HERE IS SOMETHING GOOD 3 ; - Beautiful solid brick residence; large lot, in best section of the gate. every modern. improvement; eity. Owner says sell. Investi- THE J: K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street the use of Wampole's preparation of Cod Liver Oil as a good building up tonfe. .Jt's both palatable and taste- less; it has no equal; large boric We close at 8 p.m. daily except HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opp. Y.M.C.A., Kingston. a] ~~ The Stewart: Phonograph only $12 nif A. G. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 40 JUNIOR O.H.A. SEMI-FINAL Hoch Match| TORONTO CANOE CLUB vs. RM.C. Tuesday, Feb. 24 Game called at 8.15 p.m, General Admission. .s "Reserved Seats ~--~Plan open Monday, 10 a.m. Boxing - Fencing Wri Wrestling AT QUEEN'S GYMNASIUM' Wednesday, February 25th At 77.80 o'clock Interfaculty Championship An evening of clean, closely contest- { ed sport. Section for ladies. | Admission { Students Notice To Ford Owners Let us overhaul your car now 378 BROCK. STREET Phones: Shop 1039. Res. RECORD EXCHANGE 'our opportunity is now here, en« abliing you to changs our tld re. gords that you have rd so often. There may be a, in our gellection that ou want. Call early 4 for your cords changed at a ame! 4 wr IAM STREET Phone 2073. Notice! BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER is mow booking farm and sfoek sales In Frovtenae County. List sales early and seruye cholce of dates, 124 QUEEN ST, KINGSTON Phone 1721. Credit Sale The undersigned, having farm, will sell by Public Auction, on south half of Lot 44 in the 3rd Con- cession of Camden miles north of Yarker, on TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd 2 2 oat Club Rooms, 87 Princess St. General meeting FRIDAY at 8 pom Subjéct for discussion:--- "HOUSING PROBLEM." At 12 o'clock noon, the following: Three Morses, 14 cows, farm Imple- men harness, ete, De Laval Power Miler, and mew 3 hp. engine, and many other articles. C. JACKSON, Owner. S. W, CLARK, Auctioneer. ns Sma F. BARRETT " | PLUMBER Plumbing and Heating Repair Address Work a Specialty. 225 SYDENHAM STREET Phone 688, DR. NASH DENTIST 188 Princess Street. Phone 7385 We specialize in gas administra- stion, Pyorrhea treatment, Crown and Bridgework. Graduate assistants. Office Hours, 0-0. Physics Report Paper Collegiate Note Paper Science Note Paper Square Ruled Paper ~ 20c. per 100 BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. Wednesday and Thurs- "day. Ads , 25¢c. No & Pe When you sgffer from sick headache and that dizzy, tired feeling, do you ever wonder what is the cause of it all? A large percentage of such suffering is due to BYE STRAIN, Per- haps you see well, but you may getting good sight at'the 'ex- pense of your nervous energy. Let us examine your > eyes and supply the glasses that will make life worth while. by AMES McCREADY, Prick 100 and accrued interest, with » bonus of 20% Underwrittes and Pariker Barueuiars on request. vy Taomton Davidson & Conc. OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS sold his Band at Covered Rink on 15---Reels Best Pictures--15 | * Sessue Hayakawa | efi | "The Dragon Painter" ALICE BRADY "MARIE, LTD." COMEDIES and OTHER REELS SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE GRAND AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Mat. 2.30 j Ereuins at 730 Ground ficor 30ec. _Any seat 20c, Balcony . .20e.| GRIT] NY ee TO-DAY MAE MURRAY THE A.B.C. OF LOVE The TTI FOR CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Firat insertion, lc. & word. . Bach cone secutive insertion thereafter, hailf- cent & word. inimum ¢ for one insertion, 26¢; three Sneertions. 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only: when charged they are double. HELP WANTED. COOK. APPLY ALBION HOTEL. COOK. APPLY ¥ To wns. Jonni, an King street | A HOUSEMAID, A APPLY MRS, Ww. H, Street. Craig, 58 Gore PANT AND VEST MAKERS, to C. Livingston & Bre. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply at 243 Brock Street. coon, GENERAL, APPLY TO MRS. R. W. Garrett, 52 Johnson street. SINGLE N WORK ON FARM. « Cat- MAN TO Apply Alfieg Baker, RMD. aqu APPLY MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. References required. Apply 209 Queen street. ~~ HAROLD LLOYD ini GOOD NURSE TO LOOK AFTER BAB $ months' old. Apply Mrs. Biking 109 Gore street. Captain Kidds' Kids HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY; NO ghlection to one child. Apply Bax 33, Whig Office. Outing Chester Topics of the Day COMING! Thars., Fri., Saturday DOROTHY GISH "Tying the Tables" STEAN] Best Picror aad First. ANITA STEWART In her fourth picture for the First National Exhibitors' Circuit "Her Kingdom Of Dreams" The greatest all-star cast in the his y-of -the Screen. THE PHOTOPLAY PERFECT The magmificent acting of the un rivalled cast, makes every scene » delight. "Back to the Kite WwruToel Mask Sensiett Gipiiedy PEARL WF WHITE ip--¥ "THE BLACK SECR STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA. 'Will play by request Overtures: Na: Mel Robbers" Poet and Peasant." COMING THURSDAY ! "THE WHITE HEATHER" Son YOU LIKE BUTTER--YOU WILL LIKE "The Well Made Nut Margarine" BETTER : Sold .on' a money-back guaran- tee, by all grocers. Michael Sweeney, for many years a county constable operating in Kempt- ville and distriet, died 1n that village last week, after having been in fail-! ing health for a year, . : D. L. Sanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sanford, Brockville, died on i rn a het ses James Selby. Contractor, WOMAN TO DO WASHING AND IRON- ing, at home, for small family. Ap- 1 % Office, VE MAN TO LE &ity; steady em- . Fair, Kingston, TEAMSTER WANTE COOK, GENERAL; NO WASHING NOR ironing; middle aged woman pre- ferred. Apply evenings to 18 ol Hagton streel. EXPERI ENCED GIRL FOR HOUSE. wor good Yas and evenings free, ' Apply to Mrs. Treadgold, 174 Stuart Street. > EXPERIENCED SINGLE MAN TO work on farm; wages $60 a month to start. Apply in person, to Connor, "Cataraqui. WANTED, AT ONCE, GIRL FOR GEN eral store and 'Post Office work. Apply in own hand writing. Also girl, general housework. Apply, stating wages. 8. H. Bolton, Le- vack, Ont. HELP WANTED " 4 3 : Cashier and Prehographer: one 3 + with experience preferred; good 4 Opportunity for the right party. & & Apply, stating age and experiefice % to Box 125, Whig Office. : + ele Pao bbb EPR bb hide LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME or steadily--selllng our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Lompany, Nurserymen, Lmited. Brown Nurseries, P.O. Oats: LADIES WANTED-TG DO PLAIN and light sewing at nome, whole or spare tiie; good pay; <work sent any distance; charges pre- paid. Send stamp for particulars National Manufacturing Company, Montreal, dress dian Home Journal, Toronto, PREP PPRR RRR RR EPR RRR HELP WANTED Lady bookkeeper of ' substan. tial age, to sssume the manage- p ment of offies of vur UWea oi wud fp Store (retail dry goods): must be p fully experienced in bookkeep- pb ing, banking, etc, and would pre- p fer some ocustomg experience. This p is a very comfortable position in rine. u © ur anagement, and In a $ -to-date office. Owen § : on IB estrably jooat on the p Georgian Apply sta 5 exe ; rience, red salary, etc, . Ryan & Cp. Guelph, Sle RL --, : i PPI SPP PPEIE PPI PLT "er > EETTYVURY EET ERE ENTE WANTED GENERAL. ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI~ tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington streets. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPE TER Phone 1898w. "University Avenue. MUSIO. Hn a BACKER, AT. CM, TEACHER OF Jano and theory, prepares for all ge ades of Conservatory of Music aminations. 65 Arch Street William Penny, aged thirty-five, a well known C.P.R. locomotive engi-| neer, died of pneumonia in Smith's Fails on Th y.- Born at Carleton Place, he had been in the service of the C.P.R. for about fifteen years. a arr od ores WANTED TO RENT, A MODERATE | sized house. Apply in writing to | Herbert Kiell. 