! PAGE FOURTEEN ¢ THE DAIL / 2 5 Y BRITISH WHIG =. x : -- | SUITABLE FOR THE MILJTARY HEADQUARTERS STAFF. A Move to be Made From the Armor- jes Which is Required by the Mill- Ha Units, i The district headquarters staff Is searching for a new administration : puilding. Under the reorganization scheme, the militia units claim the use of the Kingston armouries, which 'were built expressly for militia pur- poses. The district headquarters staff has always ooctupled the offices, in the building, but now it is realiz- od that a move has to be made, and every building, in the city that might be: suitable for the purpose and Is available has been Inspected by the officers and the architect of the Pub- fic Works department. ~ There are several buildings in Kingston reported suitable for the headquarters staff and it is under- * « stood that a proposal has been sub- Zz mitted to the Ottawa authorities for = consideration. If the accommoda- tion is ample and thé site a suitable ~ one there is a prospect of the gov- "ernment buying .the property, ' as Kingston is likely to remain the head- quarters of the district, as it was demonstrated during the whole per- : fod of the war that the district head- quarters was in the proper place. Investigation Ordered. A meeting of the Portsmouth Board of Health was held on Mon- day. < Yers were dealt with, among - them complaints of the' pollution of wells by the sewage drain from the Mowat Hospital. Attention was first direct- od to this matter by Mr. Redden, but , other residents are reported as com- ; plaining that" the water in their . wells is not fit for use by reason of _ similar contamination. An investi- ., gation hag been ordered. > rem mms efi celts Andrew Pepper, Addison, died on Wednesday, aged seventy-two years. He had been ill for some weeks. r or BUILDING rr Vancouver Express For Winni- | | ! A number of important mal-| children being encored rT -- A CONVENIENT TRAIN peg-Calgary-Vancouver. | Passengers for Western Canada | will find fhe "Vancouver Express" from Toronto, 10 p.m. daily via Ca- | nadian Pacific a most convenient | train. It stops at and connects for all | principal points, | 8 + The equipment consists of up-to- date standard sleepers, dining car, | tourigt sleepers, compartment obser- | vation car, first class coaches and | colonist car. | The most beautiful scenery in Ca- nada is along the line of the Cana- | dian Pacific with magnificent Rocky | Mountain resorts at Banff, Lake | Louise and Glatier. ht Those contemplating a Pacific Coast trip should get in. touch with #F. Conway, Canadian Pacific ticket | agent, 239 Bagot street, corner Brock, Kingston, or; write W. B. Ho- ward, district passenger agent, Tor- onto. - Had an Enjoyable Time. An enjoyable evening's énteirtain- ment was provided in the hall of Cooke's church on Monday evening, under the auspices of the Young Peo- ple's Society. The chiet item on the programme was an illustrated lec- ture on "The Romance of the Rock- jes" by Rev. W. Taylor Dale. Mr, Dale showed some splendid pictures of mountain scenes, and spoke of many thrilling and amusing experi- ences in that part of the Dominion. Little Jackie and Leola Telgmann delighted the audience with their piano and violin duets, these talented repeatedly. Other items on the programme were quartettes by Dr. Allan Haffner, Fred Haffner, Fred Wilson and Mr. Thom- son, solos by, Dr. Allan Haffner, and character stdies--by Lance-Corporal Kelly. A ---- A man by the name of McGivver, Had a cold and an awful shiver, But he knew what to do, . For he called it the "fiu," And they gave him a quart of "Green River." Children A years has not proven. What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the'relief of Constipation, Flatuléncy, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort--The Mothér's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Awwavs Bears the Signature of age is its guarantee. "In-Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Cry for Fletcher's 'CASTORIA «Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for. grown-ups are not interchangeable a remedy for the common ailments of that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has béen made for it that its use for over 30 It was the need of Infants and Children It contains | and latest hits, can still be bought on COLUMBIA RECORDS at the same price. Call inv and hear these:-- 4 ~ Lassus----Trombone NOVOItY ......seeesiinss.s i ASS25---00c. | | Hello, Hello--One Step ] : Jrrriradreacnsieeas ss ARSIS--D0C: Hesitating Blies--Fox Trot .....ovesiesss qq: ASE18--00c. .| relatives in Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. cal selection by Mr. Steacy and dau- which was well received. In the ab- sence of James Anderson, Mountain daughter which won applause. J. L. has received another ILLNRSS AT KEELERVILLE. James Boal Receives Good Price for Ten Young Cows, Keélerville, Feb. 21.