Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Feb 1920, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, IESNCARY 23,1050 sh -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Kingston a and nd Vicinity er gr CARPENTERING Estimates Given. 0. Aykroyd & Son . Carpenters and Builders 21 MAIN STREET a FOR SALE ~PIPES, ail sizes. ~--RADIATORS. --MILITARY TENTS. Large pieces of CANVASS, ac, te 1. Cohen & Co. woOOD FUEL Dry Slabs for kindling. Dry Hard Cordwood. Th stove lengths or long lengths--delivered only in half-cord and quarter-cord loads. | Golden Weddi ------. would have Janded fn the din the wren 'at Belleville General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dingman, Ma- | room. rc] succumbed on Monday to an attack doc celebrated their fiftieth wedding i influenza. She was taken ill only anniversary on Feb. 22nd. They were | Mr, Ackerman's Gomerous Gift. last Wednesday , evening with the married on Feb. 22nd, 1870. During| H. W. Ackerman, Belleville, the | "fu". | ? the fifty years, thirty years were | chairman of the Bay of Quinte con- | She was the eldest daughter of Mr. spent on the farm near Moira Lake, | ference finafc committee of the [and Mrs, Fresh Cut Flowers Ferns, -palms, fuveral designs, floral | sprays, wedding bouquets made to order 275 Ontario Street. Phone 584 EAA AANA i GLASSCO'S PURE --Strawberry Jum -Red Crabapple Jelly --Gra) Jelly rae er Jelly D. COUPER rete Fre Street Prompt delivery. » WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO, Foot West Street Phone 133 Local 7 'We have a supply of hard wood and || kindling, 1 J. Sowards Coal Co. WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark « Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Req Bu Ruse Beatie 'ood Tea W. R. MRae & Co NEN LION Lioense No. 8-543 1 nm 2 BIG BARGAINS 70¢. Red Rose Tea .....50o @5¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. - Bon Marche Grocery + Cor. King and Barl Streets. License No» 8-37160 Phone 1544 ain DRUGS ASPIRIN TABLETS. BABY FOODS---Allenbury's 1,2 and Dextri-Maltose, Nestle' s, Hor- E CANDLES for disinfecting after contagious di- seases. GES -- (pre- ARAFORMIC LOZEN! H vent spreading of disemse). 8 OUR SPECIALTY. RUBBER WATER BOTTLES, SOAPS--Carbol lic, Castile and best Scented I Proses Drug Store DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON i \ Begs to to sanounce Corner Jonnie ana and 8 ton Streets, Kingston. phone 36%. F. J. JOHNSON, Flonst. 118 Brock St. your brain Phone 228. Ts like a ' dog with three legs walks-- you need | TR ALL LA SEY An active brain must have pure blood, not | poisoned with products of indigestion--or liver ' and kidney laziness. Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. | Sold everywhere in Canada, In boxes, 25c., S0c. , THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done in the carpen- tery 1 of rel 28 Queen Street. e, Estimates given on all kinda irs and new work; alse hard- wood floors of all' kinds. All will receive prompt atteatiom. orders Shop Estimates on work 840 Barrie St. PAPER HANGING Wall Paper for Sale. H.ROWLEY : Phone 12066). freely given. ! WE SELL ON EASY y Ladies' Suits, Drosers Skirts, Men's Suits, Qeerallss Undorwear, NM. Suitcases, ote. N. Morris, 374 King St. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO help solve the High Cost of Living problem. Call at the Kingston Co-Operative Store, corner of Princess. and King Streets, and have the Manager explain the system. 5 Dairy Butter at =< B. O. SMITH Deliveries Daily. 60c. per Ib. Phone "s69 Il at drug stores, and twenty years at their residence in Madoc. Doubled Their Objective. ' The Presbyterian charge of Lyn,' Caintown and Mallorytown, of which Rev. D. M. McLeod, B.A., is minister, was alloted the sum of $2,500 to be raised in behalf of they Forward Movement. Latest returns show that the sum of $5,600 or over double the objective, has been raised. Called To Moose Creek. Rev. D, M. McLeod, B.A., pastor of the Presbyterian church at Lyn, has been called to Moose Creek, Ont. Rev. Mr. McLeod has been stationed at Lyn for the last eight years, hav- ing charge of churches there, at Caintown and at Mallorytown. He is 8 graduate of McGill University, Has Gone On a Trip. W. L. Grant, MA. principal of Upper Canada College, has left for Winnipeg, where he is to deliver an address before the Schgol Trustees' Association of Manitob&' on the sub- ject of "Part Time Education." Af- terward Mr. Grant will address a convention of educators at Regina. Their Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wickware, Mor- risburg, who were married in Ed- wardsburg in 1870, last week cele- brated the fiftieth anniversary of the event. Dr. E. H. Wickware, Smith's Falls, is one of the surviving child- ren. Mr. and Mrs. Wickware were presented with a gramophone and an address by their family. . C.P.R. Agent Gerald} and his fam- ily were rudely awakened from their slumber at an early hour on Sunday morning when a big snow plough jumped the track and climbed onto the Tweed station platform. The platform suffered considerably and the big signal post was broken off. A little further and the plough mr INVERARY NEWS BUDGET. A Presentation Mado to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lake. Inverary, Feb. 20.