THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ireland Forever! Joa, an' we mane ut, without any blarney. We've all Irish tunes from ould Cork to Kil- larney. Come in an' listen once to the swate sound av thim. .You'll be astonished at all that we've found av thim. List of Records That will fill your St. Patrick's Day with joy and cause fond memories to spring back in your mind. > TNSTRUMENTAL IRISH RECORDS Medley of Irish Jigs--John J. Kimmel --Accordion Medley of Irish Reels--John J. Kimmel--Aocordion Miss McLeod's Reel--Prince's Orchestra . Irish Washerwoman--Prince's Orchestra SMouse in the Cupboard--Herborn and Wheeler Miss Dalton's Reel---Accordion and Banjo .... Mrs. McLeod's Reel--Don Richardson Devil's Dream Reel--Violin A2036 $1.00 Annie Laurie and Prince Charlie's Favorite--Violin $1.00 St. Patrick's Day--(Jig)--Prince"s Band .............00usneeer A3000 | Highland Fling--(Scotch)--Prince's Band + VOCAL IRISH RECORDS Somewhere in Ireland--Mortoh Harvey You Brought Ireland Right Over \o Me--QGeorge Wilson ,.. Dear Old Fashioned Irish Songs--Henry Burr She's the Daughter of Mother Machree--M. Romain .. A Little Bit of Heaven--John Barnes .......... hia Roses Remind Me of Someone---Henry Burr , Mother Machree---Charles Harrison ,....... Macushla--Charles Harrison Where er Shannon Flows--Henry Burr Red ha and Burr You'll be satisfied if you come here for your Irish Records. - Every available Columbia Recopd. in stock. Get the habit: "For Records, try Treadgold's First." readgold Sporting Goods Co. "The Place to Get That Record." 88 PRINCESS STREET Phone 529. \ a hot T ENGLAND'S GREATEST In the World of Sport SMALLEST PLANE WEIGHS 595 POUNDS. ~ The Butterfly, said by its maker to be the smallest air trial flight from the only 595 pounds, with all its accessories, and can carry a pounds. . * , : A A ag plane in the world, made a snow-covered ground at College Point, L.I. The new plane weighs maximum weight of 395 | RIVAL 1S KEEN IN BRITISH SPORT | "The amateur British soccer cup { competition has this ROWING COACH DEAD | There passed away recently at! bis home in England, the Rev, Dr. Warre, head master of Eton Collega | followed with growing interest, and for nearly half a century, and, inci- | the semi-finals attracted a big at- dentally, the greatest rowing author- | ity the world has ever known. When | contest to be decided in Lohdon be- the grim reaper claimed him, "the |tween Dulwich Hamlet and Tufnell | doctor" was eighty-two years of age, | Park, and the match will be a great {and the one great hobby of his long | draw. {and active life was rowing. As a Ireland, though hypercritical and experimental stu- | at soccer, beat Scotland dent of the scientific application of | hockey, nine to nothing. power to the ashen blade, he had no | Birchfield Harriers, equal, and, what was still of more | importance, he was highly capable! try championship and special medals of imparting to his pupils all the | givan by the King. The meeting was knowledge he had gained through {held in Windsor Great Park. The | theoretical experiments. Every one | Surrey Athletic Club team were se- of the crack oarsmen who went up (cond, and Hallamshire Harriers to Oxford from Eton were coached | third. by Dr. Warre, and when they gain- The army racquets championship ed a seat with the dark blue crews | was won 'by Major Sloggart of the they had little or nothing to learn. | Rifle Brigade, who defeated Major Dr. Warre's strong forte was Luther of the Yorkshire Light In- sweep rowing. doubly defeated at field with | FRENCH CHAMBER tendance. The results leave the final 54 | points, won the national cross-coun- | Long years ago, when | fantry in the final by three games 10 | the professionals were wallowing in | igngrance and arguing about "pull- | ing the oar through the water," the | doctor demonstrated that the dist- | ance which the blade wore through | the water was very slight, but that it was the boat which, was "pulled ! through the water." } After a series of scientific mea- | surements, he showed that in the | modus operandi of the racing stroke | the oar was pulled through the wat- | er to a distance of about twelve inches. The "pros." tried to ridicule | the experiment, but were. unable to, confute it. It was Dr. Warre who | also showed by his coaching that | rowing and sculling, although be-| longing to the same nautical exer- cise; are as different as chalk and | cheese when it came to the applica- | tion of muscular exertion, the use of | the sliding seat, and particularly the correct knick of getting the blades in and out of the water. The Prodigal Golfer. Who's the stranger, mother dear? Look, he knows us--ain"t he queer? Hush, my own, don't talk so wild; He's your father, dearest child. He's my father? No such thing-- Father died away last spring. Father didn't die, you dub. . Father joined a golfing club*< But they've closed the club, so h Has no place to go, you see-- * No place left for him to roam-- That is why he's coming home, Kiss him--he won't bite you, child; All them golfing guys look wild. | ager for each club split the pro- one. ne Sie STANLEY CUP DATES | swimmer, { TO HANDLE SPORT a A project has been prepared ana ' season been ! will be laid before the French Cham- ber on Thursday for the establish- ment of what is called the National Office for Physical Education and | Sport. This office it is proposed to | place under the general direction of ithe Ministry of War, and part of its { functions undoubtedly