Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Feb 1920, p. 5

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PIPES, all sizes. ~RADIATORS- MILITARY TENTS. ~Large pleces of CANVASS, ow, ete. I. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Sueet. Phone 85384 esi > 3 N "PHONE 1670 0. Avkrovd. & Sen Carpenters and Buflders 21 MAIN STREET Fresh Cat Flowers |'Ferns, psims, fusersal designs, floral | sprays, wedding bouquets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. | / 415 Brock St. . Phone 228. i GLASSCO'S PURE wmStrawberry Jum wellaspberry Jam --~Bisck Currant Jem » Plum Jam Pench Jam --Oooneberry Jum Orange Marmifiade wsited Currant Jelly --Crabapple Jelly Grr Jelly iti. rb Jelly D. COUPER «3 Princess Street M13 --= Prompt delivery. oo WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO,, Foot West Street Phone 133 PAPER HANGING Estimates on work freely given. Wall Paper for Sale. ~ , H.ROWLEY 840 Barrie St. : Phone 1266). ANN WheSELL ON EASY 1 Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Men's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, Yowelery, Suitcases, ote. N. Morris, 374 King St. FOR SALE House and barn, and three acres of land, two miles from the city. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock St Phone 424 We have a supply of cut hard wood and kindling. J. Sowards Coal Co. | WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomaro Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark « Tomato Somp Clark's Vegetable Sonp Distribdtors for Red | Buse Tea=the WR. McRae & Co GOLD License No. 6-543 2 BIC BARGAINS Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Karl Streets. License No. 8.27149 Phone 1844 | G.Hunter Ogilvie Stocks, Bonds and Securitiés for sale. " Property for sale or to rent, listed. 'Agent for Royal Exchange Fire As- surance and Excelsior Life. DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Repairing, Watchmaker and Jeweler G. W. LYONS 849 Princesa St. 'Phone 1866. Repairs done Accurately. promptly, and guaranteed 'for one year. % Try one of our unbreakable Watch Glasses a It Pays to Buy Jomr Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1588 and Get Prompt ¥ Delivery a DO YOU KNOW.- That the quality of our ICE CREAM is unexcelled ? Prove it yourself. a High Grade Chocolates bulk and fancy boxes. We stock only those in de- mand. IBAR'S HN ug = A Ly wal as Al kinds of old - Mattresses Frontenac Mattress Co. Phone 2106w = Bhi + rm I> eo Kin rrmeevereweY gston and Vicinity Banned 'All Dances. © Brockville authorities have banned all dances owing to the "flu." Did Not Canvass. The congregation of St. Paul's church, Renfrew, Ont, raised more than the amount set for the forward movement, without canvassing. Supplying In Toronto. Rev. Samuel Sellery has been sup- plying in Parkdale Methodist church, at Toronto, duritig the {illness ab- sence of the pastor, Rev, Young in Brampton. ete WwW. R. Represented General Officer. Col. W. E. Pope, C.M.G., A.AG., retdrned Monday night from Ottawa and Cornwall 'where he represented the general officer commanding at a number of veterans' fufictions, Farmers Snowbound. . The farmers who usually come to market every Tuesday stayed at home. The roads in many parts of the country are blocked with snow, and it was too rough for the Wolfe Islanders to venture crossing. Would be Popular Officer. Captain, James Sutherland is pro- minently mentioned as the possible new officer in change of the G.W.V.A. Battery of the 4th Machine Gun Bri- gade, "Jim" would indeed be a popuar officer in this sporting corps. Winter's Backbone. Not Broken. During the mild spell last week, a prominent citizen was heard to re- mark that "the backbone of the win- ter was broken." He 1s now being sought after in order to explain what he meant. Heard From After Years. D. Hecht, Arden, has received a letter from a cousin in the United State: saying that he had received a letter from Mr. Hecht's mother and brother who are in Roumania. He had not heard from them since be- fore the war. Officially Declared Dead. Wheeler Manracle, Tyendinaga, is officially killed in action. For a long time this gallant soldier's family has lived in hopes that he would turn ap. Rev. A. H. Creeggan conducted a service to his memory in All Saints Church on the Reserve on Sunday. Snow Storm Did Some Good. The snow storm om Tuesday did some good after all. The applicants for work at the Government Employ- ment Bureau were offered jobs to clean the snow from the streets. Many men who have been drawing unemployment allowances were given work of this kind. Government Will Help. . Belleville council has been advised by the provincial secretary that there '1s no more money available for hous- ing purposes by municipalities. It is probable that the Drury Government will enact legislation to help cor- porations finance any satisfactory housing plans, Do All' Men Want Franchise? A Kingston paper advocates a poll tax for unmarried women, says the Tweed News. That would har fair. To impose a tax upon a wi for something for which she is not directly responsible would be taking a rather unfair advantage of her. A People's Forum. The G.W.V.A. of Kingston are tak- "SYRUP OF FICS" IS LAXATIVE FOR CHILD 'ook at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach. liver and . bowels, - " Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only--Ilook for the name California on the pac then you your child-is having - ERI] i = Bg ih i be . ing steps to institute a people's forum at which prominent citizens of Can- ada will give addresses on subjects of timely interest. If their plans are carried out, it is expected that Premier Drury will be the {first speaker of the series. Hard Tramp in' Snow, Pedestrians' found it hard work tramping in the snow on Tuesday. The storm kept up all day and people living in the outskirts of the city found it no easy task making their way from their home to places of business, + the Restaurants Busy. It's an ill wind that blows no per- son good. As a result of the storm on Tuesday, many citizens were un- able to get home to their noon-dgy lunch, so paid a visit to a down- town restaurant. All the restaurants were filled to overflowing. Beer Sold On St. Lawrence Vessels. It is reported that the Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., will sell five per cent beer on its passenger boats on the Montreal-Quebec-Saguenay divisions during the coming season. These routes are all in the province of Quebec and there the sale of five per cent beer is legal. Husband and Wife Buried. On Feb. 3rd, the body of Mrs. Ben- jamin Foster, Windsor, was brought to Albury for interment, and on Feb, 6th, the body of the husband arrived. Both were victims of influ- ensa. Mr. Foster was a son of Dr. J. M. Foster, a former veterinary surgeon of Belleville. Passed Away At Deseronto. At Deseronto on Feb. 16th, the death occurred of R. M, Jacks, a life- long citizen. Mr. Jacks is survived by his wife. In religion Mr, Jacks, was an Anglican. He was prominently connected with the Orange Lodge and the Oddfellows, and was Clerk of the Division Court. A message was received at Tweed from Viola, Delaware, announcing the tragic death 'of Mrs. Taylor {for- merly Mrs. Lynch), She was struck by a train. The remains, will be brought to Tweed for interment. De- ceased lived at Tweed for a number of years, when her husband conduct- ed the Queen's Hotel. Home for Some Months, Mrs. C. Martin, (nee Lena Maid- ens) has left Consecon to join her husband in Rochester. Mrs. Martin was called home from Rochester, N.Y., just after her marriage in Sep- tember, on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. George Maidens and since then has been helping to nurse her. Mrs, Maidens is much better now. New 8. 8S. Superintendent, Owing to ill health Brice McNeely has resigned the post of superinten- dent of St. James church Sabbath school, Carleton Place, after a per- iod of about forty unbroken years. The oftice was his supreme delight and he unbuckled his #fmor reluct- antly end with unusual regret. His successor is F, G. Srange, a young and most capable man. ' W. 3. Flach, whi Is tow BY the Io. cal jail awaiting sentence, has had a varied record. Some time ago he was sentenced to eight months' impris- onment in Napanee jail for having lquor in his possession, but through the appeal of the Napanee Branch, G.W.V.A. he was released on parole. He is also suing the city for $10,000 damages owing to a f«ll from the in- olnerator smokestack last fall. One Good Result ; "One result of the successful For- ward Movement campaign, I believe will be to get the so-called Labor and Capital to see from one point of view along the line of brotherhood, This has been achieved because Capi- tal and Labor have given liberally," said Rev. G. I. Campbell, chief or- ganizger of the Montreal Methodist conference, at Riverside, Cal. letter been received from A has William Jacheon, greater part of ex-Mayor H. W. Newman is at present his guest, Days at "Avonmore." On Monday evening, Feb. 16th, Kent, aged fiftecn years, engaged as a call boy at the Belleville G.T.R. sta- tion, was struck by a westbound pas- senger train and received injuries which resuited In his death. At the time of the accident snow was being drifted sbodt*by a prevailing wind and Kent in passing from one track '| to another failed to notice the ap- prdach. of No. 7 express wastbound. His skull was fractured. A few years 280 his father was drowned at Oril- fa. A mother and a youniger brother and sister survive. Big For The doctors have been called upon to issue an extra number of orders for liquor the past two weeks, owing to the great nt of sickness in the city. Outs places report a si- milar rush for Nquor. Many citizens want the liquor to ward off the "fig One citizen' stated to the Whig that on Saturday he had tried on four occasions to catch his doetor to get an order for liquor, but the doc: tor was so busy answering calls that he was unal to get him to issues the order, and a result he had to do without the liguor. Hot lemonade was the substitute he used. To 1 Boat Company, Announcement is mede that fol- lowing a meeting of the creditors the Clayton Ship and Boat Building Cor- poration will he reorganized. It is the plan of those interested to reorganize under the same name and issue preferred stock to the amount of' $200,000, to cover ap- proximately an equivalent amount of indebtedness at present outstanding. Additional stock will be issued as the needs of the company appear, the proceeds to be put into the busi- ness. The Clayton Ship and Boat Building Corporation was started at Clayton at the beginning of the war and up to the middle of last summer was engaged in the manufacture of submarine chasers, mine laying tugs and barges for the United States gov- ernment. ~. Made Fine Record. The Brockville district, Methodist church, has the highest percentage in the conference outside of MOu- treal, Ottawa and Quebec. The results of the canvass as announced on Monday by C. A. Winters were : Objective, Result. Addison ....:.8 1,106 $ 720 4,335 3,411 409 409 1,662 1,200 14,793 13,000 2,494 3,922 2,149 2,850 Bishop's Mills. . Algonquin .... Brockville .... Delta Elgin Frankville Toledo ..... Langdowne '.... LM ussannses Newbore «..... Prescott ...... Spencerville ,.. Westport ... ssepanne "ssnanas and 1,828 1,714 2,176 2,018" 3,386 3,300 1,024 Total ......$46,734 Rheumatism 1,200 1,748 500 3,700 2,769 100 S---- $38,646 Bd Cured by B.B.B.! Rheumatism is a constitutional di- sease, caused by the uric acid in the blood. It manifests itself by pain and lameness attacking the muscles and joints of the , 'which often swell and become hot and inflamed. Anyone who has suffered month after month, and perhaps year after year, with rheumatism, and who has tried remedy after remedy in the hope of relief, 'and without success, should not give up hope. Burdock Blood Bitters by invigor- ating the digestive organs and elimi nating the uric acid from the sys- tem, will give prompt and perma- nent relief. : Mrs. D. Barry, Purlbrook, Ont. writes:--"1 feel it my duty to let you know of the great ben my hus- band derived from using your Bur Sock Blot Bitors He had been suffering for past two years with inflammatory rheumatism.' He tried many medicines but got no better, A friend advised him to take B. B, B. He did so, and after taking five bot- ties he feit like a new man, and was able to go to work the same as ever," Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for over 40 years. Manu- factured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limiseg, Toronto, Ont. NE The members of the Prescott Birch Flooring of the finest quality, .§ inches and 13-16 ins! thick. This makes a beautiful and durable : * floor, = S. ANGLIN & CO.. Woodworking Fuctury and Lumber Yards, Bay sid Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory - 'Phone 1415. 0 i SEEDS Why be bothered ordering from Catalogues? Pay us a call We can give you the same values less your express. - | WE HANDLE THE BEST : . A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET « =~ « = ' Phone, 861; Res., 20836W. } 5 =m LAST WEEK Big Money Saving Shoe Sale COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR BARGAIN TABLES 8 prs. only, Women's But- toned Boots, Size 23%. $4, $5 and $6 Shoes. Sale 100 pairs Women's White and Gray Rubbers. Value $1.50. To clear .....B80c. se pairs Women's Rlack : Satin Oxfords; all sizes; Several tables of Men's : . worth $7.00, Sale price Shoes--$5.95, $6.95, $7.95. $3.08 JH. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 2,025} Our Milk Is Thoroughly Clarified * Completely pasteurized-- adequately cool- ? ed--reliably bottled : It is clean--it is safe--it is good. . It is 14c. per quart, ; PHONE 845, Price's Dairy he ' HOLDERS OF UNITED KINGDOM, ANGLO FRENCH AND 5 OTHER BONDS PAYABLE IN NEW YORK | Do you realize that the U. 8. cannot allow this foreign ex- change situation to continue to bottle up her exports. She must get busy soon and grant proper credits to adjust world commerce with herself, The above bonds are falling off in price each day and It you wish to take advantage of the present high premium on American funds as well as a good price for your bonds we assure you of profitable service through our New York con~ nections. LE : - i . We Invite enquiffes. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. "The Home of Good Investments" 'Phone 1728. '» = + . 237 Bagot St. Women's fine kid; with cloth tops. Women's Fine with cloth top Reduced To $550. $5.50

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