For this pec only we will make Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats at reduced prices. We have special prices for those who have their own cloth, We also are experts in i YAMPOLSKY 853 PRINCESS STREET THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SCIATICA nin, Ee ah 2 hat ® pt! Arp . Een iike thrust along the Rerve-o0urss at Sep ovement? Thou- 8 have found Issting reliefin Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Many doctors prescribe " Al Kinds of old "Mattresses Renovated and Recovered Frontend Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2100w Dah is Sold i BT islabie ds drug JIREH HAVA SH When She Wants APorfral of him or he ome of her, we make them -- the kind that pleases. 1 The Gray Studio Phone' 1788 * 151 WELLINGTON STREET [FOOD 25 poeassacl PORTIONS FoR 25 C ENTS | mime ssoss ini The Real Story of Porcupine's LEIS SAE CRAND JEL A STEAMSHIP LINES For information and rates apply te P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A, G. T. Ry, | Eston, Oat. CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON REGULAR SERVICES Lesaadaeh ---- aa Land Summer Sailings 0 am OURG AND 00L Ais. Aug. Viet Mar ° § Fg Mar, 81 tand furthes agents or Riches An illustrated booklet, # telling in an interesting way the real facts about Ontario's great gold producing district, will be sent free on request. Write for your copy to-day Homer L. Gibson & Co. 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO 0319 CUT THIS OUT , OLD ENGLISH RECIPE FOR CA- TARRH, CATARRRAL DEAF- : NESS AND HEAD | NOISES { It you know of some one who-is { troubled with Catarrhal head noises or ordinary catarrh, cut out this formula and hand it to them and you may, have been the means of saving 'poor t perhaps from total deafness. England scientists for a long pb past have tional disease and necessarily requir es constitutional treatment. Bprays, inhalers and nose douches are liable to irritate the delicate air passages and force the disease inta the middle ear, which frequently means total deatness, or elge the di- sease may be driven down "the alr passaged towards the which is equally as dangerous. The follow- ing formula which is used extensive- ly in the damp English climate is a constitutional treatment and should prove especially efficacious to suffer ers here who live under more)\favor- ' able climate conditions. Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double strength). Take this home and add to it % pint of 'hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from distressing head noises. Clog- ged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and hearing improve as the inflammation in the eustachian tubes is reduced. Parmint used in this way acts directly upon the blood ad Jnucous surfaces of the system and has a tonic action that helps to obtain the desired results. The pre- paration is easy to make, costs little and is pleasant to take. Every per- son who has eatarrh or head noises or is hard. of hearing should give this treatment a trial - J Collis Browne's J Deafness, | recognized that catarrh is a constitu- | From the Countryside | [vi FRONTENAC BUNKER HILL March 3.----The roads are very bad | in some places, and the weather has | been very cold. There has been no { thaws and the water in the wells 1s] [very low. There is considerable feickane The ice is very thick op the lakes. Many of the farmers have { had to buy hay this winter. * PITTSFERRY. ° March church till March 3rd. Miss Iva George, Mount Chesney, is spending a few days with Mrs. Robert Bar- clay; John Millwin and family at R. Barclay"s on Sunday evening; Miss Vera Walker Watertown, N.Y, visit- ing with her friend, Miss Norma Orr for the week-end. ROSEDALE. Feb. 29.--The funerai af the late Alpheus' Freeman took place {rom fis late residence om Feb 13th to Sydenham cemetery, service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Stafford, some time, but the cnd cume as a i hock to his many "riends. He leaves ian aged wife, one daughter, Mrs, Lewis Snider, Odessa, .and son, | George, on the homestead; one sist- er, Mrs: Davey, Bancroft, and one brother John, Perth Road. b) GLENVALE. March 1--The parlour social held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, on Friday evening, was a decided suc cess and all spent an enjoyable even- ing. Miss Gladys Campsall is home from Kingston hospital. Miss Trous- dale, Kingston, was the guest of Mrs, | Grace Cramer "over the week-end. { Chester Coulter and sister were | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gor- { don on Sunday. Miss Mildred Orser, | Woodbine, was at home for a few {days. Miss Alice Curl has gone to Brooklyn where she has entered a hospital to train as a nurse. Mrs. | Hammond, Hartington, visited friends {here for a few days. The many | friends of Miss Rose Crameér are tglad to hear she is much improved in health. Miss Thompson, Maple Grove, visited her sister, Mra, Thos. Bell, recently, FERMOY. 