| TUESDAY, FEBRUINY 24, 1920. BLIND LOVE : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG By Juanita Hamel 1 + A IS YEARS' FIRE Just think! That is the time through which Mr. KE. C. Buckley endured all the flery torture of Itching, burning eczema. His life was a perfect misery. until Zam- Buk--the great herbal! skin cure-- brought complete relief. Mr. Buckley, who lives at 461 ! East Broadway, Portland | 1 i i | i '| . - As I persevered with Zam-Buk the burning sensation got less. I found Zam-Buk wonderfully sooth- Ing. Gradually the hes of sore Bess and the inflammation were re- duced, and complete and perman- ent cure finally resulted. I would strongly advise all afflicted with eczema to give Zam-Buk a trial. It will give them /satisfgction. They will not be disappointed." No skin disease can resist the po- tent healing forces stored up - Zam-Buk, which is unequalled fo old wounds, ulcers, ahscesses, bad legs, scalp sores, blood-poisoning, plies, scalds, burns, cuts and all skin All druggists and stores, or Zam-Buk Co, Toronto. 50c. box. Roman Agricultural Notes, | Cincinuatus quitted bis plow at the summons of a Roman senate to lead the armies of the republic to battle. Cate labored daily on his farm. Regulus asked, permission of the Roman senate dr leave of. absence that he might put his little farm tn order, " Virgil had charge of his father's farm. Pliny, the Roman author, says: | "Four hundred stalks of wheat, all grown from ome seed, were sent to the ' Emperor Augustus, and at another time 540 from one seed were sent to the Emperor Nerd from Byzantlum in Africa." ; : la, a Roman writer on' agri- cultural prescribes this curious treatment for working oken: "After oxen get through plowing and come home heated and tired, they must huve a little wine poured down throats, and after being fed a. little led out to drink; and if they will net drink, the boy must whistle to make them." Ae Denmark's Flag. The flag of Denmark, a plain red banner, bedring on it a white gross, is the oldest flag mow in existence. For siore than 500 years both Norway and Sweden were unlted/ with Denmark under this flag. In the year 1212 King | Waldemar of Denmark, when leading his troops to battle against the Liven: aus, saw, or thought he saw, a bright their | oy ~ PAGE NINE FOR SALE 4 Splendid farm; 135 acres; 13 miles trom city; 100 acres plow land. Apply: W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 30 Brock Se, Phone 494 All kinds of old Mattresses Renovated and Recovered | Frontenac Mattress Co, 17 BALACLAVA STREET light in the form of a cross in the sky, He held this appearance to be a prom Ise of divine aid, and pressed forward te victory. From this time d 'the eross placed on the flag of his country | and called it the Dannebrog--that is the strength/ of Denmark.--Indianapo "After'a man hay Sdrved as town ship clerk for about six weeks he imagines himself qualified to take Every man on thé job thinks he knows more than the boss. over the recording angel's job. 1S- DELIGHT | --=TOILETSOAR R 2 Infants Dfigit fihe borated/follet. soap. CT pan: er delightful OHN TAYLOR & CO., Dept. 14 Toronto, Ou: 207 af diaer =: ) 0 NF. "Blind!" says the cynic of the mef who is in love, * Perhaps this A. And no matter what the cynic says, the optimist shakes a know- is Why many a masculine adventurer has patised on the brink of ing head 'and hides a smile--a smile that says he is glad some are : matrimony. But only paused--if he be blind enough to everything the brink he stands sxcept the call of ONE pair of curving; ruby lps end the laugh- of all the world to Ing, beckoning eyes of her he adores--he will not pause for long. a a gloriously blind 'enough to { upon leads to happiness him, love, and that with THE girl M HAN 7 NAH ARBULND ThE House WELL WELLS > WHA 'N Wow | Jumsers BOUT THAT ~-'TS. ALL OUT HAFTA BUILD IT ALL UP GAIN - WBLL AIN'T Too BAD JERRY * MoOY t This Ad, =! md & bo ox ode ve Qut'Out This Ad. =. ANTS DELIGHT 3 et Aa wy 20 Trials Free To Show You What Clean Teeth Mean ' All Statements Approved by High Dental Authoritiés This is to offer a 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent =the 100th Pate WHI COM the Se bah chARAPRETL si tat ar . BEfoRe "FLU WAS INVENTED