask- ed quickly, after Hélen had given me his message. "Yes, he went back om the next train," she answered. "It was like him," I miurmered. Helen came forward and with her arms on my shoulders looked me straight in the eye, but she did not ask a question. I knew what she wanted to say. It was just what I was asking myseft. Did I love Karl Shepard, and was I sure that he loved me. In all ages men have said that it is perfectly possible for a man to love two women devotedly at the same time. Poets have made it a subject of their verse and innumer- able, plays and povels have heen written around it. Indeed I have heard many men de- elare that no one woman could be | all things to one man, but yo one thas ever intimated for a moment that 'one man could not meet all the re- quirements of one woman. And yet {king or loving, You may call 80; of certain people Tor certain attributes making it possible to love two or even three people at the same time, is not a very human quality and not confined to either sex, Soul Feels the Consolation, My whole bruised soul felt the con- solation of Karks sympathy, silently | but beautifully expressed. I loved his selflessness. It seemed to me was so perfectly willing to make me happy at whatever cost to himself. On the other hand, just to look in- | to John's eyes when they were smil- ing, just to foel the touch of his his coat sleeve with my hand made me tingle from head to foot. He was my man. I knew it, The only thing that I was not sure about was that I was his woman. Right at this sioment, I think, I lost all belief in that foolish theory thaty in all the world there is just one 'man for one woman and one wo- man for one man. If that were so, nature is a great bungler and we poor mortals are most of us doomed to earthly un- happiness. "What shall I do with these vio- + Told in moderate charges. J. ML PATRICK a (Continued from Page 3.) The "the Dansant" at the City hall given by the Skating Club, on Satu ernoon, was A most suc- eal function and much enjoyed by = e number of guests. The pretty takle with its centre of daffo- dils and Tern was in charge of a committee of ladies who took turns at pouring tea, They were Mrs. { John, an lets," said Helen. 'Do you want your mother to haye them?" "Yes," I answered. 'Put them all about her, except this one little bunch which I am going to take with me to my room." Pall for the Casket. "There are enough, you Jknow," said Helen, "to make a pall for the casket. "Shall I have a florist come and make them into one?" "Yes, and when he Is fini have him tie a cluster of Melmaison\roses in one corner," Helen said nothing more, but went to the phone to give the order to a local florist. « 1 wantegrto get away and be alone, but I was not sure if I went to my own room that I would not he dis- turbed immediately by Alice and stand their bickering. It never emn- tered my mind, however, after what John had said to me that he would have any objection to my staying with Helen. I thought, of course, he understood what she had done for me and was willing to let me keep my emd. My mind was disabused of th\¥ rather rudely when, before Helen left the telephone, she said, "Someone is calling for you." "Ask who it is," I answered. "Who is speaking?" asked Helen. Immediately, I saws her face suf- fused with crimson. "I think it is your husband," she! '""He will not | said, turning to me. give his name." Makes No Excuses, I knew that John had said some- thing insulting, or at least rough, to Helen over the phone, but I made no excuse as I took the receiver from her. i? "Is that you, Katherine?" came in brusque tones. "Yes," I answered, nonchalently. "Do you think it is quite the thing te make social visits under the cir- cumstances?' he asked sarcastically. "No, and I am not doing 50," 1 answered as cdlmly as I could. "Are you not in Mrs, Gaylord"s réom 7' was his query. "Yes, John." "Then I think you had better come immediately to your own." (Copyright by National Newspaper Service) To-morrow--John's Code. Nh (Will Take Off "All Excess Fat Do you know that there is a simple, harmless,. effective remedy and secretly b who is losing or any man he slimneag of youth? There is; and it is none other than the pow famous Marmola Prescription, known as Mar. thet tablet form of mola Prescription Tablets, well expect & red to four pounds a or exercising. ich. I did not feel that I could |: 0 for overfatness that may be used safely woman lon of from two ek without dietingd Marmola Prescription Tablets are sold by all druggists at $1. for a large case, or If you prefer you can order direct.from the Mar- ola Co., 864 Woodward Ave. Detroit, "SYRUP OF FIGS" IS LAXATIVE FOR CHILD 'ook at