--The roads, 'which were almost impassable, have COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR | Darkens Beautifully and Restores Its Natural Color and Lustre At Once, Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will tdrn gray, streaked and taded hair beautifully dark and Yux- uriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome, An easier way is to get the ready-to-use preparation fm- proved by the addition of other in- gredients a large bottle, at little cost, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss, While gray, faded hair is not sin- ful, we all desire to retain our youth- ful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so natural- ly, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have' disappeared. Af- ter another application or 'two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. is Prove it yourself. mand. That the quality of our OB CREAM igh Grade Chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes. We stock only those in de- HOT DRINKS, IBAR' 288 PRINCESS STREET. . PHONE 1138. unexcelled ? ToT a [oF + IES BAKERY §] A 0DF She aad YY p ) p SPRING Ef Forward Movethent offered a bonus of $500 to the district winning its objective first, $30Q to the second, and $200 to the third. Campbellford district carried off the first award; Madoc the second and Cobourg third. Had Hand Amputated. Norman Andison, an employee of the Bates & Innes felt mill, Carleton Place, was painfully injured while running a lathe in the factory. His hand was caught in the lathe, and one of the fingers of his left hand so badly lacerated that amputation was necessary. Several years ago Mr, An- dison met with a similar accident and had all fingers ol of his right hand taken off. oe Killed a An Accident. Mrs. Joseph Taylor (nee Margaret LaBerge, of Tweed), was killed at Viola, Delaware, on' Tuesday last. She was struck by a train. Deceased was a daughter of the late Prosper and Mrs. LaBerge, Hungerford, and was twice married. Her first hus- band, Walter Lynch, was proprietor of the Queen's hotel, Tweed. In July 1909 she was married to her now | sorrowing husband and removed to | 'Brockville where they resided up to two years ago when they took up fruit farming at Viola, Heads Cape Vincent Herd. John Whaling & Sons, Carthage, N.Y., have sold to M. G. Fitzgerald, Cape Vincent, N.X,, an excellent yearling Holsteni-Freisfan bull to head his herd of Holsteins. He is excellently bred and sired by Elmeroft Sir, Concordia Korndyke 2nd, who traces three times to the great Pontiac Korndyke. The dam of the sire is one of his best producing daughters. She made 30,76 pounds of butter in seven days and gave 510 pounds of milk. Death of a Nurse. Miss Emma MoGes, nurse-in-train- been broker out, and the men of the 'community are making good use of | their time hauling feed from Perth {| Road Station, which the U.F.O. has | brought in.. Others are getting in sand and wood and filling their ice houses. Mrs. E. T, Dennie, who has been suffering from neuritis, is somewhat better to-day. The death occurred. in Inverary on Monday morning of Mrs. Annie Roseboon. She suffered from pneu- monia for about a week. Being of a kind, mild and loving disposition, she endeared herself to - all with whom she came in contact. Some years ago she was married to George Roseboon, who predeceased her about four years ago, leaving her to care for an only gon, Norman, who for some 'time has been engaged with the N. C. Polson Co., of Mont- real. Besides her son are left to mourn, two sisters and one brother: Mrs, Herbert Mi neil, with whom she resided; Mrs. vin Shaw, of Kingston; and William Gummer, of Inverary. The remains were taken to Cape Vincent, where she resided for two years of her married lite, and interred there. Mrs. Sheldon Perry and Roy Darling are somewhat .improved in health. The ladies of the Women's Institute have purchased a kitchen, apd will move it to the back of the Agricultural Hall. This will be a valuable addition, and something John E. MoGee, Stirling. She was born'twenty-five' years ago at Stirling. Last year she entered on a course at Rockwood) Asylum, but changed to Belleville Hospital about six months ago. She was a member of the Presbyterian Qhurch. She was the oldest:of a family 'of ten child- {ren and her death is. the first break in the family. Watch Sent to Nephew. +The late Hon. William Temple- man's watch has arrived in Almonte. It is a valuable gold time-piece with hunting case, and Roman numerals, It was one of Templeman's dearest possessions. Since the death of the tormer Minister of Inland Revenue the watch has been in the possession the watch and chain to her nephew, a namesake of the late minister, Wil. liam Templeman, of the Fourth Line of Ramsay. Mr. Templeman has gi- ven the chain to his brother. To Have a