Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1920, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE BRITISH WHI G E py = | =| i N Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by | THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED Presideat | EY Editor and | "Managing- -Diretor J. G. Elliott Leman 'A. Guild JELEPHONES: Business Office Editorial Rooms Job Oftice SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) | One year, delivered In oity One year, if pald in advance 35.00 One year, by mall fo rural offices $2.5 One year to United States ..... (Semi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mail, cash One year, if not paid in Advaies $1.50] One year, to United States $1. i Six and three months pro rata. 242 | «oa 220 | sass 202 OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES | Montreal. | ¥. Calder, 21 Bt F, M. Thompson, Toronto. F. R.Northrup, F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago | Fomparererte asm aims i iettemaiesioe John St, 402 Lumsden Bldg. Letters po the Editor are published | the | only over the actual of writer, name -| company. To paraphrase Mr. Le Gal- ..36.00 | 3300 9 | 235 Fifth Ave, New York (like to kn {thus Xeep, them at home, they shoud | { lose no time in going 80, OUR "GOLDEN SMILE" TQ GO. Traditions are upset about as fre- quently as automobiles in these days, { 'Fhe dentists are the latest to take a | { hand at the upset fame. An academy | | of dental seiénce has condemned the | { wearing of gold in the teeth as "'un- | sanitary and productive of disease." { Time was---and nov so 10pg 4E0-- {| when the individual who bad a.gald filling could not esewpe the fee'ing | that somehow he had joimed a salact 3 i lilenne, the '"'quest of\ the golden { smile" seemed quite general. When | the dentist asked: 'Will you have { cement or gold in that tooth?" you |g | answered promptly "Gold," and then { added an "of course,'"" just to let the | slave of the buzz wheel xnow that he { had no ordinary patient in the chair. It 'did not matter that at the same time we might be making swift cal- j culations to see just how we were go- {ing to pay for such a large chunk of gold @s this threateneq -to be----the main thing was ordering the best the | | dental market afforded, jow comes the sad news that we | were al wrong in ordering gold, and | the dentist was all wrong in putting tit in, Truly these scientific gentlemen | { who look after our bodily welfare are | I | { i 4 {sl { somewhat puzzling.the folldw in their | professional convolutions, » Meantime, the great army of those who ordered the yellow metal would | ow just what diseases the { gold-filled tooth brings in its train and why--informagion 'which prob- { ably will be retailed at regular rabes | i i Attached is one of the best printing offices in Canada The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ; ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. job | while the plastic cast is hardenim| and the patient is staring at the ceil- ling. OTHER WORLDS THAN OURS. The report of wireless messages Many people are now observing | Lent $y giving up things they do not want to do anyway: The only banks in Canada that are not making money for their own- ers are the snow banks, "Food Hoarders to be Prosecut- ed," announces & mewspaper heag- line. Man never is, but always to be, blessed. -- A ---- No coroner's jury ever yet found that a man had been killed with kindness,' or that a woman had died of a broken heart.--Bellevillg In telligencer. The progeny of a single fly during the summer, says the London Lan- cet, often amounts to 1,427,694. Supposing this "single" fly got mar- ried, what then? The best way to deal with Bolshe- vik Russia would seem to be to leave it entirely alone, and thus force it to a showdown of what its system of government can accomplish. "Rowell's R Ready Relief and Drury's Dry Drops are not specifics for the flu," said Sir John Willison in excusing the ' feebleness of his voice when replying to the toast to the dominion 'at the reunion of Up- per Canada Old Boys. Attorney-General Raney is being opposed in East Wellington by a fighting. Canadian farmer. Col. Pritchard is also a resident in the constituency, while Mr. Raneny is an outsider. These facts are said to endanger the chances of election of the government's candidate. 5 Though all the: winds of doctrine 'were lot loose to play upon the (earth, so Truth be in the field, we 'do ingloriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her - and Falsehood grapple; 'who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open en- gounter.