--Despite the stormy weather the mail carrier made the trip every day, but the people did not receive any Kingston mail all week until Friday morning. Grippe is quite prevatent, and there are also a few cases of scarlet fever. | George McFarlane and family have | all been down with grippe. ; Mrs. William Dixon, Sr, living with Mrs. McFarlane, her daughter, had the misfortune to fall a few days ago, while waiting on the sick, and hurt herself quite badly. There were no bones broken, and mothing of a serious nature is expected. Samuel! Yateman's and Charles Clark's have been quarantined for scarlet fever. Both cases are getting better. School has.been closed for a few days, on account of the epi- demic. Jamies Boal sold a fine lot of young cows to William Gordon of Cashen- dell, Pittsburg township, receiving nearly $1,000 for the ten head, all three-year-olds. ¢ The canvassers for the Forward Movement did their work last week and had great success. John R. Sleeth is hauling logs to Battersea 'saw mill. Alexander Jackson has purchased Mrs. Johnston's farm and LEADERS IN MOVIES. i - 'Placed on Casket of the Late Core intends taking possession on the 1st of March. Melville Johnston has recently bought the Merriman farm at Elgin and will leave for there the lst of March, Mr, and Mrs. Oram Baxter attended the social evening given at Thomas Abbott's, Friday night, near Battersea. Miss Leta McLroy intends | jeaving for the west with her broth- er, who lives near Regina. * She will be greatly missed in the community | as she was always ready to take part in all the social entertainments. i On Wednesday evening, February | 18th, at the parsonage, Battersea, by | Rev. .B. Codling, Miss Frankie Ab- | bott was, united in .marriage to Dempsey Brenten of Glenvale, a pros | perous young fagymer.. After the] ceremony a sumptuous tea was provided for at the home of the] bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abbott. A large number of friends were present. wh Mr. and Mrs. White of California and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sleeth, Bat- tersea, were at Edward Andrews on Sunday. Willlam King built a boat for Joseph Anglin. Miss Bernice Sutherland of Battersea is at Edward | Sleeth's, i REPORTS FROM ODESSA. Exchange of .Properties--Salvation Army Officer in Hobpital. A Odessa, Feb, 23.--Mrs. George Ettinger, Kingston, spent a few days with her parents, "Mr. and Mrs. | George Watts last week. Mr. and | Mrs. James Burns and little daug- hter, Patricia, Tamworth, returned last Sunday from visiting Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Lawlor. Miss Bertha Graham is visitiag relatives in Syden- ham. Miss Mary Hodge has been spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. Radcliff, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Snider are visiting Leeman, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Heath, returned to their home 'in Hpéwers Mills last Wednesday. A. B, Aylesworth has moved in the James Bailey house gn the corner of | : Centre street and Ferguson avenue. Mr. Smith, Harrowsmith, has pur- chased the Frank McCormac farm and will take possession about April 1st. Mr. and Mrs. McCormac's many friends are hoping that they may still reside here. David Smith has purchased the Henry Hutchins' pro- perty on Factory street. Harold Cairns, of the Royal Bank Merricksville, has been promoted to the Royal Bank, Trenton, a new branch that has just been opened. Edward Johnston's friends will be interested to know that he has pur- chased a valuable farm near Whitby, and recently moved to his new home. Captain Rogers, of the Salvation Army, was taken to the Kingston General Hospital last Sunday after- noon. Mrs, James Kenny and daugh- ter, Olive May, whuv have been serfously ill, are improving. Miss Viola Tierney, who has veen very ll with pneumonia, is recovering. U. F. O. SOCIAL EVENT. Held in thé Township Hall at Har- rowsmith. Harrowsmith, Feb. 21.--A fine soy cial evening was held in the township hall, Thursday evening, eb. 20th. Despite the recent heavy snow storm and roads nearly blocked, the hall was comfortably filled with a jolly good crowd of farmers and their wives who were on hand with Wwell- filled baskets bf eatables. After sup- per was served, the chair was ably filled by W. S. Reid, president. The first on the programme was 4 musi- ghter on the mandolin and harp View. Mr. Burgess, secretary of the U.F.0., Wilton, very ably filled in with a good speech. Another selec: tion was given by Mr. Steacy and F. Sproule, county director, was cal- led on and gave a fine address which was well received. After another to its appearance. The U.F.0. club of corn on Friday and expects a of oats this . an GE 2 Rivers. R23 JAY J. ALLEN Vice-president Allen Theater enter. prises. JULE ALLEN Vice-president Allen Theatre enter- prises. Died in the Penitentiary. An unfortunate Italian died in the penitentiary on Monday, and whiie he had no relatives in Canada, "he did have mongy to his credit in ond of the banks." He left a will direct- ing that his body be decently buried and the expenses charged against his bank account, the balance of which was to be sent to his relatives in Italy. His wishes are being fulfill- ed. M. P. Keyes, undertaker, went to the penitentiary and received the body, which will be buried In St. Mary's cemetery, where a plot was secured for the purpose. . Military Notes. * "Ydeut.