PAGETWO on DE bg a ed of Youths. ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS TRADING RAW FURS We the highest cash prices. We select the Rinest skins only for our manufacturing Fur Department. JOHN OKAY LIMITE . 149-151 10157 - Brock. ST KINGSTON ONTARIO FAT: > - A, A ARO st re A IMI A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TR -------- AN EASY WIN FOR QUEEN'S | DEFEAX COLLEGIATE TEAM BY 6 GOALS TO 0 @ Junior Intercollegiate Hockey ries--The K.C.IL 'Team Compos- »w Se: In the first game of the finals of the local-group of the junior [uter- collegidte hockey series, played 'at the covered rink on Friday evening | Queen's won from Collegiate Insti- tute by a score of 6 to 0. Although the K.C.I. were badly beaten. they | certainly were ? same buneh of boys. | It is safe to say that .the Queen's | team would average about thirty pounds heavier that the Collegiate boys. The K.C.I1. was very light and, for that reason thoy were unable te stop the Collegians. During the first peried both teams were unable to score, Lut after about ten minutes of play in the second period the Queen's players got through the K.C.I. defence and Swartman scored soon to he follow- ed by Smith. Queen's added four more in the third period. The good 'work of Morris of K. C. I. kept the score from being higher. The return game will be played on Monday evening. The winner will meet the winner of the Toronto and 'Montreal group. The teams were:-- Queen's--Goal, McNeil; defence, Hamill and Smith; centre, Swartman wings, Gibson and Finkle; spares, Bracken and Simpson. : l K.C.I--Goal, B. Mofris; defence, wEmery and Rooney; centre, R. Carr- { Harris; wings, B, Carr-Harris and V. { Johnston; spares, Sugel and Neilson. Referee--"'Jimmie" Stewart, - @ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY ; Local Notes and Items of General Interest. There was no session of the police court on Saturday morning. W. J. Todd, Jones' Falls, made a visit to Kingston 'on Saturday. $ W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or "phone 564w, Gananoque may secure a hanger from an aviation camp for a covered rink. Mrs, Victoria Bell died in To- ronte on Feb, 15th, Mrs. James Gibson, Kingston, was a sister. Miss Reta Gamble, and Miss Helen Baxter, California, returned to King- ston, after spending a week at home, Gananoque and organized a Chil- dren's Mission Band in St. Andrew's church. . Musical, elocutiénary and pictorial entertainment in Cook®'s church lec- ture hall on Monday, Feb. 23rd, at 8 p.m. Admission, 25c; Now is the ime .0 have your olano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- action. ©. W. Lindsay. Limited. Word has been received that Miss Jean. Chown, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, A. P. Chown, "Edgehill," won the prize for the contralto solo at the Eisteddfod held in North-West Lon- don Eng. - We will rent yoy a plano, and at end of six months it you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on. purchase price, and arrange easy t on balks ance, C .W. Lindgay. "S.¢ 3 Prevost, Brock #t Jase vel all his spring af@amtmes goods for his, order clethi artinent; also in ready-madifc , and gents' furnishings dgpas tae T there is a big variety to hog fh 0k. Margaret Jolthsoi; Suge six years, eldest daughter of 'ARdrowvand Ms: A if i Mrs. Ralph Scott, Kingston, was in | a -- vi A Books and Music Toni At The College Book Store POPULAR MUSIO ... : TWO FOR A QUARTER Up in the Air Boys, If You're Only Fooling Ro und Me, I've Got My Captain Working For Me Now, I'll Be Happy When the Preacher Makes You Mine, They're All Sweeties, Since Katy the Wait ress, Nobody Knows, While Others Are Building Castles in the Air, Afghanistan, Blues My Naughty Sweeting Gave fo Me, Bubbling Over, Bring Back Those Wonderful Days, Freckles, Lonesome, Lul- laby of Dreams, Lullaby Land, etc., etc. | STANDARD MUSIC AT SPECIAL SATURDAY PRICE ....... * You Can't Drive My Dreams Away (Gitz Rice) ,Dieam Don't You Remember the Time, Sweetheart (May time), Little Rainbow, Meadowbrook, Weeping Willow Lane, LATEST STANDARD MUSIC AT . ras a as ie and 50c. Patches, You Know, Mandy, Please, You Said It, Let the Rest of the World Go By, When My Baby Smiles zt Me, A Rose a Kiss and You, Was There Ever a Pal Like You, Smile Dear, You'd be 'Surprised, Lo-Ki, Chinese Lullaby, Beautiful Ohio Blues, Wonderful Pal, Wild Flower, When My Baby Smiles, On Miami Shore, Mother (Gitz Rice), etc, ete. LATEST POPULAR COPYRIGHTS---regular $1.00 Over 1,600 volumes to select from. The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings ght ~ y Amazon, Tulip Time (hit of the Follies), Yogiland; Longing Dear for You, Pretty «+ .SPECIAL 90c. = A. EER RE EERE ER Johnson, of Wolfe Island; ~ passed away in the Hotel Dieu on Friday. The funeral is to take place from the A VICTROLAS | CAND oP His Masters Voice root vu Records Jascha Heifetz NEW HIS MASTER'S VOICE RECORDS Marvelous recordings of this young genius, whose playing of the violin 'has taken the Music Lovers of the world by storm. You ve invited S tome to our VICTROLA DEPARTMENT and hear the wonderful, new, His Master's Voice Records by this phe- nomensl young aptist. Caprice-- (Paganini) Guitarres«{Moszkowski) Valse Bluette--(Dugo) ......:....covioinan ,84758--81.25 On Wings of Song-- (Mendelesohn) Romance--( Wieniawski) " Real Estate. $2800---Montreal Street; 182; brick; 7 rooms; nace; electricity. $3500--Rideau Street; brick; 7 room; hot water heating; hardwood floors; electricity. * $3750---Qarrett Street; brick; 7 rooms; electricity, $4500 -- Collingwood Street; brick; 7 rooms; modern. $4800--John#dn St.; brick; 9 rooms; hot water' heating. .$2600--Barrie St; frame; rooms, W. C. $4000---King St. E.; double brick; 5 rooms each; B. and -5. AT THE HOCKEY MATCH "Just look at Mr. Hybrow Jones," remarked Professor Wiseman Goodsight, to Miss Mary, as they surveyed the crowd before the game began. "That field glass case is just for effect, thinks it"gives him a sporty appearance," "You really do not need field glasses if you have cofrect spectacles, do you, professor?" inquired Miss Mary. "Not much;"" Jonesey should intérview: J.5. Asselstine, D.0.5. t 5) Eysuigh pecialist King Phone 1019w. The Busy Optical House 6 See complete list at office. Money to loan. McCANN Heal Estate and Insurance PHONE #26 OR 621. [5A 1,000 Ibs. choice, white, hand-picked - EE | |X 500 lbs. Bean Pork, specially selected, Sees ete ~ BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK ROASTS AT SPECIAL PRICES 800 lbs. finest Creamery, solid But- This is a fresh, sweet, Creamery Butter, | ie elo ry prices. We bought this fine Butter oar in order to benefit our pat. rons at this season, ot : : ar own kettle rendered, pure i andsweet ...............32.Mb" hE ere ee san be | N10 one be the least hurt by the mov- LETTERS T0 [HE EDITOR Favors Daylight Saving. Kingston, Feb. 20. (To the Edi- tor)---When it {s in the interest and for the benefit of every man, woman and child in this city why should not council pass unanimously the daylight saving by-law ? The coun- tries of Europe all recognize the benefit to be derived from this ex- tension of daylight for the people { generally, This opposition of the rural community is only commensur- ate with their desire to run the country. to suit their every whim. To say that the dew interferes with théir work when the clock 1s moved an hour ahead is to raise a man of Snow to have it melted by the warm rays of the summer sun. All the chores of the farm have to be d8ne before any work in the field can he undertaken, and by the time the hens are fed and the stock watered, the cows milked! and turned out, the dew is off the grass and the work for Which the hired man is paid can be undertaken without interruption and ing of the clock. In Montreal at a meetin of the Trades and Labor Council 5 motion in favor of daylight saving was al- most unanimously carried, and it is the intention when the whole trades are given the chance tc vqte on the question to £0 before parliament with their petition in favor of the com. mons passing a law for the whole Dominion. @ I am glad to notice that the mat- ter is to come before the city council at the next meeting and if the city fathers are looking for the good of the citizens then there should not be a single voice raised against it. The working man gets a chance to use part of the daylight thus afforded to enjoy football, boating, baseball or any other outdoor sport after his day's work is done and mot have to Erope around in the dark to finisn any game he may have started dur- ing daylight. Trusting that the cit see this thing in the I do, believe me, Yours truly, --=J. GALLOWAY. y fathers may same. light that Farmer's Interests Are His. Bath Road, Feb. 20. (To the Edi- tor)--Having read the letter in your paper regarding myself and the suc cess of our Agricultural Exhibition, I really must thank the writer, The Success of the exhibition was all right; my past with the help of the committee was very good, and let me Say my helpers were many and whole- hearted. 1 desire to thank them. The mention of my desire to help the farmer needs no words of mine to prove that their interests and sue- cess are also mine, But for another poirft, the swelling of exhibits for the present year. We have a county rich in minerals and 1 will promise a prominent place to ex- hibit the same. soms Sa or an q An exhibit kind Sacred Heart church, Wolfe Island, on Sunday afternoon. The "Book of Wonders" is exactly what is name implies. No home should be without a copy. The Whig offers this marvellous book at the special price of $3, or $3.25 by mail. Use the coupon in the 'Book of Won- ders" advertisement and secure this wonderful book at the Whig's special price. ¢ ab-- THE LATE W, H.'ALEXANDER. The Burial Took Place on Thursday a Morning. The funeral of the late William H. Alexander took place from his late residence, 542 Albert street, on Thursday morging, February 19th. The funeral services were conducted hy Rev. J. A. Waddell. assisted hy the Rev. W. K. Short of Princess street church, of which deceased was a member, Among the many floral offerings were ; Cross, wife and children; wreath, Ald. and Mrs. J, W. Smith; wreath, Mason and Bricklayers' Union; broken wheel, brothers and sisters; sheaf, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thornton; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Creer; spray from pupils of Rideau school; wreath from W. G. Bailey and staff of information and service branch department, S.C.R.,. Kingston. These who attended the funeral from: out of town were Mrs. Archi bald Alexander Lake Qpinicon; Ernie Alexander, Lake Opinicon; Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander, Flint, Mich: igan; Truman Alexander, Campbell- ford; Henry Gough, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Payne of Ganan- oque. Deceased was of a very gulet and loving disposition. ' Besides being deeply' mourned by his wife nd family he will be greatly missed by a number of friends whose privilege it was to meet and know him. mrmic---- " PARENT-TEACHERS MEETING Held At Victoria School on Friday Afternoon. The Parent-Teachers Association afternoon, a large number were present, Matters pertaining to the welfare of the scholars were brought before the meeting. The sanitary condition of the city was thoroughly discussed by the ladies. Miss Skirring, of Toronto, demon- strated the school grafanola h- ines. She showed where both t pupils and -the teachers would greatly benefited by the use of a machine in teaching many subjects and also the strotig influence on child Jen in developing a taste for music. 8ic. cai fais of Victoria school met . on Friday | TO-NIGHT ARTICLES OF INTER! ~ TO THE THRIFTY BUYER A clearing line of Ladies' Undersk rts in floral designs, with flounces ~--while they last, Saturday night. wenn. ...$2.00 esich BLOUSES A clearing lot of Ladies' Voile Blouses, in white only; sizes from 34 to 44. Saturday night only ........ wlio wisies lwriainis «3150 CANADIAN LADY CORSETS-- in sizes from 18 to 26. Saturday Night ......... i 'MEN'S HEAVY DUCK WORKING SHIRTS--in khaki and blue; sizes |5 up to 17} collar; worth $3. 50. Saturday night . . $1.98 each CHILDREN'S HEAVY FLEECE-LINED SLEEPING SUITS--just the thing for the cold weather. Saturday night .........98¢c. Suit SBS srr Err er a rsinis ee BERR Ee sats Newman & Shaw "The Always Bugsy Store" KINGSTON EVENTS CHERRY STREET-----frame; 5 rooms; improvements; yard; 25 YEARS AGO. Satoway: in first class state of repair. Possession May 1st. F » > 4 The steamer America will be put into commission on May 24th. . P. McLaughlin, of Napanee, has leased the Globe hotel on Ontario street. 7 ! The race track on the harbor is well patronized by the owners of horses. 1 i | i il i i improvements; cellar; gas; gateway; yard and barn. Posses- + % rooms; improvements; cellar; yard; gateway; in good lotation. Possession May 1st, Es Protect Your Health . ATOMIZER Spray head and throat daily. Our strek is complete, at best prices possible. 'Mahood"s Drug Store Hii | ff} i il : ga i £ »