THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG If YOU Buy Out of Town, and I Buy Out of ~ Town, What Will Become of Our Town? { The Dollar You A -------- THE WHIGS "BUY-AT-HOME" CAMPAIGN Read these articles with care." They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the Merchants of Kingston. They are your THE MONEY YOU SPEND WITH THEM STAYS IN CIRCULATION IN KINGSTON AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD SR Spend in Kingston will 'Come Home to Boost' ' neighbours and will treat you right. np OUR REPUTA FOR FAIR DRALING in and Hats has been estab. ned ¥ cén always rely on the standard of ail our goods, and do a whole lot better b: a y buying right here in Kingston and from us. CAMPBELL BROS. ods Wear an object on buying at home, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON B THE LION HOLDS SUPREME 80 does the Clothing handled by 28. If it is good s at bargain prices, we have them in big lots, and you will save money on every garment you buy. THE LION CLOTHING TORE 8347 King Street. t For Better Bye Glasses 8 lewact SeJ. SBECIACIST Opp. Post Office. WE DO EVERYTHING © BLE CAL Get our estimates first on any. thing you niay need In electrical re ifing, You can depend if we do it, it will be done right. Big line of Slestilcal g0ods and fixtures. Buy a me. + HALLIDAY BLECTRIC CO. IF YOUR AUTO IS SICK and needs doctoring, Ses us. We specialize on all better grades of cars. Our mechanics dre the best, and if wé do your repair work, you may pe sure it is right. i E. B. EDWARDS 110 Clergy Street. STROUD'S TEAS and COFFER cannot be equalled in the Dominion! A trial will convince a. Head ina, Glass. quarters for Crockery, 8, etc. STROUD BROS, wi 109 Princess St. MEATS OF ALL KINDS Choice Western cuts; fresh Lamb, Veal and Pork; Fearman's pure Pork Sausages; Gunn's Basi-firgt Shortening --cholce stock to select rom. J. S§. CLENAHAN Cor. Colborné and Barrie Sts, GET IN TOU: aRocERIcs YOUR our Teas an ke our way o W, ate BIE! D, COUPER, GROUER TF ALWAYS PAYS in the long run to buy in your own town when you consider freight and soforoh. We have in stock just now many limes that are extra good value, which we bought before the rise In prices. We will give you the advantage. OC. H. PICKERING : and Meat Dealer 490 and 493 Princess St. Phone 530 PURE DRUGS OUR SPECIALTY We are sole agents for the Penslar and Nyle goods. They have an in- ernational reputagion. Big stock of undries dd Toflet Artic) : Hes, ping for Chey "All goods marked in plain figures and one price to all without any ex- ception. Mahood Brothers FOR YOUR FISH ORDERS sT CALL wi Phone 520 and you will prom Kinds ot treah Fieh, and do 8 Who sale and retail business. No ord too smal a. 00. MAKE ye THAT ORDER FOR GROCERIES Dqn't send it out of town. We ean compete In prices and quality with any one anywhere. We do both a wholesale and retail business, and a hall line of provisions. a" J. REDD & CO, 178 Princess Si A WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there is no use of sending gut of town for Are lower than out-of-town cerns. t Gat our first and be sure. Big stock o ies! goods. McINTOSH BROS, con- rices iad. &s our prices | SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED GLASSES WILL do more than medicine for that sickly headache. We are scientific optometrists and can fit you with glasses that will not only help your ston t give you comfort. = See first, RKERL us EY, Jr, MO, D.O, 226 Princess Street { OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK display. You will just What you want. at our store. Ae are leaders in apse te tXles, A ree stock o a Gents' Shoes, Teunis, yalises, ete. > 358 King Street. NOTION Our sale, we will discontinue Shortif. * At the prices we are offer- ing ' s > big maney-anving for pou, Don't miss your opportunity, now. Buy in Kingston. vy BET LIPMAN me TRE HAY see Sn) GET 0 ESTIMATES | on Four Te and heating. We | do al kinds of sanitary work: also handle a full line of Stoves, Heat Furnaces, etc, and Tinware Household Suppites, Don't overlook seeing us LEMMON & SONS NEVER SEND OUT OF TOWNFOR anything you can buy at home. See us for bargains in Ladies' Goods ang Men's Wear. We can save you money. Make us prove it. We