-- WE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG --__ PAGETWOQ D : A ETRE SY \ [tees heard fepresentatives of both S WINNERS | <2 with regard to the game start- | €d on the 14th £ = = B E = E & ili instant, and after { consideration came to the nnanintous | OF THE EASTERN GROUP/OF THE | conclusion that it was in the inter. : C.0.C. LEAGUE. | ests of sportsmanship to replay the ~ ---- | game ordered on hatidate. Accord. Dele : hy 3 Hngly, if the weather $s favorable | Raaited Rina Tks oh Monday {next Saturday there will be a great . E anc. Yapance by a. athering of county hockey fans at Total Seore of 91 to 56, the island to see the decidink game. In the play-off for the winner in . TT the eastern group of the Central On- Drawing to a Close. tario Curling League at Napanee and The senior series of the 8. A. A. Kingston -on Monday evening, the [A A. basketball series is drawing to Napanee curlers: were vietorious by (a close. This 'evening two games | {@ score of 91 to 68. The Kingston | are Scheduled to be played, | rinks, skipped by E. C. Glidersleeve | Sydenham Street Methodist, Baptist | and J. M, BSlott, played in Napanee, | and Young Hebrews are close run- { While Dr. Waugh and J. F. Macdon. ners for the championship, each Rav- jald played In Kingston, Napanee | ing lost one game, will now play the winner of the Aap - | western group. The teams and Brampton Won First Game, | BCOTES Were ---- In Brampton on Monday evening - Napanee, Kingston, in the first game of the semi-finals W. Huffman FP. Lumb of the intermediate O.H.A., Brempion Daly. A, W. McLean won from St. Francis, winner of - W. Robinson M. P, Reid Beach League, Toronto, hy'a score of X. G. H. Travers Dr. Waugh 10'to 6. The winner of these two | Skip, .......18 Skip........11 teams will meet Kingston intermedi- | -- ates on Friday evening, : F. Rickley J. McCartney ! D. Dafoe ' wis, yn Sesiener INCIDENTS OF THE "DAY Teh : ------ {| W. Mabee ANNOUNCING THE SEASON'S FINAL RE- DUCTION ON ALL ODD FURS SCARFS STOLES ¥% to 1:8 OFF. ~ ho ai A A A FOR MARCH Four best serials of the month. 10 best Short Stores. Publishers have been unable to supply the number called for by the dealers and have been obliged, owing to the paper shortage, to ciit orders by 26%. GET YOURS EARLY. . , ig Latest Popular Music : Just Leave It To Me, Blues, My Naughty Sweetie Gave td Me, It You're Only Foo Round Me, Hawaiian Lullaby, Moonlight Down In Dixie, Some Lonesome Night, She's Just Like al, Ala- bama Lullaby, While Others Are Building Castles in the Air, Bubbling Over,'I Know What It Means To Be Lonesome Nobody Knows, Wait Till You Get "Bm Up in the Air, Mary, Since Katy the Walt- ress, The Brat, Broken Blossoms, etc., ete. : ¥ Dance Numbers At 40c and 50c¢ You Sald It, You'd Be Surprised, My Isle of Golden Dreams, Swanee, When My Baby Smiles at Me, Wonderful Pal, Sand Dunes, Mother (Gitz Ric e), Oh, What a Pal Was Mary, Smile Doar Weep- ie Willow Lane, Happiness, Golden Gate, Wild Flower (Mary Earl), Peggy, Patches, When . My miles, Please, Dreamy A abama, In My Baby's Arms, Mandy, Let the Rest' of the World Lo-K1, On Mismi Shore, The Bells of St, Mary's, sic. oto. Vo RY, : 10% ON AMERICAN SILVER AND BILLS Whether on a purchase or exchange, we will pay.10% on U. 8. Silver and Bills, The College Book Store | Telephone 919 SPECIAL OUR SHOWING OF NEW DRESS GOODS AND SILKS IS THE » MUFFS en In spite of the fact that Raw Furs are advancing from 309% to THER ¥ 90%, we are offering certain fur garments in stock at reduction. =E NEMO.--Please note change of telephone number. It 4s now 603. ~ he 5 JOHN C - : LIMITED a 14945170157 Bro cx ST KINGSTON ONTARIO Skip 3 21 x LOCAL -NOTES AND ITEMS OF "George Rawes a ST, DF rar BNERAL INTERE b E e eS otSlooTe. Happenings in the City and Vicinity | Skip 19 Skip..,.....38| ----What the Merchants Offer to EIT ¥° Readers of the Whig. IH Il * C. H. Lappan W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at waa | PC. Killorin Mcjuley's, or "phone 564w. x |'T. Blute E. 0. Sliter Joseph O'Neil of Sudbury, former- | : : = {J. Derry +. J. M. Blljott ly of the Kingston Daily Standard, | Skip... ky. ..32 Skip Is spending a week in the city. | - . Leuten services are being conduct- ! Club Games. €d at St. George's Cathedral every | In the club series games played on {evening this week by Dean Starr. | Monday evening W. J. Hooper won | William J. MoGall, of Roof Tree | from W. ©, Crozier by 11 to 5, ©, |Inn, New York, came home Sunday! F. Smith won from 8. R. Bailey by | to attend his brother's funeral, which 17 to 11, and J. Matteson won from | took place on Monday. W. H. Wormwith's rink, skipped by Now 1s the ume « Bave your 0. W. Henderson by. 8 to 4. The plano tuned, We earry two expert eams tuners and will apsure entire satis- M. G. Johnston faction. ©. W, Lindsay, Limited. WoChapman Mrs. Herbert Shillington, Odessa, T. Frizzell is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Wiskin, W. C. Crozier Nelson 'street, who is very ill, Mrs. Skip...,. tna Wiskin's father, George Dawson, To- -- ronto, is also with her. N. Robertson J, Duffy Stanley Cole, who was formerly H. Reid T. Elliott Intercollegiate heavyweight boxing H. Smythe J. Austen champion, while at Queen's, is now F. Smith 8. R. Bailey at MeGill and will appear in the In- SKip.a..ooa.17 Skip... s....11 | tercollegiate assault-at-arms here R. A. Bolton J. L. Morison M. N. Dmond H. A. Lavell OT ES 3 RRL I H. McCartney P, D. Lyman BY The Famous Brown Bros. A complete novelty is here offered in the shape of Records } by the famous BROWN BROS, Saxophone Sextette. It will be remembered that the Brown Bros, were one of the features of H. that successful production, "Chin Chin," and they also created Ww. & sensation in Stone's new production, "Jack O'Lantern.", e 18876 best we ever had and now will be able to select your new Suit if you visit our Dress Goods Department. You will find lovely next week, © The Toronto University represen- $1.00 tatives at the Intercollegiate debate FAIRER aa rman Smiles and Chuckles---8ix Brown Bros Comedy Tom ,.0, s0i0e0e a i BRR S dara regan avers ema ten aire La Paloma--Six 'Brown Bros. Independentia~--Medley March Seams ARE ys Mss bane Peter Gink---One Step--8ix Brown Bros. Egyptland---Fox Trot Beans st cast nenvanninansive Chin - : ¥ox Trot--Six Brown Bros. 1avornRelVAlS vo sats nsnnsersnsnnssecnnnssees oa + HEAR YOUR FAVORITE RECORDS AT: x THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA 18385 $1.00 18007 $1.00 . 17822 $1.00 18562 $1.00 18140 $1.00 OOD BROS. - $2800~-Montreal Street: No, : 182; brick; 7 roome; fur- nace; electricity, 1 $3500--Rideau Street; brick; ~. 8 Pooms; hot water heating; hardwood floors; electricity. $3760--Garratt Street; brick; "I'm gure of it," Professor Wiseman - exclaimed Goodsight, to the landlady of the boarding A. F. Cahenbead T.M, Asselstine J. Matheson E. W. Henderson 4 Ladies' Ourling Games, Mrs. Asselstine ° Mrs, Cartwright Mrs. Melvin Mrs, Waugh Mrs. Bibby Mrs. Richardson Mrs Mrs. Dawson 8k 8 Extra End. Mrs. Eaton Miss Lewis Miss Cunningham Mrs. Reid Mrs. Mooers . Mrs. Wel Mrs. McFarlane Miss Birch ' Skip "BMD esrrsae B Mis. G. B. McKay Wins Trophy. The rink skipped by Mrs. George B. McKay is winner of the Ladies' Curling. Club. championship. - This rink has made a good showing, hay- ing won nine games out of twelve played. On Tuesday morning the rink had a very closely contested game, when Mrs. McKay won out by one point, after playing an extra end. After the games on Tuesday morn- ing 'the ladies met and decided to hold a club bonspiel on Tuesday morning and afternoon of next week. The skips will be Miss Betts, Miss A. Birch, Mrs. H. J, Dawson and My George MeKay. ; The final games of points will be with Queen's jn Kingston on Thurs. day night, will be F. G. Lightwood, U.C,, 20, Wycliffe, and R. J. Irwin, Victoria, '20, The wind storm on Monday night piled. the snow very. high .in soma places in the tity park, and as a re- sult citizens coming down early day morning had a bad tramp through the snow. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing. instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bai: ance, C .W. Lindsay. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department; also in ready-made clothing. and gents' furnishings department there is a big .