-Col. Regan, director of pay services, militia headquarters, Ot- tawa, 1s in the city, He made an in- spection of the district pay office, which is under Lieut.-Col. Tooley, district' pay officer. 8 There is a great deal of specula- tion over who is to be appointed of- ficer commanding the Army Medical Corps of the permanent force in M.D. No. 3. he appointment {is under consideration, but the an- nouncement of the appointment will not be made for some time yet. Committed For Trial. At the police court on: Tuesday morning, Magistrate Farrell com- mitted Herbert Hogan for trial in connection with the theft of several packages of cigarettes, reported stolen from a Grand Trunk freight car while on its way from Montreal to Kingston. Hogan claims he found the cigarettes i= a bag near the outer station, and that the police got them at his home after he had re- ported the case. : Playing Fine Hockey. who is goal (eader tor the Sauk Sts Marie team is by ths far the best man on that teat. When the 1 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1990. i . . MANY FLORAL TOKENS poral H. J. McGall i Many beautiful floral tokens were | placed on the casket at the funeral | of the late Corporal Hugh J. McCall, | which took place on Monday after- - noon, They included the following: Pillow--Family; 2nd Battalion, Wreaths--Mr. and Mrs, J. F. So- wards and family; Neil and Dassie Davie; Mr. and Mrs. Olfin and family, Miss Flora Lyons; Messrs. Bill, Joe and Herb. Kennedy; George Mowat; Imperial Tobacco Co.; Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Paynter and family; Obendort- fer family; No. 3 detachment R.C.O. G.; My, Sn Mrs. Jas. McGall and family; . and Mrs, T. McLaughlin and family; Mr, and Mrs. J. A. So- 'wards; Mrs. Sowards and family; Mrs, Jack McGall;: Star fruit store; Depk 25, Abraham and Straus, Brooklyn, N.Y.; G: £. Donnelly, Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. Chas. Double- day, Rochester, N.Y.; Taxi No." 860; Lieut. Hughes. - Anchor -- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and family. \ Cross--Mr. and "Mrs. Thos. King. Sheaves--Harry Tweedle; Mr. and Mrs. J. Watts; "Bill" McCullough; B. Curzon and family; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paynter; Major L. F. Goodwin; Misses Annie McCormick; Lulu Mul- len; Mary Dickson; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Hanson; R. J. Rodger and staff; Mr, and Mrs. T. ,Angrove; Mr. and Mrs, T, H. Bran- inah; Miss Dody Doolan; Orphans' Glee Club; Margaret and Eddie Hal- ligan; Mr, and Mrs. A. McQuaid; Moore Boys sai The remains of the late Pte. Law- rence J. Beck who passed .away at the Sydenham Hospital on Monday Reape sent to Port Colborne by James aid. ahd Mrs. A. T. AOI L013 J Place Your Order With Us Why place your order out ot town when you can get the :' finest DUBLIN GINGER ALE, ENGLISH GINGER BEER, 5 CLUB SODA, at Thompson Bottling Works All brands of Domestic and Imported Cigars and Cigarettes. 'Wholesale Tobacconists. 202 Princess St. Stand, || Notice To The Electors Of The City Of Kingston - in the Court House on TURSDAY EVENING, Bon Sieg, by eld clock, to consider matters of importance to all interestéd in the good government of our country. Ww. R. ALLAN, Sec'y (pro tem), dim" Phone 467 and our salesman will call. WHEN AL ADVERTISERS demand their money's worth, all publications will provide circulation reports veri- fied by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is one of the mysteries of the advertising world that while all manufacturers demand' verification of weight and quality in the material purchased, some of them still buy advertising space without knowing what they are paying for. £ Such advertisers, however, are now exceptional. Most of them demand verified A. B. C. circulation statements before placing contracts. In the case of thgBritish Whig, the demand is immediate- ly met. The Brit itish Whig is a. member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations--the only Kingston member. Small Cash Payment Pr ed i Sa He ER EST iN be Progressive Sewing Machine Club | This Is All You Need To Join The | ~ White wonder fully popular Payment Plan. Not many machines machin e at the specially Reduced Club Price. When you money can buy snywhere. is not a sale of any particular style selected for the purpose or «of old or shop worn stock. Every machine is equipped with all the latest improvements which over fifty years manufac. turing experience have provided. The White has come to the "will be sold on this Club * ®Table of Payments" jonly a limited number Plan. Opportunities to buy the White on so lib eral a plan are seldom of- fered. If you join this club you will mever re- gret it.