1. = Many attended the sale at Kish's last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. E. Quinn have returned home' 'Miss Leah Butterill spent Friday the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Derby- shire. Miss Eva Barr, who has been ill, is improving. Edwood Orser was {a Fermoy visitor last week. Mrs. A. Quinn has réturned from Crow Lake. Miss Mary Conway has returned from Kingston. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Sweet- man, were guests of and Mrs. L. Brash. Stanley Bresée has returned home from Kingston:A number from here attended the party at W. Woods on Monday evening. Roy Martin was a visitor here on Monday. - W. R. Steele was a visitor on Sunday. Geo. Steele inténds moving to Mrs, Kish's farm this week. Miss Leach Butte: March of Mr. and Mrs, A. Barr on Sunday. PINE GROVE. Feb, 25.--The roads are in a very precarious condition owing to the recent snow storms. The prevailing epidemic of influenzg> is in nearly every home, but the majority are fecovéring. Owing to the flu the schogl attendance is very small this week. Miss Blanche Shillington of Beveridge spent the past week with friends in this vicinity. William Lee spent Monday in Westport. Visitors : Walter Waffle and Lester Guerdon at Green = of Perth Road &t Mrs, J, Jones'; Mrs. J. Roushorh at W. Roushorn' 8, George Rattan of Syd- enham at W. Roushorn's; Mrs. 8. BE. Whaley and Misg A. Woods at R, A. Roushorn's; | Miss - Moille De Marsh at B. De Marsh's; Albert Roushorn "of Sydenham at R, A, Roushorn's} E. Jods at B. Jones'; Mrs. Whaley and Miss Wood at B. De: Marsh's; Mr. Bower Jones at 8. E. Whaley's. ARDOCH! March . 1.--Rév. P. c Watson preached his farewell sermon in St. John's church Sunday. He and Mra. Watson are moving to Sharbot and will be greatly missed by their many friends. Willlam Gilmour, Vennachar, visited his sister, Mrs. Charles Smith, one day last week on his way back to High Falls, where he is employed by the Hydro-Electfic Co. Mrs. George Weber, in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, has returned home. Little Edna McLellan is suffering with bronchitis. Catharine Keeley, teaching the. Mud Lake school, is 'is recovering after an attack of pneumonia. Roy Hamilton has the contract of supplying 'the No. 3 'school with wi Ephraim Babcock and family are moving this week to their new farm at Ha 2.-~--The evangelistic servi- | ces are still being held in St. Jobii's iydenham. Deceased had been ill for. from here | Mrs | rill and Master Clifford were guests Orrie Roushorn at R. A. Roushorn'ses W. Roushorn's; Mr. and: Mrs, Robert |. is vigiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Bab- cock. Mrs Tumelitee, of Michigan, | has returned to her home after visit- ing her brothers here. Mrs. Day has ; also returned to her home in Western Ontario after visiting relatives hers, | ur. and Mrs. G. Deer and son, Clif- | ford, of Bedford, were recent guests | at John Grogrey's. | Stanley Babcock are 'hauling logs to Veron mill. {Lennox & Addington CENTREVILLE. ery day. Eb. Perry and two sons! James and Wiltred, have gone to: Cloyne again to get out more lumber. F. Matthews has left Fred. Wilson's farm. Mr. Johnston's family are all | down with smallpox. Mrs. Ross Me- | Keown has been visiting at her bro-, thers and mother's the 'past week. William Pickens is baving a large auction sale on Tuesday. The show | committee are busy preparing for their new buildings to be erected on the show ground. George Fitagerald is moving back te Nob Hill and Jas. Wrikley has moved down to Mrs. McGrath's house. A bouncing baby boy has applied for lodging at Vince Donoghue's. The surprise party at Charles Ingoldsby's on Feb. 13th was much enjoyed, Vernon Paul has move ed to his new home in Ernesttown. NEWBURGH. March 1.