Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1920, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Corner Princess and Clergy. ' The Victory Shoe Store the most alluring ad ever written it wouldn't do justice to the splendid qualities of our new shoes for men. In smartness, model and finish they go far and away ahead of or- dinary footwear. Come see them. You'll like their looks. Youll like them still more "when you wear them. Phone 486. the use of Wampole's preparation of Cod Liver Oil as a good building up tonic, .It's both palatable Kud tastes loss; it has no equal; large battles We close at 8 p.m. dally except HOAG'S $i STORE p. Y.M.C.A,, Kingston, Fr ct The Stewart Phonograph only $12 --fl-- A. G. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 40 AI A Ad wat Notice To Ford Owners Let, us overhaul your ©fr now ELLIOTT Tk Wi rush. N - 378 T&W STREET Phones: Shop. 1030, Res. 1387J. ro Ac i Machine € e Gn Corps NOTICE Training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 p.m. sharp. Baseball practice at 7 p.m. A Gold Pin for that member secur- | | ing the most recruits by March 26th, 1920. ROOM 24, ARMOURIES (Incorporated) Club Rooms, 67 Princess St. General meeting FRIDAY at 8 pm. Subject for discussion:---- "Housing problem." "Gratuities to France-men." "Constitution of Branch' Executives." RECORD EXCHANGE Your opportunity is now here, en- abling you to change your old re« that you have heard so often. There may be something in our sollection that you want. Call early and get your Records changed at a all cost. #4 WILLIAM STRERT Phone 2078. DR. NASH © DENTIST 188 Princess Street. Phone 735 We specialize in gas administra- tion, Pyorrhea treatment, Crown and Bridgework. Graduate assistants, Office Hours, 9-8. ah ON HOEY Physics Report Paper Collegiate Note Paper Science Note Paper Square Ruled Paper 20c. per 100 | BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. When you suffer from sick headache and that dizzy, tired feeling, do you ever wonder what is the cause of it all? A large percentage of such suffering is due to EYE STRAIN. Per- haps you see well, but you may be Setting good sight at the pense of your or energy. Let us examine 'your eyes and supply the glasses that will make life worth while. % R. J. RODGER Notice! BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER is now bovking farm and stock sales in Frovtenae County. Liat sales early and secure choice of dates. 124 QUEEN 8ST, MINGSTON "Phone 1721. A COVERED RINK Junior Intercollegiate Hockey Match "QUEEN'S vs. KiC.L Monday, February 23 Game called 8. 15 pm. General admission .. Reserved seats . . . --Plan now open. EAE COVERED RINK JUNIOR O.H.A. SEMI-FINAL Hockey Match TORONTO CANOE CLUB vs. RM.C. Tuesday, Feb. 24: 'Game called at 8.15 p.m. Reserved Seats asda. BOC, exten ~~Plan open Monday, 10 a.m Boxing Fencing Wrestling AT ean GYMNASIUM Wednesday, February 25th At 7.80 o'clock Interfaculty Championship . An evening of clean, closély contest- ed sport. Section for ladies. .35e. .23¢. extra EE Li NSA -------- EE ela ---- We Offer Ames Holden Lim Felt Company, ited GRAND To-night, Tues. and Wednesday | Big Double Programme 15-Reels Best Pictures--15 Sessue Hayakawa lo "The Dragon Painter" ALICE BRADY ef oe "MARIE, LTD." COMEDIES and OTHER REELS SUPBRIOR VAUDEVILLE | GRAND AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Mat. 2 30 I Evening at 7.30 Ground floor 80c. any seat 20c¢.