THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 2 Sale Of Books Special Sale of Books for the thoughtful reader in English His- tory, Political Economy, Classics and Moderns, each specially priced to clear. See our Window Pepa, ati FECL REET RRR yun HE value of good clear 2 T vision cannot be over- estimated. If you are suffering from any blurring of the eyesight or eye strain or eye-headaches you will find relief if you visit us, An inquiry among your friends as to our capabilities and trustworthiness will con- vince that we will aid your sight back to normal. The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone 699. d KINGSTON. Bssnsisnmunairssssionsd | PHOSPHODINE . e Great English R. Uglow & Co. A I N NOX A COLD D TABLETS No Silk, Leather and Fancy Brocaded These we are clearing at greatly reduced prices. and only have a few--s0 do not wait. Kinnear & d'Esterre ee and invigorates the whole ervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous Mental fr Brain Worry, "i tation box, six in plain C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, Ocean Steamship Agency 36 Claren iy Finsmon. in one SESW. TE ---------- ~ A Re-Build--GET IT NOW ... +» BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE : Why should an old Tire be ~--It is a first class Tire when rebuilt. --It costs less than half the price of a new Tire. --It will give 3,500 miles. ~--We back these state- ments with facts. --We employ experienced tire builders. carry in stock a complete line of Ve DOMINION TIRES OORFE' The House of Reputable Tires and Tire re-built ? BECAUSE: Men s Mahogany _ bersolesan Calf Bluchers; rub- heels; a real bargain $5.75 Women' s Chocolate Kid and Brown : Salt; high cut bals; while they seme mee oe Ed psig .. $4.95 ME TEE TL HOME RULE BILL... Ulster County. | THINKS THE gr MEASURE COULD BE REPEATED, | Fears the Bill of 1914 Would Be- come Law Automatically----An- other "Meeting of Council on Wednesday. Lendon, March 9.--In addressing | the Ulster Unionist Council Sir Ed- the Ulster Unionist that Ulster | | ward Carson, == | leader, recommended abandon its of ition to the Irish | IRs pos | discussed at some length, and some Home Rule bill and accept the bill, | says the Daily Mail. The newspaper describes this as { the most important development in | { i pars, | {the Irish situation in many years, { for concerts, but it was pointed out | and says it is bound to have a pro-| | found and far-reaching effect. After the meeting Sir Edward and | | the other delegates returned to their respective districts to consult the | local associations on the decision which is to be taken at another meeting of the council to be 'held in Belfast Wednesday. "In view of the leader's the Daily Mail continues, "it is hoped the new bill will be accepted | substantially by Ulster, but it is pos- sible the council will recommend the inclusion of the whole of the pro- vince in the area of the northern parliament instead of six counties. "Sir Edward Carson further said he believed that any form of Home Rule was bad for the country, but it must ba remembered that the Home Rulo Act of 1914 was on the statute books and that unless an amending measure was . passed it would automatically come into force the day peace was officially declared, and then Ulster would be placed un- der the control of the Dublin parlia- 'ment. "He said he did not wish to force their opiniop, and if they decided to reject the new bill he would op- pose it, and he believed it could be defeated: They could reorganize their forces and call up volunteers again, but the new bill offered to secure them from being forced under tho domination of Dublin, and thus the main aim of their covenant had been achieved. He said he believed nothing was to be gained by an ir- reconcilable attitude." advice," A: EE ---------- . Postponed Final Game. On account of some of the mem- bers of the Young Hebrews basket- ball team being sick, the president of the S.8.A.A.A. has postponed the play-off in the senior series until Tuesday evening, March 16th. Young Hebrews and Sydenham street will play oft for the Clifford Drury Meins orial trophy. Nine times out of ten-a man man- ages to live happily even after a wo- man has refysed to marry him. Says They Helped * Her Aching Ba k MRS. ROBERT BAIRD THLLS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Belmore Lady States That She Was Weak and Run Down Till She Fung Relief in Dodd's Kidney a Ont., March 8th.--(Spe- cial) --*I can assure you that Dodd's Kidney Pills helped my aching back as none others ever did or ever will do." It Is Mrs. Ro Baird, a well- known and highl spected resident here who makes this statement. She is an enthusiastic believer in Dodd's Kidney Pills as a remedy for weak and run down women. "I was both weak and run down all last summer," she states further. "And before my baby was born 1 gsed Dodd's Kidney Pills. They help- ed in every way. I also had my little boy take them and they benefitted him greatly.' Women who are weak and run down should look first to their kid- neys. No woman can be strong and healthy if her kidneys are not doing their full work of straining the im- purities out of the blood. kid- neys are the cause of nine- ths of women's ills. Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kidney Pills do not make strong healthy kidneys. Malignancy > Colds. Never neglect a cold in head" -y the ont investgn. as il may preface or be dn tack @ very dan- wou ACCEPT THE Fuk Tis Is SF Edvard Cam's ve WONT FORCE HS OPO GROUNDS LEASE BUSHELL WANTS A TWO. | YEAR RENEWAL. . { City Property Committee to Consider | the Question--Committee Opposed to Rebating City Hall Rental Fees, | At a meeting of the city property | committee on Monday afternoon, a | communication ¥as read from R. J. | Bushell, secretary and manager of | the Kingston Industrial Fair Asso- ciation, asking that the present lease under the agreement with the city be extended for a period of two years and that it be amended in such a manner as to increase the city's annual grant of $1,000 towards the maintenance of buildings to $2,000. After considerable discussion it was decided to let the present lease stand and take up the proposals advanced by Mr. Bushell when a new lease was. being made out. Mr. Bushell did not appear at the meeting of the com- mittee in support of his request, A resolution was passed request- ing the finance committee to stop re- { brought up, but action was deferred iss bating hall rents. This question was' of the aldermen wished to allow re- | bating when the city hall was used for charitable objects. The chair- man thought that the charge for dances should be larger than that that it cost more to heat the hall in | winter for concerts. The question of city licenses to | businesses of different kinds (was until a later meeting when informa- tion will be available that will en- able the members to judge whether ther should be a revision of the present rates or not. In attendance 'were: Alds, Craig (chairman), Robertson, Smith, Phil- lips, J. Angrove, Twigg and Pense, CONTRACT PRICE $12,900 TO PUT A STEEL LINING IN THE OLD GAS TANK. A Water Metor Tested for the Utili- ties Commission Was Found Running Twenty Per Cent. 'Slow: The Utilities Commission on' Mon- day afternoon acepted the tender of Davis & Farnham, Waltham, Mass., to place a steel lining in the old gas tank, for $12,900. The offer was accepted with the proviso that Canadian currency be accepted by the contractors for the amount. The old gas tank is the one built fifteen years ago, and which has always given trouble owing to faulty con- crete work. On the advice of the city solicitor, it was decided to accept the offer of the Sarnia Bridge Company to take $150 in full of its claim of $222.50 for replacing a girder which blew down. This matter involved the Hability of the Sarnia Company, and while the Utilities Commission mem- berd, felt .they would win in a law suit they would lose much financially in costs. A by-law was passed giving the warrants for unpaid water rates. An application was received from residents in the towmship, just out- side of the city limits, for the exten- sion of the Victoria street sewer to thelr houses. This matter was re- ferred to the manager for report as to cost of extension, which will be so iarge and which the applicants would have to pay themselves, that the ex- tension is hardly likely to be made. At a recent meeting of the com- aission, W. J. Crothers complained about large increases in the water bills for his biscuit factory. It was decided to have the meter tested and this was done, with the result that G. J. Warren, the Government inspector, reported that the meter 'was running twenty per cent. slow. A communication was received from the local plumbers' union. that on and after May 1st plumbers' The Commission again discussed the cost of gas production, which has increased since the rate was lower- ed, owing to the higher price of oil. It Is possible that at the next meeting the Commission will abolish the ten per cent. discount. KINGSTON EVENTS 25 YEARS AGO. Because of insufficient power, the Kingston Lighit, Heat and Power Company intends to "reinforce its plant with dy os and engines. Architect Ells is very busily a gaged on plans for the erection of a row of brick buildings in Gananoque. The civic parks committee will re- quire $2,000 this year. The care- taker's salary will be increased, a To eo Sy, So i g f collector authority to levy distress | wages will be eighty cents an hour. |. To Clean Up This Week Small lot Women's Brown Kid Laced Boots; most all sizes. Special. ...... oa i deiwrinn sess ie 5 ane anernie $308 Small lot Women's Blatk Kid Laced Boots . . . ............ $3.95 i A few pairs Men's Black Gunmetal Bals; Neolin soles. Sizes GteZionly ... i 'amen fone hia ate $3.95 Small lots, etc., of other lines clearing this week .......... $3.95 ® a | Fur Neck Pieces and Muffs | We have the new models in the | fashionable Furs and now is the time to buy as next year's prices will be higher. Come in and look. There Is Comfort In Reid's Chesterfields Our range of Chesterfields and Chest erfield Sets, beautifully upholstered and exceptionally well made and very artistic and worthy of blending with the finest furnishings of any home. We a your inspection. ~ JAMES REID - THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Phone 147 f The Ideal Food Once you come to use more Ice Cream---to make Ice Cream & substantial part of each meal--brain-fag will be rarer, bodily Iatigue will disappear. So be sure to get the best and it is only SAKELL'S Next to Opera House~ ~ 0 A CAMPBELL BROS. Kingstda's Oldest Fur Store TODAY'S BARGAINS HUDSON SEAL STOLESand CAPES for Neck Pieces for Spring Wear. !