Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1920, p. 7

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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1020, EE CHURCH ANNIVERSARY « rr ---- Price Is Not All IT IS NOT WHAT YOU PAY for a SUIT that counts--it is what you get for your money. One suit could be poor buying at $18.00, and another Suit could be big value at $45.00. v Whether you give us $18 or $45 for your Suit you get full value for your money every. time. Try us for your next Suit, D.J. WILL "THE MEN'S STORE" "DEFECTIVE + VISION fective barrier to a man's pro- gréss unless he seeks the advice an optometrist, who can examine into. his eye structure and see with ar vision the weaknesses or ab- rmalities that must be corrected. We can render you that kind of ser- vice and assure you complete eye comfort and price satisfaction. P cite vision is a most ef- i "whe House of Better Glasses" = - Opposite the Post Office Phone 009. KINGSTON. Great Pd and vlgortes the the Hnervous system, makes new Blood Used for Nervous Sorin of Memary. , si ns Fie DECORATIONS We have in stock, viz.: w~<Military Cross wMilitary Medal «Mons Star 1914-15 wie, C. M. : --Digtingunished Flying Cross. A miniature of any Decoration, Order and Medal can be prog cured. Kinnear & d'Esterre a ND FOR SALE. Olden WnanID. 204 acres. mine eral rights reserved. Timber lot, chiefly hardwood, valuable. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, 368 Ciarence St, Kiugstom. "YOUR OLD TIRES : Give Double Mileage if They Are REBUILT By Our Latest Process - 10 p.c. DISCOUNT "~ FOR 10 DAYS ONLY ON ALL REBUILT TIRES TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRS. DON'T WAIT TILL SPRING. DO IT NOW Tomorrow May Be Too Late You Can SAVE MONEY Today [MOORE ] ii A The House of Good Tire Repairs Cul Bove Cle Baton Boot extension soln; "sizes 8 to 10%, Miss" Highest, Gun Metal Calf snd Viet Kid Bale; & sizes 11 to 2. NOW socisnarrrcarss sosavenrnabneassongness Al M. Reid SHOE STORR a . : t Bruce Taylor, 'ling of the vicissitudes of life to the .| Christian, who was compensated by SPECIAL SERVICES WERE | HELD THERE ON SUNDAY Principal Bruce Taylor and Principal S$. W. Dyde Were The Preachers-- Rev. Alexander Dunn is Pastor. The twenty-ninth anniversary of Wion Presbyterian Church was cele- brated by appropriate. services on Sunday, The services were marked by splendid sérmons preached by Dr. principdl of Queen's University, and Rev. Principal Dyde of Queen's Theological College, while special music was beautifully rendered by the okoir. Rev. Alex-| ander Dunn, MA, B.D, is pastor of | Zion Church, which is situated on | Pine street, and the devotion of 'the congregation to the church and pas- tor is well known. Mr. Dudn is an energetic pastor, broad in his sym- pathies, and a most effective preach- er. Dr, Taylor preached at the morn- ing service. He awakened a keen spiritual insight into the true mean- spiritual enrichment for the lapse of years and the nonfulfillment of cher- ished earthly objects. He found his illustration in the life of Naomi, who i had lost husband and sons, and i youth and beanty. But she had kept | and strengthengd her faith. Here | the speaker presemed a vivid por- |trayal of the lives- of men and: wo- | hen, all of whom ire at some time | or another faced by. the same reali: | ties that disturb their poise, and who { give way to depressing thoughts that | spoil them. While it was so with | | ordinary people, eminent men fre-| headaches with the worst kind of their use- | dizzy spells, quently succumbed, and | fulness was destroyed. It was here| {that men were strengthened and -sus- | tained by a faith that was enriched {'as they relaxed their hold upon the | objects that had previously engrossed | their lives. Miss Rass took the solo in the an« them, "0, Worship the King," very [ sweetly, and: Mr. Fry sang, "Just for { Today," in good voice. Dr. Dyde was the preacher in the evenin The speaker showed in a powet| ul and striking manner that there is no neutral position in the re- ligious life of the present day. He dealt minutely with the passages in the book of Judges, where Deborah, though a