- ; ei Balcony ...20c. | E NY TO.DAY MAE MURRAY THE LY A.B.C, OF HAROLD LLOYD Captain Kidds' Kids Outing Chester Topics of the Day COMING! | Thurs., Fri., Saturday 'DOROT HY GISH "Turning the Tables" ma EE zeal] an Pictures and First | aniTA STEWART In her fourth picture for the First National Exhibitors' Circuit "Her Kingdom Of Dreams" The greatest all-star cast in the his tory of the Screen. THE PHOTOPLAY PERFECT The magnificent acting of the un« rivalled cast, makes every scene a delight, LOVE "Back to the Kitchen" Two-Reel Mack Sennett. Comedy PEARL WHITE frm miAGK BLACK IE BLACK SECRET" STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA 'Will play by request Overtures: "Jolly Robbers" and "Poet and Peasant." COMING THURSDAY J "THE WHITE HEATHER" YOU LIKE BUTTER--YOU WILL LIKB KINGNUT "The Well Made Nut Margarine" BETTER Sold on a money-back guaran- tee, by all grocers. o NOTICE py There ill be a general meeting of Lromten: ng a? Rurat Bt Mail Oatriers, Thury- Fi 26th, m., in Agri day Hall, arkot treet, to disou important business. . JAS. MeGLYNN, Pres. A BRUTON, Bec. a Al quality. eu PIECE O 'But you don't now. A Bank might be honest and efficient without . ment inspection. But you don't know. A business concern may be absolutely responsik:!- saarithe out a commercial rating. But you don't know. A publication nay Pirst insertion, le. a word °. secutive insertion cent 4 wird. Minimum one insertion, 3bc; three 59 cents. HELP WANTED, thereafter, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Each cons | i halt. | charge for | insertions, The above rates are for cash only; | When charged they are double. COOK. King street, A HOUSEMAID, Cralg, 59 Gord Street, PANT AND VEST MAKERS, APPLY TO MRS, ROBERTS, a APPLY MRS. Ww. NH APPLY Apply at NAH FoR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 243 Brock Street. TH E PEOPLE'S FORUM WANTED REL, SECOND-HAND vPRiGAaT PIANO | for cash or in part fayment of I of new planos and grafono Ling. | say Limited, 121 Princess street. . | | | HOUSE TO RENT, WESTERN PART | of city by May 1st, or Sooner; oare-| ful tenant; no Shildien. Apply | tating terme. Box B-13, Whig Of- wale | FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; on. tral loeatéon, for famdl occupation between Maro! i ist. Apply Box X-20, Office. . tte Sessa ee WANTED.-MEN AND BOYS TO rondze J. Curzon. barber. - 8nd boys' Ve cut, 300. Shave toa! SINGLE MAN TO WORK ON Apply Alfred Baker, R M.D. araqul. FARM. 1, Can- References Queen street. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. required. Apply 209 § months' old. Apply Mrs. 109 Gore street. ing. at home, for small fami ply Box 8-13, Whig Office. GOOD NURSE TO LOOK AFTER BABY, Elkins, WOMAN TO DO WASHING AND IRON- ily. Ap- TEAMSTER WANTED drive sand tp the ployment, R.. H. R. 5. Fair, LIVE MAN TO ty; steady em- Kingston, ironing; middie ferred. Apply ev Hngton street aged COOK, GENERAL; NO WASHING NOR woman nings to 18 Wel- pre- EXPERIENCED GIRL work; good wages free. Stuart FOR and treet. HOUSE. evenings Apply to Mrs, Treadgoid, 174 Rasors honéd 6c. 336 Ontario Bt, near Brock Street. WANTED BY CAREFUL TENANT, ist May, or sooner, § or house, dn good locality, or unfurnished. Reply, Sating terms to Box 8-5, Whig Office. MUST WANTED TO RENT, have stock and would be willing shares. mediately. XY od A FARM all imp. to work on] Will take possession {m-| Apply Box C-23, Whig. | WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING their bleycles to be cleared and siored for winter. Skates sharpens ed and hollow ground; also baby carriage tires put on while you wait, Jeorge Muller, 371 ahd 373 ne 1083w. a FEMALE HELP WANTED. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK. We need you to make socks nn the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. monthly; experience unne wanted), care Whig Office. eral store and housework. 8 H girl, general stating wages. vack, Ont. FIREMEN BRAKEMEN «= 150-8200 CasSSATY. Rallway Association (name position WANTED, AT ONCE, GIRL FOR GEN- Post Office work. Apply in own hand writing. Also Apply, Bolton, Le- LIVE or steadily trées and plants. eral commission. Company, Nurderymen, © Brown Nurseries, P.O., Ont WANTED--MAN CAFABLE © salesmen Journal, for Canadian mended and man. Address R 5 erly 3 ada, i ji HELP WANTED Lady tial age, bookkeeper of sub store (retail dry goods); mu fully experienced "in ing, banking, etc, and would fer some oustomg experience. is a very comforiab int of management, and bright, up-to-date office. Georgian Bay. perience, age, salary, ete. . Ryan & Co. Guelph, Ont. PPP PERRO PVITEN Sih dt Bods thos ees Dodi lr Sede BP To CARPENTERING &8 iby, University Avenue. Phone SBanizing and managing crew bookkeep- WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER Jam Contractor, MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME selling our guaranteed Outfit free. Brown Brothers Limited, Lib- arto, F OR. of Home Permanent position; good salary and S3penses to well- recom - qualified iamilton, Cana- dian Home Journal, Torento, Can-, SEPP IDES LISP PILES i + Stan to assume the manage. $ ment of ofiice of our Owln Suu iy oo 3 re- his position in in a Owen Sound 1s desirably located on the Apply stating ex- 21? Sw. H. §. PACKER, A plano and theory, prepares Examinations, 65 Arch St JOM, TEACHER OF for all ades of Conservatory of Music reet. GIRLS Who want to make the Average Will Find the Opportuni at our nt We teach you a trade Cataraqui Btreet. WANTED Higher Wages Than ty Tending Textile Machines Pay $8 a week for learning Dominion Textile Co. But you don't'know. Better Be Sure. The circulation of the British, AB.C ki the only A.B.C » paper TABLEWARE 'may be solid silver without the ie stamp, the accepted "Hall Mark" of uy have the circulation it claims without y the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Whi is verified by the Kingston. Experierice unnecessary, Distance immaterial. Positively no c¢an- vassing. Yarn supplied. Partiou-] lars 3¢: stam Dept. 34C, Auto Knitter Co. oronto. 3 TEACHERS WANTED, QUAL FIED, NORMAL TEACHER FOR 8.8 19, North Fredericksburgh. 4650 duties to commence at Apply to Norman Fitchett, D. 3, Napanee, Ont. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, ST ers and Solicitors, 79 larence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning. ham. Cyril M. Smith. BA AMOROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solleitor. Law office, Sutnet . uf King and Brock, over Ro, Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1 oe F. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se, OB, 0.1.8, D.L.8, M.E.1C., Napanee, Ont. One tario Land Surveyor. "Kingston Of- fice: Walker & wal kem, #3 Clar- ence street. PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, ete, re- moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses ritted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. 38 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. ar, Nose, Throat, Skin, eet. DR. J. BE. KANE WISHES To nounce that he has opene at 136 Weilington Street, Post Office. Office hours Sh4 p.m; 7-8.30 p.m. Siephone; oftige, 1825; residence, 1831. BUSINESS CHANCES he INVEST 100. THOUSAND ACRES and dividend paying production. Conroe Oil Company, 1512 Union National Bank Bldg, Houston, Texas, 'POWER, SON AND DREV ARCHI. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington "NOTICE To whom it may concern: I wilt hot be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Mrs. J. C Bridgen, or children, in my name, after February 19th, 1820. a : J. C. BRIDGEN Smith's Falls, Kingston Historical Socicly Lectwrg, by PRINCIPAL HUTTON of University College, Toronto Friday Eve., February 21th at 8 o'clock 1 CONVOCATION LL ques Billet: "Greece in the Great War" L SH Everybody is welcome. nn fements; | FOUND - K MUFF, LEFP. IN TAXI Sunday night. Owner may have same by applying at 30 York street, or phone 2 PAIR OF GOD JIM r glasses, on corner of Brock and Barrie, two weeks ago. Owner can have hy calling at 258 Johnson street. FRIDAY BYERS, NEAR Collegh te, a key, Owner will And same at Whig Office N WEDNESDAY, FEB, 11th, A . fountain pen, on Princess St Owner may have same by de- scribing pen. by mail to Mrs. Melville Bllerbeck, Harrow. smith, Ont. : FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. 