--The social evening given recently by the Younig Men's Bible Class was much appreciated. Mr. Wales of Napan#és moved to the village last week. Miss Elisabeth Cameron, who has been seriously ill with pleuro-pneumonia, is reported improving. Walter Hogan Das taken up his residence in the village; having sold his farm to Mr. Slaide of Kings- ton. T. A. Dumvordy Is improving after a long and tedious illness, Charles Welbanka fs on the sick list. All are glad to welcome A. C. Caton | and wife back to Newburgh. He re- | cently purchased the Finkle resi- dence and intends renovating it all | Got Rid Of The Coug That t Sticks, Some cduklin arom. seem hard to shake off---stick right to you in spite of all you do to get rid of them, " Those are the kind of coughs that ! are dangerous--that weaken the lungs so that the germs of consump- tion find a ready foothold. We know of no remedy that will cure stubborn 'Goughis---soughs that won't let go---Iike Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup. It allays the inflammation, soothes the irritation, and heals the diseased mucous lining of the lungs and bron- chial tubes Mrs. Leo Allen, Petite de Grat Bridge, N.8., writes: --"Last winter I had an awful cough that kept me in the house-for over two monthsr<I | tried several cough remedies, but got no relief. I was almost discouraged when a grocer here offered me a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. After taking that one my coughing began to cease. I took two more and they, me Juplete- Get the genuine Dr. Waod's Nor- way Pine Syrup; put up in a yellow wrapper; 8 pine trees the trade mark; price 25¢. and 50¢.; manufac: tured only by The T. Milbtrn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ' Don't Spoll Your Halr By 'Washing it When y ou wad your hair, be care. ful what yo use. Too much alkall is very injurious, as iL dios 'dries the scalp and 'makes the hair : The best io. fo ti ee Mulsited cocoanut "on "hii ais Dire and entirely greaseless. es i all to to At any drug cheap and boats pieces, You get t store, and & tew ounces Will last the whole fa for months. rn ofsten the with wa- ter and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quiekly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, "bright, wavy and to handle. Be sides, it takes out every particle of dun, dirt and Jandrun GUARD YOUR HOME AGAINST INFLUENZA Don't Neglect Treating Feb. 27.--The weather continues very cold and stormy and the roads. have to be ploughed out nearly ev-| Cold on lts First Ap- through. Mrs, P. Tompkins is suf- fering from an attack of quinsy. Mrs, D. Taylor spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Freeman. MeGil- livray, Aylesworth has gone to Toronto to study law with his uncle. Joseph Ramssiy shipped a car load of hogs on Friday last. FALLBROOK, | March 1.--The roads are in a por | condition for hauling. Some of the | people are suffering from flu. J. A. Wairoth is improving the interior of his store by giving it a coat of paint. {| Mr. Soott is doing a rushing business | with his sawing machine in this vie- infty, Mr. Mitchell, LPB, visited | the school last week and found every- i thing quite satisfactory. George Franting hed the misfortune to cut | his hand on the sawing machine. { LAVANT STATION, { March 1.--Misses Elsie and Mar- guerite Lee have returned home af- | fof spending some time with friends at Watson's Corners and Lanark. Jack Gray spent Sunday at the Manse', Watson's Corners. .-Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lee visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Roche one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Paul and baby, Wilmer, visited friends here on Saturday. James Prosky and sis- | ter, Violet Folger, spent Sunday at | the home of W. J. Boyd. The council meeting was held in the school house { here on Saturday. John Flake made a business trip to Perth on faturday. Hugh Cheaters, Verdon, Mah. is vi- siting friends here. Miss Agnes Horne, who has been with her sister, Mrs. George Sproule, returned to her home in Poland on Sunday. E. J. MeFarlane and daughter, Helen, spent Sunday with friends at Lower Lavant! Mrs. James McKinnon has returned home after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. John McDonnell, Zealand, 'MABERLY. { Feb. 28.