--Milton. ---------- Al the criticism against the un- savory Hearst publication would be 'avoided if Canadiang refused to read them. Meantime a weekly is being published in Toronto which is about as bad as anything Hearst ever pro- A decent Canadian would be ashamed to be caught with any of these publications in his posses- duced. sion. : School examiners have requitsd the government to increase their daily allowance from §8.40 to $12 or $15. the traffic will bear." : the teachers in the rural schools. . The provincial secretary is bring- Es 18g over a hundred or so Scottish : It is to be regretted that the teaching {profession should join the ranks of those who demand "all The Whig, "which thas in and out of season sup- 'ported the teachers' requests for better salaries, is not in sympathy with this new demand. The educa- \tlonal department at Toronto might far better increase the salaries of from space, the teachings of such men as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Oliver Lodge and others, have tracted the minds of many people | who are otherwise sensible. It is | conceivable that certain men and women, whom the war robbed of ali or nearly all they held most dear, might be expected to welcome any evidence that those they loved and {lost could communicate with them | | from the spirit world. Their minds | are distraught, and they readily grasp at any measure of relief. This recent tendency toward spiritualism | has, we are told, resulted in an |, alarming increase in insanity in | Great Briwin, where the cult has | gained considerable headway. A few days ago a Brooklyn, N.Y, | priest challenged the alleged com- | munications which Sir Oliver Lodge has had with spirits dn 'the other world, declaring that: ** 'Spiritism' is an American word, which has been coined by us and used in place of 'spiritualism,' and it is a black art and one of magic, Its chief purpose or element is that it has to do with evil spirits, and in {spite of what its expounders might say, intelligence cannot be eliminas ed: So long as we have intelligencs, spiritism cannot as a religion or a belief conquer the beliefs of every one. A : - "The first recorded mention of spiritism being practiced in this country was in 18563, when the Fox sisters, of Rochester, N.Y., told how it was possible to communicate with departed spirits, and as a result of the doctrines expouned by these so- called scientists we have to-day among us over 150 churches, and m addition over 1,500 public mediums, and {hose who believe in it look up- on it as a real religian with a real ritual. "Sir Oliver Hodge is a modern scientist and a fraud, and he is try- ing to create the impression thai there is an upper and a lower cham- ber in the soul. He, like all other mediums, will sooner or later be ex- posed. Most of these mediums be- lieve that Jesus Christ was an ex- pert medium, not a divine person. And with their belief they maintain. that the human soul is part of an in- finite belug; that upon death there is a transmigration of the soul and that it never dies. To their way of thinking, God really exists, but He is impersonal, that is to say, He is a blind force, and only those possess- ed with the keener sight 'can see Him, and, naturally, the existence of the souls of the spirits with whom they allege they hold conversation." It may be, as the Literary Digest points out, that there is some wire less system of telegraphy between this world and the next, but no ons has yet ammounced communication with Adam and Eve, and there are some skeptics who believe that we never will have long-distance con- verse with the pair responsible for all our troubles. It is a materialistis | one year, but iron and steel have so | struction of ships now | vessel tany {famous * | voyage from Halifax to Quebec, caH-! tionally, {of the best craft afloat in the early | | days Bt tN Nt NE NN NN dis- | world, my masters, and the people will have to be convincad by facts before they believe iu the Lodge theory of inter-stellar communica- tion. x THE DAILY BRITISH CanadaEast and West ° Dominion Happenings of Other Days. Yr | ward' Island ways to the water, | The service satisfied the residents | { for a long time, although every win- ter titere was a erious interruption} when the straits . were icebound. | Finally a movement was ina ugurated | to have a powerful winter ferry con-| structed; and when this structed the situation of the island | The smallest of the provinces of in the stormy periods of the winter | the Dominion, and the last to enter moths was much in proved. Even | Confedera mong the old divi-_ with this ship there are occ asiomal in- Prince Edw ard Island, has long | terruptions. 1 noted for its interest in f rr ame a P As many as one hundred sea-| An Instrument of Government. g (Philadelphia Reco wd) 3 : I there in| going vessels have been built th Many pe nonce. i thie | country have felis though theyr-have hesitated to express thélr opinions in | print, that the churches now 80 ac- | tively engaged in = furthering the | cause of prohibition will soon regret | their course. This, in ®ffect, is what | Rabbi C. A. Rubinstein, of the Har | Sinai Temple, in Baltimore, said -in his sermon of a few days ago: "Every one knows," he said, 'that religious | institutions are the very bulwark of | the law of the land, and that the church and the synagogue exist as a moral influence, not as a political | agency. That is where the danger { Hes. | to an arm of the government--the | | old phenomenon with which history | is familiar, where the church 'and | state were combined. el operation PILES: Chase's Ointment in relieve yor at once and as certainly cure you. 60c a box: all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronta Prince Edward Island Ships. S10ns, largely replaced timber in the con- | that the in- dustry has waned gre The first] propelled by steam to enter] port of the Island. was a tug- boat named after its owner Righard | Smith, manager of the Albiow Hines | Coal: Company; the little craft' was built at Pictou. On the 5th of August, | 1830, the little vessel brought & party | of thirty excursionists to Charlotte-| town returning the same day. On the| 7th of Septem ber the next year, the | 'Royal William," gn her first} ied at the same port, but as the mer-| | chants of the place declined to.pur-| chase fifty shares in the company, which they had been offered condi-| she came no more, The] {next May, under arrangements with | the postal authorities, the "Poc ahon- | {tas" began regular trips-between Pic-| tou and Charlottetown. From that time onward there was a regular | shipping industry in the province. | { Vessels called at its ports, and Do not suffer snother da with Itching Needing, Protru Piles, No sur or ing slipped down the. Prince Ed- PIERRE MONTEAUX, THE FRENCH CONDUCTOR. He has just been re- engaged as leader. of the Boston Syrunhony Orchestra. Photo shows him with his wife. and Rippling Rhymes TESTAMENTARY.' "Of course# I'll make my will," said Mike, "when I am in the mood, some day; it is a job I much dislike; it brings me visions of decay. But I'm veésolved te do it soon; from that resolve there's no refreat; 1'll deo it ere another moon has waxed and waned, so help me Pete." Then he goes touring on the lea, to breathe some wholesome atmosphere; he winds his car around a tree; then he is placed upon a bier.' Then lawyers like the ravens flit from every quarter to his gate; they come with warrant, deed and writ, and divvy up that man's estate. The lawyers gather in the kale that may be hid in safe or till; in vain the rightful heirs may wail--the dead man failed to make a will. He is indeed a foolish skate who puts off duties such as this, for no man knoweth when his fate shall send him to the realms of bliss. At any hour a wrench may drop from some large airship overhead, and land upon your dome, kerflop, so that you line up with the dead. The wise man has his life insured, and makes his will, while strong and hale; then when lie's in the clay immured, the rightful heirs will-get the al g --WALT MASON. Clearing Cash Sale Thornton & Wheie! s Store . Tamworth The entire stock consisting of :-- Dry Goods, $4,250. Ready-made Clothing and Gents' Fur- _ nishings, $2,000. » Shoes and Rubbers, $2,500. 50% of the Above Stock Will Be Sold at Pre-war Prices. The whole stock must be sold Tegoid: less of price, by April Ist, as the contract has been let for remodelling the building. This will be a great opportunity for the public in general to lay in a stock of neces- sary staples, at greatly reduced prices. Sale Commences on Monday, Feb. 2d Store open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This stock is well assorted and has not was con-i The church is being turned in- | hd WHIG i he. iNEEEEEEEEENE NUENENENEEERNEENENARNENNNENNEENNENE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1920. 3 BIBBY'S Men's and Boyy' Wear Stores. i 78, 80, 82, 84 PRINCESS ST. ' i | | Mm Bs a i No United States books will be bought . BUY AT HOME, Buy English And Canadian Made Goods our firm until Cana- dian dollars are e worth one hundreds cents'in the United States. \ ues in Canada. WE ARE PLEASED TO SAY Our $40.00 and $45.00 BLUE SUITS are made from genuine English Blue Indigo Worsteds and Cheviots. claim to have the best Blue Suit val- We a" ~ OUR $35.00 SUITS are made from good quality, reliable, Canadian Tweeds; newest colorings and designs. Es Young Men's Models: The York, the Bud, the Claude. ' Conservative Models: The Standard, the Milton, the Dixon - NEW NECKWEAR. TROUSERS--NEW HATS --NEW SHIRTS--NEW, CAPS-- AA aaa NEARER TRANS NS RARE 1 The "Nineteen Hundred Washers" Pe 1 FOR HAND AND WATER POWER. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR YOUR MONEY BACK. BUNT'S HARDWARE Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, H dock, Halibut ! Cod. We have private fitting room and ex- Photographs ots Children never | PeTienced men and women fitters. grow up-rmake the appointment i PHONE 843 185 PRINCESS STREET . = a ded td ALLEL aL LLL LAL Lf rf DR. CHOWN DRUG STORE| a > [|] = A Cup of Real Hot COFFEE Sounds good these cold morn. ings. It will taste good too if made from our Java and Mo- cha Blend, Roasted Weekly, ground dally, , Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990. DAVID SCOTT, Bde SCRANTON COAL \ The Standard Anthracite, ee Those who conie the frst and. second aba The old maxim + "The early bird ges the . girls to serve as probationer nurses in Ontario , hospitals, because, he "says, he cannot secure enough Can- wdian nurses to meet the growing | Canadian girls, who wish Jo Sater tho nursing profusion, are flogking in thousands to United States hospi. Their loyalty to |] €hief Distributor for Kingston | @ to take advantage of the extra clared tion afforded elsawhere. It

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