241 King street, city. | FIFTY ACRES OF LAND CLOSE To | eify, without butldings; must be low price. Apply Box D-23, Whig | Office. | ---- ne i SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT PIANO for cash or in part payment of | of new ' pianos and grafono Lind- say Limited, 121 sath street. HOUSE TO RENT, WESTERN PART of city by May 1st, or soofier; gire- ful tenant; mo children. AvRly Sasing terms. Box B-23, Whig Of- PED AND BOYS TO PAT- wanTE Oh urzon. barber. Men's a ne hair cut, 200. Shave 10c. Razors hoped 2c. 236 Ontario St, near Erock Street. WANTED BY CAREFUL, TENANT BY ist May, or soouner, ie? roomed house, im good local furnished or unfurnished. stating termg to Box S45, w ~ Yonice. FARM, MUST implements; would be willing to work on shares. Will take possession {m- mediately. Apply Box C-23, Whig. WANTED RENT, A have stork and all WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING their bicyeles. to be cleaned .and stored for winter. Skates sharpen- ed snd hollow' ground; also baby carriage tires put on while yeu wait. George Muller, mn and 373 King st. Phone 1033w. MALE HELP WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR" HOME + WORK, We need you to make socks on the fast. easily learned Auto Knitter. Experience unnecessary. Distance immaterial. Positively no can. yassing. Yarn aupplied. Particu- lars 3c. stamp. apt. MC, Aute Knitter Co.. Toro TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED, NORMAL TEACHER FOR 8S. 8. No. 18, North Fredericksburgh. Salary 3660; duties to commence at once. Apply to Norman Fitchett, R. M. D. 3, Napanee, Ont, LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Sonicators, 78 Clarence Street. Kingston. B. Cunning. ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, EBARBISTER and solicitor, Law office, corger of King and Boock, over Royal Bank. Money to lofa. PF. wn MILER B.Ap, Se, OE OL. S$. LLS, MK .LC., Napages, Qn hs Land S Surveyor. K fice: Walkem & Walk ence street. ifngeton of- em, $3 Clar- PERSONAL. tie STRICTLY PRIVATE CLUB; FREE TO ladies; hundreds of wealthy mem- bers; wealthy farmers' daughters; many of them wealthy orphans, working persons preferred. Their ages are from 17 to 40. Enclose stamped addvessed envelope, B. Isherwood, isherwood P. O., Ont. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH marks, skin cancers, scars, eto., re- moved permanenpy. Satisfactory glagses fitted and" furnished after others have failed. Goltre removed. 35 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J, Lake Kye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 363 Bagot street, GIRLS WANTED Who want to make Higher Wages Than th Average Will Find the Opportunity at our Plant We teach you a trade Tending Textile Machines Pay $8 a week for learning * Dominion Textile Co. Ontaraqui Street. A tt tr SA it NNN Mrs. Albert Gile, Harlem, died on Wednesday, after two months iliness aged seventy-three years. 4 en, - BE _-- *® better condition than if shipped Phong 1668. | bode d FOUND PAIR OF GORD RIMMED glasses, on corner of Brock and Barrie, two weeks, ago. Owner can hava by calling at 258 Johnson street. ' ¥ WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11th, A fountain pen. on Prjhicess St, Owner may have e by des scribing n. by mail, to Mrs. Melville Ellereck, Harrow. smith, Ont, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and Fisning to reach the owner may y reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed in this] column free of charge. "Found articles" does not In- clude lost dogs, cattle. horses, etc. These, if lost. may be ad- vertised tor in the "Lost" column. emer ere LOST. TAUPE LYNX MUFF, EITHER AT Outer Station or in some store last week. Finder kindly leave at Ma- hood's Drug Store and receive re- ward. OPEN FACED AMERICAN WALTHAM watch, between 70 William street | and Frontendc Moulding and Glass Qo'y inelugive. Finder please return to Jo viltlam street and receive re- w. ) BLA A SPEED CUTTER. Frontenae street. FIRST CLASS MARKET WAGGO APPLY 162 ! ~ i most new. Apply L. Ryder, "Athi R i HOUSE AND LOT IN VILLAGE 2 Wilton. 4 Apply Waker Shibley, Wil mn, Ont mt FORD ) Cam, ns MOUEL; ALL J IN; repair A ellingto silver, Harro ar ng n JUDSON'S AUT yo Fe, BROCKVILLE, © have the Plate Glass 1% Lighta fo back Curtains, all kinds . SOLID BRICK HOUSES, NOS, 353, East. F > faite i43 King Street Nog 4 ONE ORGAN FOR 35,00; ONE PIANG | for $25.00, for quick By at Queen Street Methodist church. Apply un Garret sureet. 