will be to {train the youth of France in Military | exercises and discipline, in much ths | same way as Germany did before the war, | The idea of the formation of this { national sports organization has been {| mooted for some time, and was draft- led by a committée selected by the {Minister of Hygiene. Its military | character was not, however, expect- | ed by the general public who, though _ | enthusiastic abgut sport and physical | training, are not likely to approve it | being placed under war office con-| i trol. | ------------------------ | Ross Made Record. ! Norman Ross, the American established a woria's N | record for 500 metres, swimming the | Best Three in Five Games -- Coast | Gets $6,000, | The Stanley Cup ownership is to | bs decided according to the usual! rules, by the best three out of five games, the first to be played under National League rules, the second under Pacific Coast regulations 'and the others alternated until one of the clubs has won three games. Th eastern club must give the invaders a guarantee of $6,000 and 30 per cent. of the receipts go to the rink, after which the players and one man- ceeds of the first three fixtures on a basis of sixty per cent, .to the Wwin- ner and forty per cent. to the loser. As the expenses of, bringing the coast champions down, are terrific, the prices will, of course, be increased. President Fred: Hambly, of the Toronto St. Patrick Hockey Club, states that the world's series games between Ottawa and Vancouver or Seattle, would draw capacity crowds at Toronto because the Ottawa team is very popular there a because Toronto is hockey crazy. "I'll make you an offer for your gates if you turn the series over to our club," said Mr: Hambly at Thurs- day's meeting of the National Lea- gue. Unfortunately the Toronto Are- na cannot be secured before March 27th, a CALLS OTTAWA TO WIN Says Nighbor Is Best Hockey Player in the Game. Frank Shaughnessy, coach of the MoGill football and hockey teams and manager of the Hamilton base- ball club, callq Ottawa to win the world's hockey championship. "This Ottawa team' is a wonderful one," said Shag. "I sized them up 'that night, they beat Teronto 5 to 3 at Toronto, and decided that they were just about the finest I had ever seen. There isn't a flaw in the make- up. Ottawa will beat the coast cham- pions when they comie together for the Stanley cup aiid' the world's championship. Darragh is furnishing the best hockey of his career and so is Benedict, Cleghorn stapds out over all defence men, and Nighbor is, to my mind, the greatest all-round hockey player in the game today." Emilio Palermo, the Cuban south- paw, who was a member of tHe Giants for a long time, is to pitch for the Omaha Club of the Western League in the coming campaign. Pal- mero was to the Omaha distatice in 6 minutes 44 2-5 seconds | at Auckland, N.Z. He also swam 100 | yards ih sixty seconds, equalling the New Zealand record. Larry Gdlbert, the former Toronto player, slugging outfielder of the New Orleans Club, declines a major league berth offered to him. He has a prosperous business in the Crescent City, and prefers to remain there. A Blood-food Discovered That Entirely Over- | comes Anaemic CAREFULLY INVESTIGATED REPORTS ESTABLISH TRULY WONDERFUL RESULTS Heretofore it has often been a son to gain either strength or weight. | stances has beneficial effect. What is practically a perfect blood- food, containing such elgments as; Iron, has at last been pr when taken after meals life and vigor into peofle that have! ment consists chocolate-coated at the close of every meal. This wonderful blood-food sup- plies nourishment, vim, sends a stream of vigorous, strength-' and health. --Ferrozone drives it away. rest, and you pick up fast. Day by day your appetite improves--this means more food is trausformed in nutriment tat will build and ener- gize weak organs. 'The inclinatioy to; WOITy passes away because Ferro- zone imparts nerve---tone and bod- lly strength that prevents depres- sion. ! Think it over--Ferrozone is a won- derful tonic, in fact, it is more than a tonic, because it establishes health that lasts, Thousands use it and thereby cleanse and restore the enm- tire system to a perfect condition. wYou'll feel the uplifting power of Ferrozone in a weeék--it's bound to help you if you only give it the chance. Sold by all dealers, 50c Club by Louisville. a box or six hoxes for $2.50; be sure of the name Feirozone. hopeless task for a thin-blooded per- || Neither food or medicine in many in- |i energy-- | making blood to every nook and [ii corner of the body, makes every mus- '|f cle and fibre sing with new found Iife i Upholst roma and N Supe or Quality 5 Stands, Tables, A > in Silk, Tapestry or Leather--Jardiniere R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer ce Phone 577. 230 PRINCESS STREET. uced, and Ji 11 put new Ji despaired of ever being strong again. Ji This truly wonder-working treat- {i of taking two small} rrozone Tablets | | That gnawing tiredness leaves you i} Sleep- {Hi less nights are turned into periods of [ Phone 1728. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. "The Home of Good Investments H. J. Bongard, Manager. ~~ «* HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. wr - : C. Distributors for E. MAZDA LAMPS ; Large stock on hand, 345King Street « =; - Phone 94 UMEN HE STARTED Té BUILD THE ARK A LOT OF PEOPLE WANTED Mim To MAke (T OF STEEL Burt Near SAID No ¢ WHAT'S THAT GOT To Do wry ELECTRICITY § J 237 Bagot St.