7 Anyone finding anything and . is Ming to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The "British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Fourid articles" does clude lost dogs, cattle. horses, ete. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. JIN A not in- Ne -- { SATURDAY ONYX BEAR-RING Wellington street. rewaraed by returning to 78 Gore street. ON OPEN FACED AMERICAN WALTHAM watch, between 70 William stieet and Frontenac Moulding and Glass 'o'y inclusive. Finder please return | a: 70 William street and receive re- ward. SMALL, comtaining large sum of from Bank of Montreal, ence, 'out Wellington to Dr. Bo- gart's office. Liberal reward if re- turned to V g Off nth i RT aan money; TO LET. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BEDROOM FOR gentleman. "Apply 72 Sydenham st. FURNISHED FLAT oor; no children. Whig Office. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; 'all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock street. ON BATHROOM Apply Box W-20, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dary. - Apply E. B. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391). TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS bathroom fat; fui nice; lights, Apply Box Z- fice. ON Whig Of- ence street, Kingston. RE rr ern CLEAN Estate Phone STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, and dry. McCann's Real Agency, 86 Brock street 328 or 621. A 920 SEVEN-ROOMED let, 7 Garrett street; vacant Mar 8th. Apply G. H. Veal e, 3¥7 Bart lett Ave, Toronto, Ont. NITURE, CLEAN, + Pour own lotk and Cit Storage, 29% HOUSE TO STORAGE FOR FU dry, airy rooms; key. - Frost's Queen street. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS suitable for Hght housekeeping, tor married couple without Apply to 27 Balaclava Street. "URNISHED ROOM, IN Qu ET HOME where no other roomers are Kepr all, conveniences; central; gentie« fnan preterred. Apply Box Whig -Offiee iu TO RENT. GERARD HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT Piano; case in good condition and Just been tuned. Will rent to re- lable party oply; $5.00 per month. 5 Phone 1768W., or 1599J. UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD vO WwW. J. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot Bt. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general 'repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card wo 104 Clergy street. PF. FINANCIAL | | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOB ¥ire Insurance Company. Avone assets $41,187,216. in addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or Eiing new business get rates from Strangs and Strange, Agents. Phone 325. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; . incorported 1861. Fresident, W. 5 Nickie, K.C.; vice. president, . Cunningham. * Money a on weity and farm Properties, municipal and county debentures; morta urchased; investment bonds for F wit deposits received 'and Interest allowed. R. C, Cartwright, manager, 7 Clare DENTAL ri A. re APP, B.A, LDS, offton' wn Princess Street. Phone DEN. over DRS. SPARKS AND SPs AJUKS, 5 "tists, 158 Wellington' greet, Carnovsky's. Phone 3 Finder wiil be! BLACK, LEATHER PURSE; up Clar- | eleotrio | Phone 516; res. S8yw. | culidren. | 264, | SPEED TTER. 161 CU Frontenac street, CABINET GRAMAPHONE; Apply 64 Brook Street. FIRST CLASS MARKET WAGGON, Al' host new. Apply IL. Ryder, Lath; toad. HOUSE AND Wilton. 'ton, Ont. Forman Nr tart i easing | FORD CAR, 1918 MODEL; ALL IN| i good repair. Apply "welling diver, Hanpowsmith. JUDSON'S AUTO TOPS, BROCKVILLE, We have the Plate Glass Lights for; back Curtains. ell Rings. SOLID BRICK HOUSES, NOS. Zs0 AnD 252, King Streel Kast. Ap ply ¥. Macnee, 148 King Street est. i ONE PIANO ONE ORGAN FOR ! for $25.00, for quick sale, at Queen Apply 31 A APPLY $ CHEAP. LOT IN VI GE OF Apply Walter Shibley, Wil» Sireed Methodist church, Garret street. $6000--100 ACRES, ALL GOOD LAND, | facing the lke. rarm nouse and barns. G. A. Bateman, 443 Wel- lingtun Street. FURS--LARGE natural" and Bedford, the Sireet. Phen QUANTITY OF FURS, =lacx wolfe; cheap. Avgtionser, 134 Queen o EIRST CLASS LOT FOR SALE; 33 = 35; Karl Street location. Owner leay ng city; will sell cheap for cash, WwW APPLY E Box ig Ullice. HARD 4 AND SOFT BRICK FOR SAL la large or Saal Mantities. App E E Wathen, Nelson street none 1391J. or oe MeLAUGHLIN Top CUTTER, ONB open cutter; one Holsves COW; coming in. Apply Ww. Jenkine, 1 Quebed street ingston, Ont. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TE selections; your own choice, $42.00, Terms, $5 chal 1 per wenk. Lindsay, Limited, 131 Princess 'se SKIFFS, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OU be board motors; Tents, Camp Supplies, Hte. T Soate, 21s Bagot street. Phone ONE car; botn { Scott 1918 CHEVROLET = TOURING one 1918 Ford: touring car; in first ciass condition. Apply 8 ua ge. corner Quéen A bagot Streets, EN'S SUITS, MEN'S boots, furniture, stov 80cd set single harness, single Waggon. Aliso many other argicies, Must be soid this Week. 388 Prine cess Sireet. AND BOY® es, hedters, & WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and Stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, pay highest prices. J, 333 Princess Street. Ph. one 1800w. | NORTH VICTORIA STREET, 4 LOTS; being now a chicken farm; house, rabbit house, new; all 1 With poultry wire; / hen wired ina locality that Is peing rapidly bulit Up. ite.ms or caso. Box Y-10, Whig Office. PENS t pul- Aan Poly Kingston. Buk Orpington pullets, ei lets ana vue cockerel to pen. ell coeap for quick sale. John Brown, Re rn, Now, Phone 1102 R. 3, TRAP NESTED STOCK, aod: Goon, GENERAL #U RPOSE MARE; i sound and kind in every way; han ADLUL buggy, set of sin CULEE delvVery Wagon; also & 200 gg Chatham ANCUDALPY, and Brooder; Gheap to quick buyer, Ap- Piy- 401 Division street, tity. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, A NB brick bungalow ut 434 Alfred yf Furnace, wiectric lighis and Bas; three wed rooms, room, bath room Pace $3300.00, for a wind up an 1% Neilson Street. gle harness; MARKET GARDEN, CONTAINING § acres; good bulldings; land, fruit trees and fruit; next to Portsmouth, er, Hospital, Snap for quick huy« Taj w Tk all completed. "ose be obtained at' one, . Apply to A. Cays, 57 Brock St, Kingston, Ont. - N BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. $1000--FRAME; 6 ROO sTO cellar. : ns a' $1000---DOUBLE R. C. HOUSE; rooms each: 1ypreveients. $2100-FRAME; ¢ Roons, IMPROVE. ments; lurge lot. $2200-NEW FRAME; =OOMS; provements; elect tle lights, $4400--DOUBLE BRICK VEN rooms edoh; all di improvementa, $2200, FRAME Hous, large lot and stable. $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, & improvements, electric light. nd . 7 ROOMS, rooms, VioTony moxns ¥o x Ton R SALE, MONEY. FARMS FOR SALE $7500 FARM; 200 ACRES; @ from Kingston; 100 under cultiva- Hon; good maple bush; well waters 1 60 cents per A ow yard ooo ~ Best Blacksmiths Coal of Johnson Street Jas. Swift & :Co,, - - Limited Ra i dp

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