tongue! Remove poisons and Accept "Calitornia" Sy .. of Pigs only~~leok for the mame California on the package, them you are sura 'your cuaild is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bofvels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say '"'Califor- nia." . : Diary of a Fashion Model By GRACE THORNOLIPFE She Describes a New Skirt for Negligees. I've mado"myself the loveliest negligee. Of course, I copied it from one of our newest models that Ma- dame brought over from Paris. I found it among the glorious things she has just gotten through the cus- tom house. This negligee is so simple in its construction and so lovely in its col oring I just had to have one like it, Many of the Frenoh negligees are made with a skirt that is 'somewhat Turkish, though no trousers, Turk- ish or otherwise, were ever made '¥xactly like this new skirt, I'll try to describe it to you. A jof the rutfie and having jt hem- | stitched down the centre with silver. i After it was finished I pressed it {out carefully and cut it through the centre of the hemstitching, leaving either side picot finished. This method saves material and cuts the price of picot edging in half. After- ward I sewed the lengths of chien together by hand and had them knife pleated. ! It's all very simple, you see, and I= charmed with my wonderful neg- gee. TODAYS FASHION By MME. FRANCES This Black and White C... cked Vel- our Suit is Bound With Red Felt, One just couldn't stay in on a| lovely spring day.if a suit like this | were hanging in one's clothes sanc- tum. Black and white checked vel- our is smartly tailored and bound with red felt. That is the secret of | the smartness of this suit. t The check isn't conspicuous, being | small in contrast to some of the] checks .and plaids observed this spring. x The man-tailored revers and pock- | ots show the red felt binding. The bone buttons are. effective accents, | he smart sailor hat is faced with | patent leather and tied with black | grosgrain ribbon, A blatk vell 'is | worn with it, If you would be smart | have leather on your'spring hat, pre- ferably shiny leather. The new silk and lisle stockings | mottled black and white and em- | broidered with black clocks, are ef-| | fective for wear .with such a cos-| tume. ------------------ An orang-outrang seldom leaves a tree except for water, To say That This Brand of Tea is of Incom make a that's all. . . "SALADA" ~=for Black Tea Dr ir Akers. Warde Natural Green--for those used to Japans. able Quality and Value, is to plain statement of Fact-- Comfort is a very oleanser, yg is used for cleaning od the oldest and hardest dirt, grease. oto Comfort Lye is fine for making sinks," drains and closets sweet and clean. Comfort Lye Xills rats, mice, roaches and insect pests. Comfort Lye will do the spring cleaning you've got. s good for making soap. Comfort Lye It's powdered, perfumed and 100% pure. Te hardest fee -- Ee for -- Ad l1lll1ll A AA A NN A tN Parier's Dye Works a CleanersaDyers ; : ST Where Do You Have Your Things Cleaned? ~~ AT PARKER'S, OF COURSE There Is as great an art in cleaning garments as there is in dyeing them. Experience teaches that Parker's excel in both. We have studied the treatment for every fabrie, every color, and every kind of blemish. From Georgette to velvet brocade, from white gloves to furs and feathers, you can safely entrust your treasures to us. for cleaning, confident of satisfaction. {a \ v NJ Branches and agents everywhere. "69 Princess Street, KINGSTON } Pr ~ y e weeks ago th ajtend the executive of the New Ontario Chapter I.O.D.E., has recovered and is able to go to her Di - glas Anglin, Mrs. Manley Bhi r, Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mrs. Ross Div- imgston and Mrs. T. Ashmore Kidd. AA A AANA ¥ Assisting them were some of the girl members of the club who saw to the wants of the guests. The or- chestra was tioned om the plat- form and rende a charming pro- gramme much appreciated bY the dancers. * - - Mrs. Stuart Hawkins, Centre street has asked a few people to come in at the tea hvur this afternoon to meet Mrs. Frank Hawkins. Mrs. Hawkins is also entertaining on Thursday af- ternoon. . - - Mrs. Tett, Newboro, is the guest of Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Johason street. Mrs. Belcher, Peterboro, has come to town to spend some months with home in vPerth. present guest at the home of her old friend, Miss Alma Brisco, Napanee. * . Miss Muriel Wainwright, Ottawa, is the guest of Miss Coon for about a week, s ; Mr. and Mrs...J, BE. Marcoux, Kingston, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Beaudry, Ottawa. Mrs. W. Carmichael, Mack street, street, is visiting in Smith's Falls. Miss