--On Friday afternoon a {very imteresting debate of Maberly | school 'by the pupils of the junior {and senior fourth tinsses took place. The subject un- der diecussion was the resolu- tion: "Resolved, that a girl has a bet- ter time than a boy." The school ich: by the wi esch toshpupfel A. Redmond and | teacher, by the wishes of the pupils, was judge. On the negative side was Bdna Strong, supported by Myrtle Munrée, Edna Greer and Elwood ; Dutty defended the girl. The affirma- | tives was Myra Munroe, supported by Mabel Duffy, Lila Gréer and Bdith Briggs. Splendid points were brought up on both sides, but the negative lside had the advantage of winning 'by one poiat, XK. Corley has bad » hard attack of pneumonia; also How. jard Warwick. Miss Laura Munroe has left for Napanes., Ihe DOX scold has been postponed on account of the bad roads and so many being sick. Miss Sylena Briggs visited her home on Saturday. Mrs. Strong visited her daughter, Mfs. Frank Tryon, 8harbot Lake, Misses Rdna and Evelyn Strong visited friends at Elphin, hid liam nx, fortherly of Bolt broke, died on Saturday, t. Ha ton visited Maberly school and save a very Interesting speech. sstssnicsaiitenbosine LEEDS RIDEAU LAKE, Feb. 38.----A severe , epidemic ol flu has been passing over this viel- nity; barely a family has escaped. Mrs. James Seanlin has returned, af« ter a pleasant visit with her parents. Jere. Donaghue is recovering from a severe altack of pneumonia, Little Hattle Sanders Is seriously ill of pneumonia. The school still rémiins closed owing to the illness of the children. JONES' FALLS, March 1.---There are & great many people in this locality at present laid up with grippe, Congratulations are extended to ary Glover and Anna Hote for being successful in ng their theory examination. A ndmber from here att th. key match held at Wednesday last, Sam bought & valuable horse one doy last poi Miss Rettie Gamble and Ellen Baxter have returned to Ringston ar past w! heir ts _- "Jones elie, wale and omas Wales at I Lloyd Baxter and Gerald C Clearing Cash Sale / adh Toe Thornton & Weighill's Store TAMWORTH, 'ONTARIO. Will End March 20, 1920 First week of sale over. Results: $1,000.00 Saved to the Purchasiig Public. 300 untisfied custamers, $6,000.00 worth of goods to bo sold by March 20th, consisting of MEN'S WEAR Men's and Boys' Coarse and Fine Boots; Men's and Boys® Light Rubbers; Wool Guernseys, Fleeco-lined Guorn seys, Overalls, Work Shirts, Linen Collars, Hats, Caps, Mitts, Gloves, Men's and Boys' Raincoats, and Sweater Coats, WOMEN'S WEAR - Women's and Girls' Rainoats, Silk, Lustre and Muslin Waists; House Dresses and Overall Aprons; Skirts, Silk, Lustre and Tweed; Underskirts, Woollen, Lustre, Bateon; Underwalsts; White Skirts, Nightgowns, Ladies' and Children's Uneriraer. Corsets; Corset Walsts; Woollen, Silk, Lisle and Cotton Gloves, GENERAL DRY GOODS Shirting; Cottonnade; Flansels; Grey and Blue Flamnel- ettes; Prints; Muslins; Silks; Dress Goods; Sateens, Linings; Table Ol Cloth and Linoleums. NOTIONS | Thread (Silk and Cotton); Ladies' and Gents' Neckwear; Laoos; Ribbons; Braid; Buttons; Trimmings of various Kinds; in fact everything usually kept in an up-to-date gemoral stove. Those who have profited by this sale will do well to come again. We are resurrdbting mew bargains every day. The ase sortment Is getting smaller every day, but as the assortment de- creases, the bargains increase, Take time by the foreiodk, and come before March 20th, 1920, A. B. CARSCALLEN & CO. Party-Line Consideration two-party line is a single circuit, shared in common by two sub- scribers. It is not reserved for a single user and should be used on the share-and-share-alike basis. v apt rari On a two-party line, it is ail for both users to try to talk out on the same circuit at the same time. "There is also the liability of both being wanted at the same time to receive incoming calls, Therefore, there are special con- siderations which we urge a party-line user to keep in mind: i Long ctonversstions prevent the use of the line by the other subscriber; therefore party-ling Jatks should be as brief as posstble, 1. . Whenever another party-line subtariboe raquests the use of the line for an emergency, courtesy should prompt the first user temporarily to give up the use of the line. 5 > & . Whenever a party-line subscriber takes the yeceivar from the hook and finds the ins in use, thé receiver should be replaced at once in a careful manner, | . At the end of a conversation the receiver should be replaced upon the hook immediately, otherwise the other subscriber cannot signal the central office. . Be sure always to give the operator the letters W. oy 7. in calling a oriy-line subseriber. » Cu-aporation'ts teqilies 16 danse quod serves of np The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Joseph Barlows', Della, on ds last; Mr. and Mrs. William Glover WwW. Wi urst; Mr. and Ma - rin Hutthings at Walter Phil iss Keltha M Di of Seeleys' Bay at Lotan Burteh's. 's,