give you credit, too. JOSEPH B. ARRAMSO | 257 Princess od noes "OUR CASH AND CARRY SYSTEM will save you money on every dol- lar's worth of Groceries you buy at our store. Just com 'e our plows. ; mar on goods, » for ean Everything em WOMEN CONTROL TOWN'S DESTINY. Can Make or Break a Community Through Exer- cise of Their Buying Power. THEY HOLD PURSE STRINGS It is Estimated That at Least 80 Per Cent. of Retail Purchasing Is Done hy Feminine Shoppers. (Copyright.) ' It has been said that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world and nowhere is this more literally true than in the world of trade. The woman is the purchasing agent of the household and, man, as a rule, is very glad|to have her handle the job. : It has been estimated by some students of the merchandising game that 80 per cent. of all retail buying is dene by women, This may be a high estimate but a visit to the retail stores of any town or city is enough to convince one that the figures are not too high. The preponderance of Women among the buyers is sufficient, at any rate, to make not only the re- taller but the manufacturer and the wholesaler realize that it is the women that they must please with their merchandise. ' Because they do by far the greater part of the buying in any com- munity, the women have a responsibility that they do not always appreciate. The women of a town, through: their buying power, can make or break the merchants of a town and as a natural consequence they can make or break the town, It is in their power to a prosperous town or a dead town. Wheii'the women of a town acquire the mail order habit, the town may just as well begin making arrangements for its own obsequies. Just why a woman, who is a shopper by instinct and a shrewd judge of values in merchandise, should succumb to the lures of the mail order house it is difficult to understand but, unfortunately, some of them do. No one knows better than the woman who has had some experience in the buy- ing of merchandise how difficult it is to distinguish between the genuine and the imitation even after a close inspection. The good shopper, when on buying bent, does not always take the first'article that is offered for inspec- tion. In fact this is the exception rather than the rule The merchants know it and expect it. They expect a woman, if she is a good shopper, to "look around a little." If a woman should walk Into a retail store and purchase the first suit that she tried on, for instance, the shock probably would prove fatal to the storekeeper or the saleswoman. . The chances are that she will tty on a dozen suits and look at as many more before she selects pne that suits her taste or pocketboo a the storekeeper mot only expects but wishes her to do this. He her to be 'satisfied as he knows that a satisfied customer is the best [Advertisement 'that he can obtain, es Taking a Chance. 3 « This same woman, however, may order a suit from a mail order house on the strength of nothing more than a pretty picture and an alluing des cription. She has not even the opportunity to try'it on, to say nothing of the chance of examining the fabric, noting the exact shade of the material and inspecting the workmanship. She is taking chances on the suit fit- ting her. on the material being good and durable, the shade becoming to her and the workmanship of such a character that the suit will not fall to biscte. - 'The woman who takes such chances eannot be called a shrewd opper. It might be more easily understood why mere man, unaccustomed and averse, as a rule, to shopping excursions should fall a victim to.the catalogue habit. He might find it easier to order from the picture in the catalogue than to go to a store and look for the article that we wanted or he might ti the position that he wouldn't know what he was getting anyway if he ent to the store and he might as well take a chance on the mail order gamble, but why the woman who knows what she wants and knows that she is getting what she wants when she gets it should buy on the "sight un- seen" plan--well, that's another question altogether. Women are taking a more and more prominent part in public affairs all the time. They are aiding now in many parts of the country in running the affairs of state~ Even where they do not have the ballot they are play- ing a big part, individually and through their organizations, in the con~ duct particularly of local governmerits, yet in the one field w Ip build up their communities they may be overlooking thelr opportunity. With the buying power in their hands they can do more for their community by staunchly supporting their home business men than they can possibly do in any other way. Man may think he is a very important element in mn, but when he reflects that 80 per cent. of the buying power of the community is in the hands of the women he is apt to realize that he is a very insignificant atom. iy FOR ALL KINDS OF MEATS See us. We pride ourselves in our special cuts of Beef and Pork pro- ducts. Our facilities for handling Fresh Meats is the best. If you want ihe best at reasonable prices trade ere. FISHER'S MEAT MARKET Princess and Clergy Streets LET US TAKE GARE OF YOUR UTO If it needs an repairs, we can do it quick, we handle all kinds of Tires and A essories and Serglce Station. Otis and Gasoline. We handle used cars, too.- ~» CENTRAL GARAGR 335 King Hreet. i HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR INDOW wi display? Well, come Inside and see a complete line of Clothing and & nifty line of Gents' Furnishnigs that will please any good dresser and at prices that are hard to beat. bs. COLLIER, Princess - A WORD AS TO HARDWARE It We handle a complete line of General Hardware, Paints, Tinware, Stoves, Ranges, and all kinds o Sporting supplies. We try to make our prices a real advantage for all to trade at home, STEVENSON & HUNTER 85-87 Priacens Street, : SICKNESS In case of sickness dem* best quality, and quickest Telephone at once ana t quickly your order will ¢ PROUSE'S DRUG STs Phone 82. the vice. how from YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND BARGAINS in used Furniture. We have a big | stock of used Furniture, Sto = Rugs, ete. If you are furnishing home it will pay you to see us first, LOUIS LESSES, 507 Princess Street -- 'W. H. COCKBURN & Co. On Princess street, is the place to buy Hardware, owes, herwin Paints, Houséhold Utensils, contract Supplies, and high grade Cutlery. We compete with anyone anywheré in prices. ' W. H. COCKBURN & 00. WE HANDLE A PULL LINE a . Hardwars, aaToves, Tinie. namelware a {ry Supplies, Stoves and all kinds of ammunition for hunters and trapbers. You will find our prices right. Get éur esti- mates on builders' hardware. J. B. BUNT 858 King St. ONE GOOD REASON For buying shoes at home, yous feet will be properly fitted. Results you will have more éomfort, your shoes will last longer and retain their shape. LOCKETI'S i Fit the Feet--Also the Purse 3 ~ WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FORD --the, universal cars made in Can- ada. We carry a large stock of ac- cessories and auto needs. The Ford service station is open to a&l' Ford owners. Make our Garage yours, Van LUVEN BROS. WE DO MERCHANT TAILORING and carry a full line of imported and domestic goods. If we' make Jour clothes you are sure of satis- Action, aleaning, Tossing ang Re- Pp Ug done promptly. ve us a trial and see the diffe G. W, LEAVOY - 39 Clarence Street, WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY BE suURgE 5 ; oy deal with a house that nown for reliability. You have to know Jewelry when deal with us. Big stock of all of Jewelry to choose from. KINNEAR & DESTERRE MAKE OUR GARAGE THE HOME for your auto. We do all kinds of repairing, any make of cars, and are local distributors for the Me Laughlin Attomobile. Quick and ef- ficient service is our modto. All kinds 9f accessories. ANGROVE BROS. THE VICTORY SHOE STORE is. the p Shoes. fine Shoes. 269 Princesy Street WE ARE EXTENSIVE DEALERS at wholesale in Serap Iron, metals, &c. Susiitities 1304 market prices. us. Mail, pay you. L COHEN & C0. KINGSTON ve t in. touch wire or weroplane--dit OUR BUYING FACILITIES ARE . THE SECRET of selling, You will ind our prices. lower in all kinds of Clothing, Roots and Shoes and Gent's Furnistinge than any place in Kingston. Make us prove it. : 7k BACKS, 2371 Princess street. = 0 ' PIAMONDS Diémonds have been our specially for half & century. ) 3 R. J, RODGER ge ak cdrry a full line of fancy Ssodst such &s Ribbons, Silks, Yarns 4nd supplies for Crochet work, MISS M. A. LEADER, 105 Brock Siveet, ha ™ BICYCLE REPAIRING done here. We always have a stock of Bicycles to sell, and our repair Work is very reasonable. We try to give you satisfaction in every way, e Glo do Electric and acuum Carpet Cleaning. H. MILNE Phone 542. 