Reunion. and Ramsay Centennial has only been in progress a few weeks but it is already assured that so far as attendance of Old Boys and Girlz is concerned it will be a sue- cess, It is now certain that there would be more than a thousand of them here. Three Old Boys in v ancouver have notified M. R. MacFarlane that they will be 'there, several from. Saskat- chewan, one from California and a number from .other points in the United States. The arrivals from Ca- nadian cities such as Toronto, Otta- wa, Montreal and Kingston will be very numerous. With Fingers! Corns Lift Off Doesn't hurt a bit to lift any corn or callus right off. Try it! For a few cents you can get a small bottle of the magic drug freez- one recently discovered by a Cincinpati man. Just ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freezome. Apply a few drops upon a ten- der, aching corn or cal- lus . and {instantly « all soreness disappears and shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it off with the fingers. Just think! Not one bit of pain before apply- ing freezone or after- of Miss Marien Templeman. She sent H The Almonte Old Boys' Reunion | S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Fuctory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Onts Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. SEEDS Why be bothered ordering froin Catalogues ? Ray us a call, We can give you the same values less your express. WE HANDLE THE BEST A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET . . Phone, 861; Res., 2086W. campaign |} RUBBER We are exclusive agents for LIFE BUOY RUBBERS The best on the market. 'See that your next pair bear this brand. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES D ® ) : Charm Black Tea . Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited wards. It doesn't evefl irritate tive surrounding skin. Hard corns, soft corns or corns between the toes, also hardened cal: luses on bottom of feet, shrivel up and fall off without hurting a particle. It is al- most magical. Ladies! Keep a tiny bottle on the dresser and never let a corn or cal- lus ache twice. that has been needed for years. A large crowd gathered in the Agricultural Hall on Thursday night, Feb. 19th, to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lake and to witnéss a presentation. A. A. McFadden was called to the chair. After a short programme and a few. well-chosen remarks by Reeve McFadden, Mr Oliver read an address to the young | couple. The 'reeve then presented them with a polished solid oak ex- tension table and Ioather-seated | chairs, which had been donated by the community. Mr. Lake replied | {very feelingly, thanking one and ail |2 for this fine gift. After this Dr. Johnson, who was home for the any | mas Arthur, F. 8. Ferguson and Rev. A. E. Oliver were called upon and delivered short. pithy addresses, Refreshments were served. Jack Campbell had a bee drawing sand for a new house which he .in- tends to build. On Friday evening, Feb. 13th, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arthur entertained the young people of the community in honor of their daughter, Miss Margaret Arthur, and her friends, Miss Marjorie Hanna, Bruce Johnson and Thomas Wills, all of Queen's University, who week-end here. Seteol i TH si § | us 5 ; i 5 Eo £ : § °F 1 ; i ii i phi tht Lik lit i # ® 8 5 aan SANS Aa sss Al SEPP PPPPPTTTTTTT TTY A Stubborn Cough - Loosens Right Up sassnans This home-made o remedy ls a wou- der for quick results. Basily and cheaply CAAA EARS AS a tt hdd PFI PPPPTTTTTIRTTTTTYYEY Here is a home-made syru il lions of people have fousd lo be i most dependable means of stubborn coughs. It is cheap and ind ample | but _very prompt in action.' onder 1 ealing, soothing jnfluence Hons ess goes, P loosens, Ee be- uomes Sagiet 4] jekih in thioat ato atops and hod ry an guered & 4 or - eh en erouy, t or bronc s 3 | throat tek Hold area ths or win. "ro Soa. Eh splendid cough syrup, ur 2% ounces of Pinex (50 ce worth), jie a 16-02. bottle and fill the Dottle with plain ranulated SURAT SYTUP and shake ¥ horonghly. If you prefer, use clarified molasses, homey, or corm syrum, instead of sugar syrup. Either * oF mc Sch Rm fe hie 3 m Tr syrup. ou gould Teady mde for $2.50. pi porte dren love its vg is wl nd Nighly concen as Pinex' N v trated compound Pi od over for a prompt Reaiin J ba ful chest colds axe con t less. Ni pt healing effect upon the mem- 't accept any ing else. a to give absolute inf tly re- satisfaction of maney pomp . "HALLIDAY ELECTRIC 0. Distributors for G. E. MAZDA LAMPS _ Large stock on hand. - - - - » sleep. The | othing i BOUGHT-4S0OLD---OR Owing to the favorable exchange®it ir a Anglo-Frengh, United Kingdom or amy Bb York funds. Toe 78 TELEPHONE 708 '°7 J. O. HUTTON 7 Clarence Street, Kingston Men's Brown And . Black Boots Fibre Sole And Rubber Heels 'fiiiAsas tata BOOTS-- jo sole ami rubber heels; reduced to $5.25 MEN'S BLACK CALF BOOTS --¥ibre Sole ; ana Souter Macias roused tw' adsense 55.08

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