woman, by her zeal and energy. preserved Israel from des- truction by uniting the tribes into a force sufficient for the purpose. Dr, Dyde said we should at all times be ready to do the things we fear to do when we know that. they are | right. In the late war Canada's sol- | diers overcame their fears in the. face | of danger and shared in a world vies tory. The anthem, "Holy Father Cheer Our Way," was beautifully rendered, reflecting much credit upon Mrs. Lennox, organist and choir director. Miss Ross sang the solo. A duet, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," was sung by Mr. Donnelly and Miss Ross with much feeling. The annual report of the church shows a very prosperous year, the ladies' guild and the girls' circle con tributing in a large measure to the result by earnest work and conse- crated ability. #* At Cooke's Church Sunday was a real Scotch night at §| Cooke's Presbyterian Church. Rev. W. Taylor Dale began a series of lectures on "The Religious Outlook of Great Men," by a thoughtful and inspiring address on "Robert Burns, . Scotland's National Poet." During the service appropriate prusie was rendered. Misses C. and E. Easson sang as a duet, the sacred ballad, "My Ain Countrie." Lieut.-Col. James Galloway sang the 'solo, "Jesus, Shepherd of the Sheep," to the air of "Scots Wha Hae." There was a very large congregation. WORK OF SUNDAY SCHOOL DEALT WITH IN CHURCHES ON SUNDAY The Annual Meeting of the Sunday School Association of Kingston Monday Afternoon and Evening. The annual meeting of the city Sunday School Association opened in some of the city churches on Sun- day. Rev. T. A. Halpenny, BA, Rev. S. H. Langford, Rev. P. K. Day- foot and Rev. Dr. J C. Robertson, who are "live wire" Sunday school workers, were thé preachers. The sessions will be continued on Monday afternoon and evening. They opened at two o'clock this afternoon and will continue until six o'clock when all the Sunday school workers' of the city will gather at St. An- drew's. church hall and have supper, after which denominational gather-|. igs will 'be held: until eight o'clock, when a general meeting will be held | in St. Andrew's Church. morning, in Sydenham odist Charch, Rev. Mr. Halpenny spoke on the need of re- ligious education for the children. From» - the time that --the child was it was the duty the church to see K.| ton superintendent, in this report for /y THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ST. JOHN WOMAN GAINS 20 POUNDS Was All Run Down After the "Flu"--In Perfect Health Since Taking Tanlac, - - According to the testimony of the multiplied thousands who have used it, there is nothing more invigorating than Tanlac to persons suffering from the after-effects of grippe, in- fluenza, pneumonia, typhoid fever, and bronchial troubles, or who are in' a rundowa condition from any couse, Among the many thousands of New Brunswick people who have realised the powers of the medicine is Mrs. Agnes Henwood, residing at 61 Marsh Road, St. John. In relating her res markable experience with Tanlae, Mrs, Henwood states that she has not only gotten rid of all the after-effects of influenza, but that she has also gained twenty pounds In weight. Here is her statement: "It anyone who reads this' state- ment is suffering from the effects of the 'in' I want to advise them to try Tanlae, for that is the medicine that gave me back my health and built me up so wonderfully after everything else failed to help me. I had three attacks of influenza and was down in bed from December 1918 to April 1918, I was 80 weak 1 simply could not walk, my appetite was gone 4nd I was so sick at the stomach all the time that I could scarcely retain a thing. My nerves were 80 competely shattered that the | closing of a door or just any little noise would upset me; I had fearful and my condition was most serious and distressing. "One day my husband got after me to try Tanlac, saying that other peo- ple were getting good from it, so I began taking it and the very first bottle did me a world of good. My appetite. soon returned, I go 86 1 could eat without having that nause- ated feeling, and then I commenced to.get back my lost weight and strength. I have taken six bottles of Tanlac now and my headaches, as well as all my other miserable feel- ings, are gone. I have also gained twenty pounds in weight and am feelidg stronger and better than 1 had for years, even before I had the 'in.' So.now that I have tried Tan- lac I can conscientiously recommend it to others who are Waiting for something to relieve their suffering and puild them up. It is the only thing that ever helped mé and I be- lieve it will help ahyone in a run: down condition like I was." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P Chown, and by the leading drug- gists in every town. --Advt. looking after 3 Canada. Rev. Dr. J. C. Robertson, general secretary of the young peoplé's work of the Presbyterian church, gave an address in Chalmer's church on Sun- day evening. "STONE PILE" CONDEMNED ,500 Sunday schools of {IS STRONGLY. ADVOCATED BY | DOMINION SUPERINTENDENT { Men in the Prisons Should be Doing | Useful Work and Paid For It--| Would Like to See Tobacco Re- stored. The abolition of the stone pile in Canadian penitentiaries is strongly advocated by. W. S. Hughes, Domin- the last fiscal year to the minister of justice, Hon. C. J. Doherty. "Noth- ing ever written regarding the 'stone pile' was to my mind sufficiently square," he affirms, "and I never look at the men at this work that I do not wish I could place those re- sponsible in their places® Superintende ughes also' advo- cates employmegt for every man in useful work, ahd '®& small wage which in the case of a married man, would be turned over to his family and for single men would be held to. give The. report depreciates the theory of "criminal t pes" among the meu sent to penitehtiaries. "Because a man commits one bad act, we have no right to say he is a bad man, y more than a man who does one good act shoyld be considered a good man," is Superin- tendent Hughes' terse way of ex- pressing it. The old question of tobacco for the prisoners is again dealt with. Mr, Hughes states that the majority of wardens and chaplains advocate a small weekly ration, and he suggests that if the men were paid they would be in a.position to purchase their own smoking material. he issue of tobacco in Canadian "pens" was abandoned in 1898. The number of convicts in the "pen" at the close of the fiscal year was 1,680, compared with 1,468 at the close of the previous year, The "pen" Jhopulation was divided as follows: Kingston, 549; St. Vin- cent de Paul, 380; Dorchester, 226; Manitoba, 149; British Columbia, 148; Alberta, 121; Saskatchewan, 116, Biitish-born prisoners bere Lie, and foreign-born 549, the lat- luding 113 as and 83 Russians. poe Dominion, parole officer, W. k Archibal is report append. los = sperine ndent's ih them a pew start upon their release. |] a 5 y . wesc - Pe Good Bargains Values for TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 4.85 Sale of Women's Fine, Brown, Kid, Laced Boots? high fobs medium and high heels; nearly every size 35c¢. 'Women's White Rubbers. Baby's Black Rubbers. Sizes 3 and 4 oily. 12 Girls' and Children's warm, Felt Sizes 4 to 10and 11 to . Slippers. Neck Pieces and Muffs We have the new models in the fashionable Furs and now is the time to buy as next year's prices will be higher. Come in and look. ~ CAMPBELL BROS. ASTOUNDING FACTS THAT COUNT Household Furnishings are "pouring" out of this im- mense stock dally to our ute most capacity. It is & fact that if the buying public knew the conditions of the market to-day, the advanced prices that are coming, and the great sacrifices we are . making, they would grasp the' chance while it 1s on. James Reid THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Phone 147 for Service. Kingston's Oldest Fur Store FOR A GOOD NIGHT GET OUR "COMFYDOWN" KAPOK MATTRESS 1009 pure ; Second to none for comfort and- * durability, and 'SAKELL'S DON'T FORGET THAT BOX or oHOCOLATES THAT ov promised the other night. We have a large fresh stock on hand, Bay, you never took that piat of Cream home and remember wé have the largest Ice Cream plant in the city. FIGHT THE FLU "KLEAN ALL" "JAVEL WATER

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