FEBRUARY 24, 1920. ~~PIPES, all sizes. --RADIATORS. ~MILITARY TENTS. : Large pieces of CANVASS, ew, ete. 1. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Street.' Phone 534 A Quick Relief for Headache ~ Kingsto n and Vicinity | vias _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ard I { A headache is fr tly by badly digested food; the gases and acids resulting therefrom are bed by the blood which in turn tes the merves and causes symptoms called headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup will correct fanlty digestion afford relief. Four on Sick List. At the present time there are four | members of the post office staff off {duly on account of sickness. New Orange Hall. The opening of the Rew { Hall at Maberly took place { 11th. Orange on Feb. It is a commodious building. A i GLASSCO'S FURR weStrawberry Jam --ilanspherry Jom ~iilagk Currant Jam d'iom Jam w--i'ench Jam --laooneherry Jam Orangd Marmalade wited Currant Jelly «Crabapple Jelly " Jeil . Re fey Jelly D. COUPER 1=3 Princess Street Phone I Prompt delivery. In ---- WOOD Sawed in Stov Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street Phone 133 en We have a supply of cut hard wood and WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Red Ruse Tea--the a Good Tea ! W.R. McRae & Co. : + GOLDEN LION License No. 8-543 2 BIG. BARGAINS 70x Red Rose Tea .,.,.50c 25¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. Bon Marche Grocery | Cor, King and Karl St License No. 8-37149 Phone 1844 G. Hunter Ogilvie Insurance and General Broker Ptocks, Bonds and Securities for sale. Property for sale or to rent, listed. Agent for Royal Exchange Fire As- surance and Excelsior Life. 281 King St., opposite Custom House : Phones 568}. and 1087. en DR. A. W. WINNETT eo Begs to announce that he has resumed his 3 cornar Johnson and ton phone 381, i { { i | { { { | i | To Erect an Elevator, { Work on a new 1,500,000-bushel { grain elevator to be bujit by the state iat Oswego, N.Y., will be started this "a. ss o« | == Not Making Improvement. Relievedin® | Mrs. NM. Foley, Athens, came to ni {Kingston Saturday and spent a .few 3 E 3 {days with her husband, who is re- LE FORM IN CAPSU | hospital, He is not improving very | well. {ceiving treatment in the military Salgl, Caffein, Csscara and €am~ Was Highly Regarded. | Edgar . Wilson DeShane pass- ed away at the home of his sister-in- law, Mrs. W. Palmateer, Belleville, on Friday as a result of pneumonia. He was aged forty years and was a police officer and highly regarded. would At all Druggists jy) sox --------_-------------- PHONE 1670 0. Avkrovd & Son Carpenters and Builders 21 MAIN STREET Back on the Job. Harold Nicholson, clerk in the post office, who has been off duty for several weeks on account, of sick- ness, is back on the job, and many friends are glad to see him * around again. | Fi I S Been Made Postmaster. res u owe Major W. H. Hooper, at one time Pr | fu 1 designs, floral | in charge of dispersal headquarters aprayes Eoaer n Benanais made to order | ot Kingston has been appointed post- F J JOHNSON Flo 1st. master at Carleton' Place, The Cen: * We » Il | tral Canadian says he is proving | himself alert in business as he was in 115 Brock St. Phone 228. | cy | { battle. Departing Citizens Honored. { On Monday evening the Men's Bi- 8 | ble Class held a social evening in the Methodist church parlors, Tweed, ip | honor of three of their members who {are shortly to leave our town, W. E. | Gartley, O. M. Alger and Ewart Al- ger, Accident at Braeside. Thomas Kinghan, Arnprior, met | with a painful accident while at work EF [in Gillies Bros.' mills at Braeside. | He was removing some boards from {the cement when one flew up and | struck him in the face, breaking his {| jaw on both sides. y W¥ for prompt results. With the lowered strength and vitality ot age they realize more than ever before the importance of having Gray's Syrup on hand for § immediate use. 7 . G2 They always buy the Largs Size Montreal D. WATSON & CO, New York i > | : | A Queen's Graduate Busy, i Christopher E. Fraser, B.Sc., has || been appointed assistant superinten- { dent 'of roads for Stormont county under J. G. Cameron, Finch, superin- tendent for the United Counties of Dundas, Stormont and Glengarry, Mr. Fraser, who is a son of Mrs. O. K. Fraser, Brockville, is a graduate HAIR FALLING? HERE 1S WHERE IT SHOWS anh THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; sise hard. | wood floors of all kinds. All orders | will receive prompt attention. Shop 28 Queen Street. Estimates on work freely given,» Beauty. Wall Paper for Sale. H.ROWLEY 840 Barrie St. : Phone 1266). "PAPER HANGING | . our Hair and Double Its WE SELL ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Dresses, Skirts, Wen's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, Towelery, Suitcases, ote. N. Morris, 374 King St. DO YOU KNOW That the quality' ICE CREAM is Prove it yourself. High Grade Chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes. We stock ofily those in de- mand. HOT DRINKS. / To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every pagticle of dan- druff, get a small bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour s little fi your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Your hair will grow strong, thick 'and long 'and appear soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. "Try it! - LBAR'S |megine 288 PRINCESS STREET, PHONE 1128. of, our unexcelled ?- Meat forms uric acid which excit- es and overworks.the kidneys in their efforts to filter 'it from the system. ITI] [0 = SABLE VERYBODY has found 'out Sut 8 A 2visblete nay pure foods. It's t way to health and happiness. When you think of pure food think of our bread and our pastry and you'll be thinking safely and sagely. Order it by name. it aii | Don't Worry! Let "Danderine" Save | ewww wv Much Sickness Among Children. There has been an unprecedented amount of sickness in the e¢ity during the past three weeks among children, scarlet - fever, measles, whooping cough, diptheria, grippe ete. Victoria school was thoroughly fumigated on Saturday and it is oped that the epi- iemics may abate. a ------------ To Visit Gananoque. Lieut.-Col. . Crocker, in command of the 9th Brigade, is going to Gan- anoque this week to meet all who: desired or were willing to identify themselves with the battery. It has not 'been finally decided where the trigade headquarters will be but it is likely in Kingston. A Librarian ed. At. the annual meeting of the Smith's Falls Library Board, Miss Sutton, who has been librarian for the past twenty-nine years, resigned, and will go to Hamilton to live. Miss Vickers was appointed assistant 1i- brarian for the next month, and will likely succeed Miss Sutton. The Forward Movement. thé inter-church Forward Movement in Gananoque as reported up to Fri- day is given. It is a matter for con- gratulation that each denomination went well over the gbfective: Objective Subscribed Anglican . , ... $2300 $3704 Methodist . . ... $5884 $6629 Presbyterian ,. . $3200 $3500 $11380 $13833 Semmes imsitatt Favor Abolishment. The Gananoque Board of Trade has expressed its sympathy with the efforts being made to have the busi- ness profits tax abolished, and a re- solution will be forwarded to Sir Henry Drayton, Minister of Finance. setting forth reasons why such a step is in the interests of greater produc- tion, Mosquito Fleet on River. To aid in running down sthugglers of liquor on the St. Lawrence this summer, the United States Govern- ment is sald to be considering the advisability of placing a "mosquito fleet" on the river to aid in running swindle. But brace up, man. Every cloud has a sliver lining. Mr. Sappe: Yes, I've heard a rumor to that effect but | haven't yet been offered any stock In the pros- pect. LOOKING . FORWARD { She: What de you think of the extreme styles of today? He: They are very modest compared with the ones we'll JUST THE THING Customer: Sir! Have ou any "Joke books? , Merchant: Yessir! It's just out too. A book on the Peace Treaty. : of Queen's University and served ov- down violators of the erseas as a captain of engineers. | law. | rpyvenue officials «The result of the financial part of {and heirs are being sought. | Perth, and several other relatives in WHERE ARE THE OFFICES OF THE L CoM ? . | 0OD LIVER EMULSIONS. | PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. yew prohibition | The United States customs and | anticipate' much muggling on the river this year. | .A Great Pine Tree. i David Johnston, of Ross Tow nship | brought to Walter Costello's saw mill, Cobden, a pine tree, which made six logs. There were two six- teen, one ten, two twelve and one thirteen foot logs. It was twelve in- | ches at the top end of the last log. It grew within two miles of Cobden. There were 2,040 feet of lumber, Perth Woman Severely Burned. in the home of James Graham, Perth. Mr. Graham and child had been sick in bed, and Mrs. Graham started downstairs with a. lamp in her hand to get some water. On her way she fell; the lamp broke And in a moment the unfortunate woman's clothes were aflame. She was hor- ribly burned about the body and head. Mr. Graham, who came to her assistance, was badly' burned about the hands, arnd--fis feet were lacerated by The breken lamp. "Sold His Property Here. Harry Thom has sold his property at Carleton Place; and goes to a fine new home at Colline Bay, an