» _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . PAGE THREE A WOLFE ISLAND'S ANSWER! TO THE MANAGER OF THE VER- il ONA HOCKEY CLUB. WE ARE ABOUT I cari mts men x SOOO to melt up some | mis His Side of the Case Re. The Late Rev. Dr. Strachan. « PROBS: Snow and rain tonight, growing colder. | powrarntd » | garding the Edwards Cup Game. Rev. Dr. Daniel Strachan, indus- to leave your cold at BEST'S. twenty dozen pieces fi The Wolfe Island Hockey "Club | trial welfare administrator of the Im- 25 cents buys a preparation | manager replies to the letter of G.|perial Oil Company, died suddenly : il ing at his residence == vi : \ (Dr. Hickey"s Speedy -Cure) | W. Lakins, manager of the Verona Wednesday morning EJs vesiticmce; Sit H 9 Am. Til 5.30 is excipt Sa ate of Shut Nil} sure the Cough in a | ° . 4 | Hockey Club, as follows: 33 Meropics : ow : ! ter ver Il - Mr. Lakins, in an article of re-| pr. Strachan was in his fitty-fourth | SHORT STOP at 15 cents is i ll! cont issue, wishes to correct some |year and was born in Glencoe, being still in the run too and also all . a son of the first Presbyterian min- the popular Cough and Cold erroneous statements, but he should titer thers, He was educated at remedies stocked. f ll be very careful when he starts out to} oy ove University, whers he also | \ do 80 not to make any | received the honorary degree of D.D. | and © THI To-Morrow We Feature Great Savings At Steacy's Friday Bargain Sales HOSIERY and GLOVES UNDER 200 pairs Ladies' Black Lisle 75 only, Men's Hose, in all sizes 8} to 10; Pen- || Shirts and Drawers} all sizes 34 man quality }"full fashioned and || to 46: Penman quality and worth wapth 75c. a pair. fornextFall$1.35¢ach. = riday ........ 49¢c. pair ~J Friday ............95¢ 90 pairs of Ladies' White Silk . Hose; "Holeproof;" in all sizes 100 Men's Spring weight Shirts, and worth $1.50 a pair. and Drawers; fine rib and sold Friday ............ 9%. reg. at $1.25. ; 100 pairs only, of Children's Friday ............ 8%. 1-1 rib, tah, Princess Hose-- 9, . 9} only; and regular 60c. 50 only, Children's F leece-lined™ Friday ...... Vests and Drawers; special qual- 60 pairs Ladies' White Silk || ity and reg. 75c. each. Hose; all sizes and worth $1.00 a Friday ........ 00 pair. ; Friday .. 0. nin T3e. 120 pairs of Kayser White with 50 only, Ladies medium black stitching Chamois weight, fine ribbed, Vests and Gloves; all sizes and worth $1.25 | Drawers; worth to-day $1.35 a pair. each. A bargain for Fri 4 i the finals on that date, your state-|in Fredericton this year upon their riday 23 basineaiets y 97¢c. Friday salaitie side sine of 0 ment Is correct; if not, it must be | incomes, for the first time. ; 3 erroneous. Perhaps you were, like| Under the mew intérpretation of : some of your supporters were, ift the | tne gggessment 1 - - store where the cup was on exhibi-| ye for Tax gh on thet camo tion engaging a box to take it to its |. nan Bie all those who , : } resting place. That "terrible ' earn i il storm" was not worrying them te Yo a ee ant : 2] Be Ear ly And Save 10 P er Cent. | then. year. Thors Wak some discussion by As an extra incentive for early morning shoppers, we offer be- » I} : tween 9 a.m. and 12 o'clock OUR BARGAIN WEEK However, the Jotier proves 1 4d the city council last night, on the sug Double Discount Stamps gestion that exemptions should be on all cash purchases.. Save money while you spend it, by shop- were in the finals, but before a| eytended for the benefit of married - A - \ ping here to-morrow. © himself touching our club. Beginning his career in the Pres- First, he places the blame byterian ministry he was associated | with the late Rev. Dr. Thompson, at 9 1 on the referee. This is hardly fair Sarnia, and later had charges at Hes- | 8 S { to Mr. VanHorne, and I do not think | peler, Brockville and Rosedale Pres- § or ' he will take the blame. The referee | byterian church, Toronto. Dr. : left it entirely up to the managers, | Strachan speut a year working 5 among the cotton mill operators in and both must have agreed to play or Augusta, Ga. 2% of various sizes, and ll] there could nof have been even one | 1p August, 1918, at the request of 1 il | period. Again, to prove his state |the late Hon, W. J. Hanna, who was of patterns, wh ments, he quotes you the ruling of | then president of the Imperial ol, | Limited, Dr. Strachan assumed the.' are somewhat old. the executive on Feb. 16th, a meet- administration of the relations Dbe- . . ing which never took place, as three | jwaon the company and the members | Before doing this, we [lll or the four members have already |@f the Imperial Oil organization. To : "y told me they did not attend a meet- | him much of the credit is due for the are offering any of ing on Feb, 16th. So Mr. Lakins [operation of the industrial relation- neele } i D. | these patterns at - better look for better proof than that {ship plan which has been in effect y J, 0 0. Pp of a supposed meeting of an execu- for a considerable period. . : tive, He was a trustee on the Queen's ONE-HALF "You say you have not been treat- | Theological College, of the Univers. ed in a sportsmanlike way by Wolfe | ity Council of -Trustees, the Council resent rice of Island management. Did we not give | of Queen's University, and president oo Ee) the P P you a game in Verona on certain con- | of Queen's Alumni Association, To- . OER Sterling Flatware. ditions, Jan.: 24th, the result of |ronto. ; which was 1-1, at your request, and Sh. widow oa on, son, Ian of you were to play a return game on rachan, who since leaving the army Wedding Marriage the same conditions Jan. 31st by |has been attending Toronto Univers- Rings Licenses agreement by letter before we went, | ity, suryive him. Jubure Against After Bogrots by but for some reason best known to yourself, after we went there, you | MARY PICKFORD IS Made and Fitted by saw fit to arrange another game-for GRANTED A DIVORCE Jan. 31st? Is this the sportsmanship ok) . * you speak bf? Again, you say when - M. 0 you came down to the finals the first The Movie Star Wept in. Reno y | {9 Ve | thing that happens Wolfe Island, to Court While Giving Her suit their own convenience, starts , Testimony. i shifting dates. When we got a copy Shi The optometrist of today to do | of a schedule on Jan. 19th we im-| Reno, Nev., March 4.--Mary Piok- good work must not only be | mediately asked for a change of ford, moving-picture star, was grant- | equipped with the best mechan- i ll| date from the 17th to the 14th, as {ed a divorce from Owen Moore, on fecal apparatus but must have | ll | one of our players is a school teacher | Monday evening, at Minden, a small | that knowledge in its use i : lil and three others attend school. The |town near Pierson, on grounds of WHIOH ONLY LONG EXPERI- Il 3 following letter speaks for itself: desertion, it became kmown to-day. ENCF CAN GIVE. Rss re Kingston, Jan. 23rd, 1920. She has been at the Campbell ranch ior ---- J.D, Cousrove: we at Genoa,nearby,since Feb, 15th. She olfe Island. was acoompanid to the court room It is this combination of mind Replying to your letter of 22nd | by her mother, Mrs. Smith, and she fnst., I beg to state that the dates | wept freely while testifying. Moore you have suggested relative to Ed- | was ndt in court, though he was at wards trophy I feel sure will be quite | Minder at lunch on Monday. He was satisfactory to the team which will | represented by an - attorney in the challenge Wolfe Island for the cup. | proceedings, Miss Pickford is still | I shall, therefore, "communicate |at Genoa. with the managers of the various A a clubs in the county notifying them + WOMEN TO BE TAXED 10 A A A NANNING y SoC A Tha sone SR YOU BAT | er worka Tpit Wh 4 5 | 0 tard am 34th at 230 Dh | edeicton aipones Taco No up-to-date girl wastes her time | tune and the son plays at pulling it (Signed) GEO. H. GILLESPIE, n Hitipos % Income Fax for blushing in the dark. d Lt.-Col., Sec. of Trophy. Fredericton, N.B., March 4.--Wo- Now this was the date of the first | man who are earning salaries of game in the series. If you were in| more than $300 a year will be taxed re img i-- HHT . single game had been played. men with families. W For ONE WEEK ONLY, we will offer to Jil "Vou tis try to make light of the | way taxen, it was sugested that : No way the cup was held since 1915. If | married men: should have exemp- the Farmers our there were no games, it is not our | jong of $600 with a graduating -- . "Hil tauit. Our boys, like yours and other | sae based on the number of chil- teams in the county, were playing a | qren as with the federal income tax, 2 . . noble game, and we are in no Way | while the unmarried man or woman's ashamed of the part played "by them. 8 Famous 30 Gal. Size [ffiuneme ers sims fom | sempiion shovid no excoed tie pre ° overseas. One has yeturned Sinus 2 lag leg, two others returned in af- | The Campbellford®Chapter of th Milk Can, $ 12 tor three years' service in France, $0 1'0.D.. has obsained EL ttion g we at least are in no: way Aamed from the Board of Education to place 3 3 3 3 of their record, as six of e seven ita R This Can is made in our own shop by skilled OF thelr FOcOd, A4 alr Orr acrvies: | 5, "uitable memoria and honor olf workmen, and thé material used cannot be You: aiep dety any person {0 9 | thers, in honor ot the service and . * 5 ~ | sacrifice o soldiers in the war. equalled for twice the price to-day. Now; Die ato. ma on® 10. stop 4 game | dice oL local suldiers In. the war. 3 officially 'started by consent of both | ng1e " remember after these Cans are sold you nr Cole, pased away ou Monday at Shane © wi : 1, ore than you, have any in-|, will have to pay. « great deal more for the rao mors than Bod, he rough | Lime. She was a deughter of the late « . " " James Ross and was .a lfelo next ones. So come and see this big bargain. the press. This is my first letter {OF | yotnodist, = ns ! : publication or from any member of A pleasiig event 'toek place on Sy, " the club. We are not responsible for Saturday when Miss Florence White, Big, Busy Hardware what any outsider may do any more | go oer or Mr. and Mrs, Frank ' 4 than you, but when you started writ- White, Belleville, was united in mar{ ; i ing and making erroneous state- riage with Li Moon. ments touching the club of which I} "rel huwoite one of the most re- ||| 3 . manager it demands a reply. spected Hh » iy So ron had two chances to test | qo 1 Tusidoute > edo, ed on 1 - J your strength with our club; {gn both | oo boon boee TY J nem | 3 9 ° attempts you have failed. How many A | W. A. MITCHELL, Manager Men's Sox | | Men's Shirts 8) 00 pairs, Srey Woollen 'Sox; wo c. parr. 100 Men's Negligee Shirts, Friday 3 prs for $1.00 "|| all sizes 14} to 164; worth .81zes; reg. %Jc, . Ah Friday .3 prs. for $1.00 , Friday... x5: <¥138 100 pairs of Grey Mixed : Sox; a special value. 75 only, Men's Work Shirts in sizes [5 up to 17. TT TTT trials do you want?--WILLIAM > | 1 Hardware Department. W.LHC. AI i THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE Hi}; paviSs, Manager of W.1 Simple Home Treatment ! pmoNm 287. - - - '= -. BROCK STREET PERFUME DRINKING to Remove Hairy Growths ior: amma so IN GREAT BRITAIN . ---- + (Beauty Culture) I i Two or three minut : a ¥ A ovonding to Ohemistet [tone pase wi busi every itor =f] Cotton 5 hair from your face, neck or arms. This paste is mata by mixing some ; | EL LL mt wa powdered delatone. Af-' /500 yards soft; White Cotton full inches and + rorth i London, Match 3.--The perfume- or the Paste is femaved, the skin of . } 3 i 36 wide ould ! ree it from the : 5 aon rus it trom the today33c.ayard .......................... Friday, 25¢. clear afid spotless. You will not be a : e : Sisappol ith this Aregtinent if R-------- ------ ' obtain real delatone ruggist. from: sour ds . - TEA TOWELS 8 doz. only, red check, Tea 120 yards of 2 yard wide Towels; size 22 x 30; and worth Bleached Sheeting; ae de 45c. a piece. or ass round thread weave and worth Friday ........30c. each: $l.10ayard. AULD ANY URAL LILY. ere | Wer Sonn Liman von' = TABLEDAMASK ~ GINGHAMS = / CT a -- ks | perfume on a Suga rs if it wasn't : . 100 yards of Satin Bleached 1, yards Gingham x Boater TEN : a a, urtitia stxains. 'euisés, exposure : and worth $2.00 per yd. Ee , orings and worth ayard, | FLOOR COVERINGS ; nt yd i oe Friday ........... $1.59 Friday ....\....... 40c. S w 3 y's - Limited