Etta Mullen, Prescott, is spending a few dasy with friends and relatives in Kingston. ss H. F. Mooers, Barrie street, after several months stay in the city, lef Mrs. William Scott, Kingston, is a This Picturesque Negligee Combines Turquoise Bine and Orchid : Crepe Chiffon, full 'width I TIT COLONIAL "A" Thin, without acy. At oil good jewelers, Jrom F200. upwards, Other Waltham wodels of accur- Priced of turquedse blue crepe on; $250 dhiffon is used for the skirt, which should Be made of two layers of this material. The fulness and the double layer of the chiffon gives great soft. ness to the drapery without its be- ing transparent. In making such a skirt the'chijfon is measured from the long whist. line to a point about two or three inches above the ankle on the inside of the leg. The material is then doubed crosswisé¢ at this point, and the widths are sewed to-gether "on each side to a point about seven or eight inches from the lower edge. @ Tuesday.for Moose Jaw, Sask. \ Mrs. Fred B. Pense left for To- ronto on Monday to spend a couple of weeks with her parents. Harry Doyle, Kingston, is in Pic- ton, visiting his aunt, Mrs. James Livingston. "Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge has re- tWrned to Ottawa from Kingston, where he spent a few weeks. . - * upwar her son, Cadet Belcher, R.M.C. * Arnott Minnes, spent the week- end in Ottawa, staying at the CBat- eau Laurier, - Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, "An- 'nandale", went down to Montreal gn Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Hanson. Miss Catherine ' Wright, Univer sity avenue, who hgs been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, in London, Ont, is expect- real, announce the en gagement of ed home'shortly. = their daughter, Dorothy Mildred, to Mrs. Frank Hawkins, Ottawa, is Ee putiand ItacPhatl. Son of Su the guest of her son, Stuart Hawkins, take place on June ond. and Mrs. Hawkins, Centre street. eva Mrs. G. W. Mylks, Willlam street, . | entertained at bridge on Monday ev- : ening, in honor of Mrs. Alfred H. | fair, Singapore. A.. M. Kirkpatrick, Brockville, came up to town this week and is spending his holidays with his moth- er, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Sy- When buying a watch think first of quality = HE first cost of an inferior watch is a long way : from being its last cost. Instances are by no means uncommon where the cost of repairing such a watch exceeds its original price. Watchmakers nowadays receive high wages. Their Mr. and Mrs. John H. Garth, Mont- pesmi s----_ -- A------ Jauo-- Qn, Wire Brent Srnm-- ~N The engagement is announced of Jean Munro Hay, daughter of the late Rev. John Hay and Mrs. Hay, of Regina, Sask. formerly of Kings- ton, to Capt. James Harold Ramsay, M.C. and. Bar, eldest son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. D. M, BAmALY: of Toront® The marriage is to o place early denham street. in April. ~ - | Miss Margurite Bellhouse, who has 3 | been with her mother, Mrs. W. A. ! * | Selihouse, Earl street, NaS EONE UD | seeeemtoememmtrares be: (0 Hamilton for a visit, - Irving Martin, Toronto, spent the - » week-end with his sisters, the Misses HOW SOME GIRLS DRESS SO WELL . Martin, Clergy, fret. 5 x bills are apt to be very large f to repair low grade watches. Especially 'is this true of the cheaper importedi movements for which repair pans are often unobtainable and must be made by and. ° . : ; : It is far better to buy a Waltham. This gives you a high grade watch at a reasonable price consistent with quality, / watch mechanism the good your altham means a real cash saving Goer the low Bend wai The longer carry a Waltham the less it costs you.. Divide its into fe years of service it : 5: gives and Youll Sad is prise ia THE WORLD'S WATCH OVER. TIME WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, LaiTED Puctories: Montreal, Canada; Waltham, USA. time spent in trying > There is infinite grace and com- fort in this skirt. The long-walsted bodice is orchid Waltham od father Hi a mo Grandfe fall Jor homes of refinement. Ask your jeweler. ¥ = i Ne No. tal B, BE. F. during the last year f the war. .{ +The Dean of Ontario is in Toronto | any for a few days. .. Mrs. J. Howard Box came tp from Fors lta YT0e me Hime erings. wita her parents, Mr. a rs. J. | Silat, Barelg strost. co Hutvourt Callag an has been visit. to. * ' 'Mrs. Johu Stewart, Perth, wife of John Stewart, M.P., taken ill upon 'her arrival ix Hamilion two of three 8 HE] it : TTT Troan EI a a a i £8 © : o5% i 5 | il 5 i ¢ 2 € £ iz adi 2 EE CO TTT eddie ddd I I I mm ™Mm hd \ ho RT CS I TT IT TITTY IY eG Ol Seen Semen

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