A Ma "Listen Lester," at the Grand Opera House, Thursday, GRAIN QUOTATIONS ' qs Toronto, Toronto, March 16.--Manitoba Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.80; No. 2, $2.77; No. 8, $2.73; in store, Fort William. 'Manitoba Oats--No. 2, C.W., 99¢; No. 3, C.W.,, 96¢; No. 1 feed, 95¢c; No. 2, feed, 934 c; extra No. 1 feed, 96¢c; Fort William, in store. American Corn-->o. 3 yellow, no- minal, $1.94; No. 4, nominal, $1.91; track, TPeronto, prompt shipment, Canadian Corn--Feed, nominal. Manitoba Barley, in store, Fort Willlam-----No, 8, C.W., $1.73%; No. 4, CD. $1. BL; rejects, $1. 0% feed, $1.40% Ontario Whente-No. 1,82 to $2 01 Nb. 2, $1.98 tod#2.01, f.0.b. shipping points, accordifig to fpei@Tfs; No. 3, $1.92 to $1.83; No. 1 Spring, 4% 9 to $2.03; No, 2, $1.98 w $2.01; 3, a 95 to $2.01. ario Oats~--No. 3, $1 to $1.03. I Nsitine, $1.80 to $1.82. Buckwheat--$1.65 to $1.70. Rye--No, 3, $1.85 to $1.88, ; Paas--No, 2, $3, according | freight outside. to Ontario Flour----Qovernment stan-. ! dard, Montreal, in/ jute bags, $10.80 to $11; Toronto, §11. Manitoba Flour -and Government 2 Toronto. Jarloads, deliver®d Montreal; shorts, $52; bran, $45; middlings, not quoted; *good feed flour, per bag, $3.60 to $3.75. Hay----Baled, track, Toronto, car lots, No. 1, $27 to $28; Neo. 2, mixed, $25 per ton; straw, car lots, $16" to $117. ---- Montreal. Montreal; March 16.--Oats, No. 2 C.W., $1.18; No. 2 C W. $1.13%. Flour, new standard g¥ ade, $13.25 to $13.55. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs, $5.50 to $5.60. Bran, $45.25, Shorts, $52.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton,*car lots, $29.00 to $30. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, March 168.--0Oats--No. 2 C.W,, 99¢; No. 3 C.W,, 96¢; extra No. 1 feed, 96¢; No. 1 feed, 35¢; No. 2 feed, 933% ¢; track 973%c. Barley--No. 3 C.W., $1.73% ; No. 4 CW, $1.54%; feed, $1.40; track, $1.60%. Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., $5.53; No. 2 C.W.,, $5.48; condemned, $5.08; track, $5.48. | Rye---No. 2 CW, $1.91% { Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minn., March 16.-- yme Gehrue and a few of the sfunning bathing costumes worn in John Cort's sensational March 18th. Markets Reports i No. 1 Northern, Flour unchanged, Shipments, 30.144 barrels. » Barley, $1.32 to $1.55. Rye, No. 2, $1.67.% to $1. $3%. Bran, $47. Fier $5.08% | to $6.18 % Close: Wheat, spot, $2.67 to $2.76. LIVE STOOK MARKETS. 4 Toronto, Toron'o, March 16.--~Heavy steers, choice, $13.26 to $13.50; choice butcher, $12* to $12.50; medium butcher, $10.50 to $11; oom butcher, $8 to $9.50; light, common, $6.50 to $7; heifers, good to choice, $11 to $11.60; butoher cows, choice $10 to $11; bulls, choice, heavy, $10 t0$10.50; do., good, $9 to $9.75; do., light, $7 to $8; canners and cut- ters,» $5.25 to $6.50; stockers, 800 to 900 lbs, $9 to $10; feeders, 950 to 1,000 lbs, $10 to $11; spring lambs, $20 to $21; sheep, $13%0 $14; heavy sheep and bucks, $7 to §8; calves, $19 to $22.50; do., medium, $16 to 18; hogs, fed and watered, $19.50 to $19.75; do., off cars, $19.75 to $20; do., f.0.b., $18.80 to $18.75; do., to the farmer, $18.25 to $18.50. Montreal, Montreal, Marph 16.--Butcher steers, choice, $14.26; good, $12 to $13; medium, $11 to $12; common, $9.50 to $11; butcher heifers, good, $11 to $12.60; medium, $9.50 to $11; common, $7 to $9.50; butcher cows, good, $10 to $11; medium, $7 to $9; canners, $5.50; cutters, $6 to $7; butcher bulls, good, $10 to TE IT Ti EI | MAXWELL | Has Won Its Following Through Its Quality & t HE metals used in the Maxwell chassis com- pare favorably pound for pound with those in the best cars that the world has praduced, according to metallurgists. «There is. a real reason for this quality in a "Maxwell. o The fundamental purpose of the Maxwell is to +" carry the and at the same speeds as pensive ¢ same passenger loag ars. : over the same roads arger and more ex- But it must perform this mission in an extremely economical way. "Therefore the Maxwell has to be light. But to _ 'make it strong as well as light only the Yery best of materials can be employed. *. "Hence, And it is through the quality of its metals that Maxwell the quality metals. 