36000100 ACRES, ALL GOOD LAND, facing the lake. Farm nouse an ns. Gn A. Bateman, 169 lington Street. "eiral Sa ARTITE, 0 OF FURS; ford, the Auctioneer, y street. Phone 1731 the uy LOT FOR SALE § 135; Earl Street location. ee leaving Clty; will sell coneap fop Cash. Apply Box E-2, Wg Uffice. i | maxn A3r sort BRICK. FOR Al a € Or sma. uaptitt BE iH titles. Wathen, el reel Y'aone 1391), or 308 an Wels FU of Montreal, up Clar- ence. out Wellington to 5 art's office. Liberal reward if re- seilied Ww Whig ultice. T0 LET. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BEDROOM FOR gentleman. Apply 73 Sydenham st, 5 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locats ed. Apply 243 Brock street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dry. Apply E E Wathen, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391). TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS ON bathroom flat; furnace; eleotric Lsixts. Apply Box 4-21, Whig Of- oe, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 88 Brock street. Phone 326 or 621 A 2 SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE TO let, 7 Garrett wireet; vacant Mar. Sth. Apply G. H. Veale, 317 Bart- lett Ave., Toronto, Ont. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 239% Queen street. Phone 526; res. 98%. FURNISHED ROOM, IN QUIRP HOME, where no other roufiers are kept; all conveniences; 'central; man preferred. Whig Office: pn gs Paros AER Fentie- Apply Box 254, TO RENT. GERARD HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT Fiano; case in gwd condition and Just been' tuned. Will reat to re- " Hable party only; $5.00 per month, Phone 1968aw., or 1699J. UPHOLSTERING CALL 'OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. Gavine, uphoister, 218 Saget St. W. HAROLD FOR YOU UPe holstering and general n Ve orders at or LS 104 Clergy street. arop & 'card to F. FINANCIAL LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available assety, $61,187,215. in sddition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of city property. insured at lowest possibile rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange and Strange, Agents. Phone 325. s FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; -- Incorported 1361, President, W. F. Nickie, K.C.; vice. resident, A. B. Cunningham. oney issued om' city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- ance street, Kingston. DENTAL A. KNA ADS, DD B.A, gies 58 Pein Street. Pi i DRS. SPARKS LAND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington str Carnoveky's, Phone 346. oot, over BUSINESS CHANCES BST THOUSAND and dividend 8 oiaring production Conroe Ofl Sonrve | Bank" Bide' iy 12 Union GENUINE GRAPHONO AND rma. $6, Shah. your i. A Ax 42. ermas, 1 per week. ndsay, and! Bor inn Poses oo SIFFS, CANOES, p= FOR OUT. board motors; Tents, Awnings, Cap Suppues, dic. Frank w, Youu, 2iy bagol "wtreet. Phone ONE 1918 CHEVROLET TO Car; one URING 1918 Ford touring oar; bona in first ciass condition. App! COLL 8 Garage, cormer oa Bagot Streets, Sugen DEN. Texas. Houston, EE0N. Also many other ar Must be sold t - a) his week. 393 Prin WE HAVE FOR SALF ALL KIND! 800d second hand Turniture a Sloves. Any person having stoves and rurnisure fo Siapuse of, we will PAY Dignest prices. Thompson, 333 rrincess streévll Phung Leeuw, TRAP NESTED STOCK,' TWO Bult Orpington puliets, eight lets and one cvckerel to pen. Beil caeap for QUICK sae, Joan Brown, R. Favne 1102 R.%, a 5. No. 1. Kingwin. FOR QUICK SA TWO UNFIN Bungsiows. fon, Altres sued: nd AT Baie aes Jusuding fon iat on me v ea APpiy R. Show +53 Weddin savet, executor, 'Lhomas-dailis, 79 Clarence' Street. or: Yun! tL DUgEY, set of single asrness; ¢ denvery WagEYn; aise a #69 Fes Castaam incubator, and CASAp 10 QUICK Du, Ap~ ply Wi ean arent, er by MARKET GARDEN, CONTAINING acres; Kouvd bulidings; spusn fruit. trees wna other i Dext to Mowat & Wil, Snap ror quick Luge Fadi WOrk ail compieted. Pons San be oovlalued at Ones, Appr" to » _-- Caye, $7 Brook St. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. wo0--iRANE, § RmooMs; sronm $1600-DOVRLE R. ~C. HOU rooms eaca: lmprovements. $2100---FRAME; 6 R: ments; Wrae ae O0MS; IMPROVE. vse; 8 EW FRAME 5 RO provements; clectrie ri $4400---DOUBLE BRICK VENEER; rooms edoh;- all i improvements, ¥2.200, FRAME' Hous Large lot and 4 stable. $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, § improvements, electric SE T ROOMS, VICTORY BONDS A MEDICAL DR. J. RB dm KANE Wisk T™O that at 106 Well Post Of] Rooms, or hi af: