"PAGE FOUXTEEN ; Cv y a A a Oo Ce 2 end oo at a al os . oy rn ELD Col ~ --- - = a Our Spring Suits Many of the season's choice and correct models are ready for inspection or choosing. Suits at $30.00, $32.50, $35.00, $37.50, and along by easy steps to $50.00. Livingstons Te : THE DAILY BRITiSH Theatrical | At the Grand. To-night will be the only showing of 'the splendid programme of high- class photoplays, the management of he Grand arranged for the one "Kay "only. - Moproe Salisbury, = the popular Universal star, is seen in a six-reel ~featurd, 'The Blinding Trail.'"" The play is a story of a rug- | ged camp boss, who is inveigled into { marriage by a luxury-loving creature of the city, whose friend, alone of the two, senses the greatness of the man. + The friend bides her time. "A year of marriage and the wife proves false, while an accident has killed the | sight of the man. 'When his vision { returns his eyes are opened also | to the desirability of the patient one" and love succeeds the shallow make-believe. There are reels of com- sdy and other subjects, and a two eel drama starring the popular actor vom: Mix; also an act _: superior vaudeville and a splendid musical § 5 { srogramme rendered by the Grand's | augmented orchestra.--Advt. Fiske O'Hara Coming. Announcement of the coming of ske O'Hara, the popular Irish actor auger in a new, romantic comedy, Jown Limerick Way' by Anna Ni- caols at the Gfand Opera House on sriday and Satur@ay, March 5th and 6th with a special bargain matinee on Saturday will bring joyful antici- pation to the hearts\of thé many friends Mr. O'Hara has\made in this city. Augustus Pitou, h provided this first of Irish favorites with a sparkling comedy which has all the glamour and gaiety of the Emerald Isle. There is a pretty love story, which will captivate all tastes, and a plot that keeps the interest of 'the audience happily engaged. Mr. O'- Hara who comes with a selection of new lilting song ballads never be- fore rendered, is supported by a splendid company and a special or- chestra en tour--Advt. "The Passing Show." Superbly appointed and 'with fea- ture acty coming and going in pleas- ing and bewildering rapidity, that wonderful outburst of travesty spec. tacle and song, "The Passing Show of 1918," will be seen here at the Grand, Opera House on Wednesday, Makch#10th. The long cast is headed by the ever-popular Willie and Eugene How- ard, who are today considered twa of the best fun makers before the public. The other members of the cast are Roy Cummings, Will H. Phil brick, John Burke, kEJward Basse, Helen Carrington, Emily Miles, Lee- ta Corder, Alexander Dagmar, Dor- sha, Jack Hall, Edward Cutler, Blan- che Parkes, ares, not forgetting a Winter Garden Beauty Chorus of 125, The growning of the girls is un usually attractive. Scenically, "The Passing Show of 1918" is stupendous unique, novel and extraordinary.-- Advt. At Griffin's. A glimpse into the inner circle of ERO - "aly i 4 / Of Black Silks Friday 300 yards Black Silk--fine Swiss make: all yarn dyed, Pailette Satin 'Messaline and Chiffon Taffeta; full 36 inches wide; for skirts, suits and waists. Special Friday only for ...% 5. ............. $2.39 a yard i Silks have advanced in price nearly 100 per cent., and are going higher. This is a splen- did opportunity to purchase high class goods at less than present manufacturer's price. Owing to the limited quantity we will have to decline telephone a 3 - --See window display. --Sale at 9 o'clock. S [Ty eT the puglistic world will be given screen lovers who see Charles Ray in his latest Thos. H. Ince production i! "The Egg Crate Wallop," which will be shown at Griffin's to-day, Friday and Saturday. As t story goes, Charlie starts out as & helper for the express agent in his town, who also happens to be his girl's father. A packet of money is stolen and sus- picion points tor Dave Haskell, the agent. So Charlie skips out of town to mystify the folks a little and lands a job in Chicago as sparring partner for a noted pugilist. In the meantime a cheap sport from the city is trying to win Charlie's girl back in the home town. Charlie wins a big battle in the city ring just in time to discover that the city chap is really the thief, and all is serene again. A Sunshine comedy, "The Roaming Bath Tub," and the Gau- mont Weekly, scenic review, ,..com- plete the/programme, which is Sure to prove of a highly entertaining or- der.--Advt. At the Strand. An unknown element in dramatic 'creen production, the introduction of animal comedy to relieve tension, has been successfully practiced in "Back: to God's Country," by James Oliver Curwood, adapted frem his famous magazine story, "Wap, the Walrus," which will be seen at the Strand theatre to-day. Nell Ship- man, popular American screen favo- rite, as Dolores; Wheeler Oakman, Wellington Playter and Charles Ar- ling, in other roles in the cast, por- tray their parts with the ald and support of nearly two dozen animals, <onsisting of bears, wolves, lynx, fox, deer, mountain lions, raccoons, por- cupines, goats and other forest beasts 1 AER Brg #7 ! PROFESSOR JOHN DAVIDSON University of British Celumbia, who has discovered a new sugar in the fir trees of British Columbia. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS IN CONDENSED FORM "Tidings From All Over Told in a Pointed and Pithy Way. Eggs dropped from 'one fo six cents on the Chicago produce mar- ket on Wednesday. A full caucus of the Unionist party will be summoned for next week, probably for Tuesday. . The Ottawa Collegiate board pass- ed its estimates for 1920, The board will ask the eity for some $186,000, about $40,000 more than was requir- ed in 1919, been appointed organizer for the in- dustrial and technical education branch of the Provincial Department of Education. - William Phelps, director of the Robert Reford Comnonv 144. ia given the position of European man- ager ol the Capid.a\ ways and of the Canadian Govern- ment Merelidnt Marine, with head- quarters in London. Official returns of the Methodist Forward Movement to date places the grand total at $4,433,946. The objective is $5,000¢000, and out- standing subscriptions are expected to go well over the objective. Captain Edward Baldwin Savage, M.C., died atthe Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Montreal, following two weeks illness of influenza, and Canada loses one ofthe fastest outside wing players that Canadian footbhll has produced. The right to enact legislation on the eight-hour day is in the hands of provincial govérnments, it is an- Peggy Brown, Mary nounced by the Minister of Labor in Booth, Billie Shaw and Dolores Su-| connection with the application or one of the provinces for a ruling ou the subject. At an organization meeting of tha Cross Benchers at Ottawa, Lev! Thompson, of Qu'Appele, was chosen whip, and will be assistéd by two others, probably Wilfrid Kennedy, Stormont-Glengarry, and John PF. Reid, of McKgnsie. . . L. K. Jones, who for some time has been connected with the Depan- ment of Railways and Canals as sec- retary and latterly as assistant de- puty minister, is being retired ou superannyation at the end of this month. Although the United States have already appointed their engineer in the St. Lawrence deep waterway and power scheme, the federal authori- ties at Ottawa have been very slow in making the appointment on this side. Close to 200,000 acres of land in Northern Alberta haye been blan- keted with applications for oil and natural gas leases within the past month, according to records of the loes' Dominfon land office. 'William Bross Lloyd, millionaire gergeant-at-arms of the Communist Labor party, Chicago, and fifteen other communists must stand trial on {indictments ate 4 charging them with econspiracy, to overthrow the Uniwd dueves wl vin ment by force. Ae On March 3rd, John Mellatont, Au- gusta township's efficient clerk, cele- brated his 80th birthday." ---- HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR = PRINTERS Market Square, Kingston Nd i pe. ge EL DAILY MEMORANDUM. i | top of e Three, right hana corner for rodaiation : TRINS--Tn Kingston, March 3rd. AT n 4 ton, 1920, to Mr. ang Mra. G. Atkins, "a doing L 's ' Hospi- Ira, 1920 § house tal. Chatham, G. Stone! to Dr. and Mrs. G. (nee Bessie Stafford), of Wallace- burg, a son, x * ~~ TrS--A WA 1 h 4, Fog Rag BBR gh untory Se Job, Walks SHH 8 spurs Slosk; Me Church, Wolte Isl- nd, : 2 Friends and Acquaintances respectbull | invited to att Raed y i Frank 8. Rutherford. B.A.Sc., has Leap Year skate, Palace Rink t o- THIET IRE SAE 4 I 0 THURSDAY; MARCH 4, 1020. -- ms : Exposition Of The New ~~ Silks SPRING 1920 Revealing the triumphs of the world's renowned silk weavers and artists. More Silks, finer Silks than we've ever had: the honor to present --every weave, pattern and color sponsored by fashion and approved by good taste is rep- resented. It is a comprehensive assemblage -- vast, magnificent, fully authoritative. SILKS MOST IN FAVOR ARE -- CHIFFON TAFFETAS --CHARMEUSE SATINS | --NOVELTY CREPE. GEORGETTE --SILK FOULARDS \ -- CREPE DE CHENES and --SATIN MESSALINES. -" Most Attractively Priced - John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. - A i HEALS i Wiwinsnse anh oma. pTEE TRIE i THEE TEE ERENT FETT The Popular Brogue Oxford There is no doubt about the popularity of will the supply equal the demand. We &1ad 0 show them. » We alto bas : ha ol igh che per. +t : Er ' a