inlet of the Bay of Quinte" u~tew milles of beautiful country from Kingstes. It is near his birthplace, and its people and precincts are known to him like ithe lessons of his school days, says {the Carleton Place Canadian. Mr. | Thom has secured a plot of ground {around his brick residence, and he {intends to cultivate the soil in alter- nation with hig trade as-a carpenter. Collins Bay was once famous for its shipbuilding facilities. Both Mr. and Mrs. Thom leive many friends; but they hold the passports that can' |carry them into other fields of af { fection, where we wish them the: tull- | ness of joy. { Relatives Claini Huge Fortune, | About a century ago, Thomas Quinn, a British soldier, left Ireland, and sailed to India, where he bought land to tire extent of 1,000 acres, and after living there many years, returned to Ireland, where he died, {leaving a widow, who passed away 1 5ix months later. There were no children. After the outbreak of the Indian mutiny, Mr. Quinn thought this land worthless, but now, it is stated, valuable minerals have been. found on thétland, and it is estimat- ed to be worth over $19,000,000, Edward Quinn, Westport, and. John Quigley, this vicinity, besides Quinns in Chi- cago, Kansas, Idaho, Colorado, Ire- land and far off Australia, are claiming the millions. C. J. Foy. Perth, 'has charge of the interests of the local claimants, and Horan and Flannigan, Chicago, the interests of the American relatives. "TU" 1S INFECTIOUS On Friday morning fire occurred | . D ---- WOOD FUEL * Dry Slabs for kindling. Dry Hard Cordwood. _n stove lengths or long lengths--delivered only in half-cord and 'quarter-cord loads. S. ANGLIN & Co. Woodworking Factury and. Lumber Yards, Bay and 'Wellington 2 Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66: Factory Phone 1415. J SEEDS Why be bothered ordering from Catalogues ? Pay us a call. We can give you the same values less your express. WE HANDLE THE BEST ~ A.D. HQLTON 280 PRINCESS rn, aa, Ro vias. FLORIST | s 'RUBBE We are exclusive agents for LIFE BUOY RUBBERS The best on the market. See that your next pair bear this brand. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited A Disease Easily - Spread Through Close Association. It passes in the form of minute germs from the coughs or sneezes of people who in the first stages mingle with others. Therefore avoid exposure, --- this may be difficult, almost impossible. But we can all keep our blood full of vitality and enable it to resist the attacks of diseage gérms, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the pre-eminent bldod-purifier and health builder. ilation so as to secure for the body the greatest possible value of food. It aids digestion and "makes" food taste good." poisoning, prostrating disease, it is remarkable how it promotes conva- lescence and brings perfect restora- tion to health. A good cathartic like Hood's Pills helps greatly by keeping the bowels regular. What is the Soldiers' Aid Commission of Ontario? Objects? MISSION The answers to these questions are of vital interest to Returned Soldiers. THE SOLDIERS AID COMMISSION 1S ESTABLISHED To remove difficulties with regard to Pay accounts. 3 20 help in correspondence on the sub- ent A To arrange for Vocatfonal Training. assist in reinstating discharged' soldiers in civil life, To support claims' for pension and Insuranoe- To take affidavits To vight homes and hospitals. To help and advise wives and famil- of men overseas. help he returned soldier in every on mb) ie services of the C entire ree he Commission are Officials of each and ever branch are always glad to welcome re t Soldiers at their offices, and give them help and advice at any time. It is the g « * Sagmuan HEAD 0 SECRETARY . : : 116 College St., Toronto . DRUGS ASPIRIN TABLETS. BABY FOODS--Allenbury's 1, 2 and 3, Dextri-Maltose, Nestle's, Hor-| lick's, ete. FORMALDEHYDE CANDLES - for disinfecting after contagious di PARAFORMIC LOZENGES -- (pre- vent spreading of disease). RUBBER HOT WATER BOTTLES, SOAPS---Carbolic, Castile and best Scented Soaps. : RS eats I After influenza or any other blood- What Are Its Aims and || Poss Dr So ¥. COR. EARL AND BARRIE STREETS. he» This good medicine promotes assim- || ot HOOD'S MEAT MARKET | SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK MEAT SPECIALS 85¢c. per Ib. | SELECTION OF FRESH FISH. Owing to the favorable exchange'it is a good time to sell your Anglo-French, United Kingdom or any bond, payable in New York funds. TELEPHONE 703 Telephone 703 « O. HUTTON TS nhs sO: HUT 9 Black Boots | Fibre Sole And Rubber Heels Cl gt, im Sh riod ---------- ove Fibre sole and rubber heels; reduced to $5.25 . And Rubber Heels; reduced to ....... $5.98 . eof