3 has developed its following. This is a following that began five years ago * with a foundation of 5,000 and now reaches a 'mark of 100,000 new Maxwell enthusiasts in 1920. .-300,000 Maxwells now on the highways of two + continents are a daily endorsement of the merit of this great.car. : MAXWELL MOTOR C0. of Cunt, Limi, Winder, On M Obemidorifer 124 Clarence Street, KINGSTON = EI {$16 to $18; { offered ; {to $20.80; "lemons, aoz., "ito Boe; do., | boxes. "State, whole musical comedy, $11 mes, $8 to $9.50; good veal, medium, $10 to $16; grass, $7 to $7.50; 'ewes, $12 to $12 lambs, good, $17; hogs, off | car 30s ts, selects, $21; sows, $17 [te $18. New York, . New York, March 16.--Beeves, steers, $9 to $13.35; no real. prime culls, $7 to $10.50; cows, $8.75 to $10; calves, veals, $17 to $24; culls, $12 to-$16; little calves, $12 to $14; barnyards, $8 to $10; yearlings, $6 to $7; sheep, ewes, §8 to $12: culls, $5 t0o-$7; lambs, $17 culls, $14 to $16; hogs, market firm at $15.75 to 1$16.75; pigs, $15 to $15.50; rought, $13.50. Baffalo, Buffalo, March 16. --Cattle--Re- ceipts, 3,000 head; Heavy, market slow and 28¢ to 50c lower; shipping steers,' $13 to $14.50; butchers, $9 to $13; yearlings, $12. 50 to $14; bulls, $7 to $10.50; stockers and feeders, $6 to $10; fresh cows and gpfingers, $756 to $175, '. Lo Calves--Receipts, 2,100 head; market 50c higher at $6 to $23.50. Hogs--Receipts, 12,800 head; market slow and 5¢ to 26¢ lower; heavy, 115 to $16.105 mixed, $16.60 to $16.75; Yorkers, $16.75 to $16.- 85; Mght do, $16.50 to $16.75; pigs, $16 to $16. 50; roughs, $13 to $13.50; stags, $8 te $10. Sheep and Lambs--Receipts, 7,000 head; market steady; lambs, $13 to $20.50; yearlings, $12 to $18. 50; wethers, $15.50 to $16; ewes, '§6 to $14. 50; mixed sheep, §14.50 to $16. Chicago, Chicago, March 16. --Hogs--Bulk, $14.10 to $15.60; top, $15.00: heavy, $13.75 to $14.85; medium, $14.50 to $14.75; light, $15.25 to $15.80; light lights, $14.25 to $15.~ 50; heavy paling sows, smooth, $10 to $13.15; packing sows, ough, $12.00 to $12.60; pigs, $13 to $14.50. Cattle--17, 000 head; market weak; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $13.50 to $15.50; medium and good, $11.50 to $13.50; rommon, $9.75 to $11.50; light, good and choice, $12.- 25; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.25 to 13. 25; cows, $7.10 to $12.25; can- s and cutters, $4.90 to $1. 00; i calves, $15.00 to $17.00; teed- er steers, $8.75 to $12.00; stocker 'stéers, $7.50. to $11. Lambs, 84 lbs. down, $17.00 to $19.25; culls and common, $14.00 to $16.75; ewes, medium, good and choice, $11. 00 to $14.25; culls.and common, $6.00 to $10.75. GENERAL TRADE Montreal, Montreal, March 16. Cheese, fin- est easterns, 26% to 27c, Butter, choicest creamery, 65 to 66¢; sec- onds, 62 to 64¢c; Eggs, fresh, 2c; selected 54c; Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $3.50 to $3.55. Lard, pure, wood. pails, 20 1bs net, 31 to-31%¢." Toreato, Toronto, March 16-- Butter, choice dairy, 62 to 68¢; do., creamery, 70 to 80¢; margarine, fb., 37 to 40c; eggs, new laid, doz., 70 to 80¢c; cheese, 1b, 35 to 40¢; Fowl, 1b, 40 to 45¢; chickens, roasting, 40 to 48; turkeys, Yi, 55 to 60; apples, bkt, 50 to $1; do., bbl., $5 to $8; cranberries, 2 quts; -85e; oranges, doz.,, 50 to $1; 25 to 35¢; grapefruit, each, 5 to 10¢; rhubarb, bunch, 10 to 15¢; beets, bag, $2.25 to $2.60; carrots, bag, $2 to $2.25; cabbage, each, 15 to 40c; eauliflower, each, 25 to 50c; celery, head, 10 to 25¢; leeks, bunch, 19 to 30c; lettuce leaf, '1 3 tor 10; letuce, head, each 10 to 20¢ onions, bkt., 65. to $1.25; do., green, beh, 5 to 0c; peppers, doz, 50 to 45¢ potatoes, bag, $4.50 fo $4.76; pars- ley, bunch 10¢; parsnips, pas: $2.50 to $2.76; turnips, bag, $1.2 ood New York. New York, March 16. -- Butter barely steady; receipts, 2,488 tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 68 to 683%ec; extra (92 score), 67 to 67% ec; firsts, 88 to 91c; packing stock, -current make, No, 2, 39 to '{89%c. Eggs firmer; receipts, Fy 049 cases. firmer; receipts, 049 cases. gathered, ex- ' tra first, 46c; do. first, 443 to 4bc; ia sud nearby | western hennery, ¥ white, rst to ex- tra, 50 to Bde; do.. brown, exfrd, 49 gathered brown,' extra, Joren, State; wi ie wig flats, held 6; a Tan, 28 to 2%¢; State, wi wh anh twins, held specials, 29 to 30c; do, average Tun, 37% 9 2 Ye. Happen, \ g. March 17.