272 Bagot St. WHEN YOU BUY RURS FROM US you are dealing directly with the manufacturer, thus saving the mid- dleman's profit. We the largest stock in Ontario. See us be- fore you buy Furs. It will pay you. JOHN MeKAY, Ltda. THE MARKET SQUARE GROCERY Market produce fresh every day ll our goods are bolight at the lowest Cash Prices, which enables sell the same, ¢ have some ne lines of Tea and can sell for a tle yet " old prices. A trial order solicite W. E. HOPKINSON & BRO. 708, Prompt Deltvery., TA WORD T0 FARMERS : Get in touch with me for all kinds | of ASricuitural Implements. We loch ents for The Deering Pro-| duets. You will find just what you ® want here. F, W. cLow 471 Princess Street, -Paly one profit. DEAL AT THE UNITED FARM. © ERS" STORE and save money. We carry a large stock of Groceries and Provisions; direet from producers to consumers. You will be satis- ed at our store. UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERA- TIVE STORE OF COURSE YOU WANT YOUN . to go as fa WoNmY 4 puving 0 0 Tr as can in - Clothing. Call at Sur store, v © Slow you a ne of goods thet Will be an object lesson on buying e. at hon ¥ . L. ABRAMSON 336 Princess Street, WE MEET, IF WE Do Nov Smar, all out-of-town prices. Our new Store enables us to serve you better, than ever. NEWMAN & SHAW 130 Princess Street | - | WE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE AND ov 4 it again: We can sell you Fur. niture at better prices than in To- ronto. Now make us prove it. Big line of Furniture and gor covering for every room in house. T. F. HARRISON C0. Lid. SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING Catalogue Furniture all alike in cuts, meet any others Where. doing pr Any fl id iA to home trading an advantage. JAMES REID. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS We supply flowers for any function, weddings, parties, etc. Special prices made for funerals. Always a Sis ot ted plants, etc. Call us up by phone. It. Wher. We are prompt. not regret it by trading with A. D, HOLTON 254 Princess St. BE. P. JENKINS WE ARE COMPLETE OUTFITTERS TRADE AT THE COLLEGE BOOK : ' CLOTHING COMPANY ie bs Ba, res ke ill get a uare deal 4 "Who! i" Ban oF Sotnin p Men's aL as ee and business, ete. - All new and up-to-date, Our motto is "Hve ahd le: We invite comparison. STEACYS Kingston's Greatest 'Store Who by actual com- parison meet or beat mail order house prices. A z { THE CH. line of accessories kinds of repairing. Have teries charged here. HH. 3 FAIR a and do all your bat. Street. WHY ARE WE PARTICULAR WHEN WE SERVE YOU? We have always found that ft ¥8 to be parti 1 ro ih to tp-todate fin of Cretnim to if Clothin ih Apts on of Stine ; t our prices. It will be & BE Iiuon Sur BTises. Jomill be 8 "THE CLUB"-P, 6. REAVES & Co. BUY A WILLARD Threaded Rubber Insulated Bat. Cape, - Fredericksburg, to her home last Sunday. Fred Burt, "who has béen visiting relatives in Ottawa, returned to her home last Monday. Miss James McLelland have moved on the Kelly farm néar Wilton. 'Miss Annie Smith has been engaged as teacher at Meintyre's, Corners. The annual cheese m was held last Wednesday afte : in the town hall, and the patrons with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Me- returned. t k Cam; throughout the Wilton circuit has |. been most successful. The Methodist church has exceeded its appo: ment of $1,650 to over $2,000. The canvass includes the thrée appoint- on Friday last The parting words of a barber ay side, please?" mon! ; . 200h, born: to Mr. and Me Harry - x ~ The rain was spent Teloome, It belug the frst in three {2 on Feb. 25th, Miss Louise | Ward: Mr. and FH oly ot Wilton, and David R. {of Yarker, with Garrison, of Yarker, were united hin Mrs marriage by Rev. A. W. Stewart. Mr. Petworth. Several from "fla" and grippe. tended riion- | Mrs. B. 4 : 8 s 7 Tt Sek + IF i : : f : i