| variety to choose from. ) William B. O'Neil, North Augusta, Passed away at. the Hotel Dieu on Saturday last after a' short illness. The decensed was a valuable em- ployee of the business department of the Canadian Freeman. He was thirty years of age. : W. Dobson, who played hockey at Queen's some years ago, is playing right wing for Alberta in the Wes. tern College series. In a recent game, Alberta defeated Manitoba Univer. sity by 2 to 1, and Dobson scored both goals for Alberta, James Reid's motor ambulance { | { ~--Broad Cloth. ----Gaberdines. ----Serges. Tricotines. Cheviots, ~----Tweeds. ~--Silvertones. ~----Poplins. ---- Jersey Cloth, ~----Satin Duchess. ~--Charmeuse Satins, ~Paillettes, ~Armures, ~----3atin de Chene, _ ~----Georgetta Crepe. ----Fancy Vestings, ~<--Habutai Silk, ~--Shot Taffetas. EES No trouble to show goods at: ¢ rooms; electricity, $4500 -- Collingwood Street; brick; 7 rooms; modern. §4800---Johngon St.; brick; 9 _ Tooms; hot water heating, .§2600--Barrie St; frame; 6 rooms, aC §4000--King 8t. H; double 2 tox; § rooms each; B: and house, as he passed up his plate for more butter, while the other hoarders snickered. "With good glasses I catnot miss a thing like the cook's red hair," and the professor smiled good naturedly. 'Why 'not suggest to cook that she have her eyes exam- Seo complete list at office. in A Money to loan. was busy on Monday removing pati- ents to the hospitals. They were Mr. end of the present week. : Sangster, 81 Lower Bagot street; On 'Tuesday afterhoon a mixed James McPherson, chief keeper at iy ' i = match was scheduled, the penitentiary, Mrs, Smith, Shar Newman & ; Shaw RELI Na For Colds, Grip or Influenza ; bot Lake and Mr, Herbertson G31 » | : y QUEEN $ WINNER OF ROUND and as # preventative, take LAXA~ The Alway S Busy Store" Princess street. . TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets, DEFEATED K.Cl. BY 8 TO 2 ON Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature | MONDAY NIGHT. on the box. 80¢, i -------- . And Captured the Round by a Score Beautiful, silvery, shimmering snow : of Goals to 2--Winners Will Covering the earth with its heavenly - , EST ATE Now Go Up Against "Varsity glow, Juniors, Dad gets up early to ghovel a track; ' : td CHERR! STREET-~frame; rooms; improvements; ¥ $ §1500. in first class state of repatr, Possession May 1st. 1850. y BROCK Queen's won the junior intercol | Lame for a Week with a "erick in legiate hockey game at the covered the back. ) STREET--Rough cast; 6 rooms; proveménts; gate. sg Way; yard; gas. Possession May 1st. $21 A BROCK STREET---Frame; 7 rooms; improvements; cellar; gas; rink on Monday night with the in or of repair, yard and barn, state i gateway; sion Nar 1st. $8500, : Kingston Collegiate Institute by a score of 3 to 2, and win the round JOHNSON STREET--Frame; 8 rooms; improvements; yard; gatoway; i good location. Possession % Sti a 5 Ap KINGSTON EVENTS! |I- 25 YEARS AGO. The weather has turned quite soft and the walks are very slippery. Many citizens have sufferéd wevere by 9 goals to 2, the score in the first game being 6 to 0 in favor u Mas Queen's. A goodly number turne alls, a : : out to see the .match, although it There was about a foot of water was a foregone conclusion that i og on the race track in the harbor to- Sucen's oun take the game and 5 . day. : t round. aa collar; May 1st, Sea BnteTete siacmintate aan iacerere + 86 Ie = Cod. : and dressed ...... 8c. Ib. : Small Whitefish tes viaimimiminieisinie ue 15¢. Ib. Medium Whitefish .- heme idan .18¢. Ib. la Salmon Salen iwin etait ala -16c. 1b. i? Halibut mewieinlniaiel tet ge . 28¢, 20c. . Smel HOB Ly aka Pike--headless an winininge 13c. Queen's will now 80 up against "Varsity juniors. The" teams lined up as follows: Queen's--Goal, MeNeil; Hamill and Smith; man; wings, Gibson K.C.I1.--Goal, B. Morris; defence Emery 30 enaoney) centre, R. Carr<Harris; 3 and V. Johnston; spares, FF F was densa FRE ven. «uo BOY Lamb .........80 . ' i Ase sams trea sanas wan 150% Squirrel .,.. 90% : i - serveviy wee TB% |@ Protect Your Health § ATOMIZER Pfr he (| SRE SEER fy beds tron any, Ow F x * : 1es as ain oie nina Te etelew siela null 1 . Fillets............ sa pBininie sannnne . 3 Breiner ale sialnininaiele nine aie treads dai hice ania 2 fOP . PEFR F \Boneless Dighys . . .. sve vennee 30edb, fh 5 Cup Same, ---- : 5 R commiage mes ove i 51.00 at best prices possible. CE -- PARSLEY -- CELERY Tacs, proeent 3. rs w £0 os on ARB. #8 Mahood's Drug Store WW.