--An early ole milk | RE TIRES All persons who have placed their or- ders for Tires with us are hereby notified that they may get these at any time bet een March 15th and May | st. 5 Tires have advanced 20 per cent. and a greater advance of 25 per cent. is predicted. Let us take your order now for future deliv- ery, and we can save you dollars such as be- fore. We are also prepared to take orders for \ high-grade Polarine Oils at old prices, thus saving you 35 per cent. of present prices. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609 ET the LONDON ENGINE An Engine You'll be Glad You Bought! HERE is an engine sincerely built for service ~perfected in design and workmanship-- of Al. Ln and unconditionally guaran eed. The "LONDON" has no tank, no fan--it is # water-cooled engine that is frostproof. Speed may be changed while running, No packed jviats. Governor cut-out to save batienr ives full rated load and has power to spare, De- Vertical t pe, as used in high grade autos, pro- ven best design. changeable. All parts standard and inter- et us'send you the complete facts Write for gasoline engine guide LONDON GAS POWER CO., LTD. 18° York Street, Londen, Canada Former German Colony Mandates, London, March 17, = Premier Lloyd George, in the House of Com- mons, announced that the following mandates had been allocated : Ger man Hast Africa to Great Britain and Belgium; German Southwest pirica "man 1 to the Union of Bouth possessions in the Pacific Ocean south of the equator, other than Samoa, to the Commonwealth of Australia; Samoa to New Zealand, | and the German islands worth of the equator to Japan. Africa; Ger i _ PAGE ELEVEN GRAND TRU i AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES For {aformation and mites appiy- te ra---- LEIS SRE LL | 3. P. Hanley, C. P. & T, A, 6. T. Ry, Kingston, Ont. From ag 8t. John 0 Mar. 18--Minnedosa, Liver'l Mar. Metagama Liver'l Mar, ~Corsioan, Liverp'l 30-~8cbtian Antwerp icilian Glasgow : Liverpaol ' Ap - G ramplan Apri i nD of France Liverpool Steamers sadl on arrival of C.P.R. trains leaving Mont. real 12.10 8 pam, and 7 p.m. day "Say~It With Flowers" BROCK STREET FLOWER SHOP Under new management 0 Give us a call. CAANDLER SIX Famous For Its Marvelous Motor ~ Chandler Leads Because of Its Real Worth 2 4%, ? is easy to boast and make claims and- to so. magnify mere incidents that they may appear as mighty events, To paint in the colors of exaggeration. It is easy Chandler advertising has never carried boasts. or unfounded assertions to the public. formance as final evidence of superiority. The Chandler Six is so distinctly the leader among medium- priced high-grade cars because of sales purposes does not need the support of exaggeration. It has never extolled some single per- its own worthiness, which for ---- Chandler worthiness comes primarily, of course, from its prea aa strides ahead of any oth This isn't a claim. chassis, light, strong and enduring, featured by the Chandler motor developed throughout seven years of constant manufacture with no change of type of design, but with refinements and al developments 'which "have kept it long . rin fact, and over ixty. thousand Chandler owners would tell you so if you could ask them. Six handsome bi 3 mounted on the one \ + Soven-Passenger Sedan, $5,000. splendidly built and finished, are Chandler chassis. ~~ 3 cars of some similarity are Ral Yimou sine, $5,750. ~ Other listed at hundreds of dollars more . SIX HANDSOME BODY TYPES heen-Pasmenger Touring Car, $1100 t Four-Passenger Roadster $3,500 Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, $3,000. Four-Passenger Coupe, $4 450 AN rien to, Kingston snd include Syfare Tire, Bumper and Chains ¥ » Loeal H. F